It Is S.A.D.- The Leftist Brain Exposed

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It Is S.A.D.- The Leftist Brain Exposed Page 9

by Rooster Bradford

  Seventh, Defective common sense: It has been referred to as part of several of the above characteristics. Common sense is the ability to make decisions which will minimize risk and failure. The common aspect is heavily reliant on our knowledge of history, old and current. This includes our willingness to accept history as indicators of future conduct. If you have it, it comes from education and experience. Learning how to hammer a nail takes physical strength, but it also takes common sense --- the knowledge to know which hammer end to use; how to place the nail; how to raise the hammer; deliver an effective blow and not injure yourself. Most pure bred Leftists are not well coordinated. Most of the time it is not their lack of physical ability. It is the effective use of common sense, to move the muscles most effectively. The sense part of “Common Sense”, simply refers to the mental agility to use the common knowledge effectively.

  Eighth, Unsupported beliefs: Parts of the above play a role in what we observe here. This is another example of leftist’s blind faith. For example, a Leftists has blind spots in logic, when it comes to such things as whether Government has money or as Senator Chris Dodd (Democrat from Conn.) said, to explain why he would not vote for a GOP law to require Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac to refuse any loans where the buyer had not, at least pony up 5 % of the purchase price, (In the 60’s, you had to have 25% to get a loan of any size.) “…passage of such a requirement would restrict home ownership to only those who can afford it.” Dodd is a Leftist and he simply does not make any sense. Blind spot. It should be painfully obvious that the only wealth government has is the wealth it gets from its citizens. Leftists do not see it. It should be painfully obvious that the reason we had a financial meltdown in 2010 was because the Leftist had demanded Fannie and Mac take unsupported (lenders ability to pay) loans. Now, taxpayers will have to pay for all the loans that failed. We will do that with money Congress gives to these agencies to bail them out. That money is ours. The list goes on and on.

  Ninth: Manipulative: Leftists are manipulative. This is a big worry. They function like the spoiled child, stated above. A spoiled child will tell Mom and Dad what he or she thinks they want to hear to get their way. In some quarters, it is called lying. This manipulative nature of the leftist makes them an ideal candidate for political office because they have little conscience in what they say. They will promise the illegal to be legal, the poor to be rich, the illiterate to be intelligent, etc. They pretend to be the Wizard of Oz. It is a characteristic of the Leftist to mislead to get their way. For example, Obama campaigned on “Change” without telling anyone what kind of change he had in mind. Pelosi wanted a vote on the health bill without bothering to read it, because passage was more important than what it said. Why was that? Because total health care control is a cornerstone of socialism/communism. Once passed, they could change it as they see fit. Almost all Leftist do not want to support the written Constitution and yet all of them who take a position with the government, whether a judgeship or not, have to take an oath to support it. Most of them lie when they take that oath. Not important to them. Like a manipulative spoiled child they will say and do what they perceive is necessary to get their way.

  Tenth: Humorless: On average, the Leftist is not a happy person. Oh, they can be a comedian but that does not make them happy. Jokes can be memorized and the Con can make it sound funny. They can laugh but not heartily. They can dance and sing, but down inside, they find it difficult to smile broadly when not before the camera. Next time you watch Harry Reid, Maxine Waters, Henry Waxman, Pelosi, or Obama himself (substitute your favorite Liberal freely) look for spontaneity in their amusement. It is weak. You cannot picture one of them laughing at a ribald joke, laughing till they cry. It is not there folks. In this characteristic, it is S.A.D.

  Eleventh, Impaired ability to Debate: I have spent a lifetime trying to debate Leftists. Most of the time it is frustrating, because the typical Leftist will not get intellectual about any issue. Uniformly they reject history. As we have discovered, they will not follow common sense. They have packaged responses and tales to tell you, which are heard most of the time. They avoid the nuts and bolts and come on with generalities. Over and over, in Radio and TV shows, you will hear the liberal repeat canned response rather than get down and dirty. One of the best places to hear this is on the Rush Limbaugh show. His staff will gather the remarks of the left leaning media on a particular issue. He calls it a montage. The announcers/reporters use the same key words. It is as if the Leftist of the main stream media are being given scripts from some underground bunker. In debate, if pinned down, the Leftist will answer with something that is off the mark. You are talking about motivation as a tool to cure welfare, and they will respond that we just do not understand the down-trodden. I always have the feeling they live in a capsule and cannot tolerate anything outside of it. Like the ancient Sophists, they revel in sophistry.

  Way too often the final Leftist response is some derogatory statement, such as “You’re a Racist” “You’re intolerant” “You Conservatives are mean spirited” “You have no generosity” or the final response and winner of the grand prize is, “F__k You!!!” Or “Screw You, you dumb s__t.” I cannot cry over spilled milk. Call in the cats.

