The Absolute Novels: Absolute Beginners & Absolute Lovers: The Absolutely Complete Love Story (An Absolute Novel)

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The Absolute Novels: Absolute Beginners & Absolute Lovers: The Absolutely Complete Love Story (An Absolute Novel) Page 37

by Sj Hooks

"Maybe a little," I admitted. "As long as it didn't make you uncomfortable." I sought her eyes and she smiled again.

  "No, I don't care that she saw us. What we did was beautiful."

  I nodded.

  "Now I'm almost wishing that I had been yelling out stuff about how big you are," she added with a grin.

  I laughed loudly. She was so amazing!

  "God, I love you," I said, chuckling as I held her against me.

  "I love you too. Now, can we forget about that bitch and finish what we were doing?"

  "I…I lost my excitement when you mentioned Michelle," I admitted and glanced down at my flaccid penis.

  Julia didn't seem put off by this.

  "Well, let's see if we can't get you excited again," she practically purred, pushing on my shoulders until I was lying flat on my back.

  She ran to the door, locked it, and it took all of thirty seconds for me to forget about everything except the goddess on top of me and the wonderfully wicked things she did to my body.

  * * *

  Much later than planned, we emerged from my bedroom. Julia's curls were a little mussed up and we were both wearing goofy smiles, but other than that we looked like a perfectly respectable couple when we walked down the stairs hand in hand.

  "Stephen, we were looking for you," Richard’s voice rang out.

  He approached us with a curious expression on his face.

  "I need the bathroom," Julia whispered. I pointed her in the right direction and she gave my stepfather a quick smile before hurrying away.

  "I…um, I was giving Julia a tour of the house," I lied horribly. Richard raised his eyebrows, obviously not believing a word.

  "I see. You were certainly gone for a long time," he said, smirking.

  Oh hell. He knows!

  I waited for the mortification to creep up on me, but I was surprised to learn that I didn't feel at all embarrassed about the fact that Julia and I couldn't keep our hands off each other. We were in love and like Julia said, what we did together was beautiful.

  "Yes, we were,” I agreed, holding my ground. Once again my stepfather looked almost proud of me.

  "Well, I should go find Julia," I continued. "I'm sure she's hungry now. After all the, uh, touring.”

  "You do that, son.” Richard chuckled behind me as I walked away with a huge smile on my face, doing everything in my power not to strut.

  On my way to the downstairs bathroom, I heard the piano playing softly, and out of curiosity I peeked into the living room. My jaw dropped.

  Julia plays the piano?

  She was sitting on the bench, her fingers moving over the keys as effortlessly as if she were a professional. But the most fascinating thing was the music she was playing. The piano belonged to my mother, who only ever played classical music. But Julia was playing a rock song. I should have guessed she would prefer something like that. And then she started singing. I had heard the song before but I couldn't place it.

  I decided to shut my brain up and simply enjoy it. She sang and played beautifully, and I listened in awe. When she came to the last chorus her voice changed and became more intense, her fingers hit the keys with more strength, and I held my breath.

  Abruptly she stopped and closed her eyes. I saw that she was breathing heavily and her hands shook on top of the keys.

  Oh God, she's about to cry!

  I wanted to rush to her side, but I also didn't want her to feel uncomfortable that I had intruded on her private moment. She opened her eyes and they met mine.

  "Sorry," she rushed out, almost knocking the bench over as she stood up. "I couldn't find the bathroom and then I saw this and…sorry."

  "Don't apologize. It was beautiful. I had no idea you knew how to play." I came over and sat down on the bench, holding my hand out for her to join me.

  "Yeah, I used to play all the time,” she told me. “We had a piano at home."

  "Your parents played?" I asked gently.

  "No, me and Pop," she said, sniffling a little. "He loved Billy Joel. He taught me how to play. Pop, not Billy," she added with a smile. "That was sort of our thing, playing and singing together. I played for him all the time when he was in the home. It always made him smile, even at the end. Sometimes, he would even remember me because of the music."

