Julia Jones - The Teenage Years: Boxed Set - Books 2, 3 and 4

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Julia Jones - The Teenage Years: Boxed Set - Books 2, 3 and 4 Page 16

by Katrina Kahler

  Feeling protective of my brother once more, I just hoped that she wouldn’t hurt him. I knew first-hand how bad that felt and didn’t wish it on anyone.


  When I opened the front door that afternoon, I was immediately aware that something unexpected was going on. While the sound of music coming from the living room was a regular occurrence, the distinctly strong smell of paint was not.

  Making my way inside, I found Matt and Zac, engrossed in the task of painting the freshly repaired wall. Oblivious to my presence in the room, their attention was directed to the task in front of them and I looked on in amazement, at the same time, taking in the sight of the old cotton sheets that had been spread across the tiled floor to catch any drips of paint and protect the flooring beneath. Staring in disbelief at the scene in front of me, I wondered how long the pair had been there, as they were almost finished.

  It was then that my attention was diverted to another bewildering surprise. Glancing towards the kitchen doorway, I was stuck by the sight of a beautiful looking girl probably around Matt’s age, carrying mugs of steaming coffee towards the coffee table that stood in the center of the living room.

  At first she didn’t notice me and I was able to watch as she moved steadily, balancing the cups of hot coffee on a tray while taking care not to spill the contents. I was quite sure that I had never met her before, knowing full well that a girl so stunning would definitely be someone I’d remember. And I stood in awe for a moment, taken aback by the unusual aura that I could sense was being emitted by her presence in the room.

  As if in response to my gaze, she turned her head in my direction, and her face broke into a wide smile.

  “Hello,” she said, her tone warm and friendly, “You must be Julia. I’ve heard so much about you! I’m Ella… Zac’s cousin.”

  I took an instant liking to the beautiful girl who smiled at me as if we were long lost friends and had known each other forever. It was as though a kindred spirit had entered our house, one who I felt a strong and immediate connection with.

  Eagerly, I replied, “Hi Ella. Nice to meet you!”

  Hearing the voices behind them, the two boys turned around to face us, Matt’s sheepish grin full of questioning pride as he stared at me, clearly waiting for words of approval.

  “GUYS!” I responded, beaming widely. “This is incredible!”

  “We were hoping to be finished before you arrived home!” Matt’s voice betrayed slight disappointment. “We wanted to surprise you!”

  “Are you joking?” I laughed, “This is the best surprise I’ve had in weeks!”

  Shaking my head in an attempt to comprehend the scene in front of me, I acknowledged the fact that the once badly damaged wall was like new again. It was as though the accident had never even happened.

  Unable to resist, I ran to my brother and threw my arms around him, my affection for him at that moment so great, that I could not refuse the urge to hug him tightly. It seemed that in the blink of an eye, all the hurt and upset of the evening before was forgotten and I felt my heart swell with love. His beaming smile clearly showed his own pleased response to my reaction. Although at the same time, I could see that he was embarrassed by the stares of his friends and he broke gently away, taking care not to smear me with paint from the brush that he still held firmly in his hand.

  Within what seemed a very short time later, the boys had finished their handiwork, the mess cleaned up and we were all sitting comfortably on the sofa admiring the result. It was then that I had a chance to chat with Ella. Amazed at how comfortable I felt, considering we had only just met, I found that our conversation flowed effortlessly and the time passed much more quickly than I would have liked. Before long, Zac and Ella were standing to leave.

  When I later commented to my brother about the unusual connection I had noticed, he laughed jokingly and assured me that I’d probably just imagined it. For a moment, I considered that perhaps he may be right but when I recalled again the impact of having Ella in the house, I was sure he was mistaken. Apart from being so beautiful, there was something very special about her, and I looked forward to meeting up with her again very soon.

  Later that night, it was with a mixture of excited emotions that I finally fell into a deep sleep. Our Dad was due home on the weekend and I could hardly wait for him to arrive. I was thrilled that he would not be faced with an ugly gaping hole in the center of our living room, but instead, there was now a newly repaired and freshly painted wall. And even though it happened to be a slightly darker shade to the rest of the room, there was absolutely no evidence of any damage at all.

  However, I had to admit that while I definitely looked forward to his reaction, the main source of my excitement was something else entirely, and it almost kept me from falling asleep.

  I’d received a late text from Ky telling me that they would be on their way back early the following morning, but it was the ending of his message that had the most impact.

  I can’t wait to see you! xx

  The tremor of excitement at the sight of those words had me in a nervous frenzy as I lay in bed, my head spinning with visions of his handsome face and the touch of his hand in mine. That moment could not come quickly enough and I began to count the minutes until I saw him again.

  Eventually, I was able to drift off into a dream-filled sleep, Ky’s face at the forefront of my mind, and when I awoke the following morning, my first thought was once again of the boy who would soon be in my arms.

  At last…

  The message I’d been anxiously waiting for, finally appeared on my phone.

  Are you at home? Is it okay if I come over?

