Dirty Nights

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Dirty Nights Page 7

by A. M. Hargrove

  “Where’ve you been all night, girl?” She rounds the corner and her arm nails me in the throat. Damn, she knows exactly how to hit. And what the heck is she doing up this early? She’s never up before eleven.

  “Um, I stayed with a client.”

  “Like hell you did. You don’t stay with clients dressed like that.”

  Double damn!

  “Okay. You’re right. I stayed with a friend.”

  It amazes me how fast she can move for someone who is always under the influence of something. Her palm finds my cheek this time and it stings like all hell.


  “Don’t you ‘Mom’ me. And don’t you lie to me girl. I know you’ve been out whoring around.”

  Oh my God!

  “Um, Mom, I’m a prostitute, remember? You’re the one who forced me into this life.”

  Smack. Her hand connects with my face again.

  “Don’t you sass me, girl. You know what I mean. You stay away from those boys. And I mean it. If I catch you whoring around, I’ll whip your ass, Skylina.”

  “Mom, I’m twenty-three years old. You can’t whip my ass anymore. I’m an adult. Besides, I can walk away from this. From you. And where would that leave you? Huh? Who would support you? Where would you get your drugs from?”

  “Why you conniving little cunt! After everything I’ve done for you all these years. I’ve given up my life for you.”

  “Um, Mom, I think you have that backwards. You forced me into a life of prostitution so I could feed your stupid drug habit. If it weren’t for you, I’d be out of school, dancing somewhere. But no, I’m a damn hooker, whoring around because of your stupid drug addiction!”

  I’ve never spoken to my mother like this before. She stares at me, mouth agape. I’m positive she’s in denial. It’s amazing to me how she’s built this false world around herself and is under the misconception that she’s done all of these wonderful things for me. All of the drug abuse over the years must have destroyed her brain.

  “You little liar.”

  Her arm flies out, only this time I intercept it, my hand clamping down around her wrist.

  “That’s it, Mom. You strike me one more time, and I’m gone. I’ll leave here and never come back. You’ll be out on the streets, going through withdrawal with no drugs to pump into you. You hear what I’m telling you? Do you hear me, Mom?” I scream.

  She stares at me, her face ashen. Maybe I’ve finally gotten to her. Who knows? I turn and walk to my tiny room, slamming the door behind me.

  I need a shower. I don’t really want to take one though. Washing Ryder’s luscious scent off of me isn’t something I ever want to do. Grabbing a fistful of his sweatshirt I’m wearing, I raise it to my face and inhale. His scent floods me and I’m instantly wet. Images flash through my mind again of how he pulled me on him, how his cock was so deep inside of me that I have to clamp my hand over my mouth to stop a moan from escaping. This is an unprecedented level of arousal for me. My belly tightens and my breasts even ache with the mere thought of him. My hand slips between my legs and I rub myself to a quick orgasm. But it doesn’t bring the relief I expect. Only one thing can do that, and he’s still asleep in the bed where I left him. I quickly change clothes and head to the studio. Expending energy will be the only way to get my mind off of him.

  That night at Exotique-A, Jimmy walks into my dressing room. “What’s going on with you?” he asks.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You seem different.”

  Jimmy knows me better than anyone.

  “I had a huge fight with my mom. I told her if she hit me again, I would leave and she’d be on the streets. I may have gotten through to her.”

  He nods slowly. He’s not buying it. “You still working out at the studio?”

  “Uh huh. Why?”


  “Is that all?”

  Jimmy’s got something to say, but doesn’t want to. His eyes get twitchy, just like they are now, when he doesn’t know how to approach a touchy subject.

  “Just say it Jimmy.”

  He sighs. “My aunt said that Marianna told her you hadn’t gone to any of the auditions she set up.”


