Our Secrets

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Our Secrets Page 18

by Erin Osborne

  “I see you’re awake and found your surprise,” Scott sneers entering the room he’s keeping me imprisoned in. “I found out a surprise this morning as well. How long have you been fucking the biker? Or is more than just the slimeball in the pictures I have.”

  He stalks toward the bed, tossing a handful of pictures at me. They’re all of Tags and I at different locations. Including the day I found out I was pregnant by him. We’re sitting in my car and he’s got his arms wrapped around me in a comforting embrace. There’s another picture of us talking in front of Blazing Ink. I’m looking up at him with love clearly showing on my face. So many pictures are covering my body and the filthy mattress I’ve been forced to lay on.

  “I asked you a fucking question and I expect a damn answer,” he yells, scaring me half to death as he walks from one camera to the next turning them on.

  “I’m not fucking anyone other than him,” I let him know, ignoring his first question.

  “So, you left my bed and jumped directly into bed with him? I always knew you were a fucking slut. Can’t find anyone other than a dirty, sadistic, felon of a biker to fuck these days? Man, you really sunk when I booted your ass to the curb. I guess it’s a very good thing you couldn’t manage to remain pregnant with my child. I’d never want you as my child’s mother. You’re nothing more than a fucking skank,” he spews at me, getting in my face while his spit covers me.

  There’s nothing more for me to say as he begins to beat the shit outta me. I try to hold my pain in and not scream out as I lay in a fetal position. I’ll do everything I can to protect my unborn baby from the monster taking out all of his rage and frustration on me.

  As I lay here, trapped, I can’t tell you how much time has passed. At one point, I think I black out from the horrendous pain filling my entire body. There isn’t a single spot on my body that doesn’t hurt. I’m fairly certain I have at least one broken bone too.

  Finally, Scott leaves the room after turning the cameras off and taking them with him. I lay curled up on the bed now covered with my blood. There is no way in hell I’m going to be able to do any cleaning or cooking today. My body simply won’t function with the pain coursing through me.

  Tears leak from my swollen eyes as I let thoughts of my family fill me. I’m about to leave them all if Scott has much more time with me. He’s becoming crazier as each day goes by. Talking to himself, placing calls and raging when they don’t answer him, and putting more and more demands on my tired abused body. This is not the way anything is supposed to be going right now. I’m supposed to be home with my family, becoming excited about my child being born.

  Darkness begins to once again take me under. I like the darkness because I don’t feel any pain. My thoughts cease to torment me with images of Tags, our unborn baby, and my brothers. Along with the rest of the club. Instead, I only see a black, empty void full of nothing. This is where I want to be when the pain is too bad and worry, dread, and fear for my child fill me.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  TORCH, PYRO, AND myself spend about twelve hours a day out searching for Victoria. We all head out of town in the direction the SUV was going after leaving Blazing Ink. There has been no road left untraveled or abandoned houses unchecked. We’ve hit up anywhere we possibly find as we ride through the country, down back roads, and up into the hills filling our town and the surrounding areas. Especially where we know hunting lodges are because no one is usually there this time of the year.

  When I’m not out searching, I grab a quick bite to eat because I know I have to keep my strength up for when we find my woman. This only shows me I’m done pussyfooting around and not claiming her. I will be as soon as she’s found. I’ve already ordered her rag and know who will be in the room when we make the commitment. Grinder and Satan will be in the room.

  As for sleep, I don’t remember what that even is anymore. It’s been four days since Victoria was taken from us. Even though I eat the bare minimum to keep my body going, I don’t sleep. If my eyes close at all, it’s for a few minutes. Then I’m either heading back out on my bike or working every angle possible from the clubhouse. We’ve been taking shifts. One day we head out at first light, the next we go out at night. It may not be practical but not many of us are very rational right now. We’re only worried with finding Vic.

  I’ve also been working with Torch as we use his computers to look up every single piece of information we can on Scott and his family. Apparently they’ve recently disowned him because of his drug use and gambling issues. They no longer want to support him or his nasty habits.

