Our Secrets

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Our Secrets Page 21

by Erin Osborne

  “See something you want?” she questions coyly.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “There will be time for that once I’m healed completely. For now, lets get that shirt on me before one of my brothers walk in here,” she states, moving her position on the bed slowly.

  I grab her tank top from the bag and slide it carefully over her injured arm. Once her arm is through the hole, I lift it over her head, and she puts her other arm through the hole. Pulling it down over her body, I try to leave her body alone, so I don’t unintentionally pull any stitches from her.

  Just as her shirt settles in around her waist, where it’s covering her slight baby bump I’m also noticing, the door opens up and Torch walks in pushing a wheelchair. She eyes it as if it’s going to eat her alive. Again, I can’t help but stifle my laughter because she truly doesn’t want to ride in the thing. Unfortunately for her, it’s wheelchairs for right now due to her sprained knee.

  “Sorry sis. Doc’s orders,” he informs her as she pouts.

  Usually I don’t find that sexy at all. On her, she’s not trying to be sexy. She’s showing her disdain for having to ride out of here. Thankfully we’re not trying to take a million flowers and shit out of here with us. Raine and Hollie have everything at the clubhouse waiting for her. That’s where we’ll be staying for now. Satan has made the Prospects get a room ready for us on the ground floor. I don’t want her trying to get up and down the stairs at the clubhouse. This is easier for us both.

  I help her into the chair because I honestly need to feel her in my arms. This is not a want on my part, it’s a need. It’s been almost a month in total since I’ve held her or been up in her space. There won’t be another minute I’m without her by my side. As soon as she can have sex again, I’m claiming her ass. She knows and hasn’t objected so it’s happening.

  Torch pushes her from her room while I carry her papers and the bag with anything else of hers. We did manage to get her purse before they torched the cabin to the ground. When we get outside, Victoria closes her eyes and inhales the crisp fresh air. She’s told us very few details about her time with Scott. She doesn’t want to relive it and we’re not trying to make her. While she assured us he didn’t rape her while she was conscious, Vic isn’t sure about the times she was out of it. Though she’s pretty sure he didn’t touch her sexually. Scott kept telling her he was too repulsed by her.

  I climb in the backseat of the SUV with my girl in the middle. Pyro is on her other side. Doc and Torch are sitting up front. Satan, Grinder, and two Prospects will ride with us home. We still don’t know if there’s any other threat against my girl out there. Though based on what she’s told me Scott said to her, there is. Someone is against all the women of the club and we’ll protect them fiercely.

  We’ve been back at the clubhouse for almost a full day. I fell asleep with Victoria in our new room after she ate and took her medicine. Once I was up, I got something to eat and I’ve been busy ever since. Today is Capone and Hollie’s wedding so we need to get the clubhouse ready for it.

  Raine and Hollie are working on the inside with the house bunnies. They’re being forced to help because of everything that’s happened. No one will be leaving so they can be part of the work crew. None of them will be allowed to attend the wedding though. Even after Capone and Hollie leave, they won’t be able to be around. If one of the guys want to fuck them, it will be in their room’s where no one can see. We’re treating their wedding as a family event. Capone and Hollie will not be disrespected by anyone.

  I’m outside with the guys setting up chairs and making sure the tents for food and our tables are set up. It’s warm out so far today, but the weather can change at any time. It’s that time of year where we never know what’s gonna happen. Soon, we won’t be able to hang out outside or ride our bikes. We’ll be trapped in cages which we all hate with a passion.

  “How’s your girl doin’?” Wrath asks, coming up with more chairs to set up.

  “She’s okay. Goin’ stir crazy already and we just got back last night. She wants to be out here helpin’ do all this shit and she can’t with one arm and one leg. Not to mention she’s all messed up with bruises and cuts on her body. Vic has stitches in her back and busted up ribs. It’s not good. She’ll get past it all though and come out stronger on the other side,” I let him know as we keep setting up everything we’ve been tasked with doing.

