Invasion of the Nylonians

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Invasion of the Nylonians Page 3

by J80

  The woman stated, “I told you. I got this cut from some bitch in pantyhose who robbed my store. I shot her with a stun gun I keep behind the counter, but I missed.”

  “Okay” the doctor replied, as he continued to treat her cut. “I’ll humor you, what happened next?”

  The woman let out a sigh and continued her story. “The lady started shooting some black stuff out of her hand. I avoided it, but nailed my head on a desk corner in the process. I regained my composure and got the hell out of there through the back.”

  The doctor finished the stitches, but instead of allowing her to go, he went to the door and let in a cop. He was there to take an official statement. Seeing the cop beforehand, John turned toward the pop machine to avoid detection of his eavesdropping.

  “I’m telling the truth,” the woman insisted. “A hosed woman who shot black shit from her hand attacked me and robbed my store!”

  The cop pulled a piece of paper from a folder he had brought with him. “It says here that you also work for The Beauty Works Salon. Is that true?”

  “Yes, business at my electronics store has been slow, to compensate I took a part-time job at the salon on nights and Sundays.”

  “Well,” the cop replied, “I’m just asking, have to make sure everything in the file is up to date. Well, I guess I’ve got everything I need, you’re free to go.”

  At this point, John walked out to wait for the woman outside. Minutes passed before she emerged from the hospital.

  He approached the woman and introduced himself. “Hello, my name is John. I heard your story in there, and I believe you.”

  “What?” the woman responded. “You believe I was robbed by a pantyhose-clad bitch who shoots black crap from her hands?”

  John answered, “I do, because I was attacked the other night by hose-encased people, and a friend of mine has been kidnapped by them.”

  “Okay, John, it seems we have a common foe. My name is Victoria James, but you can call me Vickie.”


  John walked with Vickie back to her apartment where he explained the whole situation with the prototype and events from the last few days. “As I said before,” he said, as Vickie refilled his coffee, “I believe every word you told the doctor. As a fellow victim, I need your help to find my friend and the prototype.”

  “Well,” Vickie responded, “I’d like to stop them, and maybe even recover the stuff the woman stole. What do you suggest we do first?”

  John answered, “I’d like to get my stuff from the Shadyville motel, but I’m sure the alien bitches have ransacked that. So, we’ll start by investigating at the house where I was attacked.”


  As the ship orbited the Earth, the Nylonian dronebots prepared Julia for her upcoming transformation. She bathed in a clear oily substance, which soothed and softened her skin, while also removing all of her body hair. She exited the bath and dried off under a large fan while being strapped into an egg-shaped chair much like the transporter room one. When the aliens first removed her bonds before her bath, Julia tried to attack them, but the dronebots subdued her with hypno-dust. Though still in a trance-like state from the dust, Julia’s face showed signs of her fear.

  “Do not fear this,” Kira whispered into Julia’s ear. “You will experience power and sensations beyond your wildest dreams.”

  The door to the small lab opened and a dronebot walked in holding the prototype stockings now removed from the plastic and cleaned. As Julia stared at the stockings, she noticed the black obsidian solution dripping from them. “Your eyes don’t deceive you. The prototype stockings are coated in our conversion gel. This will both speed up and intensify the process,” Kira explained.

  Kira made a hand motion at the drone. It acknowledged the command and knelt down in front of Julia. The drone unlocked the restraint on Julia’s right foot while holding her ankle, just in case the dust wore off. With no sign of struggle from the captive, the drone released Julia’s ankle and proceeded to slide one of the stockings onto her foot. When the stocking touched her skin, Julia let out a lustful moan. As the drone continued to work the material up Julia’s smooth leg, more moans of desire escaped her throat. The drone repeated the action on the other leg, inducing increasingly lustful cries from Julia. Both stockings in place, the drone left the room and Kira walked over to Julia, now overcome with sexual satisfaction.

  “The nylons are in place. Soon you will become one of us.”

