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Page 19

by Brenda Trim

  The murmuring noise of the crowd evaporated when she reached his side. Always aware of his shifters and prepared to help them, nothing else mattered at that precise moment but her.

  Like the many males he’d watched during the mating ceremony, Hayden pulled Millie into his embrace. Electricity arched between them and desire coursed through him making his shaft hard as stone. He kissed her glossy lips, not caring about the onlookers surrounding them.

  He allowed himself to indulge in her for a few seconds before he reluctantly broke away from her mouth. Her parents were watching them, and he didn’t want to make them uncomfortable. He positioned them on the stone image of the Triskele Amulet inlaid in the dirt.

  “Friends and family, please form a circle around the couple,” Zander instructed as he gestured his daughter closer. Despite the fact that it seemed as if Izzy’s direct line to the Goddess was gone, they all still treated her as if she was the embodiment of the amulet.

  “We have gathered here in this beautiful place, under the eye of the Sun and the glow of the Moon. Let the circle be blessed and consecrated with Fire and Water.”

  Breslin, Zander’s sister, stepped forward and with a wave of her hand, fire rose from the earth to the heavens like shooting stars. Her twin, Bhric joined her and smiled widely as he lifted his hand, palm up. The twins represented the yin and yang of power. A second after Bhric gestured to the sky, water cascaded down in a sheer waterfall from the heavens back to the earth, extinguishing the fire.

  “We call to the Goddess Morrigan, and invoke her to bless this mating,” Zander intoned. Hayden opened his energy and allowed his Omega power to seep from his pores.

  Within seconds dozens of animals from deer to mountain lions to squirrels slowly approached the gathering. Owls and various other birds flocked to the nearby trees. Hayden had warned Millie and her parents that animals would respond to his call. The joy on Millie’s face transformed her from gorgeous to utterly stunning.

  Hayden placed the mating stone into Millie’s hand and gave it a squeeze. He followed Millie’s gaze to the ordinary-looking granite stone. The change it was about to undergo was one of the Goddess’s most precious gifts. Hayden wondered what their mating stone would protect for them.

  The electricity shifting between them traveling through the stone sending sharp currents throughout Hayden’s body and settling in his groin. It had already been difficult to remain in control. This was making it so much harder. No pun intended.

  Hayden sandwiched Millie’s hand between his, hoping to calm the shaking he could feel. He sucked in a breath a second later as power unlike anything he had ever experienced built beneath their hands.

  Fluttering in his chest was his first hint that something big was building. His heart outpaced the trembling in his torso and his soul stretched. Each of his animals prowled wanting in on the action. It brought to mind the fact that the blood exchange would soon follow. Millie had been terrified of this part of the plan. He wasn’t certain how he was going to handle that.

  “We call upon the spirits of the East, of Air, Spring, and new beginnings. We call upon the spirits of the South and the inner Fire of the Sun, Summer, and personal will. We call upon the spirits of the West, of Water, Autumn, and healing and dreaming. We call upon the spirits of the North, of Earth, Winter, and the time of cleansing and renewal. Join us to bless this couple with your guidance and inspiration,” Zander chanted, his baritone voice carrying to the outer circles.

  Millie placed her right hand over Hayden’s heart like he’d instructed, and he did the same. “I bless this mating under the Sun and the Moon. This circle of love and honor is open and never broken, so may it be.” Zander’s clear voice filled the Grove.

  Heat built in the stone and Hayden flicked his gaze to Millie to make sure it wasn’t too much for her. Her wide brown eyes were filled with tears, but she didn’t seem to be in pain. Through their bond, Hayden felt her joy and love.

  A sucking sensation stole Hayden’s ability to breathe seconds before his soul left his body and entered the stone. Brilliant light flashed between their fingers and Hayden’s body filled with the magic.

  The connection he felt to Millie cemented in place. It became an unbreakable gold ribbon that wrapped around his heart and ran to Millie’s, entwining them. Millie’s jaw dropped and her gaze shifted from his eyes to her chest right after their souls surged back into their bodies.