  “I hear that. I’d be goin’ crazy too. What’s up with the huge ass wrap around her arm? I figured if it was just broken, they’d put her in a cast as normal,” he asks, trying to let me know he’s supporting us even though he wasn’t at the hospital with us.

  “She has wires hangin’ out of her arm. They have to protect that for the next four weeks until they’re removed. Then she’ll be put in a normal cast. It’s gonna be a long time before she’s even close to a hundred percent,” I respond, as we continue busting our asses working.

  “Gotcha. That’s gonna suck ass. The baby is okay?”

  “Yeah. Found out we’re havin’ a boy,” I tell him, giving him a huge smile since I’m getting a son.

  “That’s awesome!” he says, getting excited we’re adding another boy to our growing family.

  For the next few hours, we all work to make sure everything is set up. Torch disappeared when the baker showed up with the cake. He told us he wanted to help her make sure it got inside the clubhouse. That’s not what he was doing at all. He’s got a thing for the pretty baker. When she came in to talk about the cake, he was right there watching her every move. I’m not gonna say a word to him about it though. He’ll realize what he wants sooner or later.

  “We’re done out here,” Capone says, walking up to us. “It’s time to get ready for the ceremony.”

  “On it,” I let him know, taking a look around the yard as we’ve transformed it in the last few hours.

  Heading inside, I walk to our new room. Opening the door, I see Victoria sitting on our bed. She’s wearing a pretty dress that reaches her ankles and doesn’t really show the brace on her knee. There’s nothing we can do about her arm since it’s not just a cast or something.

  “How are you feelin’?” I ask her, leaning down for a kiss.

  “I hate being stuck in here. I want to be helping everyone out. Is there anything I can do?” she asks me.

  “I don’t think so, baby. I’m about to hop in the shower so I can get ready. We’ve got a wheelchair ready for you.?” I tell her as I strip down for my shower.

  “Probably the wheelchair though I hate being in that shit,” she confesses, looking at me like she’s a woman starving and I’m her next meal.

  “Baby, you’re killin’ me here,” I let her know as my cock gets hard as steel.

  “I’m sorry,” she apologizes to me, averting her eyes from my body.

  “Baby, look at me,” I order as she looks up at me. “You can look all you want at me. Until you’re ready for anythin’, I know how to use my fuckin’ hand. You’re just killin’ me because I want you more than my next breath and it can’t happen right now.”

  She slowly nods her head. Walking in the bathroom, I quickly take a shower and get ready for the wedding. It’s not like I have much to do since I have no hair and only a beard. Brushing that out, I walk in the room with my towel wrapped around my waist. Hollie doesn’t want us to wear anything other than jeans and our cuts. A plain tee-shirt is the only other stipulation because it’s what we normally wear. Holls doesn’t want us to wear anything other than what we’re comfortable in. However, we all went out and bought new shirts and jeans to make her day somewhat special. At least in our eyes.

  Once we’re dressed, I help Victoria in the wheelchair. Pushing her through the door, I take her outside and make sure she’s at the end of an aisle where she won’t be anyone’s way. Sitting down next to her, we talk about nonsense and wait for the ceremony to begin.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  THE WEDDING IS simply stunn
ing. It’s simple yet elegant. Biker yet chic. Elegant and country all at the same time. I’ve never seen a more perfect event for anyone in my life. Hollie looks absolutely amazing in a long, flowing gown. Raine also looks dazzling in her full-length rose-colored dress. Capone is wearing a pair of black dress pants along with a rose-colored button-down shirt under his cut. Satan is wearing a simple black shirt under his cut with a pair of black dress pants. Both men are sexy as hell in their wedding attire. Not better than Tags though.

  Now, the wedding is over with and it’s time to party. Honestly, I’m ready to head back to my room. I can’t dance with anyone because of my leg and arm. I’m pregnant so there’s no way in hell I’ll drink anything other than water or juice. Even if I weren’t pregnant, I wouldn’t be drinking after everything I just went through.

