Boyfriend for Hire

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Boyfriend for Hire Page 2

by Gail Chianese

  “No problem. Tell me what you need me to do and it’s done. You know you can count on me.” Tawny started making a list of all the essential tasks.

  “Dave, we were hoping as Jason’s best man, you’d be willing to help Tawny out. Maybe check out some venues together, some cake testing, that sort of thing.” Cherry looked at the two of them with mournful puppy eyes and pink staining her perfect Irish complexion.

  “Anything you need from me, sweetheart, I’m happy to do.” He turned to Jason. “What about Brody?”

  “What about me?” The third part of the three amigos slid into the booth, shoving David totally into Tawny’s personal space. “Sorry I’m late. This client is going to kill me, if I don’t kill her first.”

  The guy looked beat. Strain lines raced out from the corners of his eyes, while dark circles shadowed the area underneath. Somewhere between the office and the pub he’d ditched his suit coat and tie and rolled up the sleeves on his button-down shirt. The man was a total one-eighty from David, who dressed in jeans, a faded T-shirt, and work boots. Different styles, different personalities, all linked by a shared past and the same wary look in their eyes. Mama mia, they were a potent dose of testosterone when put together.

  The edgy boy next door, the charmer, and the rake. It was the first thought that came to her mind when she’d met Jason, David, and Brody, and after getting to know them she’d realized her instincts had nailed it dead-on.

  “I’m the best man. You cool with that?” David asked.

  “Yep, more work for you, and I get to sit back and watch the circus.” Brody flagged down a passing waitress, asked if they’d ordered, and then put in his drink and food order. “You two need anything from me, just say the word.”

  Jason’s smile spread from ear to ear. “How about you help Fubar plan the bachelor party? This way none of us will end up in jail and I’ll still be able to get married.”

  “Oh sure, leave the most important task up to the stuffed suit. No worries, Cherry, we’ll all be sitting around playing bingo and home in bed by nine o’clock,” David teased.

  The guys ribbed each other, exchanging insults as only true friends who’ve known each other a lifetime can do. Tawny sat back in her space, lost in her own thoughts. Mentally she listed out what she’d need to do tomorrow: check bank balance, update résumé, and scour every job website out there. She’d hold off telling her parents for now. If she got lucky, she’d find another job before they even knew and she could save herself the headache from the multitude of lectures they’d dish out. Speeches about if only she’d find a good husband she wouldn’t have to worry about finding a job, or how it was a woman’s place to take care of the home and raise the children. This might be the new millennium, but her parents were squarely stuck in 1950, living in between Ward and June Cleaver and Ozzie and Harriet Nelson.

  “You okay?” David had leaned over to whisper in her ear, and if she turned just right her lips would match up perfectly with his.

  Turning her head only far enough to acknowledge him, she noted his usual playful smile was gone. This serious David pulled at her with an intensity she’d never felt before. “Couldn’t be better. Hanging with friends, a drink in one hand and all the free time in the world ahead of me.” She tried to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. Key word, tried.

  “My offer still stands if you need someone to talk to. Anytime, day or night.”

  Tawny cocked an eyebrow at the offer.

  “Honestly, I’m offering as a friend, and I promise to be on my best behavior.”

  When he looked at her, she felt like no other women existed in the universe and no one else mattered more to him. Warmth spread through her body, setting her on fire. Her breath slowed. Her gaze dropped to his mouth. Were his lips as soft as they looked? She caught herself before she reached up and ran her fingers along his jawline, felt the stubble of his beard tickle her palm, or tested his lips.

  “I’ll keep it in mind.”

  Chapter Two

  Her hips swayed seductively in a curve-hugging red dress as the women headed off to the bathroom. Then again, everything about Tawny seduced Dave. From her sharp wit and take-no-bull attitude to her long dark hair and smoldering brown eyes, he was hooked. If only the woman had a clue. “Why do you suppose they do that? Always go in pairs?” Dave asked.

  “Discover the secret and you’ll answer the question plaguing mankind for centuries.” Brody dug into his sliders without giving him a second look.

