Finding Izzy

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Finding Izzy Page 26

by Nanette Fox

  “So here is little me, with nobody, really, lots of money and ‘stuff’, but nobody.” Her eyes, those beautiful blue eyes were pools of water. Paul was beginning to suspect there was worse to come. “Marco befriended my husband and I think his intentions were good at first.”

  “Marco and my husband Isaac started doing deals together; they amassed large fortunes and a rather twisted tangled web of companies.” Izzy looked at Paul, “Are you with me so far.”

  “Hmm Izzy I am.”

  “Then Marco died. When someone dies there is usually a Will. There are often letters left. Well Marco left some letters. You could only describe them as ‘poison’ letters. Three in total: one for Ruth, one for Lucy and one for me. Two of those letters contained a letter of confession about our marriage handwritten by Isaac to Marco. Ruth got the original; I the photocopy. Why give me the photocopy, why Ruth the original? Lucy didn’t need one as she spent the better part of six months of her life with me in the UK as I got better from the very last incident. I nearly died Paul.”

  “I read my photocopy and it was very detailed and I still don’t comprehend how on one hand he loved me, and on the other he could throw me across a room. I don’t know why I just didn’t say enough is enough and get out. I don’t know,” she said and shrugged. “It wasn’t about the money, the presents, I didn’t really want them. I guess I was humiliated by what was happening to me and didn’t know how to say anything. Marco tried a few times to talk to me but he either gave up or got so involved with Isaac he couldn’t do any more than help when I needed hospitals, doctors, rehabilitation and you name it I’ve needed it.”

  “Marco’s letter came via his PA, his mistress; she had held some money for him in investments. It was blackmail money Paul. Isaac bought Marco’s silence, bought his help. It is a lot of money. Ruth and Lucy have both got tidy sums. I was given my envelope with a letter asking me to forgive Marco that he didn’t protect me more and he signed it ‘Your Guardian’, which is as cold as could be. He asked me to give the money to his three children. There are cheques made out to each of them, but I have to counter-sign them.”

  “So, Paul how could he use me and my dreadful marriage to make money for his children?”

  “How does he expect me to just give them an envelope each, swallow and say well, here you are, have a nice life and by the way this is the proceeds of your father blackmailing my husband. They might ask what blackmail and I have to say my husband confessed to your father about beating me to a pulp.” Paul just looked at her and marvelled that she hadn’t just buckled under; she was much stronger than she looked. She spoke again, “There is just a little bit more to the story.”

  “Usually there is an Executor right. Therefore, I got to thinking when I got my ‘poison’ letter well someone must know about Marco’s estate, someone must know about these letters. People don’t just go around giving out a million pounds, yes pounds, without some discussion. You can’t tell me Elizabeth acted alone.”

  “So, there were a couple of choices, David or Tim. The Executor of his father’s estate is Tim. He tells me he knew nothing about the ‘bad money’.”

  “Come on, he must have known something,” she said with sarcasm. “Paul I am thinking he is as guilty as sin, complicit in his father’s crimes.”

  “Izzy, I think you have got quite a few wires crossed.”

  “No Paul, I haven’t.” Paul knew she was mistaken but didn’t want to argue with her.

  “So, what are you going to do?”

  “I am going back to the UK, I have a little cottage, and I am going to start afresh. Paul I will keep in touch with you and Rebecca though, and by extension Lucy, but the rest of them, they can go to hell.”

  Paul stepped in and touching her arm said softly, “Isabella, promise me you will think very carefully through all of this and not rush into anything. I think that maybe you are not being so fair to people who love you very much and would walk heaven and earth for you.” He chose his words carefully, choosing who to name very diplomatically, “Maybe like Julia or Ruth.”

  Inside Lucy had asked Rebecca where Paul had got to. Rebecca told her mother he was talking to Izzy at the bottom of the garden, and it looked like a major discussion. She had been watching from the kitchen window and thought they were probably coming back inside. She noticed her Paul’s expression was not the placid steady look everyone knew; he was wearing a furrowed brow and had reached out to console Izzy with a brush down her arm a couple of times. Meanwhile, Tim had been sitting on one of the armchairs inside with Lainey in his lap. Ruth had been sharing worried glances with her oldest son over the self-indulgent behaviour of her youngest son and his ‘friend’ in someone else’s home. Ruth was wondering why Tim wanted to be so obnoxious and rebellious today with Lainey and yet Izzy was obviously distressed and only metres away talking to others or in another room. She wondered what he was playing at.

