Finding Izzy

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Finding Izzy Page 6

by Nanette Fox

  Rebecca was crouched down in front of Isabella, and probed a little more, “Was it not right for him to do that?”

  “No, said Isabella, furiously shaking her head,”it was so right, I am just so upset that I didn’t know how to respond after the kiss." Sniffling, she said, “I should have known what to say or do.”

  She went on to explain they had driven in silence all the way back. Rebecca reached up to hug her friend saying softly, “Oh you have it bad, don’t you?”

  Isabella whispered back, “Yep.”

  “Listen Isabella, I am going to shut your door again, in case, heaven forbid, David comes by. I am going to finish my work, tidy up a bit. Then I am going to take you home.”

  Isabella sniffled again, “Thank you that would be good.”

  “And you know what, a bonus, Rufus gets to come too.” Isabella smiled through her tears.

  Rebecca went about her duties, finishing off for the day; tidying her desk, the reception area. Scouting the gallery to make sure everything was in order, shaking her head as she went, muttering under her breath ‘oh lordy, lordy’. She liked Tim, actually more than David, but they were brothers, Julia’s brothers, which made it all the more complicated. Tim seemed to be trapped in all his own worries at the moment. David was circling, trying to create a romance with Isabella. Tim needed some time to get his head, not to mention his life together, but he had obviously fallen for Izzy, deeply and very quickly. David had his head together, but he couldn’t see Isabella wasn’t fully in the relationship; to him she was just a prize to chase, one that had been eluding him for years. One could be so right for Isabella, the timing was a little off, the other was just so wrong.

  She stopped and stood and shook her head, “Oh Isabella, how did you manage to get yourself into such a mess?” speaking her thoughts to the empty gallery.

  All done for the day, she gathered her upset friend, her elderly dog and shutting the gallery for another day, prayed for help, as she drove to Isabella’s house. Once there, the girls settled down with a bottle of wine, and a good chat about anything and everything, Rufus sitting happily between them on the perfect white leather sofa. Rebecca avoiding talking about the brothers, she was waiting for Isabella to mention them. It took a little time, but after a couple of wines, she launched into a dialogue comparing the two. David was reliable, she knew him so well, he was a fairly black and white person, he was good-looking, he was her age group, but he didn’t make her feel sexy.

  Tim was so ‘yummy’.

  Rebecca laughed, “Yummy.”

  “Isabella, are we still at school?”

  “Well he is; he is tall, and well-built.”

  “When he looks at you, he looks deep into your soul.”

  Rebecca broke in, “Does he have more than looks?”

  “Now you wouldn’t think so,” Isabella waved her wine, “but he has life, he has light and shade. He is really smart, creative smart.”

  Rebecca said, “He is younger than you.”

  Isabella piped up, “He has a girlfriend.”

  Rebecca pointed out, waving her wine, the biggest issue, “They are both Julia’s brothers.”

  Isabella looked at her in mock horror, “Yes, that is the biggest problem.”

  “No solution.” She giggled and gently pulled Rufus’s ears.

  “No solution.” They both looked at each other and started laughing.

  Chapter 11


  Next morning, back at work, both a little hungover, they unpacked the packages that had arrived the day before. Standing sipping their coffee, they admired the ceramics, agreeing that Julia had been spot on with her purchases. Rebecca particularly liked the rectangular tray. The colouring was exquisite. She imagined it as a focal point in a large white kitchen. The design featured traditional forest elements but was somehow modern in interpretation.

  They were interrupted by Tim, “Ladies how are we this morning?” As they turned, one looking up at him smiling, the other blushing and looking down, he realized quite a lot of wine had been drunk and, no doubt, his name used in vain many times. His glance moved to the ceramics and he stepped forward to examine them. “Wow, he exclaimed.” Admiring the rectangular one in particular, he marvelled at its’ design, to no one in particular, “It is amazingly intricate.”

  Rebecca touched his arm and said, “I’d better go and do some work.” He was left with Isabella who moved away behind her desk. Her actions worried him; she was putting a barrier between them. “Isabella, I am so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have taken advantage and kissed you.”

