Soldiers of Pearl 6: A Touch of Fear (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Soldiers of Pearl 6: A Touch of Fear (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

She stunned him. He didn’t know what to say, just that he wished he weren’t across the table from her but, instead, beside her, where he could touch her like Bandit was.

  “Can I get you anything else?” Sage asked, interrupting the conversation.

  “Just the check, Sage. Thank you,” Bandit said.

  They were all silent as Bandit paid the bill, and then they escorted her outside.

  * * * *

  Bandit held her hand as Logan kept his palm against her lower back while they walked down Main Street through town.

  Neither said a word, and she felt both nervous and anxious to come up with something to say. What had she done or said wrong?

  As they approached the truck, Logan stopped her. His hand went to her waist and then glided up to her cheek before he stared down into her eyes. Bandit was right there too, his hand still holding hers.

  “What you said at the dinner table was so true. No one ever understands what we go through, or how our profession affects us, yet you seemed to. I enjoyed being with you tonight, Maggie.”

  “We both did,” Bandit whispered, squeezing her hand gently.

  “I did too,” she replied softly, but then Logan lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her.

  She closed her eyes and relished the effect it had on her, but then it turned ugly. She panicked. With Bandit holding her hand, she felt restricted, trapped. Then Logan’s hands clutched her cheeks, and he began to deepen the kiss and press his tongue deeper. He moved one hand away from her cheek and drew her closer, and when he nearly cupped her breast, she pushed him back. She stepped from their hold and turned away from them.

  “Maggie?” Logan said.

  She covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m sorry. Take me home please. This isn’t going to work.”

  * * * *

  She wouldn’t expand on why she’d pulled away, only that she wanted to go home and that she was sorry for ruining the evening. It didn’t sit right with Bandit, and he knew Logan was upset. They were all feeling the attraction. They both wanted to get to know her better and knew that Breaker and Stack would want her, too, if they just let their guard down. But it seemed that Maggie was afraid of something, and Bandit didn’t like where his mind and his gut were headed with it.

  But he knew one thing for certain. He was going to see Maggie again and try to make her feel more comfortable instead of fearful. He had to.

  “Let us walk you to your door,” Logan said to Maggie as they pulled into her driveway.

  “No. Just let me out here.”

  Bandit didn’t move. Logan locked gazes with him, and then Maggie looked scared.

  “What happened? Do we scare you?” Bandit asked.

  She ran her hand over her mouth and then clasped her hands together.

  “Bandit, Logan, it’s not either of you. It’s me. You were both so wonderful, and I enjoyed the evening. I really did.”

  Logan covered her hands with one of his and turned toward her.

  “What happened? Didn’t you like the kiss?”

  She sealed her lips, and her eyes welled up with tears. “I’m sorry, Logan. I think it’s better that I don’t answer that and we just move on. Bandit, please open the door so I can get out.”

  Logan knew he couldn’t push. As much as he wanted to, he realized that he needed to wait it out.

  Bandit helped her down and held her in his arms, lowering her slowly. He kissed her cheek, and Logan saw her grip his arms in a fearful manner. She was scared. Almost deathly afraid. He’d seen such behavior before, and then it hit him.

  Bandit watched her go into her house, and then he got into the truck and ran his fingers through his hair. “How the fuck did that go so wrong? She’s perfect for us. For all of us.”

  Logan put the truck in reverse, slowly crept out of her driveway, and then shifted gears and headed out of the development.

  “Think about her reaction, about when she pulled away and about how shy she has been around us, around men,” Logan said.

  Meanwhile his own head was spinning with reasons for her behavior. He couldn’t help his gut instinct.

  “We’re big men. I know that’s intimidating to a petite, young woman like her, but still, she was kissing you back. We were enjoying one another’s company.”

  “Remember what Karl and the guys said about her not dating and how shy she is and that they felt like someone had hurt her in her past but they didn’t know? Put it together. She seems so fearful around men, around us. Could be a man hurt her.”

