Our Secrets

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Our Secrets Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  “I’m good. Shaken up for sure. Nothing else is wrong,” she states, a small smile on her face.

  “Let’s roll out!” Satan hollers out, motioning for us all to straddle our bikes and the women to get in the SUV.

  Leading her over, Torch and Pyro finally get her in their arms so they can be reassured by her she’s okay. All three of them need this after the hellacious past few months. As soon as she’s settled in the backseat with her lemonade in hand, I shut the door after placing a soft, sweet kiss against her lips.

  Raine pulls out and gets the SUV pointed in the right direction to head directly back to the clubhouse. She stops to let us surround her before moving again. Satan and Torch are in front of them, Pyro and the Prospects are behind the SUV. I’m at the driver’s side with Wrath at the passenger side of the vehicle. This is how our small entourage heads through town. The cops know if we’re riding like this, there’s a reason for it and tend to leave us alone. Satan will get a phone call from our contact in the department later on to figure out what’s going on. He’ll deal with it.

  Getting to the clubhouse takes less time than ever before as we speed out of town and through the gate. I’m off my bike, after parking in my spot, and grabbing Vic from the SUV. She wraps her arms around me as I carry her inside the building. Yeah, she’s still shaken up. I can see the look of sadness and worry covering Hollie and Raine’s faces as they look on.

  Victoria can explain to them what’s going on if she wants to. I’m not going to divulge her personal business more than I have to. It’s bad enough what I’ve shared in church with the men of the club. While I know they won’t say a word about it, I still feel horrible for spilling even a portion of her secrets.

  “Baby, gonna set you down at the table so you can eat your lunch. I’ll eat with you quick and then I’m leavin’ for the rest of the day,” I let her know what’s going on now.

  “Okay. Thank you for getting me back here. I’ll be okay in a little bit,” she responds, opening her container so she can eat.

  “Anythin’ you need baby. You know this,” I tell her, leaning over for a kiss as I get a container placed in front of my by one of the Prospects.

  “There are just times I still feel weak and like I can’t get out of my own way. They aren’t as bad as they used to be, but it’s still there,” she states as her brothers sit down with us.

  “Lil’ Bit, you’re gonna struggle with things every now and then. It’s how you handle it now that matters,” Pyro tells her, opening his food.

  “I know. Today was a fold in on myself kind of day. I don’t even remember all the details,” she lets us know, looking at us and not down at her food or the table.

  “They’ll come to you. You rest after eatin’ and don’t think about it. I know it’s easier said than done. One way or another you’ll remember somethin’ and you can let us know then,” I tell.


  We quickly eat our meals and I make sure Victoria is settled in my room with the door locked before I leave her. It’s time to go hunting now. I hope I find the fucker and can bring him in before anything else happens. If my woman or baby are hurt because of this fucking asshole, no one will be able to stop me from killing him.

  I’ve been riding around town and the outskirts for hours. Torch and Pyro are riding with me. Usually they’d be split up in case something happened. Today, we’re only concerned with finding the piece of shit and making him pay for what he’s done to Victoria. She’s such an amazing person who loves with her whole heart. Anything he’s said or done to her is unnecessary. It shows how weak he is. Proves he’s not a man at all.

  Around midnight, we stop at a gas station to regroup and figure out what we’re gonna do.

  “I’m gonna head back. My exhaustion is kickin’ my ass,” Pyro states, slumping against his bike.

  We’ve put a lot of miles in today. Searching all the back roads and riding through several neighboring towns. Everyone in the club has. We’ve all been circling one another to make sure no one is missing something.

  “I think everyone else has been heading back already. Let’s call it a night and head to the clubhouse to get some rest. Tomorrow we can start out again with fresh eyes. Maybe Vic remembered something else while we’ve been gone too,” Torch says, straddling his bike.

  “Yeah. I’ll wake up early and get a start on lookin’ some more before goin’ to work. The sooner we have this shit taken care, the better it will be. Let’s roll,” I say, starting my engine once more.

