Finding Izzy

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Finding Izzy Page 22

by Nanette Fox

  Tim was as independent and self-contained as he was sensitive and caring. Well-liked but without the confidence his brother exuded. Tim loved his sister and was close to her. He simply found it difficult to relate to his brother. Their age gap had always put them at different stages. Tim was just starting school when David had moved to secondary school. They had never had much in common, and the gap deepened as Tim grew in Marco’s shadow. Tim was a very accomplished sportsperson but also loved to be ‘out bush’ with his dad. Heaven for Tim was going to his grandfather’s farm and riding horses whilst droving cattle. Back at home, he had become a very talented carpenter under his father’s tutelage. Tim’s academic achievements had far out-weighed those of his brother and sister. Tim always did everything well, no matter what he tried, he nearly always seemed to succeed. Marco was consistently spouting how proud he was of Tim. David often felt inadequate in Marco’s eyes, and now, as he and Tim were trying to find their feet without Marco, the difficulties in their relationship as brothers was more and more evident. To Ruth, her youngest son, the echo of Marco, had now to be much loved and cherished. She had to get to know him, the essence of him as much as her husband had known him, in honour of her husband.

  Ruth sat and pondered what Marco would make of Isabella coming into Tim’s life. Marco had been resolutely protective throughout Isabella’s marriage to Isaac and had such a hand in getting her well again in the aftermath of Isaac’s treatment of her. He had been there when Isabella had needed support after Isaac’s untimely death. As Ruth pondered, she realized Marco had never told her his opinion of David being with Isabella in the early years. She knew that before his death, he was at his wit’s end as to why David couldn’t make a commitment to anyone. There had been Tamsyn when he was twenty-seven, a two or three-year relationship that hadn’t lasted. Marco had approved of Victoria for Tim but thought they were terribly young to settle for each other. Julia too, had surprised Marco. He had thought she would marry at a much younger age. She just never seemed to find the right one. Marco had seemed pleased about Antonio’s proposal to Julia but had fussed about his daughter moving to Italy. Ruth sat with her wine and thought about her three children. All adults now, and it seemed they still needed her support. She wrote as the final line on her page,

  Motherhood: all love begins and ends there…Robert Browning

  Chapter 32


  David called and suggested that he and Veronica come to dinner with Julia and Antonio. He thought it would be nice for Ruth to have some company as he knew she was fretting about Tim. He also thought that it would be nice for Ruth to spend some time getting to know not only Antonio but Veronica in a quieter group without the usual gaggle of extended family and friends. Ruth wasn’t surprised at his thoughtfulness and welcomed the idea of seeing her daughter and getting to know David’s Veronica as their relationship seemed to be continuing. David set the date and time and told his mother that Veronica would look after the dessert, so if he wanted to suggest to Julia, she do the salad the workload was not so much for Ruth. David sounded so positive and upbeat it cheered her immensely.

  Julia was pleased to hear David on the phone and thought it was a lovely idea. Antonio and she had settled in a routine and her faith was restored in his love. She knew it wasn’t long before he would have to fly back to Italy, but she was enjoying further exploring their relationship. She would look forward to dinner with her mother now that the tension between Antonio and her had eased. She was looking forward to getting to know Veronica a little better in a quieter setting. Most of all, she knew her mother would appreciate the love and support David and she could offer.

  So, in high spirits they all met at Ruth’s. On behalf of everyone, David put a call through to Perth, at first it wasn’t answered, on the second ring Paul had answered Tim’s phone. David passed it off that he must have rung the wrong number the first time. The second time Paul gave him the assurances he needed to pass to his mother, but his gut instinct told him his brother was avoiding his calls. He didn’t comment on his thoughts but made a note to discuss it with Julia in private even if it meant a visit to the gallery. If it was the gallery, he’d make a point of being discrete but try to avoid Isabella.