  Twelve, Dangerous vs. Peaceful: This is the most explosive (love the choice of words) issue which distinguishes a Leftist from a Conservative. Of course, there can be dangerous Conservatives but they are few in number. Let us remember Klu Klux Klan members were mostly Democrats and liberal. I am certain there may have been one or two Conservative, closet Republicans, in the group. In those days, if you were white male in the South you were registered as a Democrat. The point is if you are a betting person the odds are in favor of the Leftist causing trouble and not the Conservative. In my life time, close to home, the riots were all Leftists led. They were the ones who burned down a nearby Bank of America. The continuous riots at the WTO (World Trade Organizations) meetings have been Leftists. All Union led riots are Leftist. At the Nevada, Search Light Tea Party this year (2010), it was Union Leftists who threw eggs and turned street signs around, and yelled obscenities at the passer-byes. For over 16 years, I did a Jass show at the University of California at Santa Barbara on their FM station. That place was used as a marshaling ground for Leftist demonstrations and disruption. When an opportunity came up to demonstrate, you could see the gleam in their eyes. In the State of Washington, officials have for years suffered blown up Power Towers and all have been Leftists. Combine a Leftist with an environmental issue and the T finally gets added to the T.N.

  On a bigger scale, look at Waco, Texas. It was Leftist led by President Bill Clinton who became so reckless and mind-dead that they killed over 40 children in that Compound. I said children folks. I do not know whether Mr. McVeigh, who retaliated and blew up the Federal building in Oklahoma, was left or right. He did not say. For the debate, let’s assume he was Conservative. His act would not have happened, “BUT FOR”, the acts of Leftists. The examples are in the Millions.

  One of the most shocking bits of Leftist destruction, I can recall, was the killing of JFK in Dallas. All of the evidence was that Lee Harvey Oswald was a Communist on some twisted mission. Even his killer, Jack Ruby, was a registered Democrat. Notice how they buried all that with JFK.

  Conservatives are by their nature Conservative. This does not mean they will not respond with force. They will. The point is they respond, not initiate. Again play the odds. Conservative are more in favor of peace than war. Leftists just say it like it is possible. Conservatives know it is not, especially if you allow free love. Nothing is free.

  The Leftist mind is not OK. Many before me have marveled at what appears to be a lack of common sense with Leftists. This observation is correct. Many others have said Leftists are mentally impaired. Even Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have come very close to saying so. Certainly other Conservative talk show hosts, including yours truly, have gone past close. We say it like it is. Michael Savage even did a book titled, “Liberalism is
a Mental Disorder”. We are correct. I am going the step further and tell you how and in what manner Leftist have a neural dysfunction.

  In the final analysis, a Leftist will not change any more than I can become a non-renaissance man. It is in the wiring and it cannot be repaired. A Leftist is like a computer with a bad virus. Strange things happen and go bump in the night.

  What directs us all is our brain. It is our computer. I am not talking about social or environmental effects, except to conclude social contacts and environmental stimulus have very little to do with making one a Leftist or a Conservative. Generally, we are born that way. We have been focusing on the power of logical and coherent thought. Our brains determine who we are and what we do.

  The defect I identify does not mean a person will necessarily be Leftist. There are Conservatives who have a similar wiring problem, but the number is small. On the other hand, all true Leftists have the problem. If you know someone who is a recovering liberal, they just shed the overburden which had been placed on them.

  You know that many brains do not work well. Science has pretty well catalogued the more obvious dysfunctions and has set up ways to treat, hospitalize or give them substances to make their lives somewhat bearable. Mental illness is well studied, but no one has had the courage or insight to suggest, in a real way, that Leftists are wired wrong.

  What we have here is not presently considered a mental illness. That is the problem. This strange difference has been ignored or accepted as neutral. No longer can we do this. Leftist in charge is like having a blind man fly your plane or drive your car or operate on you to remove something or another. Disaster awaits.


  (Capitulo 7—Portuguese)

  “I voted Democrat because I believe that people

  who cannot tell us if it will rain on Friday, can tell

  us that the Polar ice caps will melt away in ten

  years, the oceans will flood New York and disaster

  will be everywhere, but we can stop it if we drive a

  Telstra, eat only vegetables, love a Religion that hates us, and do what we are told to do. “


  A Conservative in Profile

  First, keep in mind the terms Conservative and Leftist describe how one reacts to stimulus about Government. They are not words which well describe other focuses of life. This was true of the founders as well. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had slaves. Many believe Thomas had an affair with one of his female slaves and had a child by her. Ben Franklin was a womanizer. John Adam was too religious. Thomas Paine was too vocal. Each was different. On politics they were basically the same.

