A Husband for Melanie

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A Husband for Melanie Page 7

by Cheryl Wright

  Melanie turned and smiled at him. “Ready?” she asked, then reached down and took his hand.

  Philippe was not going to complain. “Danielle is at the park with Amelie this afternoon. Do you mind?”

  She didn’t even think about it. “Of course not. She’s a delight, that daughter of yours.”

  His relief was palpable. He was worried Melanie might see Amelie more of a nuisance than anything. After all, she was not used to children. Sierra and Braxton’s baby Cody was only a few months old, so he didn’t count.

  Melanie seemed relaxed, which made him happy. She was definitely stressed earlier, when they’d met in the garden.

  As they approached the park, he saw Amelie in the distance. Danielle grabbed her hand as she threatened to run off. She was rather prone to doing that.

  “She’s so sweet,” Melanie told him. “She wants to see her Papa.”

  “Her Papa wants to see her too. I miss her when I’m at work.”

  She squeezed his hand. “I’m sure she misses you too.”

  As they approached the park bench, two little arms wrapped around his legs. “Papa,” she said, hugging his legs tight.

  He reached down and pulled her into his arms. “Amelie,” he said, feeling elated to have both his girls with him at that very moment.

  * * *

  The final wedding reception for the month of May was well underway.

  A wedding she had arranged. Her first successful wedding. Her heart sang.

  Melanie stood looking around the room, trying to gauge if everything was running smoothly. Fingers crossed, so far everything was going fine.

  The bride sat at the bridal table, resplendent in her stunning gown, the handsome groom beside her. They had their heads together, quietly talking despite all the noise going on around them.

  Ah, true love.

  Philippe had been in the kitchen most of the day, making sure everything was going to plan. He would be shouting orders to the kitchen staff, and ensuring everything was running smoothly.

  It was nearly time for the desserts to be served, so the pressure was mostly off. Another half an hour, and they would all breathe a sigh of relief.

  The reception would still be ongoing, but it would be at the tail end – just a few more speeches, and some music to finish off with.

  She looked up as she heard banging on the bridal table.

  The Best Man stood, champagne in hand and waited for the noise to die down. “To the Bride and Groom – John and Penelope. May they have a long and happy marriage.”

  The guests responded. “To the Bride and Groom.”

  Glasses clinked all around the room.

  The Best Man sat down again, and the mumbling started up once again.

  Right on time, Philippe appeared at the kitchen doorway. He stepped aside for the servers to deliver the desserts to the guests.

  Melanie began to wander around ensuring all the guests were happy. Philippe did the same, chatting to a number of guests along the way. He was so much better at this than she was.

  “They look delicious,” she said quietly as he came to stand beside her.

  “We shall sample them later, mon amour,” he whispered.

  She chuckled. Philippe always ensured there were plenty of leftovers, and she wasn’t complaining.

  Crackers and cheese, and dinner mints were delivered to each table, along with tea and coffee.

  Ten minutes later, the band began to play again, and a few couples moved out onto the dance floor.

  Philippe grabbed her by the hand. “Shall we?”

  She frowned. “We can’t gatecrash someone’s wedding.”

  “Pfffft. They won’t mind.” He coerced her onto the dance floor, then pulled her close. The music was gentle, and together they swayed to the music.

  Melanie closed her eyes and rested her head on Philippe’s shoulder, and everything else disappeared. Her heart fluttered; she knew she was falling more for this man every time she saw him. Did he feel the same about her?

  “Melanie,” he said in his familiar singsong way. “I am falling hard for you.”

  She looked up at him, dismayed at his words. Was she ready for commitment? She wasn’t sure.

  He took advantage of her confusion and covered her lips with his own. His kiss was gentle, and she felt his hand go up her back and to her hair.

  He dismantled her bun and slid his fingers through her long silky hair.

  She was lost to the world.

  Until she heard applause.