  “Easy.” Jason stole a fry from Brody’s plate, smirking. “They do it so they can talk about us.”

  “Yeah? You know this how, pillow talk?” Dave snagged a plate and loaded it up with nachos, as he wasn’t stupid enough to steal fries from Brody and expect to keep his fingers. Safer to take food from a bear. Jason lucked out. The table in the middle kept him out of Brody’s punching range.

  “They don’t call me Cupid for nothing. Come on, it makes sense. They talk about everything else in front of us.” Jason piled his plate with nachos before making a matching plate for Cherry.

  “Check him out. He finally gets the girl and thinks he’s Mr. Know-it-all,” Dave shot back.

  “Hell, Fubar, he’s always thought he knew it all,” Brody slammed back.

  Maybe Jase knew something he wasn’t sharing and he should talk to Cherry, see if she’d ease the way with Tawny for him. Sort of help her see past the surface layers and give him a chance. “Jase, who’s this guy who stood Tawny up?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t stick around for the full conversation.”

  “Fubar, just ask her out.” Brody looked at him with his all-knowing smirk.

  “I have. She shot me down.”

  “Either man up and ask her out again, or let it go.” Jason shoved his plate away. “Look, I need to talk to you both about work. Since we finished rebuilding the community center, the renovation orders have been pouring in. Up until now, we could handle it. Most clients are fine with waiting a month or two. This morning I got a call from a lady who bought an old Victorian and wants to turn it into a B-and-B. Problem is, she wants to start now, as she’s already got a few holiday functions lined up. She’s afraid if we wait a month, she won’t be ready for the leaf-peeper season.”

  Brody sat back with his beer in hand. “Can you push another job back to accommodate her?”

  “No.” Jason shook his head. “I’m finishing up the restaurant gig now, and then I promised Pastor Perky’s aunt I’d start on the remodel of her kitchen.”

  Jason was getting at something, Dave just wasn’t sure what. “What do you propose?” he asked.

  “We have a couple of options. Let it go and lose out on a new customer and referral source. Hire another project manager—Tim and Bobby are great, but neither one is ready. Or you step up and take on the role, Dave. You’re part owner, you know as much about rehabbing a building as I do. It’s time to expand as planned.”

  Most people thought Valentine Rehab belonged solely to Jason, which was how Dave and Brody liked it. Dave had even been the one to insist the company carry Jason’s last name. He was fine as a silent owner and he carted his share of the weight. Being the boss equated with headache city. No thanks. Nor did he want to discuss his disability, not even with his best buds, or let it destroy more hopes and dreams.

  “The client is hiring Valentine Rehab based on recommendations of your work. We’re going to have to hire more crew as it is. An outside project manager cuts too much into the profits. Plus there’s no guarantee the quality will be up to our standards with someone from outside in charge. I say Dave takes it on.” Brody rubbed at the back of his neck. A lifetime sign his decision stressed him.

  “Wouldn’t you rather I take on the kitchen remodel? Start with a smaller job.” One with less chance of being fubared.

  “I can’t. Mrs. Perky specifically asked me to be on-site during the work. Besides, you can’t cruise through life forever, and if you want Tawny to see the real you, you need to give her a
chance. Start showing her there’s more to you than a pretty face,” Jason said.

  “I haven’t been cruising, pal. Been there working my ass off right next to you. She’s never going to give me a second look. She’s out of my league. But—”

  Brody reached over and stole his nachos, shutting him up. “Yeah, knew that’d work. Look, if you hadn’t interrupted, I think what Cupid was trying to tell you is to give her time and she’ll see the real you. Someday she’ll realize you’re like an onion, you’ve got layers.”

  “I prefer parfait. Everybody loves parfait. Now give me back my nachos.”

  Brody shoved five chips into his mouth at once, leaving both Dave and Jason speechless and taking Dave back years. They’d been here before, many times. Always there for each other, giving each other shit and guarding each other’s backs.

  “Listen, I need your help with something.” Dave looked first to Brody, then to Jason.