  Kira approached the chair and placed her breast near Julia’s mouth. “Drink from me and complete the transformation.”

  “No!” Julia cried out between the moans. “I must resist, I will not give in!”

  “I see your will is strong, but not strong enough to resist me.”

  Kira forced her obsidian nipple between Julia’s lips. Despite her best efforts to avoid it, Julia swallowed a drop of the nectar as it seeped from Kira’s breast. Almost instantly, her struggling subsided and she welcomed it into her mouth. Her eyes began to glow yellow and the stockings took on a gelatin form, rising up her lower body, molding to her curves, sliding their way deep into her dripping sex. Kira removed the bonds and allowed Julia to explode from the chair, only getting a few feet before collapsing on the floor. Julia writhed in pure ecstasy as the cream on her lower body continued to shift, nectar invading and transforming her from the inside.

  Julia’s body flickered with one last cry of overwhelming ecstasy. Julia disappeared, replaced by a floating black ball. The dark sphere floated over to Kira and took the shape of a human female. The two aliens embraced and shared a passionate kiss.

  “Welcome, my new sister, you may choose a new name or keep the name of your former human self.”

  “My human life is gone. From this point on, I wish to be known as Jezel.”

  “So be it, Jezel, let us join the others now and execute our invasion.”

  The two shifted back into orbs and floated out, reappearing in the Elder’s council hall. Kira and Jezel took their respective places in the sacred circle, joining two other Mistress Elders, also obsidian spheres. Kira shifted to her human female form and the others followed suit.

  “This is a glorious day,” Kira announced in the Nylonian native tongue. “We have recovered the remains of our lost sister and used them to transform a human woman into one of us. Now, we must go to Earth in our eggs and take female human hosts. Once that is done, Mistress Cammie will transport us to the Marks house, where we will perform the sacred ritual needed to restore our full power.”

  Chapter Four—Invasion

  Using a Nylonian form of GPS, the dronebots shot the eggs down to the United States, where each of them had a specific host target. The diversity of the hosts would allow the ritual to be performed easier. Cammie, the Elder already on Earth, had taken an African-American host. Jezel was to possess a normal white American, much like her former self. Kira was to take an Asian, while the other two Elders, Tara and Ariel, were to take a Hispanic and a British woman.


  Back at the Marks house, Cammie was adjusting the transporter when she saw the glow of headlights in the woods nearby. She ordered Larry and Jenny to check it out. When the former officers reached the clearing, they found an empty car. As they investigated the car, Larry heard the crack of a tree branch. He turned to look and got smacked in the face with a metal baseball bat. While Cammie and the other Elders were immune to injury in a human host, the converts were not. Before blacking out, Larry saw John and Vickie use chloroform on Jenny and load her into their trunk. They drove away with their headlights off.


  A few hours passed, Jenny regained consciousness and found herself tied down to a hospital style bed in the middle of an old warehouse—another building inherited by John. To prevent Jenny from shooting the alien solution with her palms, Vickie and John wrapped her hands in duct tape and tied them down, her palms facing silver trays on the bed top.

  “Good morning, you alien whore! Did you have a nice nap
?” John mocked, as he and Vickie approached the bed.

  Jenny glared. “Screw off! What do you want?”

  “I want to know what your plans are, and where Julia is.”

  “I will not talk. I am loyal to my new masters,” Jenny defiantly responded.

  “I see. Well, let’s see how loyal you are when I play with this on your face! Oh, and scream all you want, there isn’t anyone around for miles!”

  John took a small torch from a bench, ignited it, and moved the flame near his captive. As the hissing flame passed over her nylon encased legs, Jenny screamed and squirmed. When the flame neared her right thigh, a small area of Jenny’s pantyhose reverted into its cream-like form for a couple seconds. John noticed this and began to circle the flame in that area. Again, a small section of the hose on Jenny’s upper right thigh reverted. Vickie grabbed a magnifying glass off the tool bench and examined her captive’s leg.

