Claimed By The Vikens

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Claimed By The Vikens Page 10

by Grace Goodwin

  I began to walk then, picking up the pace. “Where are we going?” she asked, walking quickly to keep up with me. I slowed, just a little.

  “To the med center for birth control. It is your choice.”

  “But why are we walking so fast?” she asked, a touch breathless.

  “Because as soon as they are done”—I glanced down at her as we made our way out of the palace—“I will be pulling you into a dark corner, a quiet hallway or somewhere I can fuck you.”

  It took five minutes once we met with the doctor. A quick scan with a wand and she had made certain Violet was not pregnant, then provided her with an injection that ensured she would not become that way anytime soon. We’d been advised it could be reversed at any time, but until then, the doctor had eased Violet’s mind.

  That was why, when the doctor left the room, I held Violet’s hand, kept her from following. She looked over her shoulder at me, eyebrow raised.

  “Lift your dress. Show me that pussy.”

  Her eyes darted about, although it was obvious we were alone in the room, the door closed. “Here?”

  I gave the slightest of nods and crossed my arms.

  She swallowed. “Someone might walk in.”

  She was nervous, but she was also aroused. Color bloomed in her cheeks and her dress couldn’t hide her tight nipples.

  “They could, but I have a feeling the doctor knows not to disturb us.”

  She gasped. “They’ll think we’re—”

  I held up my hand, stopped her arguing.

  “You aren’t in charge here. I am.” I stepped close, cupped her jaw. “I would do nothing to put you in danger, to make you truly fearful or uncomfortable. But I will push your boundaries, test and see what makes you hot. If you aren’t into this, if it truly scares you, I will stop immediately.”


  “Mate, what have I done to make you think me a brute?”

  She thought for a moment. “Nothing. But what will the doctors and technicians think?”

  “That I’m one lucky warrior for having you as my mate.”

  Her eyes softened and she smiled, even lifted up on her tiptoes and gave me a tender kiss. I wrapped my arms about her, felt her softness against my hard edges. Her lips parted and I settled in, tangled my tongue with hers. I might be dominant, but not all the time. I could easily lose myself in her, get lost in her touch, her taste, her scent. Everything.

  Pulling back, I touched my forehead to hers. “Ah, mate, what you do to me.”

  She smiled, her lips swollen and slick. It was time to grab hold of my control once again. I stepped back, crossed my arms again. Arched a brow and ensured my voice was deep.

  “Lift your dress, Violet, and show me that pretty pussy.”

  I waited as she worked through it in her head. I winked so she knew while I was serious, this was also play. It didn’t take long for her to join in the fun. Mere seconds.

  Her fingers tangled in the flowing fabric, slowly worked it higher and higher until it bunched at her waist. When her pussy was visible, I stepped closer. “Why don’t I see your mates’ seed slipping from you? Didn’t Axon and Calder give you what you needed?”

  She gasped. “I was not going to have wild, monkey sex and meet the queen looking like a hot mess.” She seemed genuinely upset at the idea, which suited me fine. I didn’t understand everything she’d just said, but I knew what wild sex was. As for the monkeys, I could guess, and the thought made me crazed.

  “Did they fuck you, mate? Tell me what they did to you.” Scooping her up, I walked backward until she was pressed into the wall. Cupping her ass, I lifted her up and she put her legs about my waist. I only pulled back enough to free myself and within one breath and the next, I was in her. Deep. Bottoming out.

  “Zed,” she breathed, her little pants of breath fanning my neck.

  “Tell me.” I tugged her earlobe between my teeth, gently, but enough to make her shiver.

  “Axon watched.” Her pussy walls clenched down on my cock as she remembered her time with the others, her body responding, becoming soft and pliant. Whatever they had done to her had made her want more.

  “Watched? And what did Calder to you, my sweet? Did he fuck your ass? Did he make you come?”


