Undone By Destiny

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Undone By Destiny Page 1

by Allyson Young



  Copyright© 2017 Allyson Young

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-148-9

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Audrey Bobak


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Blue Star Shifters, 2

  Allyson Young

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  “We need to talk.” Tahl strove to keep his tone modulated, neutral, but knew he hadn’t succeeded by the way her slender body stiffened. Or maybe it was merely his presence that caused Desiree to tense. She never used to react like that around him. Before, she’d brighten, and soften somehow, like what she felt was reserved only for him. Before he understood what it meant. Before he fucked up…

  “Sure.” Her full lips curved into a lovely, warm smile—if one didn’t notice the emotion wasn’t reflected in her pale, blue eyes. In fact, winter’s cruel depths might be a better description for those frosty orbs. “Maybe later today. I’ll be at Jett and River’s.”

  She wasn’t overt about it. Desi could have faced him down and said they had nothing to talk about, but he suspected she was fully aware it would imply she felt something for him. Tahl desperately wanted to believe she still did—and that her adept avoidance confirmed it. He hoped.

  But he didn’t want to talk to her at her brother’s—his Alpha’s—home. He didn’t want anyone around when he made his case because he feared he was going to have to push hard to get past his perfidy. And Desiree might seek an intervention. Not that Jett or any other male was going to get in his way, though in fact he’d yet to seek his Alpha’s permission.

  He really wanted Desi to offer her surrender before he triggered her heat, though, and he would trigger it. Of that, he had no doubt. This thing between them had simmered for a long time, still simmered, only he’d been too stupid to notice, enthralled by a nasty piece of redheaded shifter. He’d thought on it and decided Desi had convinced herself she now hated him, and it was up to him to reverse it.

  “How if we talk now?”

  “I’m working, Tahl. My mother asked me to help out today.” She kept smiling, although the strain showed in the slight tremble at the corner of her lips and the faint creases at the corner of her eyes.

  He stepped closer and was rewarded by the dilation of her pupils and the ever so slight scent of feminine arousal. Yes. Gesturing around the empty boutique, he said. “It looks pretty quiet.”

  “I’m not blowing my responsibilities off for you.” Her lips set in a straight line and now he could smell her growing anxiety.

  “You have to take a break, sometime.”

  “Tahl!” Marlene swept in from the back, pushing more air ahead of her than a petite woman should. But then Desi’s mother was far more than human. Her children didn’t much resemble either of their fathers, something he’d noted early on, and there was nothing of Marlene’s looks represented, either. It made a person speculate about the gene pool.

  “Hello, Marlene.” He leaned in to press a kiss on her cheek, the fragrance of herbs and something citrus filling his nostrils. She’d been like a second mother to him, despite her eccentricities, or perhaps because of them. Another reason he’d dismissed his feelings for Desi as being incestuous, treating her like a little sister instead. A little sister with a huge crush…

  “What brings you to Simply Dressed? We have some lovely new lingerie if you’re looking for something for one of your lady friends.”

  Desiree flinched and put space between them, moving an infinitesimal distance he felt acutely. She schooled her expression, but he marked her pallor. Even as he regretted the discomfort her mother had caused by her offhand comment—deliberately, he was certain—he rejoiced in the additional proof that Desi still felt something for him. “I wasn’t looking for clothing, Marlene. I was hoping to have a moment with your daughter.”

  An appraising glance didn’t fool him. Marlene knew exactly why he was there and had chosen to rip away the subterfuge and stir the pot in the process. He wondered at her agenda before setting it aside. She passed a hand over her hair. “Well, we obviously aren’t busy, so off you go.”

  “Mom! There’s so much to do.”

  “I’m caught up on the paperwork, dear. And I can handle a few customers, even supposing we get a stampede.”

  If looks could kill, Tahl wouldn’t be surprised if both he and Marlene withered to the floor. He reached for Desiree’s arm, but she snatched it back. Waiting for the outburst, remembering her nature, he was surprised when she painted on another smile.

  “We can talk in the office.”

  He’d take it. Tahl followed her slender form, watching her tight ass appreciatively as it flexed beneath the tight pencil skirt. Her long black hair was caught up in some kind of complicated swirl and clipped in place with something shiny, and his gaze lingered on the tender nape of her neck.

  Taking the chair behind the desk, the heavy structure a barrier between them, she gestured to the lone seating available. He lowered himself into it, aware she was tense and trying to hide it.

  Outwaiting him, something few individuals were able to do, he took a breath. “You’re nearly twenty-five.”

  Her full lips thinned as they pressed together before she lifted a shoulder. “Happens to us all.”

  “I want to claim you.”

  Eyes widening, she stared and then shuttered her expression, but not before he thought he read not only shock and surprise but a flare of interest. Her lips parted and he studied their softness before she set her mouth again.

  “Is this some kind of a … joke?”

  “Baby, c’mon. You must have noticed.”

  “Noticed what?”