  “Apology accepted,” she said somewhat sadly. He registered the sad tone and frowned. She wouldn’t look at him, eyes down.

  “Um,” he started, a little off guard. “Is it still okay to set up that desk and start working on setting up my own practice.”

  “Yes, I am not going back on my word, I think it will be good for the gallery to have an architect attached.”

  “Thank you, Isabella, I promise to be strictly professional.”

  Looking as if she was about to break into tears, she asked, “Please go and do whatever you need to do.”

  “Please ask Rebecca for anything you need.” Dismissed, he wandered off, glancing back as he moved through the doorway. Isabella was brushing away tears. He wanted so much to go to her, but felt, no knew, he would be rejected, once again. He suddenly wished to be ten years older and established in life.

  He turned to face Rebecca, nervously smiling said, “I am so sorry.” Rebecca, ever the protector of all her friends, the one to sooth the dramas, replied, “There is nothing to be sorry for, actually I think you did a good thing.” He frowned, a question forming. She followed with, “You shook things up. Just get yourself together and on the right path and store those feelings for later.” His eyebrows shot up. “By the way, are you still with Victoria?” she asked. Tim sighed, not replying immediately.

  Simply put, “Not since a couple of days ago, but our relationship broke down weeks ago if not months.”

  “We grew apart.”

  Rebecca was quick to say “sorry”, then curiously, “I’ll pass that on to a person who needs to know.” A little sense of hope started to creep into his mind…

  Rebecca shifted to being all business. “We need to discuss your desk and the arrangements. As you can see, we have quite a lot of floor space. Do you have anything in mind?” Tim had already planned in detail what he would like, a desk for computer, monitor and printer. A separate drawing board, he would need some large plan drawers for storage. He turned to Rebecca and explained his needs. He also said he would establish some open shelving to store books and reference materials, but it would be a divider, not solid like a wall. He also suggested they create a seating area between his space and her desk. Not a waiting room as such, some statement chairs. His space would be light and bright. Rebecca realized this man knew what he wanted, and he was perfectly capable of organizing it himself. She also realized it would happen fairly quickly. Just leave him to it, she thought to herself.

  Rebecca turned her attention to solving the problem of her fragile boss. She needed space and some time away from either man. She was on the phone with Julia about the matter within hours of a hasty email. Julia was flabbergasted at the situation. David needed to find himself someone that wanted him as much as he wanted them. Tim was well…. she was frankly, totally amazed. She wasn’t surprised to hear his relationship with Victoria had broken down. Vicky was lovely, but it was a high school romance that wasn’t meant to last the distance. She was in disbelief that he seemed to be attracted to Isabella and vice versa. He’d never seemed interested in her at all, even as a friend.

  Julia had the solution. She was on her way home from Italy. Pop Isabella on a trip to Bangkok and they would go chasing some traditional celadon ceramics in Chiang Mai. Rebecca agreed, and it was done. Within hours, the itinerary had been organized. Rebecca went to speak with Isabella. Telling
a little white lie, she explained she had just received a phone call from Julia who wanted her in Chiang Mai to look for celadon pottery and it would involve bridesmaid business too. Isabella smiled up at Rebecca and asked if she could hold everything together, she didn’t think she’d be gone long, maybe a week, or ten days.

  Tim was in and out of the gallery at the end of the week, all weekend, and into the following week as he created his space, totally absorbed in instructing some workmen called Will, Jason and Brad and technicians who he equally seemed to be close friends with. He seemed like a man possessed. He was there when she got in at seven, looked like he had slept amongst his work, she knew having worked late to make some calls to the UK, he was there until late into the night. An office, very similar to the one Marco had designed at the Martinelli home, suddenly appeared. The tea-room was reworked and strictly became the staff only area. Lovely designer chairs arrived for a lounge area. A coffee machine was installed. He was some expert carpenter, it looked stunning.