  Everyone in the club has called in every fucking marker we’re owed. We’ve called in the Phantom Bastards MC along with the Wild Kings MC Nomads. We didn’t want to call in the chapters in Clifton Falls or Dander Falls since they tend to stay to themselves. Their Nomads are the ones riding the roads and checking in with different clubs or chapters of the Wild Kings.

  Satan did make the call to Grim since he’s the National President before calling Blaze though. He didn’t want anyone to feel as if he was stepping on toes or not following proper protocol for this situation. I have no problem making the calls or putting the time in. Victoria will be my ol’ lady so I’ll do whatever I have to in order to bring her home where she belongs. He insisted it would be better coming from him since he’s the President. As long as it works, I don’t really give a shit who makes the necessary calls.

  Torch has just left to let Satan know we haven’t found any new information when my phone pings with an incoming message. Pulling it from the desk in front of me, I see it’s from an unknown number. Usually I simply ignore that shit, but not right now. Now, I look at every single thing coming through my phone. You never know if it will be something about Victoria.

  I have to stay busy or I’m going to go insane. Knowing I need a short break, I leave Torch’s room as I pay attention to my phone. There’s a video linked to the message as I try to open it, I let myself in my room. Right now, I need a minute to myself. I’m getting pissed and frustrated there hasn’t been any new information. The text appears and I almost smash my phone in my bare hands.

  Unknown: What do you think of your skank now? How do you like my sloppy, nasty seconds with a cunt like her?

  Opening my door, I watch as the video begins playing. Victoria fills my screen. She’s naked as the day she was born and covered in dried blood, bruises, and cuts. Her eyes barely open as a male’s voice yells at her about fucking bikers and whatnot. I’m not really paying attention because I’m focused solely on my woman.

  Within minutes, Scott fills the screen as he stands next to the bed. There’s more yelling before he begins to pummel her. My vision turns to a red haze as I watch almost a half hour of him beating her, torturing her, and screaming at her as she passes out. He even beats on her while she’s unconscious. It’s the worst shit I’ve ever seen in my life. Who the fuck would do something like this?

  Through it all, even passed out, Victoria tries her very best to protect our child. Once again, tears are free-falling down my face. I don’t give a shit about who sees me either. The only ones I can even try to protect are Torch and Pyro from seeing this. I can’t do that with any of the other members because they need to know what we’re dealing with.

  When the video ends, my rage consumes me. Tossing my phone on my bed, I let loose. I don’t give a fuck about anything in here at this point. Well, nothing except for Victoria’s things because it’s all I have of her right now. Ripping my TV from the wall, I toss it across the room. Next to go is my dresser. After tossing all the clothes all over my room, I proceed to break it and throw the wrecked pieces all over the place. There is nothing left in a matter of minutes.

  Before long, I’m being grabbed from behind. Looking over my shoulder, I see Grinder. He’s holding my arms against my side so I can’t do anymore damage.

  “Let. Me. Go,” I demand, trying to wrench myself from his arms.

  “Tags, we g
et it. You’re fuckin’ pissed at the world right now because we have no clue where your ol’ lady is. That’s no excuse to destroy your damn room. Where the fuck is she gonna go when we bring her home? Did you stop to think about that?” he questions me, still not letting me go.

  “You didn’t witness what was just sent to me. You didn’t see that fuckin’ psychopath beat on her to the point she’s tryin’ to protect our baby even when she’s passed the fuck out and he doesn’t relent in his torture of her body. I’m the one who saw that. And I’m the one goin’ crazy because no one knows where the fuck she is. Don’t fuckin’ lecture me about not destroyin’ shit that’s mine,” I growl out, finally pulling from his arms.

  “What the fuck are you talkin’ about?” Satan demands as I look at my doorway.

  Yeah, there’s no door hanging any longer. I ripped that bitch off the hinges in my rage. Every member of the club is filling the hallway in front of my room. Even Raine is standing there with her man. Tears are running down her face and I can’t find it in me to care. Torch and Pyro are front and center. Now I can’t protect them from the horrendous violence I just witnessed against their baby sister and my ol’ lady.

