Dirty Nights

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Dirty Nights Page 5

by A. M. Hargrove

  My head moves up and my eyes land on the cutest thing in the world. She’s not beautiful in the sense you would think. But I can’t stop the smile from forming on my face. Her long blond hair hangs down her shoulders and it’s cut so that it has wispy pieces that frame her face. Her lips are full and upturned at the corners and she has the cutest little pixie nose. Her eyes twinkle with a bit of mirth and they are large, round and smoky gray. When she smiles, she displays a perfect set of teeth and there’s something about her that makes me want to act like a school boy.

  “Please forgive me. I am sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going,” I say.

  I bend down to retrieve her now empty cup and move to toss it in the trash. Then I pick up some napkins to clean up the mess.

  “Let me buy you a replacement.”

  “Oh, it’s no bother. But you really should be careful. You could get run over by a car or something,” she says, her soft voice sounding concerned.

  “No! I insist. What did you have?”

  “It was only a skinny latte.”

  “A skinny latte replacement, coming right up.”

  I hit the order line, place our orders and then hand her the cup of coffee. She takes it from me and when she does, our hands brush. A current of heat passes through mine and as I look at her, I notice her eyes widen. For whatever reason, I don’t want this moment to end. I want to ask her to stay here with me. So I can get to know her. So I can hold her hand … really hold it. But I don’t.

  She drops her head, shyly. Then she thanks me.

  “I’m really sorry about the first one.”

  “No worries. All’s good.” She raises her cup to me. “Well, I suppose I should be going.”

  I don’t say anything but nod slowly. Then she turns and is gone.



  Holy ravioli! What the hell was that? The dude runs into me, makes me drop my coffee, buys me a new one and when he touches me I want to melt all over him. Never. Happened. Before.

  I’m a ferking hooker. That crap just doesn’t happen! That’s fairy tale stuff. Make believe. I don’t live in that kind of world. And the dude was seriously hot. I’m talking, take my clothes of now and do me, kind of hot. And when he smiled. Well, ferk me running. Hell with the running. Ferk me sitting, laying, standing, you name it. I’d do him for ferking free. I need to get my mind back in the game here. I’m due at the club because my ride will be waiting. I have a client tonight. Hurrying, I hit the stairs to the subway at almost a sprint, pushing thoughts of the hot dude out of my mind.

  Jimmy’s waiting at the back door for me. “Wasn’t sure if you were coming.”

  “Yeah, I’m late, I know.” I shove past him to my dressing room so I can change. I find the dress my client loves and pull out the undergarments. Crotchless panties, bustier, garter belt and hose. Then I tug the dress on. It’s super tight. Thank God for lycra. The car’s waiting for me and I’m whisked away to the hotel the client always reserves.

  Tonight I’m meeting Clyde. I’m sure that’s not his real name but I couldn’t care less. Clyde is early forties and wealthy. Not very tall, but very good looking. In fact, at five nine, I’m taller than he is. But he’s not too kinky and I like him.

  We arrive at the Waldorf Astoria and I head to the front desk to ask if there is a message for me. Of course there is. I’m handed an envelope and in it is Clyde’s room number and a key card. I head up to room number 724. When I walk through the door, Clyde has a glass of Scotch.

  “Lena.” His voice actually sends a tingle up my spine. Clyde does have a sexy-as-hell voice.

  “Clyde. I’ve missed you.”

  “Take off your coat. Now.” Clyde doesn’t waste time. And he’s demanding.

  "Yes, sir.” I do as he asks.

  “Turn around.” I do a little spin. “Nice. Now bend over so I can look at your pussy.”

  Clyde loves my pussy. I bend over and he sits on the edge of the bed. He just stares at it for a while. I’m getting a little head rush because I’ve been upside down for so long. Suddenly he grabs my hips and pulls me onto his mouth. His tongue is on me and tunnels into my pussy like he’s digging for gold. I don’t know, maybe he thinks he’s going to find some in there. He really does need some oral sex instruction, but far be it from me to teach him.