  She was going to make him work for it. That was okay. He’d hurt her some time back and didn’t expect her to fall at his feet. “I’ve been trying to get back in your good graces since I returned to the pack. Uh, to court you.” Was that even a term used anymore?

  A brittle smile graced her lovely face. “Is that what you’ve been doing?”

  “When I could get your attention for thirty seconds.”

  He heard Marlene moving around in the shop area and the faint sounds of traffic on the street. Maybe the sound of Desi’s brain ticking over as he waited for her response. His gut tightened and his wolf paced.

  “What about Peyton Leaf?”

  He knew she’d want to know and had formulated any number of half-truths to share, except damned if he didn’t want to lie to her. Except he absolutely couldn’t tell her the truth. Masking his emotions, he said, “She has nothing to do with this.”

  Tilting her head, she stared at him, anxiety tightening her features. “What happened?”

  “I’m not talking about it.” He wanted to tell her, but he and Jett had decided to keep the entire fuck up under wraps. Not to mention he’d made a promise…

  Desi’s eyes flared and then filled with misery before she screened them with a dip of her long lashes. “Sorry. I’m not interested in you courting—or claiming—me.” She opened a drawer in the desk and pulled out her purse.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you before, baby. But I’m here now and I want you.” His proclamation fell between them and echoed passionately in the small space.

  For an in
stant, her face softened icing over with anger. “I want a mate of my choosing.”

  Watching her straighten to her full height, his wolf lunged impotently against his restraint. As she cut around the desk to make her way toward the door, he said, “I’ll give you some time to think.”

  “I don’t need it. Stay away from me, Tahl.”

  Staying in control as she vanished from sight nearly killed him, but he’d spooked her. He’d stated his case and Desi would think about it. It was the way she was made. He’d known her well, despite the wall she’d erected between them, and no one changed that much. He decided to follow up this afternoon. Best he didn’t give her too much time and give her cause to try and run.

  Marlene chuckled as he headed out.


  “So you’ve decided to quit dancing around and push her.”

  “I’m going to talk to her again, shortly. With her.” And if that didn’t work … well, he’d see.

  A tiny snort emanated from the woman he hoped would soon be his mother-in-law. An only child, both his parents gone in a car accident when he was in his mid-teens, he couldn’t imagine belonging, by pack law, to a better family than Desiree’s. Even if Marlene was an enigma, and her genetic influence, in particular, would doubtless manifest in all her children—and theirs. His and Desi’s. His belly clenched when he thought about the narrow escape he’d had with the Dawnfall shifters. He might be jumping through hoops where Desi was concerned, but the idea of being mated to Peyton…

  “She’s past listening, Tahl. Convinced herself she’s over you and has moved on. She told me a few days ago she has her eye on Kris.” Marlene spoke through his musings, the way she used to talk when he spent all his free time at her home. The speculation was back in her eyes, as though she was reading his mind.

  Fuck that. There wasn’t a male shifter in the pack who wasn’t aware of Tahl’s intent—and none would dare get in his way. Whatever dabbling Desi had done, it didn’t signify now, just as his considerable conquests didn’t matter. That was all in the past. He reined himself in on the strength of that knowledge. “I’d rather you leave this to me, Marlene.”

  She sobered. “Sorry. I meddle. I know I do. River and I don’t have the relationship I’d hoped for because of how outspoken I get and the way I push my opinions. So I’ll back off and wish you luck.”


  Marlene shook her head. “She’s running. My poor Desiree.” Her eyes narrowed and concealed the flare he’d seen. “I know I promised not to meddle, but this notion of destiny makes me sick, Tahl. I wonder how you males would feel if made powerless to your hormones.”

  His were pretty much ruling him at the moment, though he’d readily admit to his heart being in charge where Desiree was concerned. And to think he’d written those emotions off in the past as those being for a treasured sister. He had fiercely ignored any physical pull, convincing himself that only a pervert would experience such a thing for a young female, especially one he’d seen grow up like the sibling he’d never had. He’d never reciprocated Desiree’s far-from-familial interest, though had been alerted to it by none other than his Alpha. And only when he’d declared his intent to pursue Peyton Leaf of Dawnfall.

  “I’ll excuse myself,” he told Marlene, not waiting for a reply, and not responding to her bitter comment. Shifters were a breed unto themselves and she definitely needed to back off. Desiree would no doubt head for her brother’s and he figured to show up and further their chat. He might not be as fine a strategist as Kris, that fucker, but he wasn’t the Alpha’s lieutenant for nothing. He decided to ignore the fact that his rank and abilities seemed to crap out around the female he wanted as his mate.


  Impatiently, he turned back. Marlene stared at him from the doorway, her face reflecting her worry.

  “Talk to her. Ask her to agree. Say what’s in your heart.”

  Nothing different than what he knew he should do, though he’d been careful not to say too much the first time around. Self-preservation kept him from putting all his cards on the table, and he felt ashamed, though apparently even male shifters, ass over heels, had their pride. Nodding, he went looking for the female he’d chosen. His wolf was stirring at the idea of a chase, and he reined in the animal.