  I pulled out and thrust deep, ran my palm around her soft ass and slipped two fingers inside her there. She moaned and threw her head back, her eyes closed. And I was on the brink of coming. Just like that. From one thrust. “Did you like it? Did you scream? Did you say his name?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t remember.” Her words were barely more than a whisper. Her head thrashed side to side, so I buried my free hand in the long silken strands and held her still as I pumped into her, playing with her ass, taking her mouth with a hard, dominant kiss as I did so. She was with me now. Mine. And everything she’d had with the others was mine, too. She was going to give it to me. Admit every feeling, tell me what she needed. Take my seed and scream my name.


  She was slick, coated in her arousal, and deep inside, the others’ seed. Hot and tight, she was perfect.


  I thrust in and out with both my cock and my fingers, filling her up, holding back as the pre-cum coated the inner walls of her pussy, made her blood run hot. Desperate. She was moaning now. Melting. Her small hands dug at my back, my hair, begging me without words to go harder. Faster. To make her come.

  She whimpered and I watched her face, amazed that such a beautiful, giving woman was mine. Would be mine forever if the others would pull their heads out of their asses. She belonged to all of us. Needed all of us. And as much as I thought I’d want her for my own, seeing her fuck the others, knowing they pleased her, knowing she needed them as much as she needed me, made me content. Happy.

  Her whimpers turned to moans, her fingernails digging deep into my shoulders, even through my uniform. I reveled in the pain, the proof of her desire. “Do you need more, mate?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  My restraint snapped at that one word. Sir. Sweet and submissive, she had no idea her power over me.

  I pumped hard and fast, claiming her mouth, thrusting my tongue deep as I filled her up. My cum pumped into her hot pussy and I swallowed down her scream as her body tensed and shuddered, out of control. My seed power would bind her to me, make her want more.

  By the gods, I hope she wanted more, because I was never going to get enough.

  Both spent, I held her there, against the wall, my cock buried deep as we both fought for air.

  “I don’t want to choose, Zed.” She whispered the confession with her lips pressed against my neck, her arms around me, her fingertips wrapped around the back of my head in a sensual glide I could mistake for nothing less than a caress. The feminine touch made me shiver, a weight growing in my chest I’d never experienced before.

  That weight hurt, but it was a pain I knew I never wanted to live without. It was love. It had to be.

  “I know, love. We’ll figure it out.”

  Her salty tears ripped the new wound in my chest wide open and she nearly broke me with her trust. She was laying her heart on a silver platter, and the idiot, Calder, was too fucking stupid to take it, to understand its worth.

  As I pulled my body free and tucked my cock back into my pants, I vowed to beat the living hell out of the stubborn warrior if that’s what it took. Axon wouldn’t be a problem. He understood, even before I did, what it would mean for the four of us to become a family.

  I’d been arrogant and selfish when I’d been matched to her. As she let the tears fall, exposing how badly we had broken her, I realized it wasn’t about us, it was about her.

  She’d been matched to all three of us.

  If one had been perfect for her, one would have been what the bride protocols gave her.

  I helped her adjust her dress, quietly thrilled that it was my seed coating her thighs, my scent on her skin. And my strength she turned to as
she curled up in my arms and let me hold her. Her tears soaked my skin through the uniform shirt, but I welcomed them as a badge of honor, of trust.

  She was mine, and I wasn’t giving her up.

  And if she needed both Axon and Calder as well, then I was going to make sure she had them. One way or another. The only thing that mattered to me was her happiness.

  Long minutes passed as I held her cradled in my arms, content to keep her there, away from the noise and bustle outside.

  When a knock sounded at the door, my first instinct was to ignore it, but Violet stiffened in my hold and I knew the magical moment was broken.




  The door slid open and one of the medical personnel bowed at the waist. “I’m sorry to interrupt, sir. Ma’am.”

  The nurse, or whatever she was, seemed perfectly nice. She was quite a bit taller than I was. Thicker shoulders. She had on a green medical uniform, but the arm band she wore was red, just like the guys.