  Oh dear, Clyde’s tongue is now changing tactics. He’s moved from my vagina and is now trying to do a clit-ectomy. Holy cow. The only way I’m going to get Clyde to stop is to fake an orgasm so here goes. “Ah, ah, ah… Clyde.” I wiggle my ass, pussy and everything else I can think of.

  Glory be to all that’s holy. Clyde finally releases me and says, “Oh, baby, I adore you when you come. You love it when big Clyde eats you out, don’t you?”

  “Oh yes, Clyde. You’re the best!” How did I ever learn to fake this crap?

  Then he slaps my ass. He loves to give my ass a good slap. Now he’s going to get his lube out and finger me up. He loves that. I have his method down like crazy. Men are so damn predictable.

  “Lena, come here.” He undoes my bustier and teases my nipples. I moan and groan appropriately. “On your hands and knees.” He lubes up his fingers and inserts them, moving them around. I am so over Clyde’s routines I start to think about the new movies that are coming out this Friday.

  “Lena, doesn’t this please you?” Oh, crap! I forgot about Clyde.

  “Oh, yes, Clyde. That feels divine.” I make a little purring noise, and then moan.

  “I have a surprise for you tonight, Lena.”

  “A surprise?”

  “Uh-huh. And you’re going to love it.”

  I always get a little nervous when they tell me they have a surprise. My rules are clear. No intercourse. Ever. They can finger me, use toys to a point and with my permission, vaginally and anally, but never ever can they use their penises in me. No bareback blow jobs. Ever. No kissing. Ever. They cannot ejaculate on me. Ever. BDSM is okay to a point and only on them. For me, they must ask permission and only very mild. And that sums it up.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Oh, yes, Clyde.” I hear a buzzing noise so I know it’s a toy and then I feel something being inserted in both my vagina and anus. Oh boy, Clyde has been shopping. Hmm. This might not be bad after all. It’s even hitting my clit. I can’t imagine what kind of contraption covers all three, but who am I to argue? I never have an orgasm with a client. They’re all fake. So maybe tonight I’ll finally come.

  “Oh, Clyde. What is this? This is sooooo niiiiiice.” He loves it when I ooooh and aaaaah.

  “Oh, Lena. Wiggle your ass for me.” I do as he asks and he slaps me, driving whatever he’s inserted deeper inside.





  “Oh! Oh! Oh!” And damn if I don’t come. I want one of these things! I wonder if I’ll have to slap my own ass though. That might take the fun out of it.

  Suddenly, my contraption is extracted and Clyde is in front of me with his tiny boner. See, here’s the thing about Clyde. His dick is teeny. And I mean real teeny. A teeny weenie Clyde does have. I can put the entire thing in my mouth and I don’t think it comes close to the middle of my tongue. And that’s when he’s fully boned up. One might think blowing a teeny weenied man is easy. But it’s quite the contrary. You see, on a large-dicked-man, if you suck hard and get carried away, he loves it. But on a teeny weenied man, you can in fact injure him, if you’re not too careful. No day dreaming for me when it comes to blowing Clyde. It’s pure concentration and focus on his minute appendage. Poor Clyde. I wonder if he’s married and if so, does he ever screw his wife? Would she even feel that little thing? I know they say it’s not the size that counts, but Clyde really did get screwed in the penis department. I have to wonder where he buys his condoms because they have to be extra-extra-extra-small. Then a thought hits me. As I’m blowing him, I move my eyeballs to the side, trying to get a glimpse of his hands. I�
�m suddenly curious to see if there’s a correlation there. I can’t believe I’ve never paid attention to this before. The urge to slap my forehead is so strong I can barely stop myself.

  “Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby, oh baby, oh baby!” And Clyde is finished. Well, that’s it for the blow job part. And it’s a good thing too, because my curiosity about his hand size is nearly killing me. I finally take a peek at them and it confirms that the long-standing myth we ladies have all been told about is nothing but a bunch of bull. Clyde’s hands are quite large. Hmm, I’ll have to file that piece of information away for future reference.

  Pulling myself back to the present, I notice Clyde is eyeing me. It’s most likely because, he’s not done with me yet. Clyde has a lot of money and he pays for four hours. So we’ve only gotten started.

