SODIUM:6 Defiance

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SODIUM:6 Defiance Page 13

by Arseneault, Stephen

  The Ogle commander then screeched a command at one of the soldiers who was standing at the device's controls. Several seconds passed before the static field surrounding the Kurtz ship began to shrink. As the box around the ship grew smaller it became apparent that it was crushing all that was inside the field. I watched in horror as my escape vessel was reduced in size until it occupied a space only a meter square.

  The device, with the crushed ship in tow, was then wheeled over to the open port of the docking bay. The crushed ship was ejected through the port and out into space. An instant later a particle beam from the ships defenses fired, the compacted meter square cube was vaporized. My ship and my thoughts of once again having power were gone.

  After drifting up and out of the top of the docking bay I came to rest in a storage room full of cat mats. In the space of a few minutes my mood had changed from one of apprehension and fear to one of excitement. It then settled in on depression. The Kurtz ship was gone and with it my chance of escape.

  As I wallowed in my failure my eye suddenly caught a glimpse of the small green parameter bar within my helmet that signified the power storage level of my suit. During the short time connected to the tether it had managed to charge my suit to a 30% level. I had been given another 15 days of life!

  My excited state began to return as I then felt the tremor from another blaster rifle as it overloaded and exploded. I checked the time and it was the third to go off... exactly on time. When the fourth rifle exploded I decided it was time to step up my little war on the Ogle.

  I would not be able to destroy the massive ship that held me, but I reasoned that I could make its occupants lives miserable. Gone would be their barbaric nursery and cannibalistic food source. Gone would be their horde of millions of blaster rifles. And gone would be their fleshy pets with the long snouts. The Ogle would soon know my wrath.

  As I made my way back towards the armory I could hear and see evidence of the other blaster explosions. The Ogle were scrambling everywhere. I stopped a few hundred meters shy of the one that had been placed outside the room with the fleshy pets. To my delight it exploded in a bright flash of glory sending debris into the room that house the strange animals. Wails of anguish could be heard coming forth.

  I continued on and took up a position on the bridge with a view of the particle beam station. Seconds later the final blaster exploded taking out nearly 30 Ogle technicians. Their offensive firepower had been taken down, if only for a few moments.

  Back at the armory a crew of 35 cats were busy cutting and welding in an attempt to repair the damage that had been done to the rails. A handful of Ogle soldiers stood guard while several officers plodded about, pointed and talked. It would not be long before the repairs were complete.

  My first thoughts were to grab another blaster and to open fire. But a second plan revealed itself as the Ogle officers directing efforts parted ways. I decided to tag along behind the more senior of the two as he left the room. His next stop was to the nursery where the first rifle had exploded. Another large crew of workers was busily cleaning up the damage while an officer looked on.

  The senior officer again quizzed his underling about the progress being made. Both cats remained calm as they talked over the issues at hand. The nursery would be back online within the day. All births had been moved to a temporary area where the process would continue. The off color kittens received the same treatment as before with their tiny carcasses filling up drums before being ground into food.

  The senior officer then continued with his tour. His final stop was to the diplomat’s room where a new conference was already underway. Debris had been cleared and new mats brought in as the cats lounged around and discussed the current events. The officer came into the room, screeched out a quick status and then departed.

  I watched the Ogle diplomats with fascination as they spoke, each courteously yielding to the next as they took turns speaking. When the final cat, the most decorated of those in the meeting, spoke the others listened intently. When the short speech ended the cats all rose at once and exited the room. There were no further discussions, no small groups or winks or nods, they just rose and left the room quietly.

  The Ogle were a strange breed. Many of the customs that most species easily fell into seemed to be absent from theirs. There were no signs of jealousy or greed or laughter. It was as if a large part of what made the Ogle an intelligent species of being was missing. While there was a modest amount of one of the most basic senses, pleasure, there was a lack of joy or happiness. Many of the traits we as humans would consider evil were present. It certainly showed in their lack of compassion for others.

  As the top diplomat left the room I decided to follow him to his quarters. The room was filled with raised platforms, all covered with the same fur I had seen in the ship I previously explored. The room had a single chamber in the back where four of the fleshy creatures lay. The diplomat plodded over to the chamber and then snuggled up in the center of the four creatures. Their long snouts began to gently poke, prod and brush its molting fur.

  I took a step closer and was reminded of the creature’s ability to detect my presence when all four of the long snouts turned in my direction at once. I had been made. But on this occasion I was not turning back. I walked up to the cat that was looking oddly at the fleshy creatures, wondering why they were not attending to its needs.

  I drew back my arm and blinked in as my fist came sharply forward. I landed a blow directly into its left eye socket. I could feel the soft bones snap and give way as my fist buried itself deep into the cat’s skull. The fleshy creatures all wriggled their snouts. At first it was in fear, but as the seconds passed I could see elation in their muted looking faces. They were prisoners and detested the grooming work they did. I gave one a gentle rub on the snout before turning and walking away.

  I again blinked out and sat just outside the door of the diplomat’s quarters. It was nearly an hour before an aid showed up with a plate of kitten brain for the now deceased cat. When the aid entered the room she screeched in horror when the site of the fallen diplomat came into view.

