Ranch Daddy

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Ranch Daddy Page 16

by Shanna Handel

  Finally, the door opened. The sound of footsteps echoed through the room as he came over to me.

  The feel of his clothes against my bare skin made a thrill run through me as he pressed his chest against my back. I could feel his hardening cock through his jeans pushing into my punished ass. Hands were rubbing over my still stinging bottom. I moaned as the feel of his fingertips trailed lightly over my hip, my waist, up my back, tangling in my hair. He tugged gently, bringing my head back toward his. His husky voice said, “Baby girl learn her lesson?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” I murmured.

  His other hand found its way between us, his fingers snaking down to the plug to press it. I gasped as it entered further. “Ready to have my cock in that naughty little pussy of yours?”

  “Yes, Daddy,” I breathed, stretched up on tiptoe.

  “Come.” Turning me toward him, he took my hand, leading me over to the bed.

  The covers felt scratchy under my reddened ass. I scooted up on the bed, the muscles around the plug stretching as I did. He unbuckled his belt, pulling down his jeans. His cock was hard and ready as I knew it would be—I wasn’t the only one left turned on by my punishment.

  He crawled across the bed. My arms reached out for him, my fingertips tangling in his hair. I may be kinky as fuck, but I was still a girl who loved the missionary position. My little plugged and spanked ass twitched as the head of his cock teased the entrance of my slick pussy. He entered me with a groan, his hands gathering my breasts and squeezing. My clit rubbed against his pelvis as my legs raised high, locking around his upper back.

  With a wicked grin, he grabbed my calves, heaving them up and over his shoulders. I gasped as his cock plunged deeper within me, the rise of my hips allowing him further in. My ass clenched around the plug, my pussy full of his hard cock. I was so full I felt I’d tear in two. The stinging pain brought me pleasure as always.

  I cried out as he fucked me, hard and fast, skin slapping against sweaty skin. I screamed his name, my head rising toward his neck as our bodies curved around one another. Tighter and tighter the pressure coiled us together until I thought I would lose my mind. Fire burned over my skin, our bodies slick and wet and tangled as one. My mind knew of nothing but him and my own pleasure. My ankles wrapped around his neck, my body folded in half, my ass high in the air, his hands cupping underneath it, squeezing my cheeks and making my throbbing pussy further tighten around his cock. He gave one violent thrust, burying deep within me and in a burst of flames, we came together, our souls as tightly bound as our bodies. I stayed wrapped around him, every limb, every joint tense as the orgasm pulsed through me, my heart beating hard against my chest as I heaved short, hard breaths.

  We collapsed into a sweaty tangle of limbs and hair and cum. Panting, I pressed the tears from my eyes as he held me.

  Afterward, we lay side by side, my fingertips tracing circles on his chest. He grabbed my fingers, holding my hand in his. He turned to me, gazing at me through those sea glass eyes. He said, “You know, baby girl, I’ve been thinking—”

  “Careful, you don’t want to hurt yourself,” I joked, yelping as he laid a sharp smack on my bare ass.

  “As I was saying, being back on the ranch made me realize I miss living here. You can’t beat the views or the neighbors. Josie, I want to build you a house. Here on the ranch,” he said. His thumb caressed the back of my hands.

  “And leave the shoebox behind?” I joked.

  “Are you attached?” he asked, surprised.

  “Not really. I’m sure I could manage to become a homeowner. Do you think it might be... too close, though? I like having our own space. We can get kind of... ah... loud,” I said.

  “I’ve already thought about it. I talked to Brody and there’s this hill on the back of the property, a good mile from everything else. He thinks it’d be pretty easy to dig a well and get septic run out there. And we’d have our own mile-long road for a driveway. We’d have plenty of heads up if a visitor was heading our way and we’d be just far enough from everyone it would be inconvenient for them to just ‘pop over.’”

  I giggled. “Yeah, they may not want to see what we have going on when the sun goes down.”

  “Rated R and for my eyes only,” he said, kissing my hand.

  “Can I get a preview of the show,” I asked, my hands wandering down below his waist.

  “Absolutely, Mrs. Jenkins.” His hand snatched mine away from his crotch. “But first, tell me what you think. I know you like to keep things light and jokey, but this is a pretty serious topic. Would you like that? If I built a house on the ranch? We have so many memories here, I just thought—”

  I put my fingers over his lips. “I’d love it.” I’d lived in a house with my mom and sister, a lonely condo in DC, and the shoebox. But the ranch had always been my real home. I kissed his lips, “Thank you, Daddy.”

  His broad smile confirmed what I already knew in my heart to be true. This man lived to make me happy.

  * * *

  People would be in awe, and very proud, if they knew the type of technology our fellow citizens could create to keep their country safe. Mavis had spared no expense on my behalf, and it had paid off. There was one tiny attempt at a breach on the ranch, a couple of lower level dudes the cartel could afford to sacrifice, knowing the ranch was impenetrable from the outside. Still, they had to give it a try, I supposed.

