Love Like Ours (Sugar Lake Book 3)

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Love Like Ours (Sugar Lake Book 3) Page 12

by Melissa Foster

She looked up from her phone and saw Ben standing outside her office. Her stomach clenched. It had been a long time since she’d been the focus of so much gossip. She put her phone in her pocket, figuring she’d reply to her mother later.

  “Which one called you—the sugar pusher, the not-so-sweet mama, or the one who thinks sex is a breakfast entrée?” she asked as she walked past Ben and into her office.

  Ben cracked a smile, watching her like a hawk as she set her bag on her desk. “That would be three for three, plus the petite pain in my ass.”

  “Aurelia? Oh, please. You guys are such good friends. You remind me of me and Fletch.”

  Ben’s brows knitted and his jaw tensed in an expression she couldn’t read, but she might have imagined it, because in the next second that look was gone.

  “Anyway, add Mom to that list of gossipers. She came by this morning under the premise of wanting me to make sure you were in good hands, but really, I think she just wanted to drop off this.” He reached into his coat pocket and set a bag on her desk. “I have no idea what’s in it, but it’s from Mom, which means it’s scented with pheromones or something else I don’t need.”

  “Don’t you dare leave that on my desk. She sprayed my car with God knows what, and I had to leave the windows open for days just to get the smell out.” She leaned her hip against the edge of the desk, both of them avoiding the bag like it was diseased. “How was your trip to the city?”

  “Good. I had dinner with Aiden Aldridge to discuss a new business venture.” Aiden’s younger sister, Remi Divine, had costarred with Zane in a movie that was filmed in Sweetwater when Zane and Willow had first started dating.

  Ben sat in one of the chairs by her desk and crossed his ankle over his knee. His dark hair and serious eyes reminded her of their father, though Ben had a snarky side she couldn’t imagine her father having.

  She waited for him to elaborate, and when he didn’t, she said, “And . . . ?”

  “I might do it. It’ll mean spending a few months out in LA.” He leaned back and clasped his hands behind his head.

  “Zane said he grew to hate LA when he lived there.”

  “I’m not Zane,” he said smugly.

  “Hey, you should have hooked Aurelia up with Aiden. Willow said he looks like David Beckham and he’s a real gentleman.”

  He scoffed. “Aurelia doesn’t need a guy like Aiden. But he’s perfect for you.”

  “Hm.” She wondered if there was something going on between Ben and Aurelia, and then she recognized his tactic. “I expect more from you than fishing for info. I have no interest in Aiden Aldridge or any other man. I’m off the market. But you know that already.”

  They both turned at a knock on her door. She glanced over and saw Fletch walking slowly into the room. He’d been feeling better lately, and she knew he’d had a doctor’s appointment this morning, but she was surprised to see him. She suddenly wondered if Fletch had told Ben about Derek, too, and if he had, if he’d told him about his dancing.

  “Have room for one more, or is this a private conversation?” Fletch asked as Ben rose to greet him.

  “How’re you feeling, man?” Ben gave up the chair closest to the door for Fletch.

  “Like a truck ran over my insides, but I’m getting there.” He sat down and said, “Your sister’s been walking my monster for me, which is a huge help.”

  “Stop calling Molly a monster,” Talia said, “or I swear I’ll take her home with me and you’ll never see her again.”

  Both Ben and Fletch gave her a yeah, right look.

  Having told them a million times she didn’t have room in her life for a pet, she said, “Okay, maybe not, but she’s such a good girl. She doesn’t deserve to be called a monster.”

  Ben and Fletch rolled their eyes.

  She huffed out a breath and threw up her hands. “Double-teaming me? Really? Fletch, aren’t you supposed to be resting? And Ben . . . ?”

  “Hey,” Ben said, splaying his hands toward the ceiling. “I’m just checking up on my sister to find out the scoop on your new man.”

  “I couldn’t stand being cooped up for another day,” Fletch said.

  “I guess I can understand that. What did the doctor say?” she asked.

  “He said I can return to work as soon as I feel well enough,” Fletch answered. “Are you okay covering for the rest of this week? I’m hoping to come back Monday.”

  “Yes, of course. For as long as you need me.”

  “Unless, of course, you need her at night, because now she’s got a man in her life,” Ben added.

  Fletch cocked a grin. “You mean the student with the professor fantasy.”

