Something New

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Something New Page 18

by Jenny Rabe

  He snapped his fingers, causing Emilie to drop her fork. “What is it?”

  “I remembered.” He gave her a sly smile. “It took a hot minute to pinpoint exactly when being friends wasn’t enough for me. But now I remember.”

  She picked up her fork and played with the vegetables on her plate. “And what did you remember?”

  He lifted her chin. “It was one time Dad let me borrow his boat, the fancy one.”

  Her eyes misted over as she mumbled the words again. “Fancy boat. You mean the day we forgot Ava in the water? She was so mad when we figured it out and went back to rescue her.”

  The look on Ava’s face had been priceless. “You and I sat on the boat and talked while everyone else swam. That’s when there was an obvious shift in how I felt.”

  Her eyes glowed in the fading light. “You should’ve said something. I’ve always held back from liking you too much, not wanting to mess up our friendship.” His mouth dropped, and she laughed loudly. “Remember the sunburn we got that day? Mom applied aloe on your shoulders for a whole week.”

  He nodded and touched his shoulder subconsciously. “She always took care of me when my parents were too busy.”

  Music started playing. Couples paired off and moved to the dance floor. His heart pounded. He held out a shaky hand. “Ready to dance?”

  She stood and took his hand. “Yes. Thought you’d never ask.”

  The light touch of her fingers sent tingles up his arm. They entered the dance area, dodging other couples. When they found a private spot in the back, he pulled her close, relishing her fruity scent. She hooked her arms behind his neck and placed her cheek next to his.

  She sighed while they swayed in time to the music. “We should’ve done this sooner.”

  “Totally agree. Glad the timing was right this time.” Dean cleared his throat, preparing for a bigger confession. “I also loved watching you dance.” His heart raced when she pulled away and gazed into his eyes. “When your mom’s health declined, you threw yourself into dancing. It was as if by doing so, you felt you could heal her.” He stroked her cheek. “Your mom loved watching you dance.”

  She closed her eyes and pressed her nose against his cheek. “I really miss her.”

  He kissed her forehead softly. “You need someone who’ll be your constant. For the longest time, I’ve wanted to be that person. I’ll never leave you, and I’ll never waver.” He paused and swallowed the panic rising in his chest.

  Emilie blinked a few times while she processed his words. “This… Everything has happened so fast.”

  He shifted his weight as he studied her. “I know it’s the first time you’ve thought of me in this way, so there’s no rush. I’m happy to stay by your side while you figure it out.”

  Emilie stared back at him. Did she believe his words? When she continued to stare at him, he couldn’t take it anymore. He lifted one hand to her face and cradled it gently. Then he closed the final gap and pressed his lips against hers.

  She ran a hand through his hair, urging him closer.

  He responded eagerly, tightening his embrace. It was as if they were the only two on the boat. All other sounds dissolved in his ears.

  After a few breathless seconds, she backed away a few inches, her cheeks pink with a beautiful flush.

  He smiled wider than he had since the day she’d moved home. “It’s a dream come true to be with you for real.”

  She leaned forward, close enough that her lashes brushed his cheek, sending another thrill through him. “Wow! I don’t know what to say. Everything feels like it’s falling into place like it should’ve all along.”

  He kissed her again, relishing the lemony taste of her mouth.

  “What?” Ava stormed through the dance floor, breaking up multiple couples, including Emilie and Dean. Finn followed a few steps behind, more reluctantly. “Why are you giving me an ultimatum?”

  “I better go check on her.” Emilie gave Dean a regretful look.

  “I’ll come, too. Maybe I can help.” She gave him a wary glance, but nodded. The two dashed off to where people were staring. They found Ava at the bar on the ship, Finn a few steps away.

  “Give me a drink that will make me forget today.” Ava’s sickly cheerful voice was more of a growl.

  Emilie came up behind her. “Is everything okay? What happened?”

  Ava swiveled around in the chair and glared. “Does it look like everything’s okay? If it was, would I have just ruined this event?”

  Dean gave Ava a warning glance as Finn pulled him aside. “What happened? I’m guessing the talk from earlier didn’t go well.”