  Bandit clenched his teeth and then started breathing through his nose.

  “You really think that?”

  “It has to be. Why else would she react to a perfectly good kiss, a meaningful kiss where we shared the attraction? She tightened up when I kissed her, and when I ran my palm along her hip and ribs then to her breast, she freaked out.”

  “Well, it was a first date.”

  “Seriously, Bandit, she was shaking, and she freaked out and said this wouldn’t work.”

  “So what do we do? Respect her wishes and not contact her or try to go out on another date?”

  “No way. I like her. Hell, I’ve never felt this way with another woman, so I think it’s special. But she needs slow, even if it fucking kills us.”

  They were both quiet a moment, and then Bandit spoke.

  “And what about Stack and Breaker? Do we tell them about tonight and what we think might be going on?”

  “Hell yeah, because if you and I are right, and they both are interested in Maggie, it just might take four of us to prove to her that this is real. That we would never hurt her or scare her in any way.”

  “I want that. I’m ready for this commitment. For Maggie.”

  Logan nodded. He was the leader of this team, although Bandit had taken the initiative to make a first move with Maggie, and they shared everything and did everything together. The last thing they needed right now was for Stack or Breaker to act as if they didn’t care when they truly did. It could take all four of them to find out why Maggie was so scared and holding back. She was worth it. He’d known that the moment she talked to them about her art, about paintings, and being a teacher.

  Chapter 4

  “I don’t want to talk about it, Cynthia,” Maggie said as she unpacked a box containing some fine art from an artist in a New York gallery. She carefully unwrapped the piece and stood back to absorb it all. It looked lovely with shades of red and black along trees in a forest. Very modern, yet abstract in the brush strokes.

  “I’m not going to settle for that. You liked Bandit, and he was so into you. Was it the possibility of a ménage thing with him and his team?”

  “No. That would never happen for me. I can’t even handle one man on a date, and last night, Logan was there too.”

  “Oh God, that must have been a shocker.”

  “I would say so since Logan said they do everything together.”

  Cynthia whistled. “Share everything, too, I bet, and they want to share you. What’s the big deal? You like them, and they like you.”

  “I think that Logan and Bandit are very nice, but I’m not their type. I don’t date and fool around or sleep with just anyone.”

  “You’re a virgin, of course you don’t.”

  “Oh God, Cynthia, I hope your men aren’t there.”

  “Well, not all of them,” she replied.

  “Wonderful, why not just broadcast that information throughout Texas?”

  “How about just to Bandit and his crew of hotties? Ouch,” she exclaimed.

  Maggie chuckled. She was certain one of Cynthia’s men had spanked her ass for calling other men hotties. God, how she wanted that, a real honest, loving relationship with a man, but she was so screwed up. She couldn’t let her guard down. It was hard to explain the feelings, the need she had for that guard, and to not take any chances with her heart. Corbin had touched her, threatened her for years. It wasn’t that he just wanted to molest her, take her innocence and virginity. He wa

nted to own her like a possession. He’d made her feel as if he did own her and that she could never belong to another man, even though that was so stupid, but she couldn’t help feel that way. In fact, some of her nightmares included her being caught by Corbin with a boyfriend, or lover, and Corbin punishing her physically for doing that. That was how much fear his actions had caused inside of her. She should have sought out therapy sooner, but even now, two years after seeing him in Dallas by accident, she feared telling anyone about him and what he had done. It was like talking about him, and his actions, the knife, the threats, what he’d forced her to do to him, would somehow bring him power and possibly bring him back into her life.

  How could she tell Cynthia or her friends that an older, wealthy man had manipulated her mind and had her so scared she’d thought about ending her life? He wanted her shackled, married to him eventually, and under him at his beck and call. She’d known it. She’d seen how he acted and heard the things he said and referred to. He talked to her about getting older and about waiting for him to claim her.