  “Wait. He knows about this guy and I don’t?” Ben glared at Talia.

  Relief swept through her. She wanted to be the one to tell Ben about Derek’s dancing. “Sort of, and he’s not my student. He never enrolled in the class. He only went because . . .” Oh boy, her brother wasn’t going to like this.

  Ben narrowed his eyes.

  “Because . . . ?” Fletch urged.

  “Because he saw me teaching the day I nearly ran him over, and then he was interested and kept coming back.”

  “Interested? So he scoped you out and pretended to be your student?” Ben’s voice rose, his hands clenched by his sides. “Talia, seriously?”

  “That’s what you homed in on?” Fletch scoffed. “I want to hear about the ‘kept coming’ part.”

  Ben glared at him. “Dude, she’s my sister.”

  Fletch chuckled.

  “I know what it sounds like,” she admitted, pacing beside him. “I was just as skeptical. I didn’t know if I should be flattered or creeped out. But he’s a really good guy. He’s caring for his father, who has Alzheimer’s, and he’s finishing his master’s in health administration. He wants to open an adult day-care center for families like his who need help caring for their ill or elderly relatives but aren’t ready to put them into a nursing home. And he does not have a professor fantasy.”

  “If he doesn’t have a professor fantasy, that sucks for you,” Fletch said. “Unless he just hasn’t shared it yet.”

  She and Ben both glowered at him.

  “I don’t want to know about this dude’s fantasies or either of yours,” Ben said. “I just want to know he’s not a lowlife who’s going to hurt her.”

  “And that’s why I love you,” she said. “Unlike everyone else, you stay as far away from the details of my sex life as you can.”

  “That part of your life does not exist as far as I’m concerned.” Ben held his palm up and said, “In fact, can you please refrain from using the S word around me?”

  “Yes. Perfect,” Talia said.

  “I have a meeting, which is the real reason I’m on campus.” Fletch pushed to his feet. “I think Ben can take over from here.”

  “I’ll see you tonight when I come by to walk Molly,” she said.

  “We’ll talk more then. I still want those other details.”

  “Pig,” she said as Fletch left her office. She faced Ben and exhaled loudly, tired of trying to rationalize her feelings for Derek. She didn’t need Ben’s approval. “I asked Derek to come to Mom’s birthday dinner. I want you to meet him and hear about his adult day-care idea. I thought you might be able to give him some advice. It’s all very grassroots. He and his friends are saving money to get it started.” She thought about telling him about how Derek was making that money and decided she wasn’t quite ready to fight that uphill battle yet. It was a lot for her to come to grips with and she was the one falling for him. Ben would approach it as another risk calculation, and while she’d appreciate his concern, she wasn’t a kid anymore. She could weigh her own risks.

  “I’d be happy to. I trust your judgment with this guy, Tal. I just wish you’d met him some other way.”

  “You mean almost running him over isn’t the ideal way to meet a mate?” she teased.

  He didn’t look amused.

  Fletch appeared in the
doorway and said in a harsh whisper, “Incoming.”

  He disappeared into the hall seconds before Dina Manco strolled through the doorway, all hip swagger and bouncing cleavage.

  “Was that Fletch I saw heading out of here?” Her eyes locked on Ben, and her smile turned to a predacious grin. “Well, hello there, Mr. Dalton. Today is my lucky day.”

  Talia was used to Dina’s overly promiscuous ways. Heck, everyone who knew her probably was, although as far as Talia knew, she’d never crossed the professional lines that could cause her to be fired.

  Ben didn’t move from his seat or play into her seductive game. “Dina. Nice to see you.”

  Dina put a hand on his shoulder, and Talia narrowed her eyes. She bit back her distaste and said, “Do you need something, Dina?”

  “Oh, I need something, all right,” Dina answered, her shameless innuendo perfectly clear.

  Ben pushed to his feet and cleared his throat, locking eyes with Talia and ignoring Dina altogether. She respected the hell out of her brother and was glad he wasn’t a dirtbag who would take the man eater up on her offer. “Talia, I’ll catch you later.”

  “Okay,” Talia said. “I appreciate you coming by to check on me.”

  He winked, and when he stepped behind Dina, he mouthed, Get rid of her!

  Talia covered her laugh with a cough and walked around her desk, putting space between her and Dina. “Dina, you do realize that’s my brother you keep hitting on.”

