After His Peonies: A Romantic Comedy

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After His Peonies: A Romantic Comedy Page 7

by Alina Jacobs

  "Nuh-uh," he said, raising his head to look at me in the dark. "You're getting the full treatment."

  He shucked off my skirt and threw it to the floor. Then he ran his hands up one stockinged leg.

  "Your body is amazing," he said.

  "Wait!" I gasped.

  "What?" He looked at me in concern.

  "Just let me…." My stockings had holes in them. I knew because I had ripped another one this morning when I put them on.

  I hoped Hunter hadn't noticed the poor state of my stockings. I tried to pull them down as quickly as I could. He looked from my face to my tits to the hand that gripped the bunch of fabric.

  "I hope you're not concerned about the holes," he said. "I love a well-placed hole."

  My derisive ohmygod turned into a moan as he pressed his hand against the only pair of nice underwear I owned, and yes, they were the same ones I’d jumped into the pool with. Yes, I’d washed them in the sink. Yes, my life was a disaster, and yes, I did deserve to have Hunter kiss it and make it, if not better, at least more pleasurable.

  "These panties look like the ones you wore to the pool," Hunter said in that deliciously deep voice. His fingers pushed against me, and I bucked into his hand. "And I was right. They're about as wet as if you had just stepped out of the water." His voice sounded as if it had dropped another octave.

  One hand pinched and teased my nipple while the other slipped under my panties. My hips jumped under his light touches. He seemed to enjoy teasing me.

  "Can I rip these or—"

  "No!" I gasped. "I need to do laundry. They're all I have!"

  "Maybe I should buy you some more." He was still stroking me slowly, his fingers crooking every so often. I guessed he was tired of me digging my fingers into his arm, because he moved his other hand from my nipple to my wrist, pinning it. Hunter was so much bigger than me. The size of him loomed over me, blocking out the streetlights that filtered in through the large windows.

  "I think these should come off, don’t you?" he said. I writhed as he slowly pulled the black fabric down. Then his fingers were back, leaving a searing trail as he teased and stroked me.

  When he finally put his mouth on me, I swore and clawed at his head.

  "Language," Hunter murmured against me.

  "I want you to fuck me!" I gasped.

  "All in due time."

  He didn't seem to be in a hurry. His tongue moved slowly up and down, working my clit over and over again. I moaned, the throbbing between my legs almost painful, every nerve in my body trembling in anticipation.

  One giant hand slid under my ass as he pulled me closer, deepening the strokes of his tongue, making me dizzy. Two of his fingers snuck between my thighs, entering me. I moaned and arched against him.

  "I need you to fuck me," I rasped.

  He ignored me, his tongue trailing from my clit to my opening and back up. Then he flicked my clit with his tongue, all while his fingers stroked inside me, his other hand holding down my hips as they rolled against him.

  "Oh fuck," I cried as he sucked my clit, the delicious curl of his fingers inside me. My chest heaving, I cupped my own breast, pinching the nipple, the other hand clenched in Hunter's hair. I could feel I was close as his mouth pressed against me, driving me out of my mind.

  My body shook as I came, and my heart thundered in my chest.

  Hunter moved up next to me, a smug look on his face. His hair was a mess, and I reached out lazily to smooth it down.

  "You didn't," I slurred as my hand drifted down his chest. I fully intended to repay the favor, but I finally felt relaxed and calm for the first time since I had started the job at Harrington-Thurlow. The stress of Karen and my job and my apartment floated away. Just before I drifted off to dreams of moving in with Hunter and doing yoga and making breakfast in the spacious condo, I heard the phone ring. He sounded worried, which I thought was too bad. Who worried when they looked like him?



  As I watched Meghan fall asleep, her face relaxed and a small smile on her lips, I didn't mind that I hadn’t had my turn. I was still hard from the smell and feel of her, and I was toying with finishing myself off or putting my peonies on ice, so to speak, when the phone rang.

  "What the—" I stumbled in the dark to the living room and pulled the phone out of my jacket pocket.