  She shook just thinking about two years ago and seeing him at the art convention. She thought she was going to die of a heart attack. He’d seen her, but they’d been surrounded by people. He’d touched her, making her shake. He whispered into her ear, telling her how sexy, mature, and beautiful she looked and that he would reward her for maintaining her innocence and beauty. It was as if he knew she was a virgin and he’d probably thought she held out for him. Had she subconsciously done that? Had he put the fear of God in her so deeply that she’d never allowed another man even close enough to tempt her?

  She felt the tears fill her eyes.

  “Maggie? Maggie?” Cynthia raised her voice, and Maggie popped out of her daze.

  “I can’t talk right now. I need to go. Just drop the subject. Don’t bring them up.” She disconnected the call then felt bad for hanging up on Cynthia. But she was at work. She was trying not to cry or show emotion. She was a soldier, and no one could know the pain, the fear, she hid inside. No one.

  She lifted the painting from the package and then took the letter and filed it. With her cell phone, she snapped pictures of the picture and the letter and then e-mailed a response to the gallery in New York, indicating that the painting had indeed arrived. When she was done, she helped some customers browsing for a particular theme and color palette for their formal living room. Then she helped a few more customers until it was nearly closing time. Just as she finished documenting some receipts, she heard the chime by the front door. As she exhaled, hoping to leave a little early, she pushed from her desk, straightened out her dress, and then looked to see who was there.

  Her heart hammered, and her mouth gaped open slightly. Bandit and Stack were looking at some paintings.

  Before she could greet them, Howard, one of the men who helped to cover her position as curator on her days off, greeted them.

  She had to hide her smile, as Howard was gay and stumbled over his words at the sight of Bandit and Stack. He adored a man in a cowboy hat. When he found out they were soldiers, Howard would be throwing himself at their feet begging for attention In fact, he’d shared some of his sexual escapades with her and told her all about his love life and the heartache he’d sustained over the years, but one look at Stack, when Howard touched his arm and asked him what his Zodiac sign was, indicated that she needed to save Howard’s life.

  “Howard, these are friends of mine. Why don’t you finish entering the receipts and check over that inventory order for tomorrow morning? I can show them around.”

  “Your friends? Nice, sexy mamma. I expect details over espresso tomorrow morning.” He winked and then gave a little wave to Stack and Bandit.

  She folded her hands in front of her dress and approached cautiously, not getting too close.

  Bandit greeted her and moved toward her as if he would kiss her, and she stepped back then turned to the right.

  “Is there something specific I can help you with, or were you just curious about the gallery?” she asked.

  Stack followed her and then paused to look at a painting.

  “What the hell is this supposed to be?” he asked, tilting his head sideways. It was a painting of two bodies absorbed into one another, showing both the female and male sex organs as one, with arms and legs entwined.

  “It’s called Shared Heartbeat. It’s supposed to be the idea that, in true love, two hearts beat as one. That two souls, two bodies, two people become one person. It’s deep.”

  Bandit whistled low as he looked at it as though he just couldn’t see it. They both held their Stetsons in their hands and smoothed their thumbs along the rims. She couldn’t help but admire their beauty, their perfection, or the way their cologne enticed her and made her forget about everything but being close to them. She cleared her throat, and they continued to look around.

  She pointed out certain paintings they might find easier to understand, but then they focused on her and made her body ache and her head spin.

  “She’s pretty, but nothing like you,” Bandit told her as he stepped close behind her and placed his hand at her lower back then over to her hip. They were looking at a portrait of a local painter when she was younger. She’d passed away ten years ago, and her artwork had become collectible.

  Maggie tried pushing his hand from her waist, but when she turned, Stack was there.

  “Have dinner with us. Right now in town. We can go to Casper’s. It’s a great place.”

  “I’m sorry. I told you guys this isn’t going to work.”