  The three of us head to the clubhouse. Our engines are the only sound filling the still night air. Three solid headlights guide our way as we travel the country roads. My head is filled with thoughts of Victoria as our bikes eat up the miles separating my woman from me. I want to get back, hold her in my arms, and make sure she’s okay. That’s the perfect ending to my night. Something I want for the rest of my life.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  IT’S BEEN A WEEK since I saw Scott while I was out at lunch with Raine and Hollie. Since then I’ve been sticking to the clubhouse. The only time I’m at Blazing Ink is when Tags is there. So, we’re there once every few days or so. I’m allowed to sit behind the clubhouse, but not out front. They don’t even like me sitting out back because you never know what’s going to happen.

  Tags is out once again looking for Scott. Most of the members in the club are. Torch and Pyro are here though. They both need a break and I promised them we’d talk for a little while today. I need to let them know about the baby before someone else finds out and lets them in on our secret. It shouldn’t come from anyone other than myself or Tags. While I’d prefer us to be together, there’s no way that can happen today. So, I’m going to talk to him while he’s gone and hope for the best.

  Walking through the clubhouse, I find my brothers sitting at a table. There are a couple skanks sitting with them. No doubt trying to score a quick fuck from them. Standing by their table, I wait for them to vacate their chairs so I can have my brother’s attention. It takes several minutes for either one of them to acknowledge my presence.

  “Run along little girl. There’s nothing here for you,” skank number one sneers at me.

  Yeah, that’s not the way to win points with my brothers.

  “Yeah. We don’t need you here. Though, if you want to be of any use, you can get me a drink. I want a Jack and Coke. Light on the ice,” the second bitch orders.

  “Not gonna be me getting you that drink. Nothing wrong with your arms, hands, or legs from the looks of it. Or don’t you know what the hell to do since it doesn’t involve you taking a cock in one of your many used up holes?” I question her, keeping my voice sugary sweet.

  “Bitch, you got no right to talk to either one of us like that. You’re here for protection and that’s it. Don’t make you club,” the first slut says, standing up and placing her hands on her hips.

  “Actually,” Torch begins, standing up and glaring down at the two skanks. “You can both get gone. This is our baby sister. She’s more club than either one of you. You have no chance of gettin’ our cocks ever again. And I’ll make sure the rest of the guys know what took place here today. So, you won’t be gettin’ dick from anyone here.”

  “We didn’t know,” one of the women say, trying to smooth over what’s been done. “I’m sorry.”

  “Too little, too fuckin’ late,” Pyro says. “You heard Torch. Get the fuck gone. Now!”

  The tramps scurry away as I laugh and take a seat with them. For a minute, I just enjoy sitting with them. It’s been a long time coming since we’ve just been together. Yeah, the threat of Scott is still out there. I won’t rest easy until he’s taken care of. In here, it’s only the three of us though. Clearing my throat, I begin to get the words out I need to say to them.

  “First of all, I need to thank you both for helping me get sober. If you hadn’t found me the way you did, I’m not sure I would’ve gotten the help I desperately needed. I
love you both so much,” I begin saying.

  “No thanks needed, Lil’ Bit,” Pyro says, letting me know he won’t accept it because that’s who he is. “We’re family. You would’ve gotten sober. Tags wasn’t gonna let you go much longer. He was ready to come clean to us and get you the help you needed before we intervened. That man feels somethin’ for you he hasn’t ever shown before.”

  “I agree. Tags was gonna help you regardless of if you were ready or not. That man doesn’t just feel somethin’ for you. He loves you. Even if he hasn’t said the words to you, he does. I see it in his eyes,” Torch adds in.

  “Well, that’s good to know. There’s something you both need to know. I wish Tags were here with us for this conversation, but he’s not. So, anyway, I found out a few weeks ago when you couldn’t get a hold of me that I’m pregnant again. It’s been confirmed by the doctor and I’ve seen an obstetrician. Everything is good so far and I’m just about to the safety mark. That’s when I hit three months. I’ve got a few days and I should be out of the woods for another miscarriage happening,” I inform them before sitting back and waiting for their response.

