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Abracadabra Page 4

by Ashley Ladd

  She prayed not. Bitterness ate at her. How could he not be bitter, too?

  He circled her, his heated troubled gaze raking her length, making her squirm. “Can I use one of my wishes to make you love me again?”

  His wish wouldn’t do him any good. ”I don’t think wishes work like that.”

  “Can you guarantee anything would be real?” Mark rubbed his chin, and a thoughtful gleam lit his hazel eyes. “Is there a time limit on my wishes? If I wish for a ‘Vette, would it vanish while I’m driving it down the middle of I-95?”

  She didn’t know and blinked a shiny new silver Corvette into the middle of her living room, grimacing when the vehicle crushed her couch.

  She winced. “Ouch. That was bright.”

  Mark laughed heartily and shook his head. His appreciative gaze adored the car. “By the way, I didn’t wish for this, so you can send it back and give me back my wish.”

  She blinked and the car vanished to the parking lot outside. She wasn’t sure wishes worked this way, if he’d be out soon.

  Her stomach growled angrily. All she’d eaten was half a turkey wrap all day. “I’m famished. You?” Without awaiting his reply, she ambled out to the kitchen and fished through her fridge.

  Mark ambled behind her and leant against the door jam, laughing at her. “Why don’t you blink up a gourmet meal?”

  “Because I enjoy cooking.”

  Mark laughed louder. “Liar. You always hated to cook.”

  She twisted her lips at him. How did he know she hadn’t developed a love of cooking over the past four years? That she hadn’t enroled in a chef school? It wasn’t as if she had told him all her secrets in her letters. She’d kept a few things, like her doubts, to herself. “Why don’t you just wish for a gourmet meal? You can have anything you like. Lobster. Steak. Oysters…”

  “Uhm, oysters. An aphrodisiac…”

  Her pussy quivered and she longed to tear off his clothes and smother him in kisses. Suddenly, she was hungry for only Mark. When he sidled up to her and his hot breath tickled the nape of her neck, she shivered.

  “You know what I’ve been dreaming about?” he said.

  “I have an inkling…”

  “A Big Mac, fries, and a shake. Super-sized.”

  She recoiled and slammed the fridge door. Then she glared at him. ”You’ve been locked away from me for four years and all you want is a greasy burger and fries?”

  He dragged her against him. He slid his finger beneath her chin and forced her eyes to meet his. “That’s not all I want. That will only take a moment. Then I’m all yours and your wish is my command.”

  She squirmed against him and fit her hips against his. She sucked in his breath and savoured it. “Um, I like the sound of that…”

  He cupped her cheek in the palm of his hand, sending electric sparks through her.

  She sucked in a ragged breath and gazed into his passion-glazed eyes.

  Mark scowled darkly, and the passion eased from his eyes. Stiffly he jerked away from her. Then he reached around her and grabbed a bottle of cola from her fridge, tilted it to his lips and took a swig. “Whenever you’re done flitting around, I’m ready for my first wish.”

  Finally. She stood at parade rest, her arms crossed over her chest, ready to grant his wish. “I am ready…Master.” She was compelled to add the title much to her dismay. It must be part and parcel of the genie curse.

  He drawled huskily, “Savannah, I wish you to be my sex slave, my submissive.”

  Submissive? Astounded, simultaneously thrilled and mortified, she stared at him, her jaw slack. Where was this coming from? Had it always been a latent desire?

  The earth seemed to shake and she quivered. Her pussy clenched. Nodding, blinking, she said in an eager voice, “Your wish will be granted, Master.”

  She blinked and her living room furniture vanished. Instead the room was filled with a large bed and BDSM equipment—shackles, hand cuffs, ropes, bondage frames and an X-cross.

  Mark blinked and walked deeper into the room. He touched the X-cross then wrapped a strip of silk around his hand. Then he turned and quirked his brow. “You seem to be quite knowledgeable about this stuff. Do you have anything you want to confess?”

  Confess? She fumed and balled her fists on her hips. “Me confess? What about you? You’re the one who wished for this.”