  Climbing into his car—his restored Camaro had been another love for years—Tahl pulled out into traffic and headed toward his Alpha’s home. Desi would be seeking River’s counsel, and it seemed she’d get her wish about meeting him at her brother’s. Impatience in line with his wolf’s pacing, his right palm itched with the need to lay it flat on the wench’s backside, given her stubbornness. He squeezed tighter to the wheel. His historic sex partners liked a bit of pain with their pleasure, but despite Desi’s fiery nature, he couldn’t sense her interests. Because she closed herself off to you when you announced your intention to pursue Peyton.

  All he knew was that he’d take her any way he could get her. He knew deep down she would satisfy him, as he would her. Sex was never an issue with shifters. Well, except for a few confused shifters, and he wouldn’t consider Desiree confused. Wilful, determined, bright, and beautiful better described her, and he could admit he longed for the days when they sparred and teased one another. Not like the distant manner in which they now related. God, he’d missed her.

  Turning onto the last mile of road, he clicked his tongue as his Alpha’s home came into view. His brow furrowed when he didn’t see Desi’s own sports car, yet another interest they shared. If she wasn’t here yet, he’d better have some kind of plan before he knocked on the door.

  His Alpha’s mate, River, swung open the door as he was raising his knuckles. Her nearly two-year-old little girl slouched on her mother’s hip and River made a practiced grab for her son as he made for the opening. “Andrew. Not out the front door.”

  Tahl scooped his godchild up—a role he shared with Desiree—and cuddled him close. “Giving your mom fits again, kiddo?”

  Andrew wiggled and demanded to be set down, and Tahl obliged once the door was shut tight. The little guy could run like the wind and kept everyone on their toes.

  As he dashed toward the playroom, previously the great room, River spoke. “Here to see Jett?”

  He faced her, taking in the contented glow on her face and the slight swell of her belly, denoting a third child. River had always been a lovely female, but she was positively beautiful since her relationship with Jett had solidified. “Desiree on her way here?”

  “She said so.” River wasn’t the avoidant type, but she didn’t look pleased with him.

  He cursed under his breath. “But she is coming.”

  “So she said.”

  “River, it’s been three years. She’s coming up on her twenty-fifth birthday. I’ve been patient while she lived it up.” It fucking well killed him to see it too. There was that double standard again, the one Marlene decried. He’d sown his share of wild oats with willing females, both shifter, and human, before setting all of that aside. Hell, he and Jett—he shut that down, right the fuck now. River couldn’t read minds, but it never hurt to be careful. Anyhow, no one judged either sex for getting busy, but his wolf snarled at the thought of Desi being with anyone else.

  “You were gone well over one of those years.” River yanked him from his introspection.

  “I owed it to Alpha Leaf. Seeing as I went there with the intention of claiming his granddaughter.” He wasn’t inclined to explain how he’d paid off the debt of honor to anyone other than Jett, and if his Alpha had kept that to himself, he wasn’t enlightening River. The issues at Dawnfall had been terrifying, and fortunately contained within that pack, in part because of him. “And I did come home to run the show for a time when you were… Well, I came home.”

  He wasn’t above calling in a marker when it came to working this thing out with Desiree. He’d taken care of business while River recovered from a rogue shifter attack and Jett was too worried for his mate to attend to an
ything else.

  “And both Jett and I appreciated it. I understand you had to return to Dawnfall, but it was for a long time. Did you ever think Desi may have moved on during that period? She was pretty young when she had that crush on you.”

  “And you don’t think it endured.” He couldn’t hide the despair his gut relayed to his head, even as his heart and his wolf scoffed. He knew Desiree was still interested.

  River soothed Bella with a hand down her back, as she began to fuss at being held. “Shh, little one. Go play with your brother.” As Bella toddled off, River turned back to him. “It endured. But it turned into something different. There’s a fine line between like and dislike. Or love and hate.”

  She wasn’t telling him anything he didn’t know. “It’s her I want.”

  “And if she doesn’t want you?”

  River was his Alpha’s mate, and he afforded her much the same respect as he did Jett. But her quiet question cut to the bone and he wanted to lash out. “You didn’t want Jett at the beginning.”

  Aside from a sharp inhalation, she didn’t show much of an overt response to the dig. Jett had claimed her against her will, as tradition allowed, and it made for some interesting times, initially. “I wouldn’t recommend that you push your claim, Tahl. I’m nothing like Desi.” And you’re nothing like Jett.

  She didn’t have to say it. He was well aware of the differences between him and his Alpha. Tahl was a black and white kind of guy, though he was trying to see shades of gray when it came to Desi. As for River and Desi … the Alpha’s sister didn’t have a compliant bone in her body.

  “Did I hear my name?” His Alpha sauntered down the stairs, hair wet, buttoning a shirt over his broad chest.

  “Tahl is here to see Desi.”

  “But she’s not here, is she?” Jett slipped an arm around River’s waist and tucked her against him, one big hand splaying across her belly.


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