  “Yeah, well …”

  His hand comes up, palm facing me. “Here’s the thing, Skylina. Marianna is influential. She knows a lot of people. I mean a lot. She’s taken an interest in you and thinks you’ve got potential. She’s going out of her way to help you. And now you’re lying about this shit. This isn’t good. If you’re not serious about this dancing thing, that’s one thing. And it’s okay. But don’t lie to her. You’re hurting my aunt. And you’re hurting Marianna. She’s only trying to help you and you’re slapping her in the face.”

  “Oh, God, Jimmy. I’m so sorry. It’s just that when I got to the first audition, all those dancers looked so professional. Like they had all been through the routine before and knew what to do. And there I stood like a damn outsider. A nobody. Which is what I am. And I started thinking— who am I trying to fool? I’m never going to make it there. I’m a ferking stripper for God’s sake. So I ran. I was embarrassed. And now, every time I think about going to one of those again, it totally freaks the hell out of me.”

  “Well hell, Skylina. Why didn’t you say something? I’ll go with you, if you want. I’ll put those uppity assholes in their places. You’re the best and I’d put you up against all of them any day of the week!”

  He’s such a great friend and he honestly means what he says. But he doesn’t know the professionalism of the dancers and how they walk and talk. I don’t even have the proper attire to wear to those auditions.

  “Thanks Jimmy. But it’s so much more than that. I don’t think I’m cut out for it. I don’t feel like it’s my place.”

  “You won’t ever know unless you try. In any case, you need to talk to Marianna about it.”

  He’s right. I do. And I’ve wronged her by not telling her the truth.

  “I will. And I’m so sorry I hurt your aunt after all she’s done.”

  “Enough. You need to get ready. You have someone in the box, waiting.”


  The night speeds by, but there’s only one thing on my mind and it’s one tall muscular guy that I plan on paying another visit to later.

  My belly’s in knots when I press the buzzer.

  “Come on up Skylina.”

  The door buzzes letting me know I can push it open. I walk up the flight of stairs and his door stares me in the face. This time, it’s cracked, waiting for me to walk through.

  “Hi.” His voice is low and if I thought Clyde’s voice could send a tingle down my spine, Ryder’s sends mega volts of electricity racing through my body. I want to know everything there is to know about this man. Except not right now. The only thing I want is to shower and then have him do what he did to me last night. Because I’ve thought of nothing else all damn day.

  I walk up to him, stand on my tiptoes, take his lower lip between my teeth and nip it. Then I suck it hard. When he pulls me to him, I back out of his hold and walk toward the bathroom, stripping as I go. By the time I get to the doorway, I’m down to my thong. His eyes burn a hole in me and I want so badly to turn around, but I don’t. I turn on the water, but I stop to brush my teeth while it’s getting hot. Then I strip off my thong and get in. My body is all soapy when I hear the shower curtain slide open.

  No words are spoken as he pulls me against him. I’m already wet with anticipation. His mouth hits the place where my neck meets my shoulder and he slides his tongue up and down, then moves south to my nipples. They’re like diamonds and I’m positive they could cut glass. He takes one in his mouth and puts his teeth around it, clamps down hard and flicks his tongue back and forth, repeatedly until I squirm. But he doesn’t release me. His fingers tweak my other nipple and my head falls back as I moan. I may come just with this going on. He continues his mouth action on my nipple but his other hand moves to
my mound. His fingers slide in and out spreading my wetness around. My hands grip his head to my breast. Something needs to happen here and soon, because the ache between my legs threatens to turn me into a rabid animal. The fierce sensations are so powerful and intense they’re approaching pain. Suddenly he stops everything. What the hell? My breath is locked somewhere between my lungs and throat. I open my eyes to see him stroking his cock. He stares at me with lustful eyes.

  “You’re not allowed to come yet.”

  Oh hell. I can’t think straight. His hands move to my hair and he shampoos it. When everything’s rinsed, he pushes me to my knees and says, “Suck my dick.” His cock stares me in the face, stiff and glistening. I can already taste it as my mouth salivates. My tongue flicks his piercing a few times and he says, “No. Suck. Hard. Deep.”