  Finn ran a hand through his hair and peered over Dean’s shoulder at Ava. “I made a mistake by telling her.”

  Dean fished for more of the story. “What did you tell her?”

  Finn sighed and sat down, his back to everyone. Dean sat a chair away, a little hesitant. If Dean pushed him, he’d get nothing. After a minute, Finn leaned closer and whispered. “You heard me earlier. I’m giving up my inheritance and giving her an ultimatum. Either she accepts me for who I am as a middle-class person with no extra perks, or she admits she is marrying me for my money.”

  Dean checked on Emilie. She stood by the bar while Ava downed her drink. He focused on Finn again, who was equally miserable. He lowered his voice so the women wouldn’t hear. “Brave move. It’s scary, but this way you’ll find the truth.”

  Finn’s mother pushed into the room, panting hard. She put her hands on her knees, a sight to see in her tailored suit and skirt. A couple tried to cross in front of her, but she pushed them aside. “Move out of the way.”

  She stalked up to Finn and yanked him to his feet by the collar. “You’re giving up your inheritance… for her.”

  Finn’s face paled. “Mom. I was going to talk to you.”

  “You ungrateful son.” Sharon’s hand sliced through the air, smacking Finn’s cheek. His head whipped to the side on impact. He held his red cheek and dropped his head. “Since day one, I told you not to get involved, not to take her in. But did you listen to me? No, instead you turn your back on our family. You should’ve never involved yourself with that girl.” She grabbed him by the ear and pulled him from the room. “Let’s see what your father thinks about all this.”

  Ava turned in time to see Finn’s exit. As soon as the door swung shut, she burst into tears. “See how she treats me?”

  Emilie gave Dean a desperate look as she patted Ava’s back. “Why?” She mouthed the word. He blew out a slow breath, worried to disturb the heavy tension in the air.

  “Would you marry him if you knew he was broke?” Emilie’s voice pierced the silence.

  Ava looked up at her with mascara-streaked cheeks.

  “Not even you are on my side? I didn’t date Finn for his money!”

  “Then why did you?”

  Ava’s desperation turned to a glower. “I don’t have to explain my love to anyone.” She stood up and pushed away from the bar stool. “I’m going to find Finn and tell him he’s all I need.” She stormed out of the room without another word.

  Emilie turned to Dean and gave a weak laugh. “I hope you’re not dating me for my money.”

  He laughed, despite the situation. “Definitely not. Let’s get out of here.”



  Emilie stared miserably at the hotel door where Dean stood, a bag in his hand. “Do you really have to go? A whole day without you? What will I do?”

  Dean tapped his watch. “I still can’t believe they moved up the wedding a day. Since everything else is cancelled, it doesn’t make sense for me to stay if my crew needs me. Hang out with Ava. I’m sure she’ll need some… guidance.”

  Emilie collapsed on the arm of the chair next to the door and embraced his waist, not wanting him to leave. “It’s hard to believe Finn’s parents cancelled all the events but not the wedding. I think they’re hoping it hurts Ava. You promise you’ll be back in time for the big da

  He moved out of her hug and knelt next to her chair to give her a proper hug. “If not earlier, I’ll definitely be here the morning of the wedding. Wouldn’t miss that train wreck for the world.”

  She stood and buried her face in his chest, breathing in his scent once more. She lifted her head just as his lips lowered to hers. The next few minutes were heaven as she melted against him. After a breathless last kiss, he stood and turned to the door.

  “Another reason I’m not staying. We should probably have some guidelines. Now that we’re dating, I want to make sure we don’t rush things.”

  She laughed nervously and touched her hot cheeks. “Maybe so.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I’m leaving. I’ll text you when I get home.”

  She sighed and lingered by the door after it closed. Ava would indeed need her help the next two days. Emilie wasn’t sure what advice to give, but she’d try.

  She reached for her phone and texted Dean.

  I miss you already.

  Then she dialed Gail’s number to deliver the news.

  Gail answered after the first ring.

  “Did you and Dean make up?”