  “OMG!!! He’s back!!” The words spilled from my lips as my fingertips flew over the keypad in a hasty attempt to respond; but sighing in frustration at the sight of all the typos and the illegible message I had written, I was forced to retype the entire text once more before pressing send.

  Then I was faced with an even bigger problem.

  “What should I wear? Should I put on some make-up?” I mumbled the questions out loud, speaking to no-one in particular and hoping the answers would miraculously come to mind.

  Racing up the stairs, my mind reeling in response to the news I’d just received, I quickly scanned my cupboard for my favorite red sweater and the new pair of jeans that I had recently bought. I’d previously planned exactly what I would wear but was unsure as to whether it was the right choice.

  His text so early in the afternoon had come as a surprise. Apparently they had managed an early start and had made really good time, so they’d returned several hours earlier than originally expected.

  Feeling extremely grateful that I was actually at home and had declined the invitation from Beth to hang out at her house that afternoon, I also reveled in the fact that I had the house to myself.

  My dad had gone to visit some friends and wouldn’t be back until dinner time. Matt was also out, although I had no idea where or who with. However, I did assume it was not with Lisa, as their dates were restricted to the cover of darkness so that she could escape from her house unnoticed.

  When I heard the sound of a car in our driveway, I headed anxiously down the stairs unsure of what to expect. What if he’d changed his mind about me? What if he discovered that he didn’t like me so much after all?

  Taking a deep breath, I swung the door open, at the same time forcing what I hoped were totally irrational thoughts from my mind. Then, struck by the sight of his beautiful face, his smile enough to set my heart on fire, my concerns faded quickly away. I knew that the connection between us was as strong as ever and I opened the door wide to invite him in.

  After some small talk about his trip and his brother’s visit to the doctors, an uncomfortable silence enveloped the room. I could feel my stomach churning crazily as I searched for something to say.

  But I needn’t have worried. The moment I felt his hand on mine, all fears melted away and smiling shyly, I looked up at him,
his face only inches from my own. Sitting there then, close beside him on our living room sofa, I was sure destiny had played its part and I’d found myself exactly in the place where I should be. And when he leant forward, his lips brushing gently over mine, it felt the most natural thing in the world.

  Hesitant in his approach, his touch was soft and tender and I hardly dared to breathe, all the while desperately trying to calm the wild emotions racing through my senses.

  It was the moment I’d waited for, the one I had hoped would become a reality. In that dreamlike instant, I found it difficult to believe that it was not simply a figment of my imagination, a momentary lapse in time and space where I had drifted to another world. But the excitement in my stomach, just like the frenzied wings of a butterfly, would not subside, and the sharp jolts of electricity were simply too powerful to be imaginary.

  Stealing a quick intake of much needed air, I stared longingly at his handsome face and sighed with pure joy. His kiss had been merely a brief touch of our lips and that was all. But as he leaned towards me once more, I felt the genuine warmth of his embrace. For the first time in as long as I could remember, I felt safe; safe and secure in the way one feels knowing that he or she is truly loved by another.

  Gentle but firm, his strong arms pulled me close and his lips touched mine again. Beyond doubt, I knew we were meant to be together and I wished that moment could last forever!

  Julia Jones

  The Teenage Years

  Book 4 – Mayhem

  If only…

  My mind spun with crazed images that raced around and around relentlessly inside my head. The overwhelming panic was so intense that I found it difficult to breathe. Gasping for air, I clutched at the chair in front of me, fearful that I would collapse right there, right then. But perhaps that would not be such a bad thing. Surely, any escape from the guilt that I was immersed in could only be welcomed.

  Aware that it was entirely my fault, made it so much harder to bear.

  I was to blame.


  I had caused this. And now there was nothing I could do except pray.

  Desperately, I wanted to run away…escape to another world where disaster ceased to exist.

  Why, oh why?

  If only I could rewind the series of events. Take them all back and press ‘Play’ once more; create a new reality, one very different to the confusion and despair that had come to pass.

  If only.

  Twelve hours earlier…

  The days had flown by in a blur. I was in state of pure bliss and nothing could shake the happiness that engulfed me. At times, I stopped to reflect on the past few weeks, and had to remind myself that the dream I was living, actually was my reality. For the first time in as long as I could remember, I felt safe, secure and truly happy.

  The sight of Ky’s beautiful face was what came to mind the very second I opened my eyes each morning, and thoughts of him were my last, before finally drifting off to sleep at night. It was like a blissful, never ending dream and I marveled at how my life seemed to have done a complete turn-around ever since he’d become such a close part of it.

  As I rolled over in bed, and stared through the open window to the darkened sky beyond, I pictured once more in my mind, the wonderful smile that never ceased to cause the delightful sparks that it always did whenever I saw him. Just that day, Becky had asked me in her usual inquisitive manner, what it was that I liked most about Ky. And my answer had been simple. Without any hesitation whatsoever, I replied, knowing instantly what it was that I treasured most.