  I take him in all the way and he groans. That sound spurs me on. I love that sound. My hands reach behind him and pull him closer. But he takes one hand away and puts it on his balls. He likes his balls held. I massage and squeeze them as I suck his cock but his hand pulls my hair, jerking my mouth away from him. When I look at his face, his eyes are half closed and his nostrils flare. He pulls me up and spins me around, slamming my arms against the tile. Then he takes my hands in one of his and he spreads me with the other. I feel the head of his cock rubbing me right before he plunges in.

  “Ah!” I can’t help the sound that’s forced from my mouth. He pushes against me, hard and rough. I can feel his piercing touching me deep inside. His cock reaches a place I’ve never felt before him.

  His hips crash into mine over and over, punishing me, pushing me to the point where pleasure meets pain. And it’s so damn good. Everything builds inside of me and then his fingers find my swollen clit and rub it between them. When my orgasm hits me, I scream his name. Loud. And then, just like last night, he really starts to fuck me hard. He pulls me back and says, “Bend over, feet together and hands on your knees.”

  After that last orgasm, I thought I was done, but in minutes, he has me coming all over the place again. His cock pressures my clit in this position like I’ve never felt and he hits me so deep, once more, I scream his name when I come. Afterwards, I feel his hot fluid spurting into me as he grinds out his own climax. Before I can even gather my wits, he turns me so fast that I'm dizzy and kisses me. My arms hang onto him so I don’t fall, but in truth I never want to let this man go. He does things to my body I didn’t know it was capable of feeling.

  He breaks off the kiss and says, “Skylina. You were made to fuck.” Then he reaches around me and turns off the water. “Dry off. I want to lick off your pussy now.”

  Whoa. That’s so not what I expected. He hands me a towel and I dry off. Then he pushes me into his bedroom and onto his bed. When I spread my legs, he says, “Uh uh. Sit on my face.”

  He lies on his back and I do as he asks. “I want you to play with your nipples while I lick you.” So I do. It doesn’t feel nearly as good as when he did. And I tell him. He laughs.

  Then his tongue flicks over my clit and I jerk. “Hold still.”

  He starts again and I wiggle.

  “Skylina. Don’t move.” His voice is really stern. Jeez. “Do you want me to tie you up?”


  “Okay. Do. Not. Move.” He starts again and I try not to squirm but I can’t help it. In a flash I’m on my back and he’s up. He goes to his closet and comes back with some rope. Holy crap. He wasn’t joking.

  “On your knees and sit back like you’re on my face.” I do as he asks. Then he proceeds to tie me up in a fashion where my wrists and ankles are bound to each other, so I can’t move. One bit.

  “I can’t move.”

  “That’s the idea.”

  “But …”

  “Be quiet, Skylina. Now I’m going to eat you out. And you’re going to love it.”

  He lies back down and lifts me so I’m on his face. And I. Can’t. Move. He eyes me as he starts to lick my pussy. He half smiles because he knows I’m pissed. His tongue is liquid fire and my body burns for it.

  “Ah … ah Ryder.”

  He stops. “Tell me you love it when I tongue you.”

  “I love it when you tongue me.”

  His tongue dives back into me. Then out again to flick my clit.

  “I’m not going to let you come yet, Skylina.”

  The frustration has built in me. He brings me to the edge and backs off.

  “Do you know why?”


  “Because you disobeyed me.”


  “Please what?”

  “Let me come!”

  “Like this or do you want me to fuck you again?”


  “Greedy, are you?”


  He licks me and then centers on my clit, sucking it hard and I come. I want to buck off of him, but I can’t. He doesn’t let up and I’m so sensitive now that I scream for him to stop. I beg for him to stop, but he doesn’t listen. He licks, nibbles and sucks my clit until I think I’ll go insane and then another orgasm rolls over me like a tidal wave, annihilating me and leaving me whimpering. Finally, he ceases his torture and chuckles, lifting me off of him. I’m lying on my chest and knees now, still tied, completely weak and helpless.