  Minutes later the room was filled with Ogle soldiers and officers. I watched with a smirk on my face. The cat-like beast had gotten what it deserved. But my smirk soon turned to anger as the four fleshy creatures, innocent creatures, were dragged from the small chamber and beaten until dead. It was a gruesome site as the Ogle spared no mercy.

  The two officers in the room ordered the six soldiers there to drag the dead creatures away. I decided it was again time for me to act. I stepped up, punching the first soldier in the back of the head while at the same time grabbing his blaster rifle. Five quick shots later left me standing face to face with an Ogle officer.

  As the cat lunged I blinked out, turned and then pushed the butt of the blaster rifle through the remaining stunned soldier's head. I then turned to the officer cat and fired a bolt of energy into its torso. Guts splattered on the wall behind it as it slumped to the floor.

  I dropped the blaster rifle and quickly blinked out. I walked out of the room and made my way back to the armory. The repairs to the rails had been completed and the room itself now had two guards stationed by the door. I reached out and flicked the ear of the left guard as I quickly blinked in and out. The cat turned towards the other guard and let out a hiss.

  When the left cat had settled back down I again flicked its ear. This time the Ogle guard stepped over to the other and hissed directly in its face. I took the opportunity to throw a punch while the two were close together. My fist grazed the top right portion of the left cat's skull, pushing in a section of bone that was almost the size of my fist. I continued the punch striking the second cat square between the eyes. A soft crunching sound told the story.

  I broke open another case of blaster rifles and once again began to plant them around the ship. The timers were all set to the same time. I then returned to the storage room I had found that was located just above the docking bay. Te
n minutes passed before the rifles exploded. Once again I brought chaos to the Ogle's normal order.

  After hiding out for several hours, to allow things to settle down, I again ventured out to create mayhem. While on my way back to the armory I felt the great ship shudder as it dropped from light speed. We had reached our destination, I was eager to find out just where that might be.

  I moved back out onto the bridge where I could watch the holo-monitors of those in charge. My stomach jumped into my throat when I saw the partial shield and the blue planet on the screen before me. We had come to rest at the Gidden home world of Meyer. The Gidden fleet quickly engaged followed soon after by the Nickarians.

  The fighting was fierce as the home fleets deployed new static field shields. The shields were powerful and deflected the Ogle particle beams with energy to spare. I watched the battle unfold as 21 Ogle ships engaged the thousands of ships in the AMPs newest fleet. It looked as though the Gidden would once again hold their ground in battle with the Ogle.

  An Ogle ship was the first to be destroyed as nearly a million mini-fighters were unleashed upon it, riding in with the protection of the Starburst modules. I then resisted the urge to cheer as a second Ogle ship came under duress. The initial stage of the battle was going to the Gidden defenders.

  But as I had seen with war so many times before, the initial appearances did not always define the outcome. More than 300 of the black Ogle ships dropped into view accompanied by a fleet of Meche ships that numbered in the tens of thousands. The tides of war quickly turned against the AMP members. The Ogle ships combined into pods of a dozen ships and a new pulsating particle beam cut quickly through the Gidden static shields.

  Five Gidden battleships exploded in blue flame as the particle beams cut cleanly through them. The Meche ships quickly targeted the next set of Starburst modules, riding in behind them and destroying the mini-fighters before they could be launched. The battle around Meyer raged for nearly an Earth day before the Ogle deployed the CME cylinders. Every attempt at their destruction was thwarted by the mass of Meche ships.

  When the CME cylinders entered the Gidden sun I knew it was only a matter of time before the planet would be burned beyond recognition by the million degree plasma. The Ogle then turned the particle beams on Meyer before heading towards their next target. Millions of Gidden civilians died instantly as there was nowhere to run or hide. Again the Ogle were merciless.

  As the Ogle ships began their assault of the second Gidden world I decided it was time to continue my personal war. Again the armory was struck with a half dozen Ogle meeting death before another case of blaster rifles were set to overload. Hundreds of the evil cats died as blaster weapons overloaded in their sleeping chambers. The second shift on the bridge would struggle to staff all the positions needed as it was that sleeping crew that had been killed or badly injured.

  I continued my war as the second and the third Gidden suns were ignited. Two more fully populated planets would soon fry from the Ogle's ultimate weapon. On a trip to the bridge I took note of the fact that the ship I was on docked with 11 others in a pod. It was time for me to move on to a new target.

  I hurried through room after room until I passed through the outer skin of the ship. I was adrift in space for a half kilometer before reaching the next Ogle battleship. Once inside I made my way immediately to the armory and began a new round of chaos. Killing cats was my mission and I was becoming very skilled at it.

  The war continued for nine days before the last of the Nickarian worlds was targeted. Every civilian ship that had attempted to flee had been caught by the thousands of Meche ships that accompanied the Ogle before they could jump to light speed. The attackers were complete in their destruction.