  Bandit took her hand and brought it to his lips. She looked way up and locked gazes with him. She was grateful for the heels she wore.

  “Come on, please. You have to eat, and so do we. We wanted to see you.”

  She couldn’t help but wonder where Logan was. Had she totally insulted him? He probably hated her. She felt bad, but the fear was stronger.

  “But I told you—“

  “Friends first. As friends, have dinner with us?” Stack asked her.

  “She can’t. She’s having dinner with me and some friends,” Howard chimed in as he turned off the lights, holding his keys in his hand.

  Stack looked at her.

  She gulped. “Sorry, I have plans, and like I said, it wouldn’t work out with us.”

  “We were headed to Casper’s, anyway. Maybe meet us there. The crew will love them,” Howard said, and she swung her head to look at him. Howard winked as he looked over Stack and Bandit.

  She walked toward her desk and grabbed her purse and keys, wondering if she could get through this. It was crazy because she was attracted to them, but yet, she knew her limitations. It had become obvious last night at dinner when Logan kissed her. She wasn’t ready. Hell, she might never be.

  She locked up, and they all headed out.

  Bandit opened her car door for her, and then they followed in their truck.

  * * * *

  “I wanted to be alone with her,” Bandit stated as he pulled into a parking spot in front of Casper’s. They were in Tranquility, a town not too far from Pearl.

  “Hey, she’s scared. That’s obvious, and what better way to gain her trust than to hang out with one of her friends?” Stack said to him.

  “You do know that he’s checking out your ass as much as mine?”

  “I’m not worried. We’ll be leaving with Maggie. That’s all that matters.”

  “You’ve changed your tune a bit, Stack. I wonder why that is.”

  “I’m just here for support.”

  “Yeah right, Stack. Keep lying to yourself.”

  * * * *

  When they first arrived at Casper’s, Stack saw the five men and only one woman, and they were all friends of Maggie’s from work. Howard turned out to be the only gay one, and he kept close to Maggie until Bandit and Stack took positions on either side of her. Twenty minutes into a conversation at the bar with the crew of friends, he and Bandit realized that they knew one of the men’s brothe
rs. They’d served together years ago.

  “You’re kind of robbing the cradle a bit with Maggie, aren’t you?” Howard asked Stack as they waited for a table.

  Stack looked at Maggie as she held his gaze and waited for a response.

  “I don’t think so. She’s a mature, classy young woman. We can’t help the attraction when it’s as strong as this.”

  “Hmm,” Howard said and then wiggled his eyebrows up and down at Maggie. She blushed and then looked away.

  It was crazy, but Stack had never had such instant and strong feelings for a woman before. He felt possessive and even protective, especially watching other men check out her ass and her breasts. She had an amazing body and a beautiful smile. The more he watched her, the more his interest grew despite his earlier reservations and fears.

  It got crowded quickly, but their table was almost ready. They lost half their friends to other small groups, giving Stack and Bandit some semi-alone time with Maggie. As people bumped by her, Stack pulled her close and against his chest as Bandit pressed up against her back. A roar of laughter could be heard around them, along with more bumping, sending waves of desire through Stack like he’d never felt before. He held Maggie’s gaze.

  “Pretty crazy in here tonight huh?” he asked, and she nodded and then looked to the right. He smelled her shampoo as she turned, and he inhaled her scent. Over her head, he locked gazes with Bandit, who looked intense, with his eyes squinted and a dark, hungry expression in them. He knew the look. Hell, he felt it. Not kissing her, tasting her, pulling her close and inhaling every bit of her delicious scent was torture of the worst kind. Something had to give, and he hoped they could come up with the right words, the right approach to get Maggie to let them in.

  Stack pressed her closer, and she gasped.

  “I’ve got you, baby. We both do,” he whispered.

  “You’re safe between us, in our arms,” Bandit said and kissed her exposed skin by her neck and shoulder.

  “Bandit, please, I told you that it won’t work.”


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