  David hadn’t realized Veronica spoke some Italian, so with Julia, his mother and Veronica chattering away with a little of Antonio’s native tongue smattered throughout the conversation it was a very pleasant evening. Antonio spoke English, he was just very anxious of making errors and being a very proud man, it eased his stress if there was some Italian spoken as well. Ruth was watching her children for positive signs in their relationships with their prospective partners. David seemed to genuinely care for Veronica and likewise Veronica for him. Veronica was a revelation. With so many of David’s younger girlfriends, it had been a struggle to hold an interesting adult conversation. Veronica was intelligent, well-informed and a pleasure to be with; Ruth could imagine her being the right partner at the many Business dinners David attended. She was well-dressed, casually in trousers and a glamorous silky top. Her brunette bob was a lovely frame for her attractive face. She was quite curvaceous, a departure for David, he had dated quite slim girls previously. Ruth wondered how much Veronica, or ‘Ronnie’ as she heard David call her a couple of times, knew about Isabella.

  Julia and Antonio on the other hand seemed to be struggling. It was obvious they were very attracted to each other and were trying to care for each other, but it was forced. Ruth knew enough about Italian men and their pride to know that Julia was probably just a little too independent as a woman for his liking. He spoke of his brother Lorenzo and how he wanted him also to meet a lovely lady like Julia, so they could all settle at the family winery and go on to have families together, so the cousins could grow up together. He raised his eyebrows when Julia said children were a little way off for her as she wanted to build her business a little more. Unbeknown to Ruth, Julia had kicked her brother under the table when he suggested they introduce Isabella to Lorenzo.

  What of course David didn’t know was that Isabella already knew ‘Lucky Lorenzo’. Lorenzo had been of assistance when Isabella and Isaac had an altercation that left Isabella injured. Julia had met Antonio when Isabella went back to thank Lorenzo. Julia had never known exactly why Isabella needed to see Lorenzo that day and why she had been so effusive towards him. The two brothers, Lorenzo and Antonio, had gone on a date with the two very pretty girls and Antonio had called his brother ‘Lucky Lorenzo’ for making it possible for him to meet Julia.

  Veronica was quite the cook, so Ruth understood how David looked as if he was putting on a few pounds. She had made the most heavenly traditional Italian ricotta cheesecake. Veronica helped Ruth clean-up whilst the others sat in the lounge with coffee. Julia had popped a few plates through to the kitchen but gone to sit with David and Antonio. Ruth was enjoying chatting with Veronica. She found out she hadn’t always been a teacher, going first to advertising after university as she had studied a double major of Commerce and Science. Science was her first love, so she was pleased now that she could inspire the boys she taught. She explained she had met David through a colleague who was married to one of his staff. Ruth looked up to the heavens once and thought I hope this relationship continues she is just what David needs ‘a true partner’ someone who can love and support him but also keep him interested.

  Ruth really would have liked Tim there, and she wasn’t entirely at ease about the call to Perth. She was wondering why Paul had answered the phone. Was Tim not able to because he was ill? Was Tim avoiding David? Was he intending to stay for much longer than she had anticipated if he had got himself a rental car; and was already working on plans for a builder with a supposed deadline? It was puzzling. Veronica had also surprised her when she had referred to Tim’s profile on LinkedIn. She explained the school where she taught were always on the lookout for young professionals to come and talk to the students about potential career paths. She said it was a pity he had found work in
Perth which made Ruth think David hadn’t told Veronica the true story. She didn’t know much about LinkedIn; she’d take that up with Julia and see if she could see Tim’s profile.

  Chapter 33

  Black and White

  Isabella woke to find herself in a serious mood. She had an appointment with her solicitor in the city. She had matched it with some other business appointments at the bank and with her stockbroker. She hated these serious days and would have given anything to avoid them. She dressed plainly, in black and white, her hair in a bun, the only hint of colour some sapphire earrings. Going downstairs, she found Bec in their tiny kitchen in t-shirt and leggings as she’d been out for a run with Basil. She was envious that Bec could be so carefree. Isabella looked irritable and perhaps even a little tired. Bec asked her what was bothering her. Isabella, who was feeling very severe and not a ‘happy Izzy’, snapped about it being a day when she had to travel into the city and deal with droll men in suits and boring ties. She had also been contacted by Elizabeth Grant who had been Marco Martinelli’s personal assistant, and she had arranged to meet for afternoon tea at Bruneshelli’s in Carlton. She liked Elizabeth but struggled to understand what they needed to meet for. She wished she’d asked Elizabeth a few questions before agreeing to the meeting.