  Sunday rolled around. Tim and Rebecca met for his first shift as Gallery Coordinator. It was a title Rebecca and Isabella had devised so business cards could be printed. Rebecca went through the duties expected and explained aside from greeting and assisting customers, in the down times, there was endless dusting and polishing of the displays. Rebecca realized it was a doddle for him. The customers loved him.

  During their lunch break, he was sitting with his feet up reading the current catalogue. He didn’t say much as he was quite absorbed in the articles in the catalogue. Rebecca was startled from her novel as he launched into a discussion about reviewing the lighting in the gallery spaces. He wouldn’t change things just yet but wanted to examine the angles of some of the displays in relation to the natural light sources from the windows. He wasn’t even talking to her really, just talking out loud.

  He got up to wash up his cup and plate. Leaning against the sink, ’Bec, can I ask you where Izzy has been all week?"

  “She hasn’t been here, or out at meetings, has she?”

  Frustrated he warned, “Don’t treat me as an ignorant man.”

  “Where is she?”

  Rebecca said flatly, “She is in Thailand with Julia.”

  “Jesus, Rebecca, you could have told me.”

  “Julia, your sister, didn’t want either yourself or David to know where she is.”

  “Ah, the loyalty of ‘the girl triangle’ again,” he said.

  “You three are unbelievable,” he shouted. “It has always been the same, you gather together scheming. Who cares who you hurt?”

  “Does David know where she is?”

  Rebecca replied, “He hasn’t really queried her whereabouts. He would ring her direct anyway. She travels frequently. Izzy, as you call her, needed space.” He glared at Rebecca and walked out.

  Rebecca was barely spoken to by Tim, for several days, after the tiff. He was super polite. He advised her where he would be, and when he would be back. He had several clients in already and only asked once if Rebecca would type a letter as there was a glitch with his computer and it was urgent. He was quiet, working away on drawings, or research. He seemed also to be super organized and tidy. His space was kept immaculately. The coffee machine was in the more public seating area where he spent some time building cupboards to hold some quality china and glassware. All improvements Isabella and Rebecca had considered previously. She realized Tim had a desire to be surrounded by beautiful things, and above all perfect order. He was determined too. He was his father’s son, that was for sure.

  Wednesday afternoon. The gallery hadn’t seen many customers during the day. Tim had been in at his desk all day. He seemed to be working on some house plans. Taking a break, he strolled over and propping himself on Rebecca’s desk, he asked if he was interrupting anything. “Bec,” he started, “I am wondering if you would like to go for a meal, tonight.” She looked at him, with surprise. “It’s simple Bec, we need to clear the air, and be on talking terms to make this office arrangement work.”

  She was silent for a minute and then agreed, “What you’re saying makes perfect sense.”

  “Yes, I would like to, that would be nice.”

  Tim offered, “Okay then my treat, the pasta place down the road?”

  “Lovely, is 6:30 good?”

  “Perfect.” Rebecca cheekily piped up, “so are you going to kiss me too?” He half snorted, then laughed, a deep happy laugh,

  “You’re not Izzy.”

  “This is work space, so remember it is Isabella, she chided him.” He smiled a deep mysterious smile.

  Just half an hour later, Isabella was on the phone. “Hi, tell me all, I need a quick catch-up before I come back in tomorrow.”

  Rebecca was overjoyed to hear her friend happy. “When did you get back?”

  “Monday; it was Monday night.”

  “Is Julia back?”

  “No, at the end of the week, I think. She has Antonio with her, to meet everyone again.” They chatted and as Rebecca hung-up she realized Isabella hadn’t asked about Tim. ‘That’s awkward’, she thought. Maybe she didn’t ask because she doesn’t want to know. Or maybe it was the farthest thing from her mind as she had been full of Julia and Antonio, and their plans.