  “When Torch went to let you know we didn’t find anythin’ new, I got a message on my phone. I just needed a minute to myself. Openin’ the message, I was sent a video. It shows Scott beatin’ the shit out of Victoria. Even when she passes out from the pain, he just continues on. There’s yellin’ and him mumblin’ shit, but I didn’t catch it. My only focus was on her,” I inform everyone as tears fill my eyes.

  “Motherfucker!” Pyro yells out, forcing his way through the crowd in front of my room.

  This is why I didn’t want either one of them to know about the fucking video. I’m taking this hard, so I know it’s killing Torch and Pyro. They’re her brothers and have been her protectors her entire life. Even when she didn’t want to let them in, they forced their way in. Well, as much as she’d let them. Victoria is stubborn as hell sometimes. She thinks she can handle everything on her own and there are certain things she simply can’t.

  “Church!” Satan says, walking away from the room with Raine on his heels. “Torch, go find Pyro and make sure he’s okay. We’ll fill you in afterwards. I don’t want either one of you watchin’ this.”

  “You know I can find it on my own, right?” Torch questions, raising an eyebrow at our President.

  “I know you can. Also know you don’t want to see her that way. So, keep yourself in check. If Tags saw it and reacted this way, I can only imagine what you two will do,” Satan states, a thinly veiled warning in his voice.

  Nodding his head, Torch takes off. The rest of us file into our meeting room. Once we’re all in our seats, Satan slams the gavel on the table. I plug my phone into the laptop Torch leaves in here. Once it’s showing on the screen so everyone can see it, I play the message. Instead of watching it again, I keep my gaze locked on the table in front of me. Still, the noises of her assault fill me as rage once again consumes me.

  This time I can also focus on the words. Scott is mumbling about making her pay for her sins. Not being able to carry her baby to term, being a lousy bitch who only fucks dirty scumbag bikers now, and all sorts of other shit. I try to tune him out until he begins uttering one name over and over again. Presley. I’m not sure who that is. We’ve looked into his parents. I can’t remember much since Torch did most of that search before Pyro and I even got back. I’ll have to go back through his notes.

  Once the video is done playing, I shut off my phone. It needs to be kept charged and ready in case I get another message. Or one of our contacts gets in touch with us. Especially Blaze since they’re heading our way. While they’re going through each town, they’re making inquiries about anyone resembling Scott or Victoria. I’m sure no one has seen her. If I know him the way I think I do, he’s keeping her locked up somewhere no one will ever see her.

  “That was fuckin’ disturbin’,” Satan finally states, clearing his throat along with most of the other members surrounding the table.

  “I don’t ever want to fuckin’ see anythin’ like that again,” Grinder growls out, slamming his fist against the table. “Now I see why you tore your fuckin’ room apart. We need to find her quick as shit.”

  “Agreed. I want one or two of you to pour over every fuckin’ second of that video. See if you can figure out anythin’ from the fuckin’ psycho’s ramblin’ or through the window in the background,” Satan demands, leaning back in his chair.

  To most, Satan would appear calm as hell right now. We’ve all seen him like this before so we know he’s the furthest from calm anyone can be. We’re all strung tight and ready to snap at any given second. He’s no different from the rest of us. He’s simply hiding it better because he’s not as close to her as Torch, Pyro, and I are.

  “I want this wrapped up and that fucker brought in alive. We’ll give him our special treatment to ensure we have every tidbit of information he has to give us. I’m not pullin’ anyone in from bein’ out searchin’. When you’re here and rested, I want you pourin’ over maps and anythin’ else to see if we’ve missed anythin’. Is that understood?” Satan demands, looking at each man surrounding the table.

  Not a single man present says a word. It’s not needed. We all know we have to work together and do what we do in order to bring Victoria home. Hopefully still carrying our baby. I know if she has a miscarriage, we may lose her for good this time. Though, with Torch, Pyro, and me by her side, I’m hoping she doesn’t sink into the sinkhole she did before.