  His smile. That beautiful, gorgeous, cheeky wonderful grin of his, which, from the moment he saw me each morning at school, instantly lit his stunning features. And each and every time, without fail, the butterflies in my stomach would dance their little dance and the familiar jolts of electric pleasure would pass between us.

  Those thoughts alone were enough to cause a wild grin to form on my own face and the thrill that I felt at the very thought of his sweet lips on mine when he kissed me goodbye that very afternoon, threw me into such a frenzy that I thought I would never be able to fall asleep.

  Rolling over once more, an image of Millie’s face abruptly came to mind and I was reminded of the Facebook message I’d received a short time earlier, telling me that she’d arrived home just that evening and was keen to hang out over the weekend.

  It had been about three years since I’d seen the girl who I had once called my best friend. I knew I should be thrilled that I was the first person she wanted to visit after her long holiday abroad. But although terribly excited, I was also nervous and unsure.

  Would things be the same between us? Would we still get on the way that we used to? Would she still like me?

  I didn’t really think I had changed very much, but what about her? And my biggest fear…what would she think of Ky?


  Looking back on the events of that fateful day, I am reminded of how happy I was when I woke that morning; the early morning sunshine streaming through my opened curtains and falling delicately across my face. I loved to wake up that way, the warmth of the sun creating an inner glow inside me, as its rays skipped across my bedroom and rested gently on my bed. Summer was fast approaching and I was overcome with anticipation over what it would bring. I could barely wait for school to be over. Ky and I had so many plans and I knew it would be a summer to remember.

  That morning however, there was another reason for the instant smile that had formed on my face as soon as I recalled my plans. I’d been waiting for so long and finally the day had arrived. Although the thought of seeing my best friend again had created an inner anxiety the evening before, which was something I had not expected, I’d decided to cast all silly thoughts aside and simply focus on the joy of seeing Millie again. And that was all it had taken. The anxiety had disappeared, and in its place stood nervous excitement.

  Right then, I felt more eager than ever. And this was due to what I called my brain-wave, which had occurred just the night before.

  I know, what I can do! Get Millie a welcome home gift.

  The thought had entered my mind out of the blue as I sat staring at the photo I kept of her, mounted in a rectangular silver frame on the bookcase that stood along the wall near my bed. It was such an old photo, one that had been taken several years earlier, but that single shot captured our friendship completely.

  I had my arm draped loosely around Millie’s shoulder, as we sat side by side on the top step at the front of my house. My mom had snapped the pic when we weren’t looking, but the image was a clear indication of the close friendship we had once shared, and I definitely considered it my most favorite of all the photos taken of us together. Millie’s sparkling eyes were crinkled at the corners and her face tilted slightly upwards, her mouth open wide with laughter. I looked happily towards her, my own wide smile also capturing the special moment. It was one of so many distinctive memories, but that particular photo captured the image beautifully.

  I knew exactly what type of photo frame I would buy as a gift for my friend. I had in mind the double sided style, where on one side, I could insert a copy of my favorite pic, and the other side I would leave blank, ready to insert the selfie that I planned to take that very afternoon. Visualizing in my mind, the two of us mimicking that exact same pose, I draped my arm around Millie’s shoulder, while the two of us sat enjoying each other’s company once more.

  “It’s going to be just like the old days!” Millie had said in her message the evening before, and I was convinced that my idea was the perfect welcome home present.

  There was one small niggling doubt however, that still played mercilessly at the rear of my mind. Although I’d tried to shake it, it had remained in place and was continuing to bother me.

  Ky was in my life now, and our relationship was much more than an innocent childhood crush. It was not simply a middle school romance that involved hanging out at school and on the occasional weekend. It was much,
much more than that and I just hoped Millie would understand.

  Surely though, there was room in my life for both of them; a best friend and the boy of my dreams, the one who I had fallen deeply and helplessly in love with.

  Sighing heavily, I tried again to erase the worry that lingered within my thoughts. Why I was feeling such a sensation of dread was beyond me.

  I had previously learned to listen to my intuition, but that morning I was way too preoccupied, and stood quickly, after remembering that I needed to claim the bathroom before my brother. If I waited any longer, he would be sure to get there first and then I’d never have time for all that I’d planned.

  Ky, being the wonderful person that he was, had agreed to meet me at the local shopping center to help choose the perfect photo frame. He was happy to help with my choice and it made me so happy to see him excited to meet Millie, the friend I had spoken so much about during the past weeks.

  At first he’d offered to pick me up so that we could go to the shops together but then, when his grandmother asked him to run some errands for her, our plans changed. That was when I decided to simply meet him there and take advantage of some time on my own to browse the shopping center to look for a present for his birthday.

  It was fast approaching and I was at a loss for what I could give him. Some alone time at the shops was a perfect opportunity to search for the ideal gift.

  My main problem in that department though, was having enough money with which to buy it. Although our dad gave my brother, Matt and I a weekly allowance, it was only a small amount, and I knew that I desperately needed to get myself a part-time job. That was definitely on my to-do list for the summer break, and I was aware that I needed to start applying soon, before all the positions were taken.


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