  After jumping to the fourth ship in a pod to continue my fight the pods began to break up. The last Nickarian world was now waiting for death, the cylinders within its sun preparing to blow. After placing two cases of soon-to-be-overloaded blaster rifles I made my way to the ship's docking bay. As I entered I was confronted with a sight I had not expected. The Ogle had captured a ship and taken prisoners.

  Sixteen Gidden troopers were on their knees as a diplomat and his aid stood behind them. As I moved in closer I was shocked to see that it was my old friend Kurg. His diplomatic flyer had been captured during an attempted escape. It was an unusual move for the Ogle to take prisoners, but I was infinitely happy that they had.

  As I moved in quietly the Ogle commander on the scene ordered the execution of the Gidden troopers. They were summarily shot in the head as they knelt. The Ogle commander then stepped in close to Kurg's aid. With one slice from its right forepaw the Gidden aid fell backwards before the remaining Ogle soldiers pounced. In a flurry of screeches and howls the aid was torn from limb to limb, his remains then bandied about as if part of some sick game.

  When the melee had ended I could not help but look upon the slain soldiers. It was then that I noticed the power packs that adorned their belts, now mixed with all the blood and guts of the fallen heroes. Two worker cats then arrived to clean up the mess. I watched intently as the remains were gathered only to be denied to me. A static box was formed around the mess and then compressed down to the size of a small package. The box was then quickly sent hurdling out into space through the open port of the bay.

  I wanted badly to rescue my friend but the dozen Ogle soldiers who surrounded him left me with few options. A cat then took up position on either side and began to escort the ambassador away from the bay. I took the opportunity to search the Gidden vessel for power packs, none were found.

  I spent many hours moving from room to room before I found Kurg sitting in a holding cell, his face buried in his hands as the tears flowed. Everyone he knew and everything he had ever known had come to a fiery end. When he took a moment to raise his head I saw the same look I had seen in Hershen's eyes when Toledus and Mabia had been destroyed. It was a look of dismay and defeat.

  Two Ogle guards stood in the room with him while another stood outside the door. I scouted the area for an escape route, but none was found that would ensure that my friend would continue to live. I then stepped up to the guard standing outside the door and smashed him in the face. As the other guards stepped out of the room they each met with the same fate, a crushed skull from a fist of fury.

  Kurg gazed towards the door with a curious look; three Ogle guards lay dead on the floor before him. He then jumped as a voice whispered into his ear. I told him briefly of my journey and questioned if there were any more power packs on his ship. His first response was to my question and the answer was "no." There had been no time to stock supplies and the spare units that would have been there had been passed on before their departure to others who were in need.

  He was happy to hear that I was still alive and that I was able to fight. I urged him to follow me out of the room to which he said he would no longer run. He reasoned that his time had come and then he grabbed my arm. With his free hand he then removed the power pack from his belt and then shoved it into my hand.

  He stated that I was to use it to continue my fight, his fight was over and his people were gone, but Earth still had a chance. I pushed the power pack back towards him, but he insisted that it be mine. He then said that if I denied his request he would die in shame, if I took it... he would die with the knowledge that he had given all he could.

  After a moment’s hesitation I withdrew my hand, the power pack now fully in my grasp. I then reached for my belt to give him my own with the few days of power that remained. Again he pushed back my hand in denial. He was no longer in need of the life sustaining fusion pack as the Ogle would soon see to his death. Again I hesitated before withdrawing my hand.

  Kurg then stood, stretched out his arms and placed his long spindly fingers on my shoulders. He offered his thanks for my years of friendship and for my giving him one last jab at our enemies. He then gestured towards the door as the screeches of approaching cats could be heard.

  I blin
ked out and quickly left the room just as the two cats let out the alarm that the guards had been slain. As I looked back I could see the smirk on Kurg's face as the two cats entered the room. I then hurried off on my next mission.

  Ten minutes had passed before I returned to the holding cell. A bloodied but still alive Kurg sat on a bench against the wall as an Ogle commander screeched and howled at him. Kurg continued to smile. The three soldiers standing behind the commander quickly fell silent as I bashed them in the heads with the butt of a blaster rifle. As the commander turned I blinked in just long enough for him to see my face before I let loose with a bolt of energy from the blaster. The headless body of the commander slumped to the floor.

  I then handed the rifle to Kurg and encouraged him to enjoy his last few minutes of life as I would do what I could to slow the enemy, to keep him alive as long as possible. The tears once again ran down his face, this time tears of thanks. He would indeed die at the hand of the Ogle, but he would inflict his ounce of pain before going.

  As the screeches fast approached I knew I would miss my old friend. He took his last breath as a bolt from his rifle found its mark just as another entered his chest. Kurg had gone down fighting, taking 16 Ogle soldiers with him. His final sacrifice of the power pack had allowed me to continue my fight. I would forever be grateful for his sacrifice as I placed the spare pack into the zippered pouch on my pants leg and drifted away.

  Chapter 13

  The Kurtz, the Gidden, the Nickarians... the Borten, the Waffen and many others... all removed from existence by two foul species. The Frekkin and the Ogle had killed entire worlds. Never again would the species they destroyed roam the stars. Never again would they contribute to the galaxy of life that surrounded us. And most frightening of all, Earth now stood alone.


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