  If she had any idea of what we’d been doing in the exam room, she gave no indication. This was good because one minute I was afraid I would die of pleasure as Zed fucked me up against the wall, then I was a crying, sobbing mess. I wasn’t exactly sure what was up either. I was exhausted, sated, confused, sore, pleased. Everything. My body wrung out from stress over Mindy, transport, and more orgasms in the last few hours than I’d had in the last year. My entire body was sore, well-loved, and alive. I felt alive, really alive, for the first time in years.

  And my mates were going to make me give them up. Make me choose between them. And the thought was like a knife twisting in my gut.

  “I have an urgent comm coming in from the IQC from Trion for Violet Nichols, mate of Zed, Axon and Calder, Elite Guards to the Royal Family. It’s an emergency comm.”

  Zed tugged my hand, pulled me out of the room and into the main med unit area. There were displays and screens, monitors and data I didn’t understand. There were rooms like the one we had just exited forming in a circle around the central area, but I had no idea how many were occupied.

  Trion? Emergency? “Mindy? Something’s wrong with Mindy?” My heart leapt in my throat and was glad to be guided. All my shallow personal concerns were forgotten. Mindy was more important than my transition to a new world, to three men who seemed to want to do anything for me. Yes, petty thoughts.

  God. What was the matter with Mindy?

  “Patching through now,” the nurse said, going to one of the control panels. I had no idea where I’d even find a comm—but at least I knew what it was since I’d seen and used one at the Brides Program center in Miami.

  Zed stared at a wall and I followed his direction.

  She moved her hands over one of the controls and one of the screens that had been filled with patient information went blank for about five seconds.

  And then my sister’s mate, General Goran, appeared on the screen. Unlike the last time I saw him, where he was happy and full of love for his mate, he now looked like a broken man. Exhausted. Covered in dirt and blood. Behind him was a room that looked like it had been destroyed by an explosion.

  “My sister, my deepest apologies, but I have bad news.”

  “Where is she? Where is Mindy? Is she all right?” I spat the questions rapid fire, not really giving him time to respond. He raised his hands, palms out, to slow me down.

  “My beloved was injured, but will recover soon. She is in a ReGen pod, healing.”

  I glanced at Zed. “A pod? What is that?” Images of Mindy in some kind of alien coffin filled my head and I started shaking.

  “It’s a healing device we use to speed healing.” Zed’s voice was grave. Too soft. Apologetic.

  “Speed healing from what?” I turned to my twin’s mate. “What happened to Mindy?”

  Goran’s eyes went dark, not sexy dark, or emotional, but deadly, a predator’s heartless, merciless gaze. “An assassin struck moments before High Councilor Tark called the meeting to order.”

  My blood pounded inside my head, so loudly I could barely hear what he was saying. “An assassin? Why would anyone want to kill my sister?”

  “Because she is mine. And I am the general in charge of the High Councilor’s armies. Attacking my mate was an attempt to discredit me among the other leaders, to make Tark look weak and unable to protect his people.” Goran had the good sense to look uneasy. If I could have, I would have jumped through the screen and strangled him myself.

  “So?” I was on the verge of screaming, but my voice was deceptively soft. If I started yelling at him, I’d never stop. I was hanging on by a thread. “They should have killed his mate, then. Not yours.”

  Goran’s sigh made my entire body feel like it weighed a thousand pounds. “The High Councilor’s mate, Eva, will be giving birth to their son and heir any day.”

  “So my sister was at your meeting? Why? As a replacement? For what? Is she part of the council? I don’t understand.”

  “I am proud of my mate, Violet. Your sister is beautiful and strong, loyal and submissive. Her acceptance of me, in front of the others, sends a strong message to the council and to my enemies.”

  Now I was going to scream. I felt it building inside me, until Zed’s heavy hand settled at the back of my neck. His touch was like ice on a fire, calming me. Letting me breathe. Reminding me that I wasn’t alone, that I never had to be alone again. “You were showing off and Mindy got caught in the crossfire.”