  No movement went undetected and in a matter of moments, the perps were in custody. I guess word got back to the bad guys—that CLAS ranch and their heavy-handed cowboys were not to be messed with—as there were no more ‘visitors’ after that.

  The drama died down and not a second soon enough. I wanted to kick the feds to the curb with the heel of my red cowgirl boots. They didn’t seem to want to leave! Finally, Mavis declared the coast officially clear, and they packed up their things and left. And not a moment too soon because Colton was ready to break ground on our house and I wanted those buggers out of his way. Living on the ranch temporarily had made me never want to go back to the shoebox again. I was ready to join the ranks of the happily married ranch couples in my little love nest with my husband.

  As we were bidding the FBI farewell, I was surprised to see Slack joining the Jenkins side of things, and not loading himself up in one of the black Escalades.

  “What are you doing, Slack? Shouldn’t you be loading up with the others?” I asked.

  “Mavis asked me to stay on, long term. Just good to have an agent out here to keep an eye out on the family,” he said.

  “Really?” It hadn’t crossed my mind that my little run-in with the law was going to have permanent repercussions. Seemed I couldn’t shake them no matter what I did, but if I was being honest, I was glad Slack was staying. “That’s a big sacrifice. Moving from the big city, out here to the middle of nowhere in Wyoming. Won’t you go crazy?” I asked.

  A blush rose in his cheeks. “I... ah, actually, I volunteered.”

  My mouth dropped open. “What? Are you crazy? This is a totally different life than the one you have in DC. Remember how boring you said Little Peak was?”

  He shrugged, a silly grin spreading over his face. “I know. But I’ve grown to love it. I’ve never felt so centered as I do on the ranch. And I have to be honest, the way these Jenkins men carry themselves, the way they live their lives, I can get behind it. I want to spend more time with them.”

  “Your decision wouldn’t have anything to do with Rosalie teaching you how to ride a horse, would it?” I teased, poking him in the ribs.

  He laughed, admitting, “It didn’t hurt. But in all seriousness, Josie, I’ve grown really fond of you. I missed you like crazy as soon as you left the office that day. You were like the little sister I never had. I’m happy to stay on to protect you. Not that you need it with Colton around.”

  His words warmed me. What had I ever done to deserve this community of family and friends? “You’ll be a welcomed addition, friend. I’m glad you’re joining the team
. And I’ll put in a good word with Rosalie for you.”

  “You’d do that?” he asked, his grin turning sheepish.

  “Sure. After all, I’d say I owe you one,” I laughed.

  “Anytime. It’s my pleasure,” he said.

  Colton came up to us, throwing an arm around my shoulder. I always loved the weight of his protective embrace wrapped around me. I snuggled further into his chest. Looking up at Colton, I asked, “Did you hear Slack’s staying?”

  “I may have already heard,” he said with a grin.

  “So chauvinistic. All the big decisions are made by the dudes,” I said with a roll of my eyes.

  Slack shrugged. “I guess that’s where the term Dude Ranch came from.”

  I elbowed him in the ribs for the corny joke. “Memaw’s going to have a field day with you,” I said. She had been picking on Slack, calling him ‘City Slicker’ since he’d stepped foot on CLAS soil.

  “She’s not so bad,” he grinned. “And you were right—you can’t beat her cooking.”

  “You’re a good man, Slack. We’d be proud to call you one of our own,” Colton said, reaching out his hand to shake Slack’s.

  The young agent’s shoulders squared proudly as he said, “I appreciate it. And I’d love to help with the house I’ve heard you’re building. I did a couple of summers framing houses in college.”

  “Come on up to the office. Josie and I will show you the plans.”

  We went into the office, poring over blueprints and guzzling sweet tea. Rosalie came by to pick up a few things Louanne had sent her for. Her cheeks turned as red as her hair when she saw Slack. Almost dropping her items, she hurried out of the office, giving us a wordless wave and a tight grin.

  “Oh, man. You’ve got that filly as jumpy as a kitten on a porch full of rocking chairs, Agent Slack,” Colton said, slapping him on the back.

  “Yeah, what’re you going to do about that?” I asked. Resting my face in my hand, elbow on the desk, I stared at Slack, enjoying watching the blush creep into his face.

  He shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe one day I’ll have my own Ranch Romance,” he said.

  “I know a great wedding coordinator. Best in the business,” I teased.

  “Hey, if I end up half as in love as the two of you, I’d be doing pretty good for myself. I’d be a lucky man—don’t you think?” Slack chuckled.

  Colton’s eyes locked with mine. The love we shared passed through that single glance. “Yeah, I think you would be,” I said. I glanced down at the ring finger of my left hand, smiling at the tiny black tattooed band of flowers that wrapped around the base of my finger, right under my ring.