  Hayden had to brace himself as he adjusted to the sensations. His renovated soul was foreign and didn’t fit quite right any more because his chest was filled to bursting. For the first time in his existence his soul was complete because of the stunning female in front of him.

  Millie was a vital part of him now. She was ingrained in every cell of his body. The stunning truth hit him at that moment. She was his and he was hers.

  Millie beamed up at her mate. More in love with him than she ever had been. Familiar power surrounded her in a welcomed embrace.

  “Mating stones protect and bless different aspects for different couples. You are a scientist at heart. Always evaluating and searching for answers. The realm faces unprecedented danger that you will be able to help protect them against. You are my miracle. Your mating stone embodies creativity and protection. You will need both to face the battles ahead.” The lyrical voice was foreign and familiar the same time. Instinctually, she knew it was the Goddess Morrigan.

  When Millie’s gaze focused the first thing that she saw was Hayden’s broad grin. The actual Goddess had spoken inside her head. For what felt like the millionth time over the last three weeks she was overwhelmed by the enormity of what she’d joined.

  Her ears came online then and stopped her mind from spiraling. The clapping and cheering contained genuine happiness. Glancing down, she noticed the light was still emanating from between her fingers and his over the stone.

  Hayden lifted his hand to reveal a chocolate diamond the size of a golf ball. Millie was unfamiliar with the Tehrex Realm and magic, so when she felt the gem pulse throughout her body and reach out to Hayden she was confused. There were so many layers to the power bonding them. Her mind immediately started peeling them apart so she could evaluate each and determine how it all worked.

  Those thoughts were cut off abruptly when Hayden stuffed the diamond in his pocket and wrapped his big, strong arms around her. His mouth crashed down on hers a second later. As always, their kiss fanned her desire and had her wanting more. She didn’t care that her parents were watching them make out.

  Until her mother cleared her throat and her father reprimanded her. “Luz, they’re in love. Remember how you couldn’t keep your hands off me? Let them kiss.”

  Millie broke away and laughed at the grimace on Hayden’s face. “Sorry, Luz. Your daughter’s beautiful smile makes me forget myself.”

  Luz laughed. “My husband is right. I remember when we couldn’t keep our hands off each other, but your people would like to congratulate you.”

  “And the food is ready in the hall,” Grandma Flo announced as she wrapped one arm around his shoulders.

  Hungry shifters and Dark Warriors filed into the building in search of sustenance. Millie noticed Kellen, Luke and Jett were among those present. She didn’t recall the names of any others, but most of those that had joined him at the base were there to celebrate the best day of her life.

  “C’mon, let’s grab some food,” Hayden urged her. “You’re going to need your strength for what comes next.” The way he waggled his eyebrows made her laugh.

  A woman with spiky black hair, Millie thought she was called Mack, slapped Hayden on the back as she shifted a cute little girl with grey eyes that had a flame inside the center higher on her hip. “It’s good to see your resting bitch face changed into something that doesn’t frighten my daughter.”

  Hayden shook his head but never stopped smiling. “Harlow has never been afraid of me. Her dragon feels my dominance, doesn’t it?” Hayden let go of Millie’s hand and took Harlow as she
reached for him.

  Millie watched him as they crossed to the mess hall to get some food. Shifters drifted out with filled plates and wandered to the tables while Breslin started the bonfire. The feeling of belonging filled Millie to bursting. Her parents were content as her mom cooed at the child in Hayden’s grasp.

  “Welcome to the family, Millie. I have a shirt for you,” Mack said as her mate and Zander’s other brother, Kyran, joined her.

  The Vampire Queen laughed. “I think this is your best one yet. Her science really did kick magic’s ass.”

  Millie laughed. “I’m so glad these men aren’t intimidated by a smart, capable woman.”

  “Intelligence is sexy as hell,” Hayden murmured into her ear, making her shiver with arousal. Perhaps they could skip the meal and get to the good part.