  I feel like I’m a drain on everyone because Tags has to wheel me around the uneven ground until we get closer to the clubhouse where it levels out. We pull up to a table where Tags takes a seat next to me. Wrath, Grinder, Torch, and Pyro all sit down with us. Food is brought to us and we eat the steak, potatoes, vegetables, and bread. Tags is drinking water with me while the rest of the table is drinking various alcohols.

  By the time we’re done eating, everyone else is getting up and beginning to dance. Looking at Tags, I lean in close so only he can hear me.

  “Take me back to the room. You guys have a good night tonight. I don’t need to be out here for this,” I tell him, trying to keep my hurt from my gaze.

  “Not happenin’,” he responds, looking at me as a tear slips free. “If you go in the room, I’ll be with you. You’re part of this family and will celebrate as a family with us.”

  “Tags, I can’t dance or do anything else,” I state the obvious.

  “Know you can’t,” he responds simply. “For now, we’ll sit here and hang out with everyone. When you’re ready to go to bed, we’ll go in.”

  “That doesn’t work for me,” I tell him. “Just let me go to the clubhouse or something. I’ll stay outside, just kind of in the background.”

  “I don’t like that idea either,” he informs me, turning in his chair to face me fully. “What are you gonna do there?”

  “Talk to Becky. The two of us can hang out together and not feel like outsiders at this thing. I don’t want anyone to feel bad for me or take away from Capone and Hollie’s special day,” I let him know honestly.

  Without waiting for Tags to reply, I realize I don’t need him to push me around now. We’re on even ground and I should be able to get to Becky all on my own. She’s leaning against the back of the clubhouse, looking as out of place as I feel right now. Hollie invited her to stay for the party and wedding because of the kickass job she did. Becky agreed, but no one is talking to her now. It’s not right. So, since I can’t do much, I’ll make sure someone is talking to her.

  Tags doesn’t try to stop me as I leave the table. He knows how stubborn I can be when I really want to. Instead, I wheel myself over toward Becky with eyes on me. Looking at her, I give her a smile. Becky, being the kind, shy woman she is, doesn’t hesitate to open the door and hold it for me thinking I’m heading in away from everyone.

  “I’m not going inside, hun,” I inform her, turning myself around next to where she was previously standing. “Since you don’t want to mingle with anyone or dance, I though I’d come keep you company. We can people watch together.”

  “Oh, thank you,” she murmurs. “I’m just not good around a lot of people I don’t know.”

  “I get it. This crowd is a rowdy bunch. They work hard, but they love and party even harder,” I explain to her as the men all get up as Hollie and Capone begin their first dance as husband and wife.

  “How do you deal with it all?” she questions me, averting her gaze from the rest of the crowd.

  “Well, that’s easy. Torch and Pyro are my brothers by blood. This is their family and by extension my family. Tags is my man and he’s part of the family too. So, you take the club with the man you fall in love with. It’s the only way to ensure everyone is happy. If you don’t think you can handle the club, don’t fall in love with a biker,’ I explain the only way I can to her.

  Watching Becky, I catch her gaze returning repeatedly to Torch. It’s not one-sided either. He’s definitely looking back at her when he thinks she’s not looking. I have caught him numerous times and he simply smirks at me when he sees me watching him. I’m going to have to have a talk with him because he’s not gonna fuck her over. I know my brother good enough to know she’s not his usual piece of strange for a night before he moves on to the next.

  “How well do you know that guy?” Becky asks, her face turning a bright crimson.

  “Which guy?” I question her, knowing who she’s referring to already.

  “The one with the long dark hair,” she responds, leaning further into the wall of the clubhouse.

  “I know him very well. He’s my oldest brother,” I let her know. “His road name is Torch. It’s up to him to give you his real name. Other than that, the club is his life, and he does whatever he has to for them. It’s how they all are.”

  “Is he single?” she questions.