  Nothing went well. The solicitor was still winding up Isaac’s estate and that frustrated her. She wanted so much to be rid of that part of her life. Her banker was concerned with international transfers that needed to be made and was worried about making the best of exchange rates in relation to all the investment properties in the UK. Her stockbroker was in full flight about her portfolio and making some changes to the spread of interests she had stocks in. He wanted to move stocks into her trust and sell others. He was concerned about some international investments. At all three meetings she missed David’s presence. She had wanted to try to take charge and cope with things without relying on his advice. She was disappointed to find she needed his input. She came away from the stockbrokers feeling anxious and insecure. She was beginning to dread what was coming during the get-together with Elizabeth.

  Bruneshelli’s could usually make her smile. Their display was heavenly. Most of the staff knew her by name as she had organized catering through them often. She found the older Elizabeth sitting at a table for two and they ordered some temptingly lovely cakes and coffee. “Isabella it is lovely to see you.”

  “Yes likewise, Elizabeth, it is lovely to see you.”

  “I must admit I am a little curious as to why you wanted to meet with me.”

  Elizabeth smiled, “I am pleased to catch up with you, but it is an awkward matter to do with winding up Marco Martinelli’s affairs.”

  Isabella was suddenly on guard, “What is it Elizabeth?” Elizabeth handed over a fairly thick envelope, the handwriting on the front said Isabella Thompson. She opened the envelope to find a letter, three smaller envelopes and some papers written in Isaac’s handwriting. “Elizabeth,” she said alarmed and already tearful. She started to read the letter:

  My Darling Isabella,

  You will have received this letter from my personal assistant Lizzie after my death. I do hope this finds you happy and above all well. My one regret for a life well-lived is that I was unable to do more to protect you from Isaac. I did procure a confession of sorts about the atrocity committed against you at your uncle’s home.

  He wrote me a letter. I am ashamed to admit that I used it to blackmail him to an amount of one million pounds to buy my silence at his actions. Lizzie and I invested it in a trust intended for my three children. The investments will have all been sold now and the money involved divided into three equal shares. Isabella I would kindly ask that you give my children the envelopes enclosed with my love.

  This is totally aside and separate from any settlement of my personal and business estate. I have enclosed the copy of Isaac’s letter. He is deceased now, and it should all be pushed into the past, and I do hope you can find it in your heart to remember him a little fondly. He was so very much in love with you in the early days of your marriage.

  Yours sincerely, your guardian


  Elizabeth looked at the stricken Isabella. She had gone on to read the photocopy of Isaac’s letter. It was horrifying in its intensity and passion. He had laid out the facts of their marriage to Marco. Most shattering to Isabella was the description of his actions that day at Uncle Robert’s historical country home. Isabella folded all the papers carefully and picking up the three envelopes tucked them into the outer envelope. Her blue eyes had gone cold and were brimming with tears. “Marco has given the money back to me, hasn’t he?”

  “It is for me to decide whether his children should receive it from me.”

  “I don’t know why he just didn’t roll it all into his estate.”

  Elizabeth spoke, “To him it was always tainted money.”

  “He was a very honourable man.”

  Isabella looked at Elizabeth, “I will need to think what is best.”

  “I am thinking maybe of gifting it to a charity.”

  Elizabeth said, “I have organized that each of the cheques are issued jointly for example David and yourself.” Elizabeth went on to say, "You can do nothing and simply leave them untouched but Marco’s instruction to me was that he needed them to know of his error in judgement in doing such a deal with Isaac.

  Isabella said, “What will that achieve.”

  "Elizabeth, his youngest son is struggling to cope as it is, his father’s death, his heart attack was so unexpected.