  For several minutes, nothing happens. They simply sit there, staring at me. Torch and Pyro look from my face down to my stomach and back again. Finally, they each break out in blinding smiles before standing up and dropping down at my sides.

  “You’re gonna make us uncles?” Pyro asks, his voice hoarse as I realize what this means to him. “We’re addin’ on to our family?”

  Nodding my head, I look at him with tears in my eyes. This is a moment I wish our family was whole. It’s not and I’m not sure if it ever will be. Pyro has some hard decisions to make and he’s not dealing with things he needs to. Well, he is in his own way I suppose. I just wish he’d include Torch and me in that. One day he will. I’m waiting for it with everything I am.

  “We’re proud as fuck, Lil’ Bit,” Torch adds in. “We’ll do everythin’ we can to make this as easy as possible. How’d Tags take the news?”

  “He’s happy. As long as I’m happy, he’s happy. He’ll make a good dad for our baby. I’m honestly happy he’s going to go through this journey with me. It’s a different experience this time. Yeah, there’s a slight fear after everything I’ve been through. Other than that, I’m excited. I want this baby more than anything I’ve ever been given a choice of having,” I answer honestly, looking at my brothers.

  “As long as your happy. That’s all that matters,” Pyro says, standing up and pulling me into his arms for a hug.

  Torch follows suit as the main door of the clubhouse opens. I look up to see Raine and Hollie coming in with their arms loaded down with overflowing bags. Seeing them reminds me of what I need to say to my brothers.

  “Listen, um, Tags and I decided not to let anyone know for now. You’re my brothers so I wanted to tell you both before anyone else realized what was going on,” I tell them. “Please keep it to yourself for now. “

  “You got it. We’ll talk with Tags when we’re alone. No one will hear what we’re sayin’,” Torch responds, a sinister smile on his face.

  “Yeah. No beating him up either,” I let them know I won’t be happy if that happens.

  “No promises, Lil’ Bit.”

  At least they’re honest. Giving them each a kiss on their cheek, I leave them at their table while I make my way into the kitchen. The least I can do is help them with whatever they’re doing right now. As I step in the large, industrious kitchen, I see them preparing a meal. Washing my hands, I ask them what I can do to help.

  “Are you good at cooking?” Raine asks me, a worried look on her face.

  “Yeah. I can hold my own in the kitchen. I love cooking and baking. It’s a passion of mine,” I answer her.

  “Good. Then you can start browning the meat if you want. It’s lasagna night. We make several pans of it and it will be demolished before tomorrow morning gets here. While you get started on that, I’ll start the garlic bread and Hollie can boil the water for noodles,” Raine says, handing me several packages of hamburger.

  “Shit!” Hollie bursts out.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask her, hoping it’s nothing serious.

  “I’m supposed to meet Capone in a half hour. He’s at work and needs me to meet him there for some reason. Becky, the baker I’m hoping will make my wedding cake is supposed to be here while I’m gone. I just remembered she’s coming today,” she responds, her hands on her hips as she tries to figure out what to do.

  “Well, do you know what you want?” I question.

  “Yeah. I want a vanilla cake with white frosting. Blue and silver butterflies and hearts on it. It should be at least three tiers too,” Hollie immediately says.

  “Okay. Well, I can meet with her and let her know what you want,” I inform her.

  “Thank you so much!” she gushes, giving me a large hug as I save her ass. “I’ll get the water on and then I’m heading out. Raine, I’m sorry I can’t be more help than that.”

  “You’re fine. Go see your man.”

  Hollie rushes from the room. Raine and I work together for the next while as I wait for Becky to get here so we can talk about a wedding cake. One of the Prospects comes in to let me know she’s here. Wiping my hands on a towel, I walk into the common room.

  Sitting in a chair facing the tables is my brother, Torch. He’s got a beer in hand while his eyes are glued to a lone woman sitting at a table. I’ve never seen him look at anyone the way he is the pretty little baker. She is extremely pretty.