  Hayden hesitated outside the dark cavern when he felt Millie shivering beside him. The wind blew cold air across their skin, but he didn’t think she was reacting to the temperature. “Are you sure you’re okay doing this part in the mating cave?”

  Millie squinted at the dark opening. While Hayden could see the candles flickering inside, she couldn’t. “To be honest, I thought that was a euphemism for where shifters spent their wedding, or rather mating night. I had no idea you were being literal.”

  Millie sucked in a deep breath and licked her lips. Through their bond he felt her apprehension and excitement. “Is that going to be a problem?”

  “Is there a bed? I don’t want to be doing it on the rock covered ground. Oh and what about a bathroom. I’m sure I’ll need one of those.”

  “I made sure there was a new mattress for our use tonight. As for a bathroom, I plan on keeping you plenty busy, but if you need one, I will carry you to the nearby river.” Hayden laughed when her face scrunched up and she stuck her tongue out at him. “Is that an invitation?”

  They entered the dimly lit cavern and while he could see easily with enhanced vision, he picked her up because her vision was still human, and she couldn’t see more than a couple feet in front of them. He held her close and breathed in her spicy coconut scent.

  About fifty yards inside the cave stood a large four-poster bed with a plush teal comforter. Candles sat in clusters on the various natural shelves throughout the space. Zeke and Tia had lit the candles and left them champagne with fresh fruit. There were other snacks on the low table along with toys he hoped to introduce into their love making.

  He stopped her by the end of the bed and set her on her feet. She’d barged into his life like a battering ram and had taken him hostage. He doubted his first instinct and allowed anger to fill his heart with every poke of a needle. Thank the Goddess Fate was a persistent bitch that won out in the end.

  Millie was sexy, smart and the perfect fit for him. Their bond strengthened by the minute, promising him that their love was the stuff of legend. It overrode pain and anguish to create something beautiful.

  The soft whisper of her breathing sped up, inciting his animals. His heart immediately matched the rapid pace of hers. His gaze snagged on the sight of her chest rising and falling as her breathing picked up speed, as well. He ran the backs of his fingers across her cheek then pulled each crystal and bobby pin, so her loose curls tumbled to her shoulders. Her tresses were soft as silk, and her sultry scent filled the cave.

  Her hands landed on his chest, searing him with erotic electricity. A groan was forced from him. “You were stunning in this dress,” he admitted as he unbuttoned the dozens of pearls that lined her spine. “But I want it off of you and I’m having a hard time leashing my animals to get through the buttons.”

  Amusement flashed through their bond a fraction of a second before he heard her giggle. Her sultry smile told him she enjoyed the torture as she continued running her hands over his torso. “All good things come to those that wait. Didn’t your mom ever tell you that?”

  “Only about a million times, but every ounce of control I have flies out the window with how badly I want to be inside you, mi alma.”

  Hayden hid his grin as his mate clawed frantically at his clothing. She would never admit it, but Millie went from zero to sixty when he talked dirty. “Take this off,” she demanded as she finally slipped her small hands between the sides of his shirt and ripped it open.

  Buttons went flying and his mouth crashed down on hers. The heat between them was always explosive and became an inferno as she shoved his jacket then shirt off. He toed off one shoe then the other while his tongue tangled with hers. Letting go of her backside was difficult, but Hayden did it long enough to let his jacket and button down fall to the floor.

  His cock jerked when her hot hands grabbed the fastening and shoved them down. Hayden finally got her dress undone and pushed it off her shoulders. Millie pulled away and looked up at him as she tried to catch her breath.

  The twitch of her finger made it brush against his shaft. She stepped out of her dress and pushed his pants to his ankles. His shaft bounced when it was released. The sight of her standing there in a sheer white bra and panties and licking her lips as she stared at him burned into his mind.

  “You are incredibly delicious and I’m starving,” he informed her as his glowing brown eyes shifted over her body.

  “I want a taste, too.” Her voice was a full body caress and created images in his head that urged his animals closer to the surface.