  Their issue seemed like such a petty thing now. Emilie laughed nervously. “Dean and I are fine. Our little squabble seems like such a petty thing compared to what happened to Finn and Ava.”

  The line was quiet for a few seconds. Then Gail blew out a heavy breath into the speaker. “All right. Let’s hear it. What happened?”

  Emilie sat on the bed, leaned back, and told her everything. After telling her about the fight on the boat, Gail made a grunting noise. “So what do you want me to do about it?”

  Emilie stared at the ceiling. “Nothing, I guess. I just wanted to tell you. You should know what’s going on with your daughter. I hope this wedding works out. If not, she’s going to be all alone with no place to go.”

  “She’ll be fine. I need to go, honey.” Her voice broke. “It’s getting late. Be safe.”

  Gail hung up before Emilie could say goodbye. Her relationship with Ava was not one she could mend in a couple of weeks.

  Emilie stared at the phone and sighed, but it was still disappointing. Emilie would do anything to have an argument with her mom. She put her phone on the nightstand and sighed.

  No more talking to anyone tonight. Time to think about something else for a while. She clicked on the TV and zoned out. A few shows later, her phone buzzed with a text and she hurried to read it.

  Made it home safe. Sleep well, beautiful.

  Warmth filled her cheeks. She read it a half-dozen times before turning off the light. The next day would be full of questions, juicy gossip, and long talks with Ava, but at least she had Dean.

  The next day, Emilie slept late, ordered in breakfast, and avoided leaving her room. The TV kept her entertained, but by dinnertime, she knew she had to do something. She turned on her phone and waited. Within forty-eight seconds, the phone buzzed and kept buzzing till it threatened to fall off the nightstand.

  She grabbed it in time, closed one eye, and peeked at it. Eleven messages. One from Dean, ten from Ava. She winced and pulled herself from bed. It was going to be a long day.

  After a fast shower, she dressed in comfy clothes. Emilie had a feeling she and Ava wouldn’t leave Ava’s room much. She grabbed her makeup kit and a few snacks from the bar and headed down to Ava’s room.

  She knocked softly with no answer. She knocked again. A quiet, mouse-like voice called out.

  “Who is it?”

  Emilie leaned her head against the door and massaged her temples. “It’s me, Ava. Open the door.” It was a good thing Emilie had decided to come to the wedding. Well, a good and very bad thing. Right then, the drama was neck deep.

  A long minute later, Ava cracked the door open.

  Emilie jerked away from the door. Ava’s bloodshot eyes and mascara-stained face was too much. “Girl, you look scary.” She lifted her makeup bag. “I’ve got a mask that’ll help your eyes.”

  Ava slammed the door, causing Emilie to drop the makeup bag. Blush and lipstick rolled out onto the carpet. She stared at the offending door in shock then gathered her things. “Ava, I was kidding. Open the—”

  The door swung open, though thankfully, Ava immediately retreated into the darkened room.

  Emilie caught it before it swung shut and followed Ava. “Why didn’t you sleep in? Heaven knows you need the beauty rest.” Ava collapsed on a king-sized bed, already ruffled and missing the cover sheet. Emilie found the light switch on the side wall and flicked it on. “How much did you toss and turn last night? Did you even sleep?”

  Ava put a pillow over her face and moaned. “Turn off that light.”

  Emilie sighed and turned it off. Then she went to the window and lifted the shade a tiny bit. The space flooded with light, showing a much nicer room.

  Ava growled. “Why? Why did he have to say something now?” Her voice broke on the last word. She peeked out of the covers at Emilie. “We’re doing just fine, and now he gives me an ultimatum. People in love don’t do that.”

  Emilie picked the corner of the bed furthest away from Ava’s reach. No telling what the distraught woman would do, and she didn’t want to be caught in the crosshairs. “Maybe, but I’m sure he prefers a broken heart to a broken marriage.”

  The next few minutes, Emilie stayed quiet as Ava vented. In-between muffled cries, Emilie applied a no-mess mask to Ava’s face to diminish the bags under her eyes.

  A knock sounded at the door. Ava swatted at the air. “If it’s Finn, tell him I don’t want to see him right now. He’s been relentless since I left the boat.”