  “Man, I’m all out of dating advice. You’re on your own,” Brody replied.

  “When don’t you need our help?” Jason asked, exchanging fist bumps with Brody.

  “Ha. Funny, you two. Trust me, I don’t need relationship tips from Mr. Ice. Although you should alternate hands to even out those arm muscles, Bro. And, Cupid, let’s not forget if not for me, you never would have had that first date with your lady love.”

  “Want me to remind how well your plan worked out on said date?”

  Dave ignored both of them, as neither meant the razzing anyway. He also shoved aside the idea of telling the guys about his ADD and asking for help. They both had enough on their plates to deal with. “Jase, I get you need to be on site for Mrs. Perky, but why change our system now? We’ve handled other projects simultaneously and it’s never been a problem for you to be the project manager on both. You thrive on being the boss.”

  Dave followed Jase’s gaze. The women were back from the bathroom and engaged in a game of darts. Yeah, Dave got it. If he had a woman like Cherry waiting at home for him, he’d want to spend less time at work too. “Never mind. I’ll do it. I would have sooner, but you know, it’s kind of hard, prying the reins of control from your tightly clasped fingers.”

  Brody snorted beer out his nose. “Well said.”

  “Screw you both. You’re jealous because I know the value of work-life balance. You,” he nodded to Brody, “work too much. When was the last time you had a date? And you, Fubar, the list is too long. You two need to learn how to mix it up.”

  A French fry sailed across the table, beaning Jason in the forehead. “This coming from the guy who a year ago swore off women?” Brody asked.

  “Don’t forget, he let the right one walk away.”

  “Begged on national TV for a second chance.” Brody turned to watch the women as they played darts and laughed.

  “I’m a fast learner, but hey, if you want to lead a long, lonely, boring life, ignore me. Or learn from my mistakes, grasshopper.”

  “Man, Bro, if he’s this obnoxious now, wait until the two of them start popping out kids. He’ll never shut up,” Dave said.

  “Yeah, well, here’s another bit of advice for you, Fubar. Tawny’s been drinking and needs a ride home. Why don’t you be a gentleman and offer her a ride?”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Tawny watched the men in the booth. Well, she watched one of them in particular. David. From the first time she’d laid eyes on him he’d sent her pulse helter-skelter and filled her head with visions of wicked, sensual nights. She’d even thought for a while, at the beginning of their friendship, there might be something stirring between them. Right up until she met his girlfriend. The human Barbie doll: blond, big blue eyes, bigger boobs, and a little brain.

  They made a striking couple. The human Barbie and David. They’d produce perfect little clones. No, not true. David was smart, wicked funny, and levelheaded when needed. All of which he hid behind his quick smile, lackadaisical attitude, and playboy ways. With him it was all about the fun, which was fine until decisions and responsibility got in the way. Tawny didn’t need another man to take care of. If she settled down, it would be with someone who could be her equal. Her partner in life.

  “Earth to Tawny, come in, Tawny.” Cherry tugged on her hair to get her attention.


  “I’ve been standing here for the past, oh, five minutes or so trying to hand you the darts. It’s your turn, unless you’d rather skip over the rest of the night and go straight to dessert?”

  “Chica, what are you talking about?” Her gaze darted to the table where the men were exiting the booth.

  Her friend rested her elbows on the high table, with her chin on top of her hands. “Girl, you look at him like he’s an ice cream cone that’s melting and you’d like to lick up every last drop.”

  Tawny twirled the darts around, staring at the rainbow of colors. “Maybe I was checking out Brody. He’s pretty hot with those brooding dark eyes. Has a whole rakish look about him. Sort of like Hook from Once Upon a Time.”

  “Hmm, the three of them together do make a pretty scene, but Brody’s so not your type. He works too much, doesn’t laugh enough, and you aren’t even looking at him. Nice try. Give Dave a chance. He’s a good guy.”

  “He’s a manwhore. All it takes is having double X chromosomes and you’ve got his attention. Take Brody. He’s got focus, goals, knows the importance of work.”