  Goran bowed his head to me, his pain real and so strong I could literally feel it coming through the screen. “Her presence was a calculated display of strength, of the High Councilor’s faith in me. And I failed. The assassin got past our guards, past all of the security, and attacked my mate in front of my eyes as I watched, helpless to stop him. I will never forgive myself, and I will not stop hunting until I destroy the one who caused Mindy this pain.”

  “So, he got away? He took a shot at my sister and he got away?”


  “I thought you said she would be safe. You promised me.” My voice dropped dangerously low and I wanted to hate him for getting Mindy hurt, but I couldn’t, not when it was so obvious that he was in even worse shape than I about the situation. No sense kicking him when he was already down.

  “She is safe,” Goran countered. “We were betrayed by someone on the inside. Do not worry, my sister, I vow to find the traitor and make him pay.”

  Yeah. I’d heard that before. Seemed to me Goran was better at making promises than keeping them. He’d promised no harm would come to Mindy, but she was in some kind of pod. Healing, but hurt. He shouldn’t have let that happen in the first place!

  “Nobody fucks with my twin,” I hissed. Zed’s eyes widened as I said that, hands on my hips. “No man, woman, or alien hurts her and gets away with it.”

  “I will take care of it, my sister,” Goran agreed.

  I was not going to get into the complexity of the alpha male ego right now, even if I wanted to reach through the comms display and strangle him. Take care of it? Yeah, right. Like he’d taken care of things up to this point.

  “All due respect, General, but you are one man. I have three mates who will help me take the Trion bastard out. Whoever he is. We’re coming there to help you find him. If he hurt Mindy, I want him dead.”

  “Oh, no.” Zed’s hand sliced through the air with finality as Goran shook his head.

  “Absolutely not,” Goran replied.

  “Fuck, no,” added Zed. “You are not going to such a dangerous area. It is my job—as well as Axon’s and Calder’s—to keep you safe. The easiest way to do that is to keep you here and allow Mindy’s mate to take care of things, as he should.”

  “Fine. You alpha males can all be as stubborn as you want to. But I’m not a prisoner or a slave. I’m going. If I have to, I’ll go alone,” I countered, narrowing my eyes and threatening Zed.

  The nurse was smart enough to remain quiet behind us.

p; “Fuck, no,” Zed said again. “You will not leave my side. Neither Axon nor Calder would allow you to go. They will agree with me, that your safety is our first concern.”

  “Goran said Mindy is safe. If he says that, it must be true.” I’d turned back to the comm and narrowed my eyes at Goran, all but daring him to contradict me, because that would mean Mindy really was in danger. “Well, General, is she safe or not?”

  “Mindy is safe,” Goran clarified. “But there is still a traitor to find. To execute.”

  “Then I will go to Mindy. My twin. She’s hurt and I’m coming to be with her. I will see for myself she is getting better and I will remain with her while she recuperates.” I put my hands on my hips. “And my mates will do what needs to be done to help you find the traitor. If I am your sister, then Mindy is theirs. We have the right to come help.”

  “There is no recuperation time, mate. She will be fully healed after her time in the ReGen pod.” Zed was pleading with me now, but I ignored every word. My sister needed me. That was the end of the conversation as far as I was concerned. I’d contact Warden Egara, the high council of the galactic, interstellar, coalition, super-duper-important-alien-warrior-gods if I had to. I was getting off this rock one way or another.

  “Then I will remain safe with her as you help Goran hunt down the person who hurt her.” I glared, letting my sister’s master know just how furious I was with him for letting it happen in the first place.

  Zed said nothing, studying me. I held his gaze, letting him see what my twin meant to me. I was not budging on this.

  “This is how it works, Zed. My sister, my family, is hurt. I will go to her. I will agree to let you and Goran get the bad guy while we sit around being safe. A compromise. You must compromise as well and let me go to her. She got hurt. She’s going to be scared. We are there for each other. Always. Do you understand that?”

  He still remained silent.

  “I will go with you or without you.”


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