  Millie tilted her head and smirked up at him as she walked around him, trailing a finger across his bare chest. A purr rumbled through his throat. “Careful, love. I’m not sure how long I can hold back.”

  Her throaty chuckle was punctuated when she slapped his ass and bit his shoulder lightly. His head fell back, and his eyes closed then snapped open when her tongue licked over his nipple. Sweat broke out over his entire body.

  “Who said anything about holding back?” she asked seductively. There were no barriers between them. He’d never felt closer to another being in his life and he wanted more from her. She reached behind herself and unlatched her bra.

  His throat closed as her breasts were revealed to him. The plump globes had his cock jumping. He reached out and brushed a finger over her nipples, making them pebble in response. She leaned into him and he gave in and picked her up. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her body melted into his.

  “You can taste me after the blood exchange,” he murmured as he kissed down the length of her throat. “My animals need to claim you.”

  “Mmmm,” she purred and moved her pelvis against his. “As long as it feels like this I am ready for it all.”

  His eyes flared wide. She’d been so hesitant about this part of the ceremony that he worried she wouldn’t be able to go through with it. There was no way he could make her if she said no. He’d rather suffer for the rest of his life than make her do something she didn’t want to.

  “It’ll feel even better.” He lowered his head and sucked one nipple into his mouth. Arching her back, she pushed more of her breast past his lips. They had yet to make love slowly and savor each other. Every time they came together it was a matter of urgency as they dove headfirst into pleasure.

  Hayden turned and set her on the edge of the bed then urged her to lay back with a hand to her chest. She grabbed some pillows and kept her eyes on every move he made. She lifted one leg barely hiding her glistening sex.

  “I don’t deserve you, but I will spend the next several centuries proving why choosing me wasn’t a mistake.”

  “What?” Her eyes held fear and excitement. “I won’t live that long.”

  Hayden’s eyes traveled to her core and remained there while he nudged her knees apart. The arousal coating her soft folds was a siren’s song. He ran a finger through her slit, making her shudder.

  “As soon as we exchange blood your DNA will alter, and you will live as long as I do.”

  Her back lifted off the bed and she mewled. “That was an important detail to share with me before.”

  He lowered his body as his mouth was positi
oned an inch above her core. “Would you have changed your mind?” He ran his tongue through her folds.

  “No!” Her hands fisted the comforter while he lapped at her spicy nectar.

  He was addicted to her honey. One taste and there was no stopping until she was writhing beneath his mouth. One of his hands trailed up her stomach to cup her breast while his other went to her drenched opening.

  No one told him that he would feel her pleasure as well. It was going to be impossible to maintain control with both of their arousals wracking his body. One finger teased her opening before it slid inside. He licked and sucked her clit into his mouth at the same time. His erection jerked against the side of the mattress where it was trapped by his body.

  Their new bond gave him a whole new insight into how much she enjoyed when he touched and kissed her. Her muscles clamped down on his finger as she lifted her hips.

  “More. I need more.” Her fingers tangled in his hair. She pulled him against her sex, forcing more pressure to the engorged nub.

  His cock ached, needing to be inside his mate as badly as she needed a release at the moment. Wanting to give her what she wanted, he sucked her clit and plunged two fingers into her sex. Within seconds she was bucking and crying his name.

  Stars exploded behind Millie’s closed eyes as her body continued to shudder from the climax. Her eyes flew open to watch as Hayden prowled up between her legs. The image of a panther on the prowl popped into her head, making her appreciate his feline grace. She saw hints of his other animals flash through his irises. She adored each one.

  With a smile, Millie spread her legs wide, in invitation. His hard flesh was a flame against her skin. The way his weight settled over her emphasized the shine in his eyes as he lay on top of her.

  With a mind of their own, her legs widened then wound around his hips. It brought the tip of his cock in line with her core. Lifting her head, she claimed his mouth in a heated kiss. She tasted herself on him and it only turned her on more. No one had ever enjoyed this more.


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