  Three hours later, I leave Clyde’s hotel room and my driver is waiting. He drops me off at the usual place. I’ve given him J.D.’s share of the money. The walk home isn’t long, but it’s late and I’m tired. It’s been a very long day. My feet are killing me as I’m still wearing my four-inch platforms. I wish I could figure out what it is about these kinds of shoes that guys love so much. Even short guys like Clyde. Poor Clyde. Small things aside, he really is a nice guy.

  My heels click along the pavement and I turn the corner, but as I do, an arm snakes around my waist and jerks me backwards. The cold steel of a knife is pressed against my neck and a voice says, “Make a sound and this knife meets your artery.”

  A fist presses into my solar plexus and I can’t breathe. He drags me a few feet to a dark alley between buildings. My face slams against the side of a building, the rough brick scraping it. His hands grope inside my coat and yanks open the buttons. My heart pummels inside my chest because I know what’s coming.

  His knee forces my legs apart and then his hand reaches under my dress, groping me.

  “Well, what we got here? You've been expecting me?” He’s just found my crotchless panties. Then he crushes my body against the wall with his hips, as his fingers penetrate me. I squeeze my eyes shut. It’s been quite a while since sex has been ripped from me and never before like this. The vicious manner in which he’s violating me has me trembling in fear. His smell is so horrid as his breath hits the side of my face, his touch so abhorrent but his strength far outmatches mine. I can’t so much as budge. He throws his hips into mine again and says, “You’re gonna love this.”

  I feel a space open between us and then I hear the sound of his zipper going down.

  Oh God. I can’t believe this is happening to me. I try to wiggle but he moves his knife and presses it against my neck again.

  “Any more and you won’t have a reason to move again.”

  Then suddenly he’s gone and there’s nothing but cool air behind me. Open space. My mind doesn’t register anything but that. I move my arm, afraid to do anything else, for fear he’s still there, and just preparing himself, like pulling out his dick. I know that knife will be plunged into my body somewhere and in moments I’ll bleed to death. But then I notice sounds, scuffling sounds that are coming from behind me somewhere. When I turn to look, my body shakes so badly I can’t move. So I lean into the wall and hang on to it with both hands. I know I should run, but I can’t. I pray this feeling passes soon so I can get the hell out of here.

  Eventually, the noise stops. Then a voice asks, “Are you okay?”

  My lungs won’t fill with air and I fall to my knees and start gasping.



  The girl from the coffee shop. Can’t stop thinking about her. I’m even daydreaming about her. What the fuck is wrong with me? I’m supposed to be studying, which is why I got the coffee in the first place. I have an exam tomorrow and I’m not anywhere near ready. At around 2 a.m., I get up, stretch, and go for a walk. The streets are deserted. Why the hell wouldn’t they be? I wish I had gotten that girl’s name and number. I’m such a fucking loser. I need to forget about her and prepare for this exam. As I round the corner, I hear a muffled sound, much like a whimper.

  My ears perk up and I follow the sound. What I see boils my blood and turns me into a raging maniac. A man has a woman pressed up against a wall and is sexually assaulting her at knifepoint. All those months in the gym, working out my drug demons have paid off because I grab him by the collar and jerk him backwards and then beat the hell out of him. When he’s unconscious, I turn to the girl.

  “Are you okay? We need to call the police.”

  “No! No police!” She rasps. She’s having a tough time breathing.

  That’s when I get my first good look at her and notice it’s the coffee shop girl.

  “You’re the girl from the coffee shop.”

  She lifts her head all the way and the right side of her face is badly scraped and already swelling.

  Her eyes ping around and she says, “I-I gotta get outta here.”

  “I’ll take you home.”

  “No! I can’t go home.”

  I glance around, trying to decide what to do. Without giving her any opportunity to object, I reach around her and pick her up. I only live a block from here so I carry her to my place.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Taking you to my place. You’ll be safe there.”

  When we get to my apartment, I walk her to the bathroom.

  “Did he rape you?”

  “N-no. His hand … he … you got there right before h-he …”

  I go to my room and grab some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I hand them to her and say, “Here. Shower. Towels are in the cabinet.”

