A Deadly Masquerade: A Vampire’s Thirst

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A Deadly Masquerade: A Vampire’s Thirst Page 8

by Michaels, A K

  “Victor, your phone.” Kimber prodded him a second before he fumbled it out, his heart speeding up when he saw the name lit up on his screen.

  Jana Noskova.

  “Jana, do you have any news?” He was desperate for news. Any damn news.

  “Yes, I do and it’s not good I’m afraid.” She paused, and he could see her pacing back and forth in her office.

  “Tell me.”

  “One of the clerks here hasn’t appeared for some time and we couldn’t figure out what happened. We sent our best men to find out and we’ve uncovered some disturbing facts I think link him to someone that I’ve had my eye on for some time.”

  She again paused which had Victor jumping right in. “Christ, Jana, will you just spit it out.”

  “Arthur Dawson is the name of the man we think the clerk has been in contact with. He’s an evil son-of-a-bitch with a history of being a sadistic Dominant. He’s been banned from every club he’s been in but more importantly, he’s a jealous fucker. Jealous of just about everyone from the information we’ve gathered and here’s the bit that my operatives’ have uncovered that’s got me concerned. He’s got an unhealthy obsession with Bloodmated couples and it looks like the clerk accessed information he shouldn’t have. As in, the details of your gathering.”

  Victor hissed, his blood boiling inside him at the implication in her words. Implied but not yet said. “What you’re saying is that one of your clerks got hold of the details of the Ball and passed it onto this guy. Is that right? One of The Directive’s lowly clerks managed to bypass the highest security and hand it over to a jealous, sadistic and insane Vampire. Or have I got this wrong?”

  Jana didn’t respond. Not for long seconds. The line remained silent, but Flint did not. He cursed loudly behind him, his glass smashing onto the table with a crash.

  “What the fuck? The Directive allowed this to get out? That’s why we were attacked? My Bloodmate almost died today because of them? The people who’re supposed to protect us? Ain’t that just fucking great?”

  “Tell Flint I’m sorry. I am. I can’t believe this got out, Victor. If I could do anything about it I would, but it’s done, and all I can do now is help you in any way that I can.” She stopped, and he heard something thud loudly on the other end. He wondered what had got kicked or thrown by the obviously furious Wolf. “Anything, tell me now, and I promise you it’ll be done.”

  “Do you have anything else on this Arthur that we can use? What does he look like? Does he have contacts here in Scotland he’d use that we can send our men to? Does he have any weaknesses we can exploit? Is he a daywalker? What other information do you have? Don’t hold anything back, Jana. Now is not the time for that.”

  “I won’t. Damn it. Do you really think I would? I’m on your side, Victor. You honestly think I’d keep anything from you? Really?” She must’ve thrown something else because the next sound he heard was glass breaking and a shriek from a female in the background before she shouted an expletive and came back on the line. “He’s rich so resources aren’t a problem for him, but we don’t have any known contacts for him over there. He’s blonde with blue eyes, ice blue from the picture I’m looking at right now. Oh, and he has a scar above his left eyebrow. He’s tall, kinda thin but not reedy, slim looking is what I’d say. Looks cold to me, not someone to be messed with but I guess we know that now and from everything I’ve read about him, he likes to hand out pain and misery. An all-round bad guy. You need to be careful, Victor, and if you see this fucker…put him down and do it quickly. Don’t take any chances with him. Not one. You hear me? Take him down. Fast.”

  “If I get my hands on him he’ll suffer. Don’t think he won’t,” Flint spat out viciously. “And I’ll take my time.”

  “Tell that hothead to cool his fucking jets and just do the damn job and that’s to kill this guy. No damn Directive cell for him. He needs putting down, plain and simple.”

  “I’ll do it myself if I can.” Victor turned to glare at Flint, knowing he was itching to get his hands on this guy and knowing he’d do his best to ensure his friend didn’t get the chance.

  “So, is there anything I can do? You didn’t answer me.”