  She turned around to see all the guests clapping. The servers and kitchen staff were lined up outside the kitchen and were all grinning. They too were clapping.

  “Philippe,” she spat. “Look what you have done.”

  She tried to pull away, but he enveloped her, and pulled her closer still. “Ignore them,” he said, then leaned down and kissed her again.

  Chapter Ten

  It was Sunday, and they’d decided to go to the zoo. It was a long drive from their little outback town, but it would be worth it.

  But it would be difficult for Philippe, considering what had happened after his last trip to a zoo.

  He’d told her Amelie was excited, as she’d never been before, and she’d never seen wild animals, except in books and on the television.

  She heard Philippe’s car pull up, and went to open the door, her heart pounding in anticipation.

  He guided Amelie into the unit for the first time ever. Melanie watched with amusement as Amelie looked around. “You have a very small house,” she said bluntly.

  “Amelie…” Philippe warned, his tone stern.

  “It’s okay,” Melanie told him. “She’s used to your big farmhouse.”

  She went and stood next to the child, crouching down to her height. “I live here by myself, Amelie,” she said quietly. “So I don’t need much space.”

  Amelie stared at her. “You could come and live with us. Papa wouldn’t mind, would you, Papa?”

  Melanie was at first aghast, then realized as a child, Amelie would not understand the implications.

  Philippe grinned, and opened his mouth to speak, but changed his mind. Instead he changed the subject. “Are we ready to go?”

  “Yes! I want to see the elephants, and the tigers, and the seals, and the…”

  Her father laughed. “You want to see everything. Time to go, little one.”

  They piled into the car and were soon on their way.

  As they stood outside the huge gates to the zoo, Amelie looked up and stared, her eyes opened wide. “It’s as big as the whole world,” she said loudly.

  Melanie laughed and heard laughter around them. “Wait until you see how big the elephants are.”

  “Are they this big?” Amelie spread her arms wide.

  “Not even close. Come,” Philippe said, lifting her up onto his shoulders.

  As they walked through the massive gates, Melanie squeezed his hand. She knew today was going to be incredibly difficult for Philippe as he would likely recall the worst day of his life.

  When they were close to the elephant enclosure, he put Amelie to the ground, and she ran ahead of them. “Papa, papa! Look at the elephants!” Her eyes were wide with awe.

  He squeezed her hand.

  “See the Mama with the baby elephant,” Philippe pointed out.

  Her eyes opened wide in amazement. “Look, Melanie. There’s a baby!” Amelie stretched out her little arm and pointed.

  It almost felt like they were a family.

  * * *

  The business plan was written and approved. The budget set and money allocated.

  They’d decided to make a glass roof on the garden, to make it an all-weather wedding garden. Melanie was more than excited, she was overjoyed about her very own wedding project.

  Philippe had provided a lot of input, since this project was going to affect him and his team, but overall it was her baby.

  She left her office and went outside to what she’d dubbed the we
dding garden. They already had a number of bookings for the new wedding package, and it wasn’t even finished yet.

  The area was about half the size of the reception hall, and Melanie had no idea why it had been neglected for so long.

  “It’s looking wonderful, Jimmy,” she told the contractor doing the work.

  He was bent over, digging holes to anchor the archway. He stood up to talk with her. “You won’t know the place when it’s finished,” he said. “Once the concreting is done, and the flooring is down, the gardeners will come in and work their magic.”

  “I can’t wait.” She could see it now – the first wedding would be such a celebration. And a real achievement for not only her, but also the Oakdale Inn. “I’ll leave you to it,” she said, and returned to her office.

  The best thing that had ever happened to her was to accept Sierra and Braxton’s offer to work here. Not only had it relieved her stress, it had changed her life in many ways.

  The month of May had been life-changing. Melanie didn’t think she would ever be able to say that, but it was true. Not only did she have an amazing job, one that bought a sense of achievement each and every day, but she had met her soulmate.