  She smiled and stared into space for a few seconds before shaking her head. "His piano is in storage now, but someday when I get a bigger place I want it in my living room.”

  Maybe it will be our living room.

  I hoped so, but didn't say anything.

  "Do you play classical?" I asked curiously.

  She smiled and moved her fingers to the piano again, playing the chorus of “As Time Goes By.”

  "That's not what I meant," I chuckled. "But it's a wonderful song."

  "I know. It is a classic, though." She grinned. "And the answer's no. I like a song you can sing along with, and so did Pops. I never really got into the other stuff. I mean, I could probably play some of it if I had the sheet music, but I never saw the point."

  "You're really good."

  "Thanks," she said softly. "Do you play?"

  "I used to. My mom gave me lessons when I was a kid, but school took up so much of my time and I gave it up when I went to college."

  "Play something," she encouraged and moved down the bench.

  "I'll try," I said, because I didn't want to deny her anything. "Just don't laugh if I make any mistakes."

  "I swear," she said and gave me a sweet kiss.

  I played a little of Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" because I was able to do so without sheet music and it was a favorite of mine.

  "That was beautiful!" Julia exclaimed when I finished. "You should play more often, baby."

  "Maybe I will when you get your grandfather's piano," I said with a smile, secretly hoping that we would be living together by then.

  Julia returned the smile and we gazed into each other's eyes for the longest time.

  "Here you guys are!" Matt barged into the room, throwing up his hands. "I've been looking for you two everywhere. Do you realize how boring it is out there without you?"

  "Sorry. We're coming."

  Julia went to the bathroom before we stepped out into the garden again. I looked around for any signs of Michelle and apparently I wasn't being very stealthy, because Matt quickly saw what I was doing.

  "I don't know where she is," he said. "I ran into her earlier when I was looking for you guys and when I asked if she had seen you, she just looked really pissed and stormed off."

  I had a pretty good idea why Michelle had done that. Julia smirked up at me and leaned into my body.

  "Anyway, you wanna get something to eat?" he continued, rubbing his stomach. "I'm freakin' starving."

  "Yeah, me too,” Julia said, “I seem to have worked up quite an appetite."

  I laughed and Matt looked at us. Then he laughed too.

  "For a second there I thought that you guys had been off screwing or something," he chuckled. "But then I remembered that I was thinking about my brother, who would never do something like that. Come on, let's eat."

  "You're right, Matt. I would never do something like that," I said and stifled a laugh as we followed him.

  The person I used to be wouldn't have, but the new me sure as hell would!

  "What are we having?" Julia asked us.

  "Barbecue," Matt and I answered in unison.

  "Seriously? That's awesome!" she said. "I was worried it would be all caviar and pâté. Do you think I could get a cheeseburger?”

  "Absolutely. Just place your order and the chef grills your meat," I said, pointing straight ahead to where the barbecue was set up.

  "A chef? Isn't the whole point of a barbecue to grill your own stuff?"

  "Thank you!" Matt said emphatically. "I've been telling our mom that for years, but will she listen? Women, you know?"

  "Totally," Julia deadpanned.

  "I like you." Matt nodded. "You're cool. You're also way
too smokin' hot for my brother. You do realize that, right?"

  "Yeah, probably," she said and gave me a wink, showing me that she didn't really feel that way. "But the thing is,” she continued. "I'm also smart enough to know that when I find a hot, sweet, and wonderful guy who also happens to be the best lay ever, he's a keeper."

  She sauntered ahead of us toward the food and called over her shoulder, "I'm even smart enough to fall in love with him."

  Matt stared after her with a stunned look on his face and I was sure that I matched his expression. I watched as she went up to the chef and placed her food order. She held up her hands, indicating that she wanted a huge burger, and I couldn't help but laugh as he did, clearly smitten with her.

  God, I love her. I can't believe she's really mine.

  "You're so gonna marry her.”


  "You are," he insisted.

  "Matt, officially we've only been together a few weeks," I said, although I wanted his statement to be true. "Besides, I thought you didn't like the idea of marriage. Being with just one woman for the rest of your life and all that."