  “We’ve got this, Jana. Nothing more you can do for now. Oh wait, can you send me what you have on this guy and email the information to Quinn too? And his men, Ace and Thorne? Give them all you know about this guy and a picture of him would be good, so we can keep an eye out for him.”

  “Will do. Take care and be safe.”

  “We’ll try.” Victor hung up and turned to three sets of faces. One, Flint’s, was angry and fired up. Two, Kenzie’s, was white and worried. The last, Kimber’s, was a mix of the two.

  She looked at her friend, then Flint, then back at him. “We can’t give into this man, or the people he’s got helping him. He can’t win, Victor. If he’s still even here. He could’ve given up now. After all, he’d not succeeded in any attack and he’s lost two men today. So, maybe they’ve gone, we don’t know. All I do know is that I refuse to allow him to get to me. I will not bow to him, or his kind. Not now, not ever.”

  Her head lifted, and her chin jutted out. Oh. He knew that look. Stubborn and feisty didn’t come close to what was running through her right now. She was ready for a fight. The only thing he was glad about was…it wasn’t directed at him.

  “We won’t give in, Kimber. The Ball is tomorrow night and Quinn’s men are all on high alert. We are going ahead with this and we’re not giving into terrorism, because that’s what this is. I refuse to allow this insane fucker to stop us doing this and I will not allow him to stop us doing what we set out to do…bring us together and celebrate the amazing thing that’s happened recently. The fact that Bloodmates have come to light after such a long time is astounding and it deserves to be celebrated. We won’t bow down to this man and run. We’ll stay and fight if necessary and hell mend him if he shows his face because if he does then he’ll find out exactly what we’re made of…what I’m made of. I’ll rip him apart, baby. I’ll kill him myself if he dares to show here.”

  Flint’s face darkened further, his chair flying back as he jumped to his feet. “I’ll be right there with you. If he appears I’ll fucking show him what pain is. He’ll beg me to end him, I can guarantee that…for what he’s done that’s what he deserves.”

  “He does deserve to be punished, there’s no denying that,” Kenzie agreed, speaking up for the first time since Jana had called. “But I don’t need you to do anything drastic…not for me, Flint. I don’t want that on my conscience. Please.”

  Flint looked like he was going to argue, his face full of outrage and anger, but when he looked down at her upturned face he changed. His face softened, and he sank down onto his knees, taking her hands in his and leaning forward to kiss them. “Hey, don’t distress yourself, babe. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  Kenzie sighed. A long drawn out breath escaped her as she gazed into Flint’s face before she answered him. “There’s been too much, Flint…too much fear and death. I don’t want you doing anything too…extreme. If this man, this Vampire, if he comes and tries anything else, then of course he has to be dealt with. But torture? No, Flint. I don’t want that. I don’t want you to do that. Not for what’s happened to me. Don’t do that for me. Please.”

  Her words were low, soft, barely a whisper. But she might as well have screamed them at the top of her voice for the impact they made on everyone present. Kimber let out a soft noise, a whimper. Victor’s eyes flew to her and he saw her wiping a tear away. He knew how she felt because Kenzie’s plea had affected him too. She was a Faery, soft, kind and gentle with a heart that was pure but also filled with love and a strength he’d seen over and over again. And this was one of those times.

  She was showing them…again, that she was much stronger than any of them believed her to be. She was showing them that even those that would do them harm like the bastard Arthur Dawson that had wreaked bloody havoc on them
. Who had caused her grievous injury and had inflicted terrible injuries on her beloved Flint. Who had been the cause of deaths and fear in their midst…she would still not allow them to go beyond what was necessary to keep them all safe.

  She was their conscience.

  “Baby.” Flint fell forward, his arms encompassing Kenzie and holding her close, murmuring into her hair, “Anything you say, darling, anything you say.”

  “Thank you.” Kenzie fell back, stroking his face. “I love you and I know you’re angry but don’t let it take over.”

  “I won’t.” Flint shrugged. “Or I’ll try hard not to allow it to. You know I’ll try.”

  “That’s all I ask, my warrior.” Kenzie leaned forward, kissing his lips softly before she whispered, “I’m tired. Can we go to bed now?”