  They stared at one another, similar questions echoing in their eyes. Finally, he let out a long sigh. “If you think I had sex inside the joint, you’re dead wrong.”

  She thrust out her jaw and narrowed her eyes. “And if you think I had sex while you were away, you’re mistaken.”

  Mark ran his hands through his hair, mussing it. “How’d we get to this point, not trusting one another?”

  She let her arms relax and stared into his eyes. She shook her head. “Oh, I don’t know. It didn’t make me feel good when I found out your friend Anna wrote long, heart-felt letters to you daily while you were in prison. Or that you wrote back to her.”

  Mark swore under his breath. “Anna’s just a friend. If it weren’t for the two of you, I’d have gone completely insane.” Then he jabbed a finger at her chest. “I presume you didn’t talk to any men while I was away? Not even your good buddy, Jerry?”

  She tried not to wince at mention of Jerry’s name. Jerry had provided a much needed shoulder at her lowest points when Mark couldn’t. He’d never put a move on her and she’d never thought of him like that. She was glad she’d declined his offer to go to the courthouse with her. Then again, he might have stopped her from buying the damned bottle… “Jerry didn’t do anything to threaten you.”

  Mark massaged his neck. “And Anna didn’t do anything to threaten you. You’re the only woman I love. The only woman I want. What do I have to do to convince you of that? Can I make that one of my wishes? That you believe in me? Trust me?”

  Unfortunately, it didn’t work that way much as she wished. Her heart aching, she gazed at him. Why had Anna interfered? Why had Anna rubbed it in her face? Maybe she should find Anna and make her tell the truth.

  ”To hell with Anna and Jerry. I love you. All I’ve dreamed of for the past four years is being with you.” Mark’s words penetrated her heart and she made a small choking sound.

  “And I’ve dreamed of being with you,” she said.

  Mark scooped her into his arms, against his hard chest and carried her to the new bed. His warm lips caressed her forehead, her cheeks and her lips conducting a symphony in her heart.

  She looped her arms around his neck and moulded her breasts to his magnificent chest which was amazingly in shape for being incarcerated for so long. Against his lips, she grinned and murmured, “This isn’t exactly bondage. Did you or did you not want to use our toys?”

  He framed her face with his palms and his eyes danced with mischief. “I never knew you were such a bad girl. Just how bad are you?”

  Feeling mischievous herself, she ran her tongue over her lips and drawled, “Just how bad do you want me to be?”

  “Very bad. Stand. And call me Master.”

  After she followed the simple order, she tingled and held out her arms high. Well aware her outfit enhanced her curves that spilled out of it, it made her feel deliciously decadent for the short amount of time he allowed her wear it.

  Mark rubbed his naked body along her back, his hard cock teasing her, sliding down her bare back to her ass, making her moan and writhe. Then he turned her in his arms and tugged the bra over her head before burying his face between her aching breasts.

  She blinked and the bed became a bondage frame.

  He tied her hands with a silken scarf then locked her in the equipment.

  When he ran a long feather down her backside, then tickled her nipples, she laughed.

  “Did I give you permission to laugh?”

  “No, Master.”

  “We’ll try this again without the laughter. Understand?”

  “Yes, Master.” She steeled herself aga
inst the impossible and bit her lip. However, when the feather teased her ass cheeks, then her pussy, she not only giggled but squirmed and struggled against her bonds. How she wished that was Mark’s hot tongue, his hard cock.

  As if he read her mind, he asked, “Would you like something else instead of the feather?”

  Her pussy quivered and juices ran down her legs. “Yes, Master. I want your hot cock inside me. Fucking me.”

  “I’ll decide when and if I grant your wish.” He dipped his head and his hot tongue swept along the side of her breast. “I’d forgotten how very beautiful you are, how wonderful you taste. You’re even better than my dreams.”

  Coherent thought fleeing, she moaned as delicious sensations coursed through her. Arching her back as much as the frame allowed, she thrust her tight nipple at him. She was engulfed in flame and wanted to burn hotter, higher. “Please, Master, suckle me. It’s been so very long since your lips pleasured me.”

  “Before I’m finished, you’re never going to want to leave my bed.”