  "Yeah, but you're so traditional that it was just a matter of time before you settled down with one of the duds you dated. If you have to get married, I'd prefer someone like Jules as a sister-in-law. At least she's fun to be around.”

  I couldn't believe that he had actually considered this. I thought I was the only one thinking of our relationship in terms of forever and “for as long as we both shall live.” Evidently, that wasn't the case, and it made me wonder if Julia was having similar thoughts now that we had declared our love for each other.

  "And she makes you all happy and googly-eyed, which is a big step up from boring, sullen Stephen," he added. "It's just…it's nice to see you happy for a change."

  "Thank you, Matt," I said, feeling a little stunned. "I hope you and Megan work out too."

  "Yeah, we'll see how it goes," he said. "Come on, bro. Let's get our burgers on."

  We joined Julia at the buffet table and I made sure to let the chef know in a very subtle way that she was taken. Well, maybe not entirely subtle, since I chose to convey it by giving her a searing kiss that almost made her drop her plate. Luckily, she didn't seem to mind at all based on the smile she gave me. We sat down to eat and once again I noticed that people were staring.

  "I feel like I'm on display or something," Julia whispered.

  "They're all just shocked to see Stephen with a girl," Matt said around a huge mouthful of burger.


  "I think they all assumed that he was gay." My brother grinned. "You know. A single guy of a certain age they've never seen with a chick. Plus the whole literature thing. You can't really blame them."

  Julia quirked an eyebrow. "Liking literature is gay? Fuck me. I guess I'm a lesbian then."

  Matt laughed, shaking his head.

  "I thought you weren't going to swear, you naughty girl," I whispered in her ear. She smirked and shrugged.

  "I figured it was OK as long as it's just the three of us. Besides, I think you like my dirty mouth."

  I truly did. Mostly in the bedroom, where I was now almost as vocal as her.

  Everything was so different now. I was even enjoying the party and talking to my parents' friends who came over to say hello. I introduced Julia as my girlfriend and every time it made me grin like the lovestruck fool I was. I was purposely vague when asked how we had met and how long we had been dating. There wasn't any danger anymore since I was no longer her teacher, but I still did my best to keep speculation about us to a minimum and simply told people that the relationship was new and that we had met at the university.

  "I need pie," my brother announced, leaving the table after devouring his third burger.

  "Pie?" Julia echoed. "Which kind?"

  "Apple," I said with a smile and an eye roll. "My mom loves to embrace the clichés."

  "You shouldn't take all of this for granted," she said quietly and motioned around the garden. "Your parents, your brother. Family, you know. You're very lucky. To belong somewhere."

  She let out a small sigh and her expression turned sad. It made me feel horrible because I realized that she was right. I had never really appreciated the comfort and safety of having supportive and loving parents, and a brother who actually seemed to enjoy my company. I had a place to go for holidays and people to celebrate birthdays and specials occasions with. Julia didn't have any of that.

  "I'm sorry, sweetheart," I whispered, hesitantly placing my hand on top of hers.

  It was times like this when I felt just how inexperienced I was when it came to women and relationships in general. I didn't know if I should hold her or if it was better to give her a little distance. This was a family party and Julia had lost hers. And to make matters worse I had just poked fun at my mother right in front of a girl who probably missed hers, especially on a day like this.

  "It's OK," she said as she shuffled her chair closer to mine. I took it as an invitation to wrap my arm around her and kissed her temple.

  "I'm really happy to be here with you," she whispered and played with the button on my shirt cuff before she laced our fingers.

  "I am too," I murmured, tilting her head up until she looked at me.

  "I love you, Julia. You do have a place where you belong."

  "I do?" she whispered and gazed into my eyes.

  I nodded. "You belong with me.”

  And then I discarded proper social conduct entirely, pulled her into my lap, and kissed her as though my life depended on it. Julia responded eagerly and pressed herself against me while both of us ignored the fact that we were sitting in the middle of a garden in broad daylight at a semi-formal function.

  "Dude, you look like you're trying to eat each other," Matt snickered next to us. "Have some more grub."