  “Tired? Shit, of course.” Flint swept her up into his arms, cradling her gently against his chest before he turned to him. “If there’s any further news let me know. Okay?”

  “Of course.” Victor watched as his friend, the hard and cold man who could dole out the harshest punishment he’d ever witnessed, carried his Bloodmate as gently as a newborn out of the room.

  For long seconds, Victor stared at the empty space where Flint had been. Silence surrounded him as he stood with memories of his friend flashing through his mind and of the changes since he’d bonded with Kenzie. The change in him was nothing short of miraculous…the change brought by a Bloodmate.

  “The Ball has to go ahead, we’ve gone through too much to cancel now,” he mumbled to himself, knowing he’d made the right decision.

  “Yes.” Kimber joined him, her hand slipping into his, her fingers lacing with his. “She’s really changed him. Hasn’t she?”

  “Indeed she has…the magic of a Bloodmate.”

  “Her words were powerful. Her plea was…shoot, I was on the verge of tears.”

  Victor had to agree. How could he not?

  “I forget sometimes that our way is not always the only way. Kenzie reminds us of that. But if this guy does show up, I can’t say I won’t kill him, Kimber, because I will. He’s behind all of this and after what he’s done he deserves to die.”

  “I know.” Kimber leaned her head against him, sighing. “I think her words were more for Flint, to rein him in.”

  “I agree.” Victor turned to his love, taking in the beauty of his own miracle. “Want to turn in? We have a big day tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good.” She smiled up at him, her gloriously beautiful eyes causing his belly to clench with the possibilities those two words held as he led her away to their room.

  Chapter 12

  Victor caressed Kimber’s breasts once more while she trembled beneath him, her skin warm and soft beneath his touch. He waited, teasing her mercilessly as she gasped and writhed with his cock barely touching her entrance.

  “Victor! Stop it!” she wailed up at him, her eyes full of passion and fire. Her nails dug into his shoulders with one hand as her other grabbed hold of his ass, trying to haul him closer.

  He stopped moving altogether, much to her displeasure. The skin between her brows furrowed and she growled deep in her throat…damn that sounded so sexy. Her eyes darkened, the green now so murky it was hard for him to make out the color as she glowered up at him. Her legs wrapped around him as she urged him toward her with her heels slapping against him.

  “I’m getting annoyed, Victor.” She hissed up at him before her head sprang forward to nip at the side of his mouth, hard. Drawing blood.

  “Playing rough, sweetie?” he drawled before he allowed his fangs to spring free. “I can do that too.”

  Kimber angled her hips upward, thrusting toward him fiercely, and, before he knew it, he was sliding inside her warm and welcoming heat. “Damn!” His head fell back as he felt himself encompassed within her.

  The feeling was exquisite, decadent, magnificent, and she was all his. His beauty, his love, his Bloodmate and he loved her more each day, hour, second…his body was on fire for hers. He could deny her no longer, thrusting inside her with abandon, his hips pistoning against her body while she welcomed him with just as much fervor.

  “Yes, Victor, that’s it…more!” She writhed with unrestrained passion. Her head moved from side to side but he wanted more…he needed to taste her.

  Slowly he positioned himself down onto her body, covering her entirely with his while he continued to move inside her, his hips pressing against her clit every time he thrust in…with just enough pressure to elicit gasps and moans to fall from her lips. He dropped his mouth to hers in a searing hot kiss, his tongue darting inside to tangle with hers and taste her divine sweetness…her unique blend hitting his senses and sending him higher with each passing second.

  He ground harder against her core, circling his hips and sending Kimber into a frenzy as he took her with long thrusts of his cock. She cried into his mouth and he swallowed it down, lavishing her lips with his before pulling back to meet her eyes with his…gazing into her eyes with all of the love that filled him up and felt as if it was about to explode out of him it was that powerful.

  “I fucking adore you, Kimber!”

  “I know you do.” She smirked up at him, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

  “Cheeky, Dragon.” He chuckled, dipping to rake his tongue over her lips before darting away again.

