Shift of Fate

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Shift of Fate Page 8

by Elisa Adams

  He should have known better than to get involved with a human. It always ended in trouble. “I’m glad you finally see things my way. If you want to talk, call me tomorrow when you’ve had a chance to cool off.”

  She pushed past him on the way to her car, which she’d parked in front of his. “I’m not the one who needs to cool off, Wil. You need to get your priorities straight.”

  “I have them straight. First is solving those murders. Everything else has to wait.”

  “I could help you with them, if you’d stop being such a jerk long enough to listen.”

  He stopped as he opened his car door and turned back to her. What more could she do for him than the information she’d already given—if it turned out to be valid. “What do you think you can do for me that I can’t do for myself?”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he stopped her. “No, really. Think about this. Tell me one thing you can do for me that I’m not perfectly capable of doing. One thing that doesn’t involve sex.”

  “It’s that woman, isn’t it?”

  “What woman?”

  “The one staying in your house. You’re sleeping with her, aren’t you?”

  Of all the nerve… “No, I’m not sleeping with Merida. Why are you suddenly obsessed with my sex life?”

  “Because I thought I was your sex life.”

  He let out a long, slow breath. He didn’t know what to believe anymore. Part of him didn’t want to hurt her, but a larger, louder part wanted to show her the fling had ended. He couldn’t continue on with a woman he didn’t trust, and all the talk about demons and deals with the devil might just be another way to get her hooks into him all over again. “Did you really think this thing between us was exclusive?”

  She shook her head as she yanked open her car door. “Fine. If that’s what you want, you’ve got it. Have a nice life, Wil.” She got into her car, slammed the door, and peeled away from the curb. As he watched her take the corner onto Main Street, he said a silent prayer that she wouldn’t get into an accident. He didn’t need her to get herself killed. He already had enough on his mind this morning.

  He got into his own car and followed her through the streets, stopping a few hundred feet from her house as she pulled up in front of it. He watched her get out of her car and walk through her front door, her shoulders hunched and her face red—probably from crying. He should feel bad for the way he’d treated her, but he couldn’t bring himself to care about her anymore. She’d ruined that with her unpredictable behavior and the way she’d used him. He didn’t mind being used, but only on his terms—and not for information.

  Chapter Nine

  Merida sat on her bedroom floor with her legs folded up under her. She breathed deeply, blocking out the world around her, her mind focused on one thing. The psychic ropes. She felt closer this time than she had any other time. She knew deep inside that this would be it. Today would be the day she finally got it right. After all this—

  “What’s going on?”

  She snapped her eyes open to find Royce standing in the doorway, shielding his eyes from the sun streaming through the open windows. She narrowed her eyes at him. “What the hell are you doing out of bed? It’s only seven-thirty.”

  “Couldn’t sleep.” He gave her a half smile she would have found sexy if she hadn’t been so irritated. “I keep thinking about last night, about you and me.”

  Who was she kidding? She found everything about the man sexy, despite her current aggravation. She flopped back on the floor and closed her eyes. “Jerk.”

  “What did I do?”

  She opened one eye long enough to see that he’d moved further into the room. He walked past her to the windows and started pulling the drapes closed. Men. Vampires. “I’m kinda busy here. Do you think you can stop that and leave?”

  He shrugged, and she wanted to smack the humorous look off his face. He was so not funny sometimes. The mattress springs groaned as he sat down. “What do you think of this whole mess?”

  Wasn’t it usually the woman who analyzed things to death the next day? “What happened, happened. We can’t take it back, we can’t change it, but—”

  His burst of laughter cut short her train of thought. She opened both eyes and glared at him. “What’s so funny?”

  “I’m talking about the murders.”


  “Yeah. Oh. So tell me, kitty, what’s your gut reaction to this situation?”

  She sighed heavily and raised her fingers in the air, letting a blue spark fly toward the ceiling. “I can’t do anything about it until later, so I’m trying not to think about it at all.”

  “What’s your general impression? I’m not trying to pressure you into action when it isn’t the time for it; I just want to hear your feelings on the situation. Do you think it’s related to the property?”

  She shook her head and pushed herself into a sitting position. “I looked over the paperwork Wil brought me on the house. Nothing. No shady past at all. The trees were cleared fifty years ago, the duplex built thirty years ago, and nothing strange, at least nothing recorded, has ever happened there. So I guess we’ll have to go with the second option.”

  “The demon is connected to a person.”

  “Yeah.” She stood and walked to the windows, opening the curtains to let in the warm spring breeze. “How well do you know Wil?”

  “I’ve known him for most of my life.”

  She didn’t dare turn back to look at him as she issued her next question. “Is he capable of violence?”

  Royce hesitated a little too long before he answered, and when he spoke, his tone sounded strained. “Why do you ask?”

  “Because I think he’s somehow connected to this whole mess.”

  “Bullshit. Don’t you think he would have noticed?” he came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders, spinning her roughly around. “Where do you get off saying things like that about a man who’s been nothing but nice to you?”

  “It’s just a feeling I get, okay?” She ducked out from under his hard stare and paced the length of the room. “I think we can sometimes be blind to the truth, ignoring what we don’t want to be there when it upsets us.”