  Had she ever wanted to leave it?

  Just as she was dreaming of moving to the soft bed in her bedroom, Mark nudged his cock between her ass cheeks. She tried to push back, to swallow his cock with her pussy, to make him fuck her.

  He smacked her rear with a stinging slap and she yelped. She tried to twist around but was held tight. “Why’d you do that?”

  “Why’d you do that, Master?” Mark bent and swept his tongue over the sore flesh, giving her unexpected pleasure. “Because you were impatient. I will decide when I fuck you, when I thrust my cock into you.”

  “But you’re such a tease…Master.” She remembered at the last moment, lest he administer further corporal punishment. “You might never give me your cock.”

  “Oh, I will. In my time. I was just about to give it to you, but I see you deserve punishment so you’ll have to wait.”

  Disappointment surged through her when he pulled his cock back. However, when he knelt between her legs and swept his tongue along her pussy lips and massaged her clit with his thumb, she wasn’t so dejected. Her squirming increased until she pulled so hard at her bonds she became chafed. “Master, have mercy. Give me your cock. Fuck me.”

  He delivered another slap to her rear. Then instead of pulling back, his tongue lapped faster, harder. He thrust his finger inside her pussy, twirling it deep and hard. Then he added a second finger.

  Her hips thrust against him. She couldn’t hold in her moans no matter what he said, no matter how many times he might spank her. In fact, the more pain he inflicted, the more her pleasure increased like a powerful magic. Orgasms flooded her like a tsunami, crashing through her, making her scream in ecstasy.

  ”Is this real? Are you really free? Am I really a genie? Are we really together?” she asked when her body stopped spasming, when she could find her voice. Maybe she was dreaming. Or delusional. But if this was a dream, she never wanted to wake up. It had been too long since she’d been in Mark’s arms, known his kisses and been wrapped in his love. “Am I dreaming?”

  Mark released her from her bonds and carried her to the bed. He untied her hands and massaged her wrists. Then he pulled her against him and his hot breath coasted along her throat. “Maybe we’re both dreaming,” he murmured huskily.

  She snuggled deeper into his arms, longing to be heart to heart with this man. His throbbing cock felt very real, extremely erotic pressed against the juncture of her legs. Starving to know his full possession, she spread her legs wide.

  “Do you still love me?” She hadn’t planned to blurt that out, but she was intoxicated by his kisses.

  “I never stopped. I was afraid you’d never kiss me again. If that had happened, I might as well have stayed in jail. Life without you isn’t worth living.”

  Blown away by his sweet confession, she gazed deeply into his eyes, wishing she could see into his soul. Her life had been one miserable day after another since this nightmare had erupted. She grimaced at her self-pity. It was Mark who had truly suffered, not her.

  She stroked his beloved face. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” She had so needed that kind of reassurance when she’d been at her most bereft. But being painfully honest with herself, she knew she would have rejected it.

  “I didn’t think you’d want to hear it, even if you believed me. I didn’t want to raise hopes in case I never got out of that hell hole.” He leant his forehead against hers and cupped her bottom in his hands, pulling her inexorably closer against him. “Were you really ready for that?”

  Veiling her eyes from him, her warring feelings nearly tore her apart. “I don’t know. Sometimes, no. Other times, I longed to hear you say what you just said.” Then his words struck her. “What did you mean if you never got out?”

  He closed his eyes. “I saw men die in there. And I saw men sent away for a lot longer than they were originally sent in for. I lost faith in the system long ago. All the court cared about was making themselves look good.” He tucked a finger under her chin and forced her to meet his suspicious gaze. “Give me the real 411. Did you make my accuser confess?”

  She licked her parched lips, squirming. “Yes and no. I wished for you to go free but only if you were truly innocent. My genie, Adara, I mean, must’ve cast a truth spell on your accuser and the D.A.”

  Pain flashed across his eyes. “You doubted me?”

  Wretched and raw, she nodded. “I’m sorry. I hate myself. I know you’d never do anything like that.”

  “Thank you. I died a little bit more every day I was in that God-awful place, knowing I’d not done anything to deserve it, knowing I could lose you.”