  “Yes, but I’m your Dragon.” She reached up, tangling her fingers in his hair and tugging him closer.

  “That you are…and I need to taste you…now.”

  His fangs erupted once again and this time he was going to feed…and take them both to those starry heights the joining would bring.

  “Yes! Do it. Now.” Kimber angled her head away, baring her throat to him…her pale skin beautiful and calling to him like a sweet melody.

  A fiery heat started to spread through him when the first drops of her blood touched his sensitive tongue and Kimber groaned with ecstasy as his bite took her on the spiral ride higher and higher. Victor knew every nuance of her essence but still he savored her every single time he tasted her…his flesh tingled, and their souls merged at this precious moment in time.

  A scream tore from Kimber’s throat when her orgasm tore through her body, shivering and shaking, her nails scraping his skull while she tore at his head, holding him to her as she fought her way through the most amazing love they shared…and his stampeded to the fore. His back stiffened, his fangs tore free and his cock pounded into her before his seed erupted deep inside her.

  “Kimber! I love you! So damn much!” He dropped down, onto her for a brief moment before falling to the side and tucking her into his side.

  “Mmm hmm,” she mumbled as she snuggled closer. “Please tell me I don’t have to get up.”

  She felt good in his arms. In fact, she felt amazing. This was the best he’d felt in days with what they’d been going through and if he could’ve stayed right where they were, in this perfect moment…he would have. He would’ve paid a fortune to stay locked up in their room together. Alone. Safe. In love.

  But they couldn’t.

  “I’m sorry, darling, but we have to get ready and go and see if we’re needed downstairs for any last-minute details. The Ball starts in less than two hours so…”

  Kimber sprang from his arms, sitting up with her hair a jumbled halo around her head. Her eyes were wide as saucers and her lips still plump from kissing. She looked amazingly beautiful, and he wanted to take her in his arms once more and fuck her senseless until she screamed his name to the heavens.

  “What? Two hours? Victor! I have to hurry. I’ll never be ready in time! Look what you’ve done to my hair…it’s a mess. And I promised Amaya that I’d be down early to help her and…and you had to go all sexy on me and I lost my senses.”

  Kimber jumped from the bed looking flustered and adorable, flying around the room like a dervish while he watched, rising to sit against the headboard. “So it’s my fault, is it? I went all sexy on you, did I?”

  Picking up her dress for the evening she looked it over before coming back and placing it on the end of the bed. Then she looked up at him, her hair falling over her face. She blew a huff of air to try and get it out of her way but that failed so she ran a hand up to pull it away before she scowled at him.

  “Indeed, you did. You gave me that smile you do. The one with the twinkle in your eyes and that lip lift thing, the one you know that makes me weak at the knees. You are well aware I can’t resist that and then you went in for the kill, Mister Strong. You kissed me! Right here on this very spot. And that was it. I was gone, and before I knew it, I was a hot mess in your arms.”

  Victor chuckled as she stomped her foot before turning on her heel and speeding off to the bathroom. “So I guess hot shower sex is out of the question?”

  “Don’t you dare! I’m already running late. You stay right there, Victor. I mean it. Don’t you come in here.”

  “Now that’s a challenge I can’t resist.” He mumbled flinging the covers back and stalking after her.

  * * *

  They weren’t that late. Not nearly as bad as Kimber thought they’d be, and the shower had been worth it. She had indeed screamed his name again. Loudly. Victor was sure the guards had heard her from the other end of the hall, but he wouldn’t tell her that. She would be far too embarrassed when they finally walked past them dressed in all their finery.

  She looked magnificent in her evening gown. The dress hugged every inch of her body, and her mask added a lovely mystique to his woman. There was the added bonus that he was looking forward to ripping both off her later that night. Hmm, maybe he should alert her to that fact now.

  “Kimber, I hope you’re not too attached to that dress. It’ll be lying in shreds on the floor later because I’m going to rip it off you and I won’t be gentle, baby. I might allow you to keep the mask on while I devour your pussy, though. I’ve not decided yet.”


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