  Tim overheard snatches of Rebecca’s end of the conversation. He realized he hadn’t been mentioned. Izzy wasn’t good at subterfuge. However, he did know she wouldn’t let on about his visit to her house on Monday night. Julia had rung him and suggested he pick Izzy up from the airport and drive her home. He had been reluctant, but Julia was insistent. “It was what they all did for each other at the gallery.” Izzy had been all smiles to see him at the Airport. He was in a state of confusion as to why she suddenly wanted him of all people to pick her up. When she came out from Customs, they shared a brief kiss on the cheek as a greeting. He had stowed her in the SUV borrowed from the gallery and whisked her home.

  Once there, she offered Tim a beer and got herself a wine. She plonked herself on the sofa and snuggled against him. He was a little irritated, “Izzy, don’t play with me, you are not a cat and I am not a mouse.”

  “Tim it is okay, I like you and I am very pleased to see you.” She looked up at him. “But slowly, slowly, okay.”

  Tim was anxious, “Izzy why have you suddenly changed your tune.” He looked down at her frowning. “You were so angry after I kissed you.”

  She looked at him, sort of twisting her mouth. “I was embarrassed. I didn’t know how to handle it: you are Julia’s younger brother, David’s younger brother, you are younger than me!”

  Tim whispered, “Is that a bad thing?”

  “No. Not really on reflection.” He reached over and putting his arm around her, pulled Izzy to him. He just wanted to hold her.

  They cuddled for a while before Tim queried, “This is your house?”

  “Yes of course it’s my house.”

  “No, it isn’t. It is a beautiful house, magnificently furnished, but it is not Isabella, there is not a trace of Izzy here.”

  “I am not sure I understand what you mean?” she said stirring from his arms to perch on the edge of the sofa and look directly at him.

  Tim asked, “Tell me about the house.” Isabella launched into a big explanation about how Isaac had the house designed just the way he wanted. Isabella was allowed to display one piece of expensive Murano sculpture otherwise everything was Isaac’s, even the black and white photos. Isaac had employed an Interior designer, who he had negotiated with, to furnish the house.

  He started to probe a bit more, so very carefully, so she wouldn’t avoid his questions. She explained about the gardener, even in the night light the area outside was lit and looked magnificent, a glistening pool surrounded by greenery. Izzy also explained about Mabel, the housekeeper, who still came and did all her cleaning, cooking and laundry. She told him about the catered dinner parties. Isaac would send her for new clothes together with a hair and make-up appointment and all she ha
d to do was appear the stunning hostess. Tim suddenly realized life for Isabella with Isaac, whilst appearing perfect, had been a stifling nightmare. He looked at his watch and said he’d better go home. He would have liked to have stayed but it wasn’t the right timing yet. He invited her to come for a swim at the Martinelli home the next morning.


  Ruth was angry. Sitting down to her breakfast of fruit, some cereal and coffee, she had gazed out through the family windows to a scene that frankly disturbed her. The huge picture window looked out to the terraced entertainment and pool area and beyond the paddocks surrounding the home and rolled down the hill to the bush near the river. She was admiring the tall, tanned form of her young son in his board shorts. He was using the pool scoop to remove some leaf debris when a very slender blonde woman discarded a towelling robe and strolled up to Tim. She had on a white swimsuit hugging every petite curve, her hair in a ponytail. It was actually picture perfect but what upset her sensibilities was the strong brown arm that encircled the woman and the very passionate kiss they shared. She was shouting inside her mind ‘No, Not Isabella, Tim what are you doing’.

  They swam for a while, just laps and then got out as it wasn’t really warm enough in the early morning for outdoor swimming. Tim wrapped his Izzy into her robe and then putting on his own, he kissed her again before suggesting he make her breakfast. Ruth observing was composing herself for an argument with Isabella. She had assumed he’d offered breakfast and was ready as they made their way into the kitchen. “Isabella what exactly are you doing here? What do you think David will think of the behaviour I have just witnessed when I tell him? Isabella you are old enough to know better than take advantage of Tim if you’re running some scam to make David jealous.”

  Tim just looked at his mother and all he could utter was, “What?” Isabella had turned away embarrassed. She turned back, irritated by Ruth’s attitude.

  “What a horrible thing to accuse me of, and why would you think David would even care?”


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