  She brought her hands to her heart. Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears at the sheer joy she felt.

  * * *

  Melanie waited outside the main entrance of the inn.

  It was becoming a habit to have lunch in the park with Philippe on the sunny days. One that she loved.

  She lifted her face to the sky, eyes closed, basking in the sunshine.

  She felt a gentle kiss on her cheek and opened her eyes abruptly. “Philippe! You scared me,” she said, breathless.

  “Apologies, mon amour,” he said with regret in his voice. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Quite the opposite.” He reached down and wrapped his fingers around hers.

  She spotted the picnic basket in his other hand and smiled.

  “You know, you don’t have to always provide lunch. I can do my bit too.”

  “Ah, but mine is more tasty,” he said arrogantly, then grinned. He liked to stir her up, and she knew it.

  “Says who?” she said cheekily, then began to pull him along the path toward the park. She looked back over her shoulder in time to see his lopsided grin.

  She’d tried keeping her distance and it really hadn’t worked, so had decided just to give in. After all, she really did like Philippe, and he’d told her liked her too. A lot.

  They arrived at the park and took up residence in the park bench they sat on most times they came here. She liked it there because they could see right across the park. The view was glorious.

  They sat close together, and her leg rubbed up against his. She didn’t mind one bit, and was sure Philippe felt the same.

  “You make the yummiest food,” she said between bites. “Much better than the ham and cheese sandwiches I bring from home.”

  He frowned at her. “Why are you not ordering a nice lunch at work?”

  She fidgeted on the park bench. “I feel bad ordering a hot meal every day.” She squirmed a little more.

  “Melanie,” he said quietly. “It is a perk of the job. Our bosses, your cousins, want to look after us.” He pulled a mini quiche out of the basket. “See this? These were made this morning. They were on the lunch menu today, along with a crispy salad.

  He threw his hands up in the air. “And you want ham and cheese sandwiches!”

  She pulled a face at him.

  “Very mature,” he said, laughing. He reached for her hand, and enveloped it in his own. “This is what I love about you, Melanie,” he said suddenly serious and gazing into her eyes. “You are smart, fun to be around, and you are perfect.”

  He kissed the back of her hand, then brought it up to his cheek. “You, Melanie Chalmers, are very special to me.”

  Suddenly all the birds and ducks from the pond went flying up into the air, squawking as they did so.

  Melanie glanced up and saw a small figure running toward them.

  “Papa! Melanie!”

  Little legs ran as fast as they could go.

  “Amelie!” Philippe stood, releasing Melanie’s hand as he did so. She suddenly felt empty, bereft. Why did Philippe make her feel the way he did?

  He opened his arms to his daughter, reaching out in readiness to hug her. She could watch him interact with Amelie all day.

  Reaching down, he picked the child up and hugged her tightly. “Where is aunt Danielle?” he asked, looking across the park.

  “She’s coming, she’s just very slow,” Amelie said with a pout.

  “Tsk, Amelie. That is not nice.”

  She buried her head into her father’s shoulder. Philippe was strict with Amelie, but also loved her very much.

  “Did you say hello to Melanie.” Amelie lifted her head and looked sideways at her, then a grin spread across her face.

  “Hello Amelie,” Melanie said, happy to see the child again.

  “Bonjour, Melanie,” she said excitedly, then quickly buried her head again.

  “Ah, here comes aunt Danielle now.”

  “What are you doing here, Papa?” Amelie stared into her father’s face, and touched his chin with her fingers. “Yuck, you need a shave. You’re all bristly.”

  Philippe laughed and put his daughter to the ground. Melanie laughed with him. She was such a sweet child, but she came out with the funniest things at times.

  Melanie reached across and ran her own fingers across his cheek and chin. “You are right, Amelie,” she said. “He is all bristly.” She couldn’t help but grin.

  Philippe caught her hand in his own. “You are in dangerous territory,” he whispered, so only she could hear.