  "Hunter," Danielle purred into my ear. I could hear her nails clacking against the receiver. That was enough to kill any erection.

  "Danielle." I turned away from the bedroom to try and avoid waking up Meg.

  "I've found some information I think you might be interested in," she said.

  "When can I see it?"

  "Well," she said, "it took a lot to procure it. I was thinking a thank-you was in order. It's been awfully lonely ever since Walter left me."

  She had left him, but I wasn’t going to bring that up, not when I was close to having information I needed.

  "I might be more persuaded to share what I have if I had a man to share something else with me." Danielle breathed heavily into the phone.

  "Oh, I'll make it very worth your while," I said immediately. Then I looked into the master suite. Meg had rolled from the sprawl into a ball. She was probably cold. I should tuck her in.

  "Why don't you tell me what you're going to do to me," she said. Her words were punctuated with a slight moan. I winced. Guilt screamed in my chest. I stared at Meg. She stirred sleepily, and my heart ached. But I needed the information Danielle had. It was crucial for my brother's company to be a success. He was counting on me.

  All my brothers were counting on me.

  "You first," I said.

  She laughed. "I have a little spreadsheet here with a list of names and numbers."

  I needed that spreadsheet. She must have sensed it from my silence.

  "I knew that would perk you up." She moaned again into the phone. "Why don't you come by and perk me up?"

  How about not.

  "I'm busy," I said, grasping for anything to kill her fixation on sleeping with me in exchange for information.

  "I hope it's not another woman," she said sharply. "I don't like to share."

  "But you need to in this instance," I said in a stroke of inspiration. "I have a lawyer here who’s on your husband’s divorce team."

  "Oh?" Danielle sounded interested. Good. Maybe she would forget about having me play boy toy. "In that case."

  "See? I'm already looking out for you. You help me, I help you."

  "Which one is it? No, let me guess. It's not Karen, she's too shrill for you, not easy enough to manipulate. I bet it’s the chubby one, Meghan."

  I forced out a laugh. "I have her wrapped around my finger." Quite literally just a few moments ago, an experience I was already longing to repeat. "She'll feed me information about the divorce. We'll win you everything."

  "I love when we work as a team," she purred. "Walter won't know what hit him. I'll acquire the rest of the files in due time and pass them to you."

  "Thank you."

  "My pleasure," Danielle said.

  I sighed, sagging onto the couch after the call ended. I felt dirty. I showered then snuggled next to Meghan, pulling a blanket over us.

  The next morning, my alarm blared. Meg sat straight up in bed, the blanket falling off and exposing her breasts.

  "You have really nice tits," I said as she wildly looked around.

  "Hunter, what the hell? Did I sleep with you?" she demanded.

  "No," I said with a yawn, "I just ate you out." I smirked at the blush that crept up her face. "You really enjoyed yourself. Good thing my condo is soundproofed."

  She looked slightly shocked—and a little turned on if I wasn't mistaken.

  "Now I want you for breakfast," I said, reaching for her.

  She batted my hand away. "I need to go to work."

  I groaned and turned over. "I have a better idea. Let's have a nice, relaxing breakfast like civilized people, and then maybe we can com
e back here—"

  "And play hide the sausage?"

  "No, that would be unsanitary. I was thinking more of hide the peonies. You enjoy getting a big, thick bouquet, don't you?" I kissed her thigh.

  She swung her legs over the side of the bed and headed to the bathroom.

  "Can I join you in the shower?" I called after her.

  "No," Meg said. I was reaching for my phone when I heard her yell, "Oh my God!"

  "What is it?" I ran to the bathroom, flinging the door open.

  "This bathroom is huge!" she exclaimed. "You have a freestanding tub."

  "I never use it."

  "Is that why there's a plant in it?" she demanded.

  I shrugged. "It purifies the air."

  "I could live in this bathroom," Meg gushed.

  "Yeah. A toaster oven, a mini fridge. I could see it."

  She kicked me out of the bathroom to shower alone.