  “Are you trying to say you think I’m blind to what’s really going on?”

  “I’m not sure.” She stopped in front of him and crossed her arms over her chest, refusing to be intimidated by an overgrown bloodsucker with a temper. “Maybe he doesn’t even know. I don’t know what to tell you. You asked me here to help—either take it or leave it.”

  Royce shook his head. “I still don’t see why you think Wil is connected to all this.”

  “I don’t know. He isn’t in contact with the demon—I would have seen that when I first met him. But he knows something, even if he refuses to see it yet.”

  “Are you going to tell him what you think?”

  A tricky question, one she hadn’t spent much time thinking about. If she talked to him about it, maybe he could give her a decent lead. Then again, maybe it would cause him to do something stupid in his search for the killer. She couldn’t risk it. “I don’t want him to know. Not yet. We’ll have an easier chance to draw the person out if he doesn’t go snooping around. Besides, I don’t think he’d believe me, anyway.”

  Royce tilted his head to the side as he looked down at her. “Why not?”

  “He’s just like you. Typical stubborn male. Always wanting to get his way.”

  “That’s a little harsh, don’t you think? You don’t even know the guy. What is it you have against men?”

  “Nothing.” Just a thousand years worth of being coddled, of being treated like a second-rate citizen because she happened to be born female. Being told what to do, because they “thought it was best for her”. She couldn’t tell him any of that. He’d never understand. Frustrated, she let a jolt of electricity slip off her fingers and she watched it spiral up into the air before it disappeared with a poof.

  Royce’s eyes widened.
“What are you doing?”

  She snorted. “Blowing off some steam.” She let another jolt go, and then another, before she decided to play with something stronger. The worried look on his face coupled with the way he backed up a few steps made her smile. She loved to see a big, strong man want to run and hide when she got going.

  She wiggled her fingers in the air until they were tipped with fire. She raised them in Royce’s direction, the flames licking in the air with burning intensity. When he showed no signs of backing away further, she fisted her hands and the flames disappeared with a snap. “I’ve been trying something new, but it’s just not working.”

  “Anything I can help with?”

  His answer surprised her. She smiled, entertaining the fleeting thought of Royce bound to the bed with the ropes, helpless to her exploring hands. And tongue. She liked that idea. A lot. In theory. The ropes wouldn’t last long enough for that kind of activity, but she could always dream. “Maybe.”

  He braced his hands behind him on the windowsill. The movement caused his chest and arm muscles to bulge in a way she found fascinating. She could use a little distraction at the moment, and a nice-looking guy like Royce could provide plenty of that. For hours on end, as evidenced by the night before. She smiled and licked her lips as her eyes landed on the front placket of his jeans—and the erection that already bulged against them. “Impressive, vampire.”

  He laughed, somewhat nervously. “What can I say? I’ve been like this since you walked out on me earlier.”

  “Am I making you nervous?”

  “Of course not.” He tried to look casual, but she saw the truth in his eyes. What she was scared him. He didn’t like it, and he probably didn’t like the chemistry between them. Her smile widened and her palms started to tingle like crazy.

  She lifted her hands to her face and saw what she’d been waiting a year to see. Thin, pale blue ropes arced from her fingers, stretching out into the air in front of her. They disappeared when she wiggled her fingers, but she knew now that she could call them whenever she wanted them. She laughed as exhilaration filled her. “I did it!”

  A wicked idea formed in her head and she smiled at him. “Watch this, vampire.”

  With a twist of her finger in the air, she pretended to stretch a rope around his neck. And then it was there—her very own psychic rope collar, complete with leash. She gave it a tug and he stumbled forward. “Man, I’m good.”

  Royce glared at her as his fingers tried to pry the rope of his neck. “What the hell are you doing?”

  She gave the rope another tug, pulling him closer to her. He tried to dig in his heels, but couldn’t manage. She imagined the choking sensation he got when he tried to hold still had something to do with the nasty look in his eyes. She loved every second of it. “What’s the matter, tough guy? Afraid of being tied up?” One more tug and he stood right in front of her. She ran a hand up his chest, her fingernail dragging across his flat nipple. And then the worst thing that could possibly happen happened.

  The ropes flickered and dissolved into the air.

  Royce’s answering smile was nothing short of predatory and a shiver ran through her. “I’m not afraid. Are you?”

  Uh-oh. The heated, dominating look in his eyes made her want to turn and run out of the room. It also dampened her panties and made her legs weak. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. She shook her head.

  He leaned in and ran his tongue down the side of her neck, leaving a trail of quivering skin in his wake. She frowned. Since when did she quiver?

  “Trust me, kitty?” he asked, his breath hot and moist against her ear.

  She gulped as he scraped his fangs over her earlobe. “Um, I think so.”

  “You started this game with your little rope trick. Keep that in mind.” He pushed her back until her legs hit the bed. “I believe it’s my turn to play now.”

  Her stomach flip-flopped at his sudden change in attitude. She’d never seen him like this before. She shouldn’t like it, but she did. “And what do you have in mind?”