  I sure as hell knew how lucky I was.

  Luckiest baby girl in the world.


  Agent Slack’s Log

  101 days into assignment

  I’m marking today down in history as my greatest accomplishment to date. Memaw finally stopped calling me City Slicker. Now, she’s taken to hollering ‘Agent Cowboy,’ at me when she wants something. Which is pretty frequent if I’m within fifty feet of the Mess Hall. I don’t know if I’m being hazed by the outgoing grandmother, or if she genuinely likes my help.

  I like the name Agent Cowboy. I think it suits me and I’m hoping it sticks. When I got to Wyoming, I could barely mount a horse. Now, I’m flying over the hills, able to ride bareback for hours.

  And I couldn’t be prouder.

  They’ve made me eat my words here on the ranch. Little Peak is anything but boring. Swimming in the clear water of a rushing river is a thrill like no other—especially when you leave your clothes on the bank. Take the boat out to the middle of the lake, and you’ll pull out gorgeous cutthroat trout, their orange and silver scales sparkling in the sun. Bring a cooler full of them back to Memaw, and she’ll fry them up light and crispy for you in her cornflake batter. It’s delicious.

  I’ve spent several nights camping out on the property in an attempt to get to know my terrain. Drifting off in the fresh air, a blanket of stars for your television—there’s nothing quite like it. Using an app on my phone—I know, not the Jenkins way but works for me—I can now name almost every constellation. And the sleep is so different from what I was getting in the city. When I rise in the mornings, I experience a sharp mental clarity you can only get from a deep sleep in the outdoors.

  I pretty much don’t get a day off as there aren’t a whole lot of agents out here in the middle of nowhere to spell me, but I don’t mind. Even on the weekends, I enjoy my job. Trailing Josie to the local watering hole, Bud’s is a blast. I don’t drink, but there are no rules against dancing. Bridgette has taught me every line dance she knows. I can do the Double D, Cowboy Cha Cha, and Tango with the Sheriff.

  Yes—everything is closed on Sundays. But that doesn’t stop the entertainment. Little Peak Baptist has its own country-western star in Brody Jenkins. We stand on the stoop before church, gathering news from the townsfolk, then file in to hear an uplifting sermon and enjoy the show. Boy, do those local woman love it when Brody takes to the altar in his white choir robes. You can hear a pin drop in that church when he opens his mouth to belt one out. I’m not the religious type, but even my eyes get a little misty when he sings, ‘I need thee every hour.’

  I almost have a bro-crush.

  Despite all of the fun I’m having, I never take my eye off the prize. I know my primary responsibility is keeping a close eye on my friend and co-worker, Mrs. Jenkins. And let me tell you, that’s a full-time job. Luckily, Colton continues a pretty tight rein on our cowgirl, making my job less complicated, but I never let my guard down. Josie had a strong will and a mind of her own—as she should—that sometimes gets her into scrapes that could be unsafe. The Case may be closed but if anything were to happen to her, I’d never forgive myself.

  And that’s why I have to stay focused on my work. To keep her safe. Keep everyone safe. And most of the time, I’m able to keep my mind on my work. With one exception: Rosalie Perkins; the little redheaded sweetheart who works for Louanne. She’s as pretty and kind as they come. When she does make eye contact with me, once in a while, if it’s a lucky day, I’ll get a little smile from her. She’s skittish in my presence, still a stranger to me. But I can’t help the way I feel when she enters a room.

  We spent quite a bit of time with one another recently, helping Josie and Colton with the house. It’s going to be a beautiful home. It’s a modern design with sleek lines and big windows. The home sits on top of a hill in a densely wooded area; the mile-long road to it will be paved and lined with trees.

  I helped with the framing, Rosalie turned out to be pretty handy with a drill. I shouldn’t have been surprised, as the ladies of Little Peak tend to be Jacks of all trades. Or, would that be Jills of all trades? I got her to laugh at a few of my jokes, and she even brought me a sweet tea one day. It’s the little things that make life worth living.

  That’s the second most important lesson I’ll take away with me when my assignment comes to a close. The first one being, you don’t have to be related to someone to love them like family. In a short amount of time, the Jenkinses have become just that to me—family. DC is becoming a distant memory as CLAS is beginning to feel like my real home.

  And this agent will take all the clean living and sunshine he can get.

  Signing off,

  Agent Slack the Cowboy

  The End

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  As Deo dominates Cassandra ever more thoroughly, taking her hard and often and punishing her whenever she disobeys, her passion is rekindled and soon burns hotter than ever. But with a terrible evil closing in, Deo and Cassandra will need more than just their own strength and courage. Their entire pack will have to stand and fight together if they are to prevail.

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  With his wife in grave danger from an ancient curse upon his family, alpha wolf Deo Ambrosia must take drastic measures, and as a last resort he calls upon the powerful dragon shifter Draco to help protect his headstrong mate.

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