  Reluctantly, I pulled my mouth away from Julia's and met her eyes.

  "I love you too," she whispered.

  I lifted her back into her own chair and turned my attention to my brother, who was busily shoveling pie into his mouth.

  "Sorry," he mumbled, "but I think people at the buffet were starting to take bets on whether you were going to mount her right here on the table."

  I blushed, but Julia just laughed softly.

  "They all would have lost," she said. "If anyone was doing any mounting, it would have been me."

  Matt chortled and went back to eating.

  "Would you like some pie?" I asked her.

  She nodded and started to stand up but I stopped her, saying that I wanted to get it for her.

  "I can get it myself," she protested.

  "I know. But let me, please?" There was a lot more to my question than merely getting dessert. I was asking her to let me treat her like a lady. She hadn't ever been with a gentleman before and was under the mistaken impression that they only belonged in movies and books. On the wonderful day when she had agreed to be my girlfriend, I had told her that I wanted to do all those gentlemanly things, but I hadn't really had the opportunity until now.

  "Will it make you happy if I agree?" she asked.

  "Ecstatic," I replied honestly.

  "All right," she said with an indulgent smile, leaning back in her chair. "But if you skimp on the whipped cream, the deal’s off."

  I laughed and went to the buffet, where I made sure to get her an extra-large slice of pie with plenty of whipped cream. I also poured her a cup of coffee and was about to walk back over when I stopped dead in my tracks.

  Oh, no. What the hell does she want?

  Michelle was standing by my empty chair next to a very uncomfortable-looking Matt. Julia regarded her with a neutral expression and I was thankful that she didn’t seem upset. I quickly walked over and sat down next to my girlfriend, handing her the dessert. She gave me a grateful smile at the same time Michelle cleared her throat in a way that demanded attention.

  "Hello, Michelle," I said curtly, finally raising my head to look at her.
  I had seen her in passing over the last decade, but this was the first time since that night that we had spoken. She looked different than I remembered her. She used to be beautiful to me. Now I couldn’t help but notice the heavy makeup she wore as a mask and the inappropriately low cut of her dress. Something had definitely been altered in her chest area, which looked much larger than it had before. I wasn't intentionally looking at her breasts but it was impossible not to, which I supposed was the point of her dress.

  Implants? How odd.

  I found her to be wanting in every way and I couldn't for the life of me understand why I had ever been attracted to her. She was nothing like the woman I remembered. It was entirely possible that I had put her on a pedestal, but now I saw her for what she really was: someone who was trying to remain young and attractive by dressing inappropriately and getting cosmetic surgery. It was quite pitiful. Youth was great and all, and God knows I worshipped Julia's young, supple body. But if there hadn't been more to her than perky breasts and a firm backside I might have slept with her a few times, but never would have fallen in love with her. Julia was the complete package: brains, personality, and beauty, and that was how I knew that I would still want her just as much when she changed into a natural-looking, mature, still-gorgeous woman.

  "Hi Stephen," Michelle said in a strange, breathy voice.

  Apparently, she took my greeting as permission to join us because she sat down next to Matt while keeping her eyes on me. I wondered what on earth she could possibly want and if she was going to pretend that she hadn’t been spying on my intimate time with my girlfriend less than an hour ago. I didn't know if she realized that she had been caught doing it, but either way she was being very rude.

  "Aren't you going to introduce me to your date?" she asked and looked at Julia. I sighed. I really wanted to tell Michelle to take a hike, but seeing that she was a guest of my parents', I couldn't very well do that.

  "Michelle, this is Julia Wilde. My girlfriend. Sweetheart, this is Michelle Kingston. She's a friend of the family."

  But not a friend of mine.

  "Pleased to meet you," Michelle said. "Stephen and I go way back. We have a lot of history."

  "So I've heard," Julia replied dryly, leaning a little closer to me. Michelle nodded in a knowing way and for some reason she looked smug. I had no idea why. Sleeping with her was one of the worst experiences of my life and it was hardly something for her to feel proud about.


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