  He didn’t say anything, but he really didn’t have to. If she went by the look on his face, she was now in some very deep trouble. She swallowed hard against the lust raging inside her. This kind of behavior shouldn’t turn her on. She needed to say something, do something to put him in his place. She opened her mouth, but when he reached into her suitcase and pulled out a pair of thigh-high stockings, she clamped it shut again.

  “Why haven’t you worn these for me?” he asked, his heated gaze boring straight into hers.

  Her voice sounded rough, husky when she answered. “I brought them to go with my dress, in case I needed to wear something fancier than jeans and a t-shirt. I like to be prepared for anything. I never know what a job is going to bring.”

  He let out a breath and shook his head, his voice quiet yet commanding at the same time. “I thought you brought them for me.”

  “What use would you have for them?” As soon as the words left her mouth, she wanted to bite them back. She knew exactly what use he had for them, and she refused to give him that kind of control. No man deserved that much trust. “Royce?”

  His smile displayed the fangs that made her stomach flutter and her panties drench. If she gave in to him, she’d be lost. He’d want it this way again, with her at his total mercy, and the idea made her flinch. It did other things to her, also, things she refused to acknowledge. She wouldn’t let herself be thought of as weak. If her traitorous body would listen to reason, she might be able to tell him to stop.

  “How much do you want me?” he asked.

  She closed her eyes, not sure how to answer his question. If she told him the truth, he’d know he had her right where he wanted her. If she lied and told him she wasn’t interested, he’d probably walk away and leave her so aroused she couldn’t think straight.

  “It’s just for fun.” He lifted her chin with his finger and looked down at her. The sincerity she saw in his eyes nearly undid her. “Nothing serious. I promise. It can be very pleasurable to play sometimes, if you’ll trust me.”

  She melted at the way he said play. Her heart thudded in her chest, her blood roared in her ears. The demanding expression on his face sent her over the edge, out of the realm of comfort and into new territory, where she had to relinquish all control to Royce in order to receive the pleasure his gaze promised. “Okay. Do whatever you want.”


  She shrugged, trying not to look nervous as hell and way out of her element. “Sure. Why not.”

  From his knowing smile, she knew he didn’t buy a second of her bravado. He moved away from the bed his arms crossed over his chest, her thigh-highs hanging from one hand. “Strip.”

  She tried not to melt into a puddle on the floor. “Excuse me?” Her voice faltered, as well as her legs, and she stumbled to the side. Why had she never known how much of a turn-on this could be?

  He raised an eyebrow in impatience. “You heard me. Take off your clothes and get on the bed.”

  Not knowing what to do, she stood there, her legs against the bed and her hands on her hips.

  He took a step closer, crowding her with his size and his presence. “Scared, kitty?”

  “Of course not.” Scared? Not exactly. More like so turned on she could barely stand up. But if he thought she was going to make this easy for him, he’d better think again. “Why don’t you strip first?”

  He let out a harsh breath, his predatory smile turning into a frown. “Well, if you don’t want to play by the rules, we don’t have to play at all.” He pivoted on his heel and started to walk toward the door.

  What? No. He couldn’t do that to her. She needed him. Desperately. She refused to let him walk away. “Hold on. Fine. I’ll strip.”

  He turned slowly, regarding her with a curious gaze. A corner of his mouth rose in a half-smile as she pulled off her shirt and unbuttoned her jeans. She shucked the jeans, along with her panties and socks, and pulled off
her bra. The whole process couldn’t have taken more than a few minutes, but with Royce’s gaze glued to her body, scrutinizing every move, it felt like an eternity.

  “Happy now?” she asked when she stood before him, nude and shivering from the heat in his eyes.

  He smiled, but shook his head. “Not yet. Get on the bed.”

  She sat back on the firm mattress, the satiny material of the comforter rubbing against her wet pussy in a very desirable way. Not knowing what to do with her arms, she dropped them to her side. “What now?”

  “Lay down on your back.” He ran his tongue over his fangs and she gulped.

  She scooted back on the mattress, her legs no stronger than gelatin, and let herself flop back. He moved closer to the side of the bed and stood staring down at her, his intensity setting her nerves on edge and arousing her beyond belief. Her whole body shook with anticipation—and a good amount of fear.

  “Reach up and grab the headboard,” he told her. She blew out a breath as she did as told, grasping the slats of the headboard in her hands. She looked up as he looped one stocking through the headboard and tied one end around each of her wrists, tethering her to the bed. She could move her arms, but not much. She wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon. He trailed his big, hot hands down her arms, along the sides of her breasts, to her waist. His fingers dug into her sides and he stared down at her, seeming to search her face for something.

  “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting to get you into this position?”

  Not trusting her voice, she shook her head.

  He moved a hand to her stomach, splaying his fingers. They stretched nearly from hip to hip. “Too long. Too damned long,” he mumbled, his gaze now fixed on her stomach.

  “Are you going to undress?”

  He didn’t look at her when he answered. “Not yet.” Instead, he did something that had her gasping for breath. He flipped her onto her stomach.

  Anxiety rose in her, sharp and strong. “What are you doing?”


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