  “I-I d-d-don’t think I-I-I c-c-can …”

  I take a good look at her and she’s shaking from head to toe.

  “Do you need a hand?” I ask.

  She nods. I take off her coat and I’m shocked at what she’s wearing. I’m even more shocked at what’s underneath her dress, but I shield my reaction. When she’s completely naked, she stands in front of me as though she’s fully clothed. It’s an odd reaction for someone, especially since she was just nearly raped, but I attribute it to trauma. Then suddenly she breaks down and cries.

  “You’re safe here,” I say as I pull her against me. “Everything’s okay now. No one can hurt you here.” Damn if my cock isn’t hard and I try not to think about it.

  Her sobs subside and she looks up at me, sheepishly and apologizes. “I’m sorry.”

  “No need to apologize.”

  Sorry? Why the hell would she be sorry? She was just brutalized for Christ’s sake.

  Then she gets into the shower. I back out of the bathroom, thinking about that outfit she had on. Women don’t wear that shit for the fun of it. She must’ve worn it for her boyfriend. But why wouldn’t she have called him?

  The bathroom door opens and if I thought she was cute before, she blows me away now. Long blond messed up hair and no makeup makes her look perfect. And all I want to do is kiss the fuck out of her. Oh shit, why did I bring her here? Now I have to be a gentleman.

  “I’ve made you some tea.” I hand her the cup and watch how her hands shake as she takes it from me.

  “Thank you.” She takes a sip and asks, “You don’t have any liquor, do you?”

  “‘Fraid not. Recovering addict here.”

  The slight widening of her eyes gives her away, but she quickly covers it up. It’s okay. I don’t want to hide this fact about myself from anyone.

  “That’s why I made you the herbal tea. It’s the best I can do.”

  She sets her cup down and leans toward me. “Thank you. I …”

  “You don’t have to thank me. I’m glad you’re okay.”

  “Can I sleep here?”

  “Yeah. If you want to. By the way, my name’s Ryder. Ryder Christiansen.”

  She gives me a tremulous smile. “Nice to meet you Ryder. I’m Skylina O’Donnell.” Then she stands and goes to the bathroom. I hear her brushing her teeth. She must be using my toothbrush. How strange. Maybe she’s still in s
hock. When she walks out of the bathroom, she moves to the bedroom on silent feet and that’s it. I brush my teeth and sure enough, my toothbrush is wet. Then I turn off all the lights and lay down on the couch. A few minutes pass and I feel her hand on mine.

  “You okay?”

  “No. I want you to sleep with me. I’m scared of the dark.”

  She leads me into the bedroom and we both get under the covers. It seems natural for her to be here, though it sounds crazy as all hell. When she curls against my side, I put my arm around her and ask, “Better?”

  “I’m good now, Ryder. Just don’t leave.”

  “I won’t.”

  The sun is bright when I wake up. And as I thought, Skylina is gone. Her side of the bed is cold, so she must’ve left a while ago. After I brush my teeth and shower, I put a pot of coffee on. That’s when I see the note.


  Thanks for coming to my rescue.

  You saved me last night.

  Thanks for the solid night’s sleep, too.

  Skylina xo

  That’s it. No phone number. Nothing. I had hoped there would be something but there isn’t. Maybe I’ll run into her in the coffee shop. I can’t help but think she lives around here. Why else would she have been around here so late at night?

  I don’t have time to ponder those thoughts. I have some cramming to do for my exam today.



  It’s just after sunrise as I make my way home, wearing Ryder’s sweats and my platforms. I hope I can sneak in without rousing my mom. She’ll want to know where I’ve been, what happened and so forth. She’ll know when she sees my face anyway. Then, instead of being concerned for my welfare, she’ll get pissed, because this means I won’t be able to work for a few days. And that means she won’t get her fix if she needs it.

  Gah, I really do live a fucked up life. I’m a high paid prostitute, a private dancer, I have a drug-addicted mother who lives with me and I support her habit. And I also dip into the white stuff myself on occasion. My best friend is my bodyguard and my clients range from wealthy men to an occasional woman, I almost got raped last night and then spent the night with the guy who saved me, which by the way, I’m wildly attracted to. What. The. Ferk!


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