  Victoria is a strong as fuck person. She can overcome anything that’s put in her path if she realizes we’re here for her to lean on when she doesn’t have the strength to do it on her own. We may be overbearing assholes most of the time, but our hearts are in the right place. Our only goal is to protect her and be her rock when she’s not strong enough to be that for herself.

  “Dismissed. Those of you out ridin’ get gone. Everyone else, get started on searchin’ everythin’ you can. If you need to eat or sleep, do it. I don’t want any of you hurt because you’re not takin’ care of yourself,” our President demands as we all stand up to leave.

  I hand my phone off to Grinder who’s going to look at everything with Gunner. They’ll find something if it’s there. Torch would usually be the one doing this, but he’s not ever allowed to see this video. I grab a map of Willow Creek and head to the common room. I’m going to start here and see if we’ve missed something. Maybe a hunting lodge that’s no longer standing. There could still be something there to hide a person. That’s what I’m doing when my future brothers-in-law find me. Grabbing their own shit, they begin their own search. Together we sit in silence while working.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  I’M NOT SURE how many days have passed since I was beaten so severely by Scott. I haven’t been able to get out of bed. It hurts to move or take a breath right now. This is the worst I’ve ever felt in my life. Including losing my baby. Every inch of skin hurts, and I can barely open both of my eyes. This is not good.

  Even though I can’t hardly move, Scott still expects me to get out of bed every day to clean and cook his meals. He won’t settle for anything less than a hot meal three times a day. And any snacks he may decide he wants me to make for him. He’s truly a lazy piece of shit who can’t do anything for himself.

  Since I can’t get out of bed, I’ve been beaten again and again. He refuses to give me a single break since he originally beat me the worst with the cameras on. He’s still mumbling to himself and it’s only gotten worse on a daily basis. I swear he’s going insane. Or it’s the drugs effecting him. Either way, he’s really beginning to scare me like he never has before.

  My baby is constantly on mind. I fear I’m going to lose him or her because of the severity of the beatings. It’s only putting more stress on me. That’s definitely the last thing I need right now. Well, I don’t exactly need the beatings ei

  Yesterday, I think, was the worst. He used his belt on me. The buckle cut into my skin in several different places. Since I’m not allowed to clean up or anything, everything is sticking to the wounds and continually pulling them open. I’m going to end up getting an infection which is only going to make me sick. I don’t need that either.

  Everything happening right now is shit I don’t need. There isn’t a lot I can do about any of it though. When he’s beating on me, I try to protect my abdomen. He hasn’t guessed why just yet. I’m waiting for him to realize I’m pregnant. Hell, he hasn’t even figured out I’ve been sick on a daily basis since I’ve been here with him. Or he simply figures it’s because of the pain I’m in.

  Waking up today, I can still barely move. The pain is still intense to the point I want to be sick. I’m trying to hold it all in because I’m not allowed water or any food. Anything I do have is because I’ve had to sneak it when Scott wasn’t paying attention. This is not how anyone should be forced to live their lives. It’s not living when you’re chained to a damn bed and forced to be someone’s slave. Especially when they don’t even like what you do or make them.

  “Bitch, get the fuck up!” Scott yells, slamming the door of the room open.

  It crashes into the wall next to it, putting a hole in the old drywall. Wallpaper rips and floats to the floor as Scott stalks toward the bed. He’s got a vicious look on his face. It’s so bad, I shrink back into the mattress which hurts my body.

  Scott unlocks the handcuffs from me and roughly grips my arm. He yanks me from the bed as I scream out in pain. This only serves to amuse the slimy fucker. I want to pummel him and give him a taste of his own medicine. I’m not in the shape to do so though.

  “I’m leaving for a while. I expect this place to be fucking spotless when I get back. I want dinner on the table too. Don’t even try to get away since there are men outside standing guard,” he threatens me. “They’ll have no problem fucking you anyway they choose before slicing you up into tiny pieces. That won’t fulfill my need for you though so don’t fuck up.”


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