  “There is a small amount of clear nail polish mixed in with the hose,” Vickie observed.

  John put away the mini torch and replaced it with a larger one. “I think we found a weakness!”

  While John ignited a larger torch, Vickie ran to her car’s glove box and grabbed three bottles of polish she had received as free samples from her salon job. Upon her return, Vickie poured the polish onto the alien pantyhose. The high temperature created by the torch caused the polish-drenched pantyhose to fully revert to its gel state and fall off. Once it hit the floor, Vickie unlocked the wheels on the bed and pushed Jenny away. John carefully placed his flame directly on the pile. The alien substance ignited, and within moments was nothing but a small pile of ash.

  “What’s going on?” Jenny asked in a haze. “Where am I?”

  “Do you remember anything from the last few days?

  “No, I don’t remember anything.” With Jenny now free of alien control, Vickie released her bonds while John swept up the ash remains and sealed them in a glass jar. They had not found the answers they wanted, but instead discovered a way to destroy the otherworldly pantyhose. Jenny was free, but very weak, so Vickie and John dropped her off at the hospital. They checked her in, claiming they had found her in the woods suffering from tightness in her chest and trouble breathing. The doctors bought the story and began running tests right away. Vickie left her cell number with the front desk before following John out the door.


  The pair topped off the tank in Vickie’s car and traveled forty miles west of Shadyville to the town of Lakewood, where they visited the small college campus there.

  “So, you went to this school,” Vickie remarked.

  “I did. I got my Associate’s degree here before transferring to Boston University, where I got my Bachelors in chemical science.”

  “This stuff is right up your alley,” Vickie said.

  “Kind of, but I’ve never dealt with alien chemistry.”

  They got visitor passes, and as an alumni, John had permission to use the chemistry lab when classes ended. With time to kill before they could use the lab, they went back into town. Vickie and John hit the local mall to buy fresh clothes, and then proceeded to the motel to get a room for the night. With the college team hosting a big game, John was only able to get one room with a single king-size bed.

  Vickie scratched her chin and stared at the bed. “I guess we can share, but no spooning.”

  “No problem,” John agreed. “Let’s get dressed and grab a bite to eat.”

  John quickly slid into some nice slacks and a buttoned-up collared shirt and waited for his companion to take her turn in the restroom. When the fiery redhead emerged, her beauty took John aback. Until now, Vickie had been dressed in old ratty clothes, her hair a tangled mess held back with a loose rubber band. The woman who stood before him was dressed in a nice pair of black jeans, a forest green sweater, and a pair of black flats. Her hair, released from its ponytail, flowed to mid-shoulder.

  John stammered, “Wow! You clean up good.”

  Vickie blushed. “Really, you like it?

  “Like it! I am about to throw you down on the bed and have my way with you.”

  “Don’t you have a girlfriend; the woman, Julia, we’re looking for?”

  “No,” John replied. “Julia is more of a friend. She’s my late uncle’s heath care worker.”

  John grabbed the keys while Vickie checked her makeup and they left.

  The pair found a nice bistro near the edge of town with an outdoor dining patio, ordering and enjoying an appetizer along with two glasses of wine before receiving the main course. John had a sixteen-ounce steak while Vickie enjoyed a pasta dish.

  “How is the steak?” Vickie asked.

  “Quite good, would you like a bite?”

  “Sure, would you like to taste the pasta?”

  John nodded and the two put a piece of their dishes onto a fork, and then slowly moved them toward the other’s mouth. When their eyes met, John felt a tingling swell up from inside.

  “I realize we barely know each other,” John said, “but I’m starting to have feelings for you.”

  “I know what you mean,” Vickie replied. “I normally don’t have romantic thoughts for a guy this quickly but there is something about you.”

  “I think it would be best to take things slow,” John advised. “Let’s start with a moonlight stroll while we wait for the lab to be available.”