  When she came out, she seemed annoyed. The towel was held firmly around her, though I could see the curves of her breasts disappear under the white terrycloth. I wanted to finish what we'd started last night, but the expression on her face said that it would be in my best interest to give her a wide berth.

  "I hope that scowl isn't directed at me."

  "My underwear." The scowl deepened.

  "Actually smell pretty good," I said, picking them up and pressing them to my face.

  "That is—" She gaped at me.

  "Really turning me on? Yeah, you could say that."

  She tried to snatch them back from me.

  I grinned, watching her jump in front of me, her towel slipping a little bit.

  "You're like a horny teenager," she complained, giving up.

  "You didn't have any objections last night."

  She blushed slightly but smiled to herself.

  "Put on your suit and go commando. We're doing the walk of shame to breakfast!" I said.

  "I thought you were going to make me breakfast," she said as she dressed.

  "I was going to make you breakfast. But you said you had to go to work," I told her. "This is the most expedient option."

  Meg looked like a neat little package in her grey suit. And only I knew that when you unwrapped her, there would be a surprise waiting.

  "I can't believe I'm not wearing any underwear," she whispered fiercely as we walked down the street.

  "Oh, I believe it. I'm imagining it right now."

  She swatted me then straightened as we approached the hotel.

  "This hotel is owned by the same company as the one where we did a break-and-enter to use their pool," Meg remarked.

  "How did you know?" I asked, surprised.

  "They have similar colors. The plantings are the same," she replied.

  "They also have similarly amazing breakfasts," I said.

  "What if someone sees us?"

  "You have to make up a story!"

  She pursed her lips. I leaned over and kissed her.

  "We're here for a business trip," I whispered in her ear. "We're having a torrid workplace romance. Spent all night necking in a rental car. Now we're having breakfast before doing the walk of shame back to our rooms."

  The doorman gave me a fist bump as Meg and I walked into the lobby. There was a burble of noise—people were discussing business deals or travel plans over breakfast.

  I sighed happily. "This is the best hotel buffet, I think. And it's free."

  "It's free because you're stealing it!" she hissed as I handed her a plate.

  "They always make extra. You could say that we're actually helping prevent food waste. Try the frittatas and the latkes. They're delectable." I piled food onto her plate.

  We sat down at a table tucked into the corner. Meg pulled one of the large ferns over half a foot.

  "We should hide what we're doing," she said.

  "Stolen food tastes best."

  "It is pretty good." She sighed happily as she ate a bit of the sausage-and-cheddar frittata.

  One of the desk clerks came over. "Excuse me," he said, "but are you guests here? Can I see your room keys?"

  I didn't dare look at Meg. She might stab me with her fork.

  "This was his idea," she sputtered.

  I looked around. I was going to kill my brother.

  "We could be arrested. This is horrible. We could be disbarred!" she said, standing up.

  "Sit down, sit down." I motioned to her. "Geez, Juan, did Archer put you up to this?" I asked.

  He nodded.

  "Archer?" Meg looked pissed. I wasn't getting any action this morning, that was for sure. I made a mental note to send apology flowers to her office and this time explicitly make the card out to Meghan.

  Archer sauntered over to our table. "Look who got the jump on my older brother. I’m going to start waking up before noon every day if this is what happens!" he said gleefully.

  I sprang up, the chair clattering to the floor. "Don't ever do that again." My voice was icy.

  Meghan looked between us. I was more wound up than I wanted to admit, and my younger brother was an annoying yet convenient target.

  "Apologize," I growled at him.

  "No need." Meghan took a sip of her orange juice. "Hunter didn't get laid last night," she continued with a quirk of her mouth, "or this morning for that matter."

  I heard Juan swallow a laugh and turn it into a coughing fit when I glared at him.

  Archer didn't even bother hiding his amusement.

  "I take it from this little display that you own this hotel?" Meghan asked Archer.

  "I own the whole hotel chain!" Archer said proudly.

  "I own this hotel chain," I snapped.