  Dina leaned over the desk, giving Talia an eyeful of cleavage. “There are rules about dating students, not about dating siblings of colleagues.” She sat on the edge of Talia’s desk and crossed her legs, causing her short skirt to inch up her thighs.

  “What can I do for you, besides watch you drool over Ben?”

  “As far as I’m concerned,” Dina said as she brushed nonexistent lint from her skirt, “he’s fair game. Just like Fletch, who I know will give in to me one day.”

  “You do like to dream,” Talia said with an air of boredom. “I have work to do, so . . . ?”

  “Oh, right. You know, I can’t remember why I came in.” She slid off the desk and wiggled her hips as she shimmied her skirt back into place. On her way to the door she said, “I guess I must have known you were stockpiling handsome men.”

  Talia’s phone vibrated, and Derek’s name flashed on the screen. She made a mental note to keep the man eater away from him, and after Dina left, she opened the text. Her heart leapt at the picture of a drawing of Derek walking into his bedroom, his long hair and broad shoulders blocking Talia from the waist down. She stood before him, her hand outstretched, eyes brimming with unmistakable passion. How did he do that? Her heart was drawn in 3-D, as if it were beating out of her chest, right through her sweater, and colored a pretty red. Beside her were the words, Your turn, surrounded by tiny red hearts.

  Another text bubble popped up. Okay?

  She typed, I love it. It’s perfect, and as she sent the text, she thought, Just like you.


  DEREK FOLLOWED THE directions in Talia’s text toward her office Tuesday afternoon, feeling like they’d been apart for weeks. Every step amped up his anticipation. He’d never been a needy guy, and as far as women were concerned, a text here and there had always been enough communication for him. Especially over the past few years, when he’d felt like he was on a hamster wheel, chasing the hours from caring for his father to taking classes and working. Maria was a godsend, but until Talia, he’d considered Maria’s prompting to let a woman into his life a headache he didn’t want to deal with. He’d never imagined finding someone who understood the responsibilities he had, much less someone smart, gorgeous, and as family oriented as he was. But then again, everything about Talia was different from the other women he knew. Hell, even the way she kissed was like nothing he’d ever experienced. She was as sweet and careful as she was eager and passionate. Why did he expect something like communication to be typical? Texts and phone calls were nowhere near enough. He wanted to look into her eyes, to share the excitement of the drawings his father had done yesterday evening. He wanted to hold her in his arms when she told him about her day, and he wanted to hear what she’d taught in the class he’d missed.

  When he finally found her office, he peered into the open doorway. She was on the phone and waved him in. Hiding the flowers he’d brought behind his back, he stepped inside and closed the door, because he needed to get his lips on hers or he might die from withdrawal. She looked gorgeous in a low-cut white blouse with frills around the collar, showing just enough skin to make him want to tear that pretty blouse right off. Her slender brows arched in question as he stalked toward her. He was sure he looked as greedy as he felt, ready to collect all the kisses he’d missed.

  “Dad, I really have to go,” she said into the phone as Derek came around the desk and ran his fingers through her hair. Her breathing hitched. “Derek and I will see you Wednesday night. I love you.”

  He mouthed, I’d love to come, and waggled his brows, earning a flush of embarrassment as she ended the call. He pulled the bouquet from behind his back and her eyes lit up. She leapt into his arms and pressed her smiling lips to his.

  “Thank you,” she said breathlessly as he set her on her feet and handed her the flowers. “They’re gorgeous.”

  “Not as gorgeous as you. How’s my girl?”

  She smelled the flowers. “Wondering if my father could tell I was hot and bothered by the sight of you closing my office door because of all the dirty things that went through my mind.”

  She licked her lips, and he backed her up against the desk. Taking the bouquet from her hands, he set it aside.

  “I haven’t begun to get you hot and bothered.” He ran his hands up her legs and squeezed. “Do you know how bad I want to drop to my knees right now and make you feel so good you’ll be floating on cloud nine for the rest of the day?”

  Her breath rushed from her lungs, but her gaze darted nervously to the door.

  “Tell me what dirty things went through your mind.” He threaded his fingers into her hair and lowered his mouth to her neck, enjoying the fresh flush of her skin.

  “Something like this . . .” She grabbed his hips and pulled him tighter against her.