  John paid the check, and the two took a walk along the river arm in arm, hand in hand, staring into each other’s eyes.

  “I used to love looking into the night sky,” John remarked. “I always wanted to know if there was something out there. Now I just want the aliens to go away.”

  Vickie placed her hand on John’s shoulder. “I feel the same way. As a little girl, I wanted to be a space explorer. To discover new worlds and life was my dream, a dream that is now a nightmare.”

  Just as the two were about to share an intimate kiss, John received a call from the campus. With classes over and everyone at the big game, the lab was now available.


  Once in the lab, John placed a sample of the ash left from the foreign substance under the microscope.

  “The ash resembles burnt wood. The polish acted as an accelerant, much like gasoline. I can see small clear dots, which are probably from the nail polish,” John explained.

  “So will any accelerant work? Or is there something special about nail polish?” Vickie asked.

  “The common ingredient in all nail polish is nitrocellulose. It’s a flammable ingredient also used in making dynamite. It’s mixed with near microscopic cotton fibers.”

  John used his tweezers and pulled one of the dots from the ash. With further examination of the sample, he determined it was a small cotton fiber.

  “I know what happened now!” John exclaimed. “The cotton fibers in the polish from the nitrocellulose expanded when the heat touched them.”

  “Is that normal?” Vickie asked.

  John replied, “No, but as the polish soaks into the alien hose, it makes the fibers expand when mixed with the heat of the torch. My theory is, the cotton fibers expand and create a flux of some kind in the hose, causing them to revert to their basic form and fall off.”

  “Is there any way to test this?”

  “There is, but we have to collect a sample of the alien hose. Get your credit card ready, I have a plan.”

  The two made three stops—one at a cosmetics store for a large quantity of nail polish, the second at the hardware store for a few handheld mini torches, and the last stop at a toy store where they purchased a bunch of water guns. They planned to go to Shadyville and collect another hose-encased prisoner or a sample of the black element. With their new weapons loaded in the trunk, the pair left Lakewood, hoping to solve the mystery of the hose-clad attackers and find Julia.


  Many miles away in Ohio, Jezel’s egg landed in a small city park. Unlike with the arrival of Cammie’s egg in Shadyville, the Nylonians had since devised
a more stealthy way to get the eggs to Earth, thus allowing them to remain hidden until a suitable host came along. It was not long before a young office intern with shapely long legs and hazel eyes came through the park. Her name was Samantha Jones, and she fit the criteria to host Jezel.

  Just as Samantha walked by the bush, the Mistress Elder made the egg glow. Samantha noticed the glow and peeked into the bush to investigate. The inquisitive woman found the glowing egg and when her soft feminine hand touched it, Jezel allowed the egg to explode, shooting her black essence at Samantha’s exposed bare legs. Now attached to her host, Jezel worked quickly, expanding and forming to Samantha’s every curve. To restrain her victim from running, Jezel sent a sensation of desire through the young intern’s body, causing her to fall to the ground. With her eyes glowing yellow, Samantha panted in ecstasy; the Mistress Elder took control of both her body and mind. As the young victim climaxed, Jezel’s liquid faded into sheer black pantyhose. The glow left her eyes and the Nylonian Mistress Elder Jezel stood.

  “I like this body. It is much sexier than my old one.”


  On the West Coast, Kira’s egg landed in an alley near San Francisco’s Chinatown. Even hidden behind a dumpster, any conversion right there would draw attention. Kira changed the egg’s surface, making it look like valuable gold. This would attract a would-be host, causing them to pick the egg up and take it home.

  The egg sat for a few hours before Ling Shu, a waitress from the nearby restaurant, brought out the night’s trash. At first glance, she was a little homely, with bird nest hair and thick glasses. But Kira saw beyond that appearance, and since Ling was of an Asian ethnicity, she decided this one would do. Kira caused the egg’s golden disguise to shine brighter, thus attracting Ling. The Asian waitress picked up the egg and placed it in her bag.


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