  “He doesn’t do girlfriends to my knowledge,” I let her know honestly. “I’ve never seen him with the same woman more than one night. However, I’ve only been here a short time and went through hell when I first got here. Him and my other brother Pyro put their lives on hold to help me. So, I can’t really say anything about his love life for sure. Why are you asking?”

  “He’s really cute,” she murmurs, turning even redder in the face. “I think I’d like to get to know him, but I won’t talk to him. I have a hard time talking to guys. Or anyone really.”

  “You’re talking to me just fine,” I let her know.

  “I know. You came up to me though. As you noticed, I don’t approach anyone. I’m honestly not even sure why I accepted the invite to this wedding and party. I may leave here soon,” she says, casting a longing look at my brother once more.

  “Can I get you on the dance floor before you leave?” I question, a plan forming in my head.

  “Oh, I don’t dance. I’ve never danced in my entire life,” she tells me.

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll make sure it’s a slow song,” I state, catching my brother’s attention.

  Torch walks over to us after leaving the group of guys he’s been talking to for the last few minutes. He plasters a smile on his face. The one he uses when he’s in predator mode looking for a piece of strange. That’s not gonna happen. I’m gonna be the cockblocking baby sister here. I simply want Becky to have a good time and dance before she heads home. She’s a sweet woman who deserves to have something good in her life.

  “What’s up, Lil’ Bit?” he questions me, keeping his gaze locked on Becky.

  “Well, Becky here was talking about heading home. She hasn’t danced yet. So, I was wondering if you’d dance with her before she heads home for the night?” I question, giving him my big innocent eyes with the pout I normally use to get my own way with Pyro and him.

  “I’d love to,” he responds as Becky blushes once again. “Are you ready, Becks?”

  “Um, sure,” she responds, taking the hand he’s holding out for her.

  When Torch looks back at me, I silently let him know she’s not to be fucked with. He nods his head letting me know he gets it before walking her to the makeshift dance floor. With a second nod of his head, Beautiful Crazy by Luke Combs begins to play.

  Tears fill my eyes as I watch my brother dancing with my new friend. Becky has her head resting against his chest with his hand holding her head while his other one is placed low on her back. Her eyes are closed, the same with him. I’ve honestly never seen Torch like this with a woman before. Based on everyone standing around and staring at him, they’re not used to seeing him this way either.

  Tags walks up to me and lifts me carefully from the wheelchair. I wrap my good arm around him as he
presses a soft kiss against my lips. He holds me bridal style while leaning back from my face and staring at me.

  “What are you doing?” I question him.

  “I’m gonna dance with my woman,” he informs me, slowly moving us in the grass while the rest of the song plays.

  “You’re crazy,” I tell him laughing.

  “I’m crazy for you, baby,” he states, kissing me once more as the closing notes fade.

  “I love you, Tags. More than you know,” I tell him, as he sets me carefully down in the wheelchair.

  “I love you, too. Let me know when you’re ready to head inside,” he lets me know as Capone tries to gain everyone’s attention.

  “Before our amazing friend and cake designer leaves for the night,” Hollie begins. “Let’s cut into her wonderful creation.”

  Tags pushes me closer to the tent holding the cake. When we’re in a location I can see, he stops, and we watch on while Hollie and Capone hold the knife together as they cut a small piece to share. When they’re each holding a small piece in their hands, I watch on, holding my breath, while they proceed to shove it in one another’s face.

  Hollie has cake and frosting covering her entire face. Capone is also covered, but not quite as bad. Instead of filling every spot on his face, it’s been shoved up his nose. And I’m pretty sure it’s in one of his ears. We all laugh our asses off at the couple as they laugh at themselves.

  Looking at Tags, I silently let him know I’m ready to head inside. There’s no reason for me to remain outside any longer. All the major events of a wedding and reception have been completed. Becky is even being walked around the clubhouse by my brother as she makes her escape from the party. Definitely time to head inside. I know it’s just a matter of time before the skanks come out to play. Even if they’re being made to stay inside the clubhouse tonight.


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