  The leaders, such as Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, Madison, Adams, and Hamilton were well balanced when it came to politics. They lived reality. They were not dreamers of things they knew would not work. They, and each of them, had heaps of common sense. If they had not used common sense they would have come up with a type of government led by themselves. They knew they had to create something which would provide Liberty and Freedom to the people beyond their lives. They knew they had to try to prevent the collection of power in the Federal Government. They knew that if they did not, their heirs would suffer. To this end, they divided the Federal Government power and built in checks and balances. Of course, they could not envision the speed with which we do everything now. They walked, rode horses and traveled in buggies. On water they sailed. There were no airplanes, no telephones, no telegraph, and no television. Their news came from word of mouth and tabloids. They lived a much more deliberate and less cluttered life.

  A Conservative is more than anything else a realist. Being Conservative does not mean you are a saint. A Conservative can be just as much a sinner as a Leftist, but when caught, he or she generally admits their failing. Leftist seldom do. A phrase which shall burn forever is, “I never had sex with that women” … President Bill Clinton. Do not forget Edward Kennedy, the Lion, who left a young girl to die in his car and then denied it. In reality, he was a beat up old alley cat without social redeeming features. Not the Lion his leftist followers called him. The list is endless.

  As a realist, a Conservative sees life as it is and sets about doing those things to cope with the weakness and strengths that confront him. A Conservative is not a good manipulator of facts to suit their purpose.

  Characteristically, the Conservative founders did not suffer noticeable neural disorder. Their social development was good to best. Their communication skills were on point and clear. They did not evidence repetitive behavior. None of them seemed to possess any unusual abilities not common to the average citizen. Their sensory abilities seemed normal. The motor skills seemed to be up to the daily tasks and they did not walk into things too often. In short, they did not appear to have symptoms of neural dysfunction.

  Quite normally the Founders could not predict the future. They could anticipate what humans would or would not do, based on the common past. Had the Founders been able to see the future better, I am confident, based on their papers, they would have put in the Constitution stronger language to curtail those who would not think clearly. They did not see that the few Leftist at the convention would someday dominate the halls of education, government jobs, union leadership and so forth. They did not see the gathering storm. They must be forgiven because most of you did not see it coming either, but we are in the eye of a hurricane.

  Aside from the Founders every one of you who often puzzles, “But that does not make common sense!”, is probably a Conservative. You do not hear a Leftist say it makes common sense. They do not go there. Why is that? Because they cannot be introspective on most subjects. It hurts.

  All must admit that being a Conservative or a Leftist does not make you automatically evil or someone to be avoided. Bad breath coexists. It is not necessary, in today’s world, to put bells on every Leftist we know. A warning is not necessary. We just know when they begin to argue. At a city council meeting, or at a Union gathering, you are going to know who has common sense and who does not. Call them on it. Make “Common Sense” the warning shot. To say one does not make common sense is not to say they are crazy, but it is to say they are disabled.

  Had the Founders been able to see the future better, I am confident, based on their papers, they would have put in the Constitution stronger language to curtail those who would not think clearly. They did not see how the Leftist would someday dominate the halls of education, governmental jobs, union leadership and so forth. They did not see that. They must be forgiven.

  Today, it must be the goal of Conservatives to carry on the founders work. This must be done by adding more checks and balances to the Constitution.

  A Conservative can fall ill to many other problems. For example, mental illness, the kind we can catalogue, can occur to a Conservative too, and it does not make them any less Conservative. I know several manic depressives, who, when they are off their meds, are weird and not predictable. When they are on the meds, they function well and are Conservative. The point is a Conservative, as well as a liberal/Leftist, only applies to that aspect of ones view of politics and government. In other matters both can be difficult and both can be wonderful.

  Today, it must be the goal of Conservatives, carrying on the Founders work, to add more checks and balances to the Constitution.


  (ROZDZIAL 8—Polish)

  Life is tough and it is a whole lot

  tougher if you are stupid.

  John Wayne


  Without “thought”, we are but a prolific species. What and who we are comes from the brain. Also, it should be clear, the differences we discussed in Chapter 1, 2, and 3 are dramatic. The Leftist does not react and think like a Conservative on a gazillion issues. Again the focus here is political. Leftist and Conservatives may both like the same single malt scotch, but it is likely only the Conservative enjoys a good cigar. Not that a Leftist might not like the cigar, but he cannot be perce
ived as fouling the air with one. Sushi is good, bad air is not. The differences can be identified in several areas of study, but here we are focused on the different views on government. After all, that is the reason for the terms Leftists and Conservative. The words divide politics into different approaches. The word Leftist signifies a more polarized concept than the meaning of Conservative. By that I mean, a Conservative is more flexible and moveable than is a Leftist.

  Simply put, the Leftists have a group political approach and the Conservative has a solo one. Most are born different thinkers in these aspects. Once in a while, social interactions during life may affect the approach, but way down inside the difference is like the Grand Canyon. Deep and wide.


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