  "Svensson Investment does," Archer said, rolling his eyes. "So I mean, yeah, you guys own a portion of it, but Mike and I own the rest."

  "So you own the pool, too," Meghan said to me, her eyes narrowing.

  "Uh, yeah…"

  "So you lied to me."

  "I was trying to give you an adventure, Meg! You were unhappy, half undressed, covered in kale juice in a storage closet. It was a cry for help."

  "I can't believe you snuck me into a pool you owned," she snapped.

  "That was you?" Archer hooted. "Holy smokes! There was a big staff meeting because the cleaners saw a couple having sex in the pool." He slapped his leg and doubled over with laughter.

  "That was not us," Meg hissed.

  "For shame, treating a lady like that, Hunter," Archer said. "Don't worry, Meghan, he'll send you some nice-looking penis flowers to make up for it."

  Meg seemed as if she’d inhaled a piece of waffle. I thwacked her helpfully on the back.

  "Peonies," she said after she stopped coughing. "Please don't send me a bouquet of penises. That would be, well, I don't think we could be friends anymore."

  "Not even if they're covered in chocolate?"

  "Not even then." She looked thoughtful. "But if you cover yours in chocolate, I won't say no."



  "Will you lick it all off?" he asked in that deep voice as he leaned over me.

  "Hey! I'm standing right here," Archer complained.

  "Considering what you get up to," Hunter countered, returning to his seat, "it's mild by comparison."

  "What I get up to?"

  "Go away," Hunter ordered his brother. He was still staring at me.

  Archer blew me a kiss, and Juan gave me a silent thumbs-up then went off to assist another guest.

  "That was mean, Hunter," I scolded him. "You shouldn't treat your little brother like that."

  "He's fine." He smiled. "So back to the licking and the chocolate." He smirked then leaned forward, fingertips lightly resting on the tabletop. "Someone told me you aren't wearing any underwear."

  "I don't know who is spreading these vicious rumors," I replied, taking another bite of eggs.

  Hunter grinned. "I happen to know that no one is in the steam room at this hour."

  "That sounds like a risky proposit
ion," I said. "I don't want your chocolate melting in there."

  "Oh, it won't. I've been hard since last night."

  "You're going to need to keep it locked and loaded," I told him, standing up. "I have to go to work."

  Hunter stood up and trailed after me. His hand slid down my back to cup my ass as we walked outside.

  "I can't believe you're just going to walk away from the panties you abandoned at my condo. You should come back."

  "You need to calm down. Don't you have a business to run?"

  A scowl crossed his face. I looked at him quizzically.

  Smiling brightly at me, he said, "We'll finish this conversation this evening."

  Hunter guided me to a town car.

  "I don't need this," I sputtered. "I can take the train."

  "I thought you were late," he said, helping me into the car.

  "Besides," he whispered in my ear, leaning through the open car door. "I don't like the idea of you in the New York subway system with nothing between your legs."

  "You're the only thing I want between my legs," I replied then kissed the slightly stunned look off of his face and shut the door, satisfied I'd had the last word.

  I wasn't feeling as confident when I walked into the office.

  "You're late," Karen said, a caustic expression on her face.

  "I'm here now," I said shortly. After spending time with Hunter, Karen was starting to seem less and less important. I could feel her eyes boring holes in the side of my face as I sat down at my desk and started the day's tasks.

  "You wore that outfit yesterday," Karen remarked.

  I gritted my teeth. The nice warm, relaxed feeling that had wrapped around me when I was with Hunter was starting to fade away, replaced by the gut-wrenching stress snake that fed off of Karen's hatred of me. I reminded myself that, contrary to what Hunter seemed to believe, I needed this job. I needed to make associate.

  "You represent this firm," she snapped. "Walter just called and wants us to meet him at Holbrook Enterprises’ office. I shouldn't have to tell you that this is an important meeting, and Walter is a very wealthy and powerful man." She shook her head. "I wanted you to take notes, but I just don't know if I can take you. You don't look presentable at all. But I guess you'll have to do. Everyone else is busy with more important tasks."


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