  Cherry stole her darts and tossed one at the board, hitting dead center. “If you want to date yourself, he’s perfect. Also, boring. Not that he’s boring, but the two of you together would be snoozeville. You need a guy who will shake up your world, make you laugh, and will rock your socks to the point you don’t care about work.”

  “And you think that’s David?”

  Cherry hit another bull’s-eye. “Yep, I do.”

  “What are you two talking about?” A deep voice rumbled in Tawny’s ear, sending the tiny hairs at the back of her neck dancing. David. Dear Lord, don’t let him have overheard us.

  “Nothing,” Tawny said.

  “Sex,” Cherry replied at the same time.

  He skimmed a finger down her arm, eyes locked with hers. “Darling, if sex is nothing, then you’re doing it wrong.”

  Pools of warmth flooded Tawny’s nether regions and flamed her cheeks. Sex with David could only be mind melting. There was no way it could be anything else when all he had to do was barely touch her and she was practically on the verge of an orgasm.

  “I think that’s my cue to head home.” Brody kissed both women on the cheek and headed toward the door. “Try to stay out of trouble and make good choices.”

  “We need to jam too. Gotta get home and let the mutts out.” Jason clamped a hand on David’s shoulder. “Dave, can you give Tawny a lift home?”

  “Didn’t you come together?” Her eyes darted back and forth between the men. “I can walk, it’s only a couple of blocks.”

  “Sweets, you’ve been drinking. There’s no way you’re walking home. Besides, Dave has to drive right past your place,” Cherry said, her voice sweet and innocent, belying the devilish tilt to her smile.

  Tawny shot her back an I-know-what-you’re-up-to look before giving in. Making a scene would only embarrass them all and spike David’s curiosity. What the heck, if she didn’t have to hurry home, she’d have a little fun. It’d been forever since she’d cut loose, and if getting stood up and canned in one day didn’t call for some frivolous fun, she didn’t know what did.

  She agreed and waved off the lovebirds before turning to David. “You don’t have to drive me home. I don’t need a babysitter.”

  “What kind of gentleman would I be if I left you here?”

  “Cut the crap, Farber. We both know you’re no gentleman. You probably have a life membership to Playboys International or something. How many women are you dating right now?”

  “None.” He twirled the end of her hair around his fingers, gently, to pull her closer. “For the record, I’ve never dated m
ore than one woman at a time.”

  His warm breath tickled the side of her neck. If she turned a scant few inches, their lips would line up perfectly. Temptation called her name, taunted her, testing her willpower. It’d been so long, and she knew he’d be willing. Heck, she’d lost count of the number of times David had flirted with her, looked at her with desire burning in his eyes, or asked her out. Maybe tonight she’d say yes.

  “I’m not ready to head home yet. I want another Cosmo and a shot at hitting the bull’s-eye.”

  “I’m in no hurry.” He held on to the strand of hair laced between his fingers, holding her in place. His gaze locked on hers, flames danced through their depths.

  She handed him the darts and flagged down a waitress for another round. Too bad she couldn’t order air. Based on the shallow breaths she was taking, all of the oxygen in her lungs had been used up and she was in desperate need for more. Dave took the darts and stepped away. Hot, stale air rushed into Tawny’s lungs, but failed to exit when she glanced at his backside as he lined up his shot.

  Broad shoulders, arms stolen from a Greek god, long, lean legs, and that cute, tight tush. Really, he could have posed for Michelangelo or Donatello. And no, she didn’t mean mutant turtles. Too bad he wasn’t wearing shorts. And why wasn’t he? It was summer, and didn’t he owe it to the women of the world to show off some skin?

  She’d been to enough backyard BBQs that summer at his and Jason’s split Victorian to know exactly what lay hidden beneath most of those clothes. What a waste, covering up that body. He turned to her and smiled, extending the mini missiles. A quick sip of her drink did nothing to squelch the slow burn running through her.

  “Think you can do better?” David asked.

  Better? Than what? Nope, physically, the man reeked of perfection.


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