  Another knock. “Ava, if you don’t open this door, I’m calling off this wedding. I’m going out to the lobby, and if you don’t come out within thirty minutes, we are through.”

  Ava popped up, her face mask dropping to the bed. She bit her lip and leaned. “What should I do?”

  “You need to talk.” Emilie helped Ava to the bathroom to shower and found something decent for her to wear. In less than five minutes, Ava stepped out of the bathroom, looking less scary.

  Emilie collected her things and went to the door. “I left an outfit on the chair. Don’t spruce yourself up too much or he won’t know how horrible of a night you had.”

  Ava glanced at her makeup on the counter and nodded. “Right.”

  Emilie walked down to the lobby, wanting to let Finn know Ava was on her way, but froze when she reached the sitting area. Dean was sitting on the couch, facing Finn. The two were in a heated conversation. Emilie moved closer so she could hear, but stayed out of sight.

  Finn’s appearance was as unkempt and as haggard as Ava’s. Only a flap of his tailored shirt was still tucked into his wrinkled pants. His eyes were dark pits of despair.

  Dean’s voice was stressed as he spoke. “So your ultimatum was a lie?”

  Finn eased against the couch and frowned. “Not really a lie. I do want to move away from my parents, loosen the strings a little. But I just want to know the truth. Is she marrying me for my money or because she loves me? I can’t trust her.”

  “Don’t you see that’s the problem?” Dean leaned back, moving out of Emilie’s line of sight, and she had to stretch to hear his words. “If you think she’s marrying you for your money, then you already know how she feels about you. Will she really be happy once she finds out it’s all a lie?”

  Finn sighed. “I’ve known Ava for a long time, even before Emilie.”

  Emilie’s ears perked up at the mention of her name. Footsteps sounded behind her, but she stayed still for fear of missing something and chalked it up to nothing when it remained silent.

  “I’ve probably liked Ava for as long as I’ve known her. It’s a dream come true to be with her,” Finn said. Dean coughed, and Emilie bit back a laugh, knowing what he was thinking. Being with Ava wasn’t a dream.

  Finn seemed undeterred. “Is it wrong of me to make sure she’s marrying me f
or the right reason?”

  “Not at all. But this is your wedding week. Why now?”

  Finn ran a hand through his wild and tangled hair. It was the first time Emilie had seen him so out of sorts. “I told you I’ve known for a while. Seeing you with Emilie reminds me of what two people in love look like, but even if we didn’t have that, I’d be happy. I took this ultimatum thing too far, and I’m about to tell Ava I don’t care anymore.”

  Dean leaned forward. “So you’re really okay if she only wants your money?”

  “We’ve made some good memories throughout the years. After we’re married, she’ll remember how good we are together, and things will be back to normal again. The wedding has just made her crazy.” Finn stood up and tucked in his shirt. Then he found a mirror close by and checked his reflection.

  Emilie retreated behind the wall even more and noticed Ava standing right next to her. Her attention was straight ahead.

  “And what if she doesn’t?” Dean pressed.

  “Then I’ll take all the time she’ll give me.”

  Ava whisked by in a one-piece navy-blue pantsuit. It wasn’t the outfit Emilie had picked, but it worked. Her makeup was spot on, her red lipstick completely stunning. Her white floppy hat bounced as she skipped up to Dean and Finn. She’d completely transformed back into the old Ava.

  “Finn, honey.” Ava opened her arms and ran straight for him.

  His face brightened, and he received her into his embrace. Dean caught Emilie watching and quickly joined her around the corner. In that moment, they were thinking the same thing. What a couple of wackos.

  Right after Dean positioned himself behind her, Ava’s voice sounded in Emilie’s ears, crystal clear. “Finn, I’ll marry you no matter how poor we are.”

  Dean and Emilie exchanged looks. Couldn’t Finn hear the sugary sweet fakeness in her voice? She rested against the wall, no longer wanting to watch. There was a slight chance Ava was being honest, but Emilie had more suspicion than assurance. She wondered how long she’d stood next to her and how much of Finn and Dean’s conversation she’d heard.


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