  Her eyes sparked with heat, but she glanced at the door again. The conflicting messages made his head spin. He tugged her lip free with his teeth, then covered her mouth with his, taking her in a slow, persuasive kiss. Her pleasure-filled noises made him hard as stone. Their kisses turned hungrier, and he couldn’t resist pushing his hands beneath her skirt and gripping her outer thighs. He loved how she trembled at his touch and the way she went soft in his arms when he slowed their kisses. It was agony knowing he couldn’t take this further, but he had only minutes before he needed to leave for his shift at the bar, and he knew making out in her office was way outside her comfort zone. But knowing she’d gone there for him made him all sorts of happy.

  When they finally came up for air, he could barely see straight. She gazed at him through the same hazy fog, her fingers running through the ends of his hair as she said, “I thought you had to work.”

  “I do. I only have a few minutes.” He couldn’t resist kissing her again. “But I had to see you before I went. I won’t get off until midnight. Is that too late to text?”

  She shook her head. “Never too late.”

  “I had so many things I wanted to talk with you about,” he said between kisses. “But now all I want to do is keep kissing you.”

  There was a knock on the door, and her face blanched. He gave her a chaste kiss and took a step back as she nervously stood up and smoothed her hands over her skirt.

  “Thanks for making time for me. I’ll text you when I get off work.”

  There was another knock.

  “Come in,” she said.

  Derek hoped whoever it was wouldn’t notice the flush of her cheeks like he did.

  Her office door swung open, and one of Dere
k’s favorite teachers walked in, apologizing for interrupting.

  “Professor Harbin,” Derek said to the stocky gray-haired man, extending his hand. “I was just on my way out.”

  Professor Harbin shook Derek’s hand, his wise eyes moving between him and Talia. “It’s good to see you, Derek. How’s your father?”

  “As well as can be expected. Thanks for asking.” He glanced at Talia, who had somehow managed to seamlessly slip into her professorial persona.

  “How do you two know each other?” Talia asked.

  “Derek was my star student,” Professor Harbin said with an affirmatory nod. “But if you’re teaching him, then you’re probably experiencing the same thing.”

  “I’m not teaching Derek,” she said, her gaze shifting a little nervously around him.

  Derek held his breath, unsure of how to handle the situation. He’d like to jump in and claim Talia, but he didn’t want to say anything that could cause her trouble.

  “Actually,” Talia said carefully, “Derek and I are seeing each other. He’s my boyfriend.”

  Derek tried to hide his surprise and the pride swelling inside him. He loved knowing she didn’t feel a need to hide their relationship.

  “Oh. Well, then, I guess you’re not teaching him, are you?” Professor Harbin flashed an approving smile. “You can’t go wrong with this young man. He’s going to make a difference in people’s lives.”

  “Thank you, Professor. And speaking of making a difference, it’s time for me to go serve up some relaxation.”

  “Still working at the bar?” Professor Harbin asked.

  “It pays the bills.” He glanced at Talia and said, “I’ll call you later.”

  Derek fended off the regulars, serving up drinks to lonely women and guys who were looking for a piece of ass. He laughed at lame jokes and nodded at all the right times. He knew how to play the game and make the tips he needed, but tonight his mind was on Talia and the way she’d owned their relationship in front of her colleague, which made it hard for him to pretend to be interested in what anyone at the bar had to say. He watched his friends Geno and Lola dancing. Lola was a tiny blonde with almost no breasts or hips, but lonely guys fed her fives and tens like she was Marilyn Monroe. She was paying her way through school by dancing. Geno was a thick-legged, barrel-chested Italian, with short, pitch-black hair, tattoos across his back, and a flirtatious personality. Women loved him regardless of whether he was dancing or bartending. After his shifts he always hung out to grease the crowd, and he earned even more than Derek did because of it. He gave every woman—and some of the men—the impression that one day he might go home with them, when in reality he was married with two little girls. His youngest had special needs, which was why he danced in addition to his full-time day job as a contractor. Derek had never played the game as well as Geno. He left like a bat outta hell after his shift, and when he was dancing, he imagined being nineteen years old again, partying on foreign beaches where no one knew him, when dancing hadn’t been a means of income. He used to wonder what he looked like up onstage. Did customers assume he was just a dancer? Or could they see that every hip gyration, every pelvic thrust, every time he pointed at a woman was with the hopes of earning enough money to create the future he wanted for himself and his father? Nowadays he simply used that mind-numbing time to escape the stress of daily life.


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