mizzle light rain, drizzle
moyt English regional pronunciation of ‘mate’
(possibly in a Midlands accent)
mucker friend
nark (v. & n.) v. to aggravate or tease;
n. someone who does this
oul old or unwanted
piece (n.) a slice of bread
po chamber pot
poke a ‘poke’ in common Derry language is an ice-cream
press a cupboard or dresser
riddley gun machine gun
rift and pish burp and pee
royfil English regional pronunciation of ‘rifle’
(possibly in a Midlands accent)
slabber slaver, dribble
steever a good kick
swiddies sweets
themuns those people
thon that
tig a children’s chase game, also known as tag
tilled ajar
wain baby or child, possibly from ‘wee one’
wile from wild, meaning terrible
yis see ‘yous’
yous referring to more than one person
1 Robert Lundy was governor of Derry during the siege of 1688–9. He was branded a traitor for promising to surrender the city to the army of King James.
About the Author
Tony Doherty was instrumental in setting up the Bloody Sunday Justice Campaign in 1992, which led in 2010 to the exoneration of his father and the others killed and wounded on Bloody Sunday, and to a public apology from the British Prime Minister in the House of Commons. He has worked extensively in community regeneration in Derry, is a member of the Big Lottery Fund’s NI Committee and is currently Regional Coordinator for Northern Ireland’s Healthy Living Centre Alliance.
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