  Rebecca knew Izzy had wanted to do a proper presentation on behalf of everyone, but she had realized that probably wouldn’t occur. Izzy didn’t look strong enough to stand up in front of anyone, let alone Tim and Lainey; actually, she looked downhearted, tired and very wretched. Paul and Izzy got to the bottom of the back steps and Izzy stopped, “I don’t want to go inside.” I’ll just sit here for a little while. I feel ill."

  Paul helped her sit down and said gently, “This is sort of awkward but I have to go inside. Are you right to sit here? I’ll see if Lucy or Ruth can come and sit with you.”

  “I am so sorry Paul as this should be such a happy day for you both with everyone smiling and laughing” was her tearful cry.

  “Izzy I just want to see your beautiful smile. You are a special friend to both Rebecca and I.”

  Paul made his way inside hoping he could find Lucy or Ruth and they could spare some time for Izzy. In fact, he was starting to think he’d ask Lucy if he could tuck Izzy in the guest bed and maybe she would have a sleep and gather some strength.

  “Rebecca where is your mum?”

  “She is just greeting my aunt and uncle and getting them drinks.”

  “Hey Rebecca, it’s urgent but really discretely, ask your mum or Ruth to come and have a chat.”

  She whispered, “I’ll ask Mum.” Rebecca made her way into the lounge and whispered to Lucy, “Can Paul and I see you in the kitchen, just really quickly and quietly?” Lucy excused herself and made her way to talk with her daughter and Paul.

  “Sorry Lucy, said Paul,”can I pop Izzy in the guestroom, she is very unwell. You’ve got guests you need to attend to, I just wanted to ask."

  “Lucy, does Izzy take any medication for anxiety or sleep?” asked Paul.

  “I think I still have a prescription of hers for some anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medications in my ensuite cabinet. Rebecca can find it for you but check because she may have taken something already today.”

  “Thanks Lucy, I’ll fix it quickly and quietly without disturbing the gathering.”

  “We can get access to the bedroom hallway via the laundry yeah.”

  Lucy looked at Paul and nodded. “I am guessing you don’t want Tim to know.”

  “No,” said Paul firmly.

  Going back down the balcony stairs with Rebecca, Paul picked Izzy up into his arms. He wondered if she had been eating as she was a tall girl and yet so light in his arms. He made his way through the laundry and into the hall, and discretely into the guestroom. Rebecca met him with a glass of water and the decision had been just a single pain-killer. Together, they tucked her into bed. Rebecca took off the moon boot and slipped her dress off. After making sure she took the medication, they left just the glass of water, closed the curtains and hoped she would sleep. As they emerged, Lainey spotted them on her way to use the toilet and made a comment about them being unable to keep their hands off each other, something about ‘a quickie’ at their engagement party. Paul who was failing to understand his close friend Tim’s actions wished he’d just leave taking this rebel of a creature w
ith him.

  There was quite a collection of people now, many relatives of Becky’s including some cousins who Paul had met a couple of times before. He loved Becky and he wasn’t going to be difficult; he’d be quite sociable but all he really wanted to do was grab Tim and go for some beers and find out what had gone wrong. He had dealt with some pretty shattered military personnel before but was in shock that Izzy had managed to survive all that had happened to her. He had been pretty confident in Tim’s love for Izzy and was finding it a little difficult to understand how they could go from being excited to see each other, to twenty-four hours later seeming to almost hate each other.

  After hearing Izzy’s story, Paul could understand how she had got her wires crossed assuming Tim knew about the blackmail or deal money. Paul had heard an angry phone call between Tim and Lucy about an envelope that had been couriered to her and knew that this Elizabeth person had acted without Tim’s knowledge. He couldn’t fathom how Marco had put Izzy in the position of sharing out the blackmail or deal money; he’d met Marco several times because of Rebecca’s friendship with Julia. He’d liked the man, thinking he was someone to admire. He was of the opinion that Marco’s intention had been for the Martinelli siblings to return the money to Izzy, so she could benefit a charity. He hadn’t wanted the money and he really didn’t want his children to have it either. For Ruth to have a sum was an apology of sorts. For Lucy it was a thank you.

  Paul must have looked miles away in his thoughts because he was suddenly accepting a beer from David Martinelli who was looking very curiously at him. David and Paul knew each other, they