  Becky has long blonde hair that’s hanging down over her shoulders. Her blue eyes are taking in every detail of the common room. Though she’s avoiding looking in my brother’s direction. Torch can definitely be an intimidating person if you don’t know him very well. She isn’t skin and bones like most of the women walking through the doors of the clubhouse. It’s refreshing to see a natural woman inside this building. Instead of the gross, skanks usually parading around the common room this time of day.

  “Becky?” I question, walking up to the table.

  “Um, yeah. I was told Hollie isn’t here?” she asks, her voice almost a whisper as she flinches.

  “Yeah. Her man needed something at work. So, I’m here to meet with you about the cake. Is that okay?”

  “Yes. Do you know what she’s looking for? I have some designs of what I’ve done in the past. This is kind of new for me. Catering to a larger gathering like this,” she informs me, pushing a book across the table.

  Flipping it open, I look through the pages. She’s got a ton of amazing designs in here. Large cakes, small cakes, cupcakes, multi-tiered cakes, and so many other things. Hollie definitely made a good choice with her. I hope I get to talk to her more than just about the cakes too.

  Becky has the face of someone longing for friendship. Her eyes aren’t exactly haunted, but there’s something behind them I want to know what it is. I feel as if she’s a kindred spirit or something. Though I hope she didn’t take the path with drinking I did.

  “These are awesome cakes!” I state, closing the book. “Hollie wants a three-tiered vanilla cake. She wants the frosting white with blue and silver butterflies and hearts placed on the cake. I think she’d be happy with one resembling this one,”

  Opening the book again, I stop on the page of a black multi-layer cake with different designs than hearts and butterflies. Half the frosting is white while the other half is black. There’s a dripping effect to the frosting and I think it would look amazing in a blue.

  “I can definitely make that happen,” she responds, marking some notes down in a notebook. “Is there anything else.”

  “Yeah. I’d actually like to see if you could design a groom’s cake. I’d be paying for this one as a surprise for everyone?” I question her.

  “Um, it would depend on what you’re looking for,” she answers, looking up at me through her lashes.

  “I want a cake in the shape of a motorcycle. As detailed as you can make it.
There doesn’t have to be any writing on it, or anything like that. Just the cake. Maybe in chocolate or red velvet?”

  “I should be able to do that. I’ll have to do some research since I don’t know about motorcycles. Can I let you know in a few days?” she asks, her voice getting even lower as the front door opens, and several men walk through.

  Tags walks in and stops at the table. He leans down and places a kiss against my lips. It takes my breath away while leaving me hot and bothered at the same time. I’m ready for him to take me to his room and ravage my body. With the smells coming from the kitchen, that will have to wait for now.

  “I think I have everything I need for now. Is there a number I can use to reach you if I have any questions?” Becky asks once Tags breaks away from me.

  “Yeah. If you give me your phone I’ll put it in for you. You can use it anytime you want. Not just about the cake,” I let her know I’d like to be her friend as I offer her a smile. “I’ll walk you out of here. Unless you’d like to stay for dinner.”

  “Um, thank you, but I have a few things I need to do,” she replies, looking at Tags as he stands behind me like a guard.

  “It’s no problem if you’d like to stay,” he lets her know as Torch walks up to us.

  “Really, there are some last minute things I need to do for another job. Thank you for the invitation though,” she says, keeping her eyes glued to me as I hand her phone back to her.

  “Let’s go. I’ll walk you out,” I let her know, reminding her I’m not going to leave her to the wolves she sees here.

  I walk Becky out and see a large, older model van. It looks as if it’s on it’s last legs with rust filling her doors and along the bottom edge. One of the windows in the back is busted out with nothing more than a garbage bag closing the hole. Her tires look dull and in need of being replaced. This poor woman looks as if she’s going to cry as I walk her to her van.

  “Becky, if you ever need anything, please call me. I don’t have many friends here, and I’m a firm believer a girl can’t have too many. Please, call me. And if you need help replacing the window, let me know. I’ll give you the card for the garage. They’ll be able to help you out,” I inform her as she opens her door and places her bag between the front seats.


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