  She reached down and encircled his very much alive cock in her hand. “Funny, you feel very alive to me.”

  “Want me to prove it?”

  “Yes, Master.” Wriggling again, she nibbled his earlobe, loving his salty taste.

  “Oh yeah, I want to prove it very much.” Lifting himself high over her, he made a powerful thrust, filling her to her core, igniting flames in her belly.

  On fire for him, she met him thrust for thrust, her hips thrashing in ancient rhythm, her body singing as if it had just been resurrected.

  He worshipped her with his eyes, lips, and hands, caressing her as if she was the most cherished woman in the universe.

  She felt like she was floating and when she opened her eyes, she was stunned to see that they were hovering high above the bed, close enough to touch the ceiling. And yet their suspended state didn’t lessen in any way the force of their drive. If they could make love floating in her bedroom, why not in the clouds or in space?

  Curious, she blinked them onto a fluffy white cloud over the Caribbean. Bright sunlight showered them as they lay atop a fluffy bed of cotton. “Have you ever seen anything so spectacular?”

  Mark’s gaze adored her, making her quiver. A smile played around his lips. “You. You’re even more beautiful now than before I was sent away.”

  Glowing inside, her body trembling at his nearness, she tried to remember if he’d been so charismatic before. He’d always been a charmer who made her heart sing, but not this gloriously.

  “I wanted to give you the heavens.” A note of pathos rang in Mark’s sultry voice.

  His kiss made her soar beyond the heavens, past the moon and the stars.

  Blinking, she transported them into space, their only blanket the shimmering stars in the Milky Way. They cast a bluish-purple incandescent haze over them, so that their bare flesh reflected the brilliant colours. “All that matters is that we’re in heaven together.”

  He crushed her to him, filling her impossibly deep, taking her to a magical place far beyond heaven. His lips trailed fiery liquid along the hollow of her throat, along her jaw. Then he captured her lips from which he drank deeply.

  Stroking in and out, his cock enflamed her. Shooting stars blazed through her. Writhing beneath him in ecstasy, she raked her fingernails down his back, clutching him to her, never wanting
to let him go.

  With one final plunge, Roman candles exploded inside and out. Feverishly, she drank of his kiss, wishing this night would never end.

  “Would you like to explore other worlds? Travel into the future or the past?” Ragged breaths punctuated her words but she felt more wonderful than she ever had before. Heady power surged through her. She could do anything—fly, transport anywhere or change herself into anything.

  “You mean like see the birth of Christ, watch Michelangelo paint the Sistine Chapel or find out who really shot Kennedy?” He sucked her lower lip into her mouth as his hands kneaded her waist. “Or meet our great-great grandchildren as adults?”

  Furious heat stole into her cheeks. He presumed a lot. Their grandchildren? She was his sex slave, not his concubine or his wife. Yet…

  Mark licked her neck, driving her crazy. “I’d like to meet them. To see if they have your stunning beauty.”

  Whoa! The brakes skidded on, and she pulled back, confused. He presumed a lot and was trying to take things awfully fast. He hadn’t been out of prison a full twenty-four hours, and he wanted to meet their great-great grandchildren? How could he be so sure they had children much less grandchildren? Although the question burned on her lips, she bit it back, refusing to egg him on further.

  Ignoring his question, she blinked them home, hoping he wouldn’t bewitch her with more mind-numbing sex until she got better control of her newly acquired powers. She loved him, at least she loved the old Mark with all her heart and soul, but this required serious breathing space, thinking time and Mark’s touch scattered all coherent thought. She had to make sure he was still the same man, that she was still the same woman before she committed her life to him.

  Chuckling, Mark said, “This doesn’t look very futuristic.” Naughtiness quirked in his eyes and he crooked his finger at her. “Come here. I’ve not had my fill of you.”

  Her pulses racing, eager for more of his kisses she went into his inviting arms and lifted her swollen lips to his. “Ordinary sex might prove boring now.”

  The devil trailed hot kisses down her throat, a move guaranteed to make her swoon, and make her knees go weak. How very well he knew her.


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