  I hear him moving about, but I’m not sure what he’s doing because I’m barely conscious.

  “Skylina, are you still with me, baby?”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Good. Are you an anal virgin?”


  “Are you an anal virgin?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Now his voice is firm. “Skylina, it’s either a yes, or a no.”

  “I’ve done anal toys but no sex.”

  “Ah, I see.”

  I feel his fingers enter my pussy again. I’m so wet I need him inside of me.

  “Oh, baby, you’re ready, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah. Please, Ryder.”

  “Not that. I need to get you ready for me.”

  Then I feel him slide a finger in my other entrance. Very slowly. It’s strange at first, but I’m not opposed to this. I have a lot of clients who love this so there must be something to it.

  “So tight and ready for me.” His head is pushing in. “Push out against me, baby.” I do as he asks and he slowly inches in. It feels so full. So different. But good. When he’s finally all the way in, he asks, “Good?”

  I breathe, “Yes.”

  Then he moves. Slowly at first and picks up a little speed, but not as fast as when he’s in my pussy.

  “Oh!” And it feels good.

  His hand slides down and he puts his fingers on my clit and I’m not going to last long like this. There something so strange yet primal about this feeling.

  “Ryder, I’m gonna come.”

  “I know. I can tell.” He gives a little laugh.

  He rocks into me very gently, not at all rough like he does when he fucks me the other way, and it’s somehow softer like this. His arm tightens around my waist as he still slides his other fingers around my clit. The sensations of all of this are amazing.

  “Skylina, I need for you to come now.” He focuses on moving in and out faster but shorter strokes and I cry out as I come. He follows closely behind and we both stay still in this position for a few seconds. Then he pulls out and unties me. He disappears into the bathroom. When he comes back, I’m still in the same position as I was when he left. I feel a warm cloth on my behind as he cleans me up.

  “Just so you know, I always wear a condom for anal. So you won’t be messy back here.”

  “Hmm. Do you do this a lot?”

  “Do you show up at men’s apartments late at night a lot?”


  I roll to my side and look at him. He’s perfect. Dirty blond hair and the most perfect body on a man I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of naked men. A lot. He has multiple tattoos and one day I’m going to f
ind out what they all mean. They’re mostly script. Some are tic marks and numbers. No art to speak of. With few exceptions, they’re all on his torso. But tonight is the first time I’ve noticed his scars. He has a lot of them. One of his legs is covered in them, like he’s had a multitude of surgeries. But he’s tried to mask them with tattoos.

  “Like what you see?” His beautiful eyes are narrowed.

  He doesn’t ask as though he’s pleased I was staring at him. He makes me feel as though I’ve been caught doing something wrong.

  “No. Actually I love what I see.”

  His mouth slams shut. He leaves the room and I think I’ve offended him. After he doesn’t return, I get up in search of him, to find him standing in the den, staring out the window. As I look at his naked back, it’s then I notice more scars. Something terrible happened to him. But nothing can take away his beauty. He could be scarred on every inch of his skin and he would still be perfect in my eyes. Something within Ryder speaks to my soul. I don’t know what it is nor do I wish to analyze it right now. Whatever it is, it’s there, it’s solid and it’s strong.

  I pad across the floor and when I reach him my arms slide around his waist, and I press myself against his back. His skin feels like heaven against mine and I can’t stop from rubbing my cheek against his shoulder blade.

  “Come back to bed, please. It’s lonely in there without you.”

  “Skylina, what are we doing here?”

  “I’m hugging you.”

  “Always elusive.”

  He grabs my arms and turns to face me. His eyes search mine but eventually give up. Then his hands move to frame my face and he kisses me. Wet, deep and passionately. Instantly, I melt. He has such control over me, it’s ridiculous. No man has control over me, yet Ryder breaks me apart with one kiss.

  He sweeps me into his arms and carries me to bed. After we’re under the covers, he asks, “Can I expect for you to be gone when I wake up?”

  “Hmm,” I mumble as I snuggle in next to him. I can’t answer him.


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