  She licked her lips. He was right – it was dangerous. Just touching him stirred up feelings in her. Feelings she’d never felt with anyone else before.

  The sort of feelings that left her wanting more. Wanting him more. They stared into each other’s eyes. It was like a silent pact. One that said I know what you’re thinking because I’m thinking it too.

  He leaned in and kissed her gently. On the lips. In front of his daughter!

  “Yeeew, Papa! That is gross.”

  He moved away and glanced down. “No it’s not, little one. Adults kiss each other when they are in love.”

  In love? Was he saying he loved her? Her heart fluttered in her chest.

  He turned his head and stared at her, daring her to disagree.

  “Do you love Melanie, Papa?” Her little head titled up to look at her Papa.

  His eyes never left Melanie’s face. “Yes, little one, I do love Melanie. Very much.”

  She reached for Melanie’s hand and pulled on it. “Do you love my Papa?” Her eyes were open wide in anticipation.

  Melanie’s heart began to pound. She felt light-headed, but she also felt ecstatic. She looked down at the sweet little girl pulling on her hand. “You know, I think I just might,” she said quietly.

  Philippe pulled her close. “My sweet Melanie, I love you more than words can say.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box, popping it open.”

  Melanie stared at him, then at the ring he held out to her. “Will you marry me, Melanie?” He slid down onto one knee, and gazed up at her lovingly.

  She was in love with this man, had been almost from the moment they’d met. Sure he could be infuriating sometimes, and he was definitely arrogant, especially when it came to his cooking. But other times he was so loving and special.

  Despite all that, she backed off. Her hands went to her heart and she stared at him. “You want me to marry you? Is this a joke?”

  He looked hurt. “It isn’t a joke.” He closed the ring box and sat down on the park bench. “Do you not love me, mon amour?”

  Her heart did a little flip-flop. “Oh, but I do. I love you very much. It’s just…”

  Amelie pulled on the hem of her skirt. “Are you going to be my Mama?” Wide open eyes stared up at her.
br />   In that moment, Melanie’s heart almost broke. Her eyes filled with tears. How could she say no to this man? The man she’d grown to love over such a short time. And the little girl who had won over her heart, bit by bit?

  He stepped forward and pulled her into a hug. “Don’t say yes unless you mean it,” he said softly.

  “Yes,” she said quietly. He pulled back and stared at her. “Yes,” she said, more loudly this time.

  Philippe picked her up and spun her about.

  “Papa, what are you doing?” Amelie laughed as she watched her papa go a little crazy.

  “Melanie said yes. She is going to be your Mama!” He put Melanie back on her feet, and Amelie wrapped her little arms around Melanie’s legs.

  “What’s going on here,” Danielle asked as she finally caught up to them.

  “She said yes,” Philippe told his sister.

  “And about time too,” Danielle said firmly.

  Chapter Eleven

  Melanie stood quietly in the doorway to the Wedding Garden, Sierra Chalmers at her side.

  She looked about, taking in all the elements of this beautiful area. There were garden beds on three sides of the area, overflowing with seasonal flowers and foliage, almost a showcase for the area. The was a large serviceable table in the back corner, where the kitchen staff would place trays of food to be distributed before the guests moved into the reception hall. Pre-dinner drinks would also be served from here.

  Behind the table a large cupboard had been built – this would store the chairs when they weren’t in use.

  But the thing that really stood out to Melanie was the bridal archway. The very one that Sierra and Braxton had stood beneath for their wedding.

  When Sierra found out what Melanie was planning, she insisted they use her archway. After all, it was sitting unused in one of the inn’s storage units. It might as well go to good use, she had said.

  And it would certainly do that.

  Melanie never dreamed, when she embarked on the Wedding Garden project, that she and Philippe would be the first couple to be married there.

  Philippe turned from where he stood beside the archway and looked back at her, Braxton at his side. His face lit up, and she knew that was for her. Only for her.


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