  I really have had the worst day."

  “Oh Elizabeth, not seeing you, that has been wonderful but this on top of every other little problem I have had to discuss.”

  “Elizabeth, how do I go to Julia, my best friend, and say your father blackmailed my husband, would you like the proceeds?”

  “As for David and Tim, I can’t even imagine how I am going to do it, particularly Tim.”

  “Marco does want me to discuss it with each of them, because to sign over the money to charity I would have to talk to each of them and get them to agree.”

  Elizabeth spoke, “Isabella, you can look at it another way. Maybe Marco thought that Isaac should pay for taking him away from his family for long periods of time. All the times that he had to fly somewhere to sort out doctors and hospitals. The time, weeks and weeks, spent sorting out Isaac’s affairs here and in the UK. After Isaac died in that accident, his family didn’t want to know, and it was left to Marco because you were so ill.”

  Isabella looked intensely at Elizabeth, “Isaac’s estate is still a tangled web.”

  “Maybe it is Marco’s way of apologizing to his children for time missed with them, time spent on a guardian child.”

  “Elizabeth that is a little rude!”

  “I am sorry that didn’t come out well.”

  “How do I say it more tactfully…?”

  Isabella reached over to hold Elizabeth’s hand. “It is okay this can’t be easy for you.”

  “Would you like another coffee?” asked Isabella.

  “I need them to bring copious quantities.”

  Elizabeth discretely smiled, “That would be lovely.”

  Isabella decided to end on a positive note and asked Elizabeth what she was doing now. Elizabeth went on to tell her that she was moving to the UK. Most of her family were there and she had a nice little cottage she’d been able to purchase with a little legacy she’d been left. Isabella didn’t need to question where the legacy came from, she could put two and two together. It was in Cornwall and at a little spot called Porth Leven. Isabella smiled and said I know it; I love that harbour. Gosh it can be so wild there in the winter months. Isabella confided to Elizabeth that she wanted to take Tim to Mousehole for a romantic holiday but in the warmer weather. One of her investment cottages was there. Elizabeth raised her eyebrows, “Don’t you mean David?” Isabella shook her head and said not, that she definitely meant Tim but t
hen muttered if he ever comes back from Perth. They parted on amicable terms and promised to keep in touch.


  Isabella walked into the gallery in the late afternoon and without the usual preamble of greeting anyone went straight to her desk. Monique asked if she needed anything which raised a tiny smile and a, “No thanks.” Julia who had been sitting on the couch, talking on the phone, to one of their feature artists, looked at her friend and recognized it as a time to say nothing, absolutely nothing. Rebecca also thought it wise to go about her work and say nothing. Neither of them had ever seen Isabella looking so hard and unapproachable. Without moving from the couch, Julia messaged Bec and queried ‘wonder what’s up’.

  Bec messaged back ‘never seen her like this before, Tim?’

  ‘No, I don’t think so’.

  Still messaging ‘Where did she go today?’, ‘lots of business appointments’, ‘maybe you’ll get something from her at home’, ‘yeah maybe, she looks really aggravated’. Julia packed up her belongings from the couch and speaking to Izzy said, “I have to go, see you tomorrow.”

  Isabella looked up at her and muttered, “Fine.” Bec and Monique got a similar response when they left for the day.

  Isabella whose mind was sorting the day, found herself sitting in the quiet gallery as dusk settled through the windows. She leaned over to switch on her desk lamp. Still she sat, just thinking. She remembered something and checked her phone for an earlier message noting one from David ‘can I ring you?’ from several hours ago and a more recent one from Tim ‘love you, busy and ok’. She threw her phone down. She picked up her laptop bag and dragged the letter out from the pocket. She didn’t need to re-read Marco’s letter that was firmly imprinted on her mind. She did need to re-read the photocopy of Isaac’s letter, wondering why it was a photocopy firstly and absorbing in all the horrible detail what he had written to his so-called confidante Marco. In that moment, she hated Isaac and loathed Marco for the position she had been put in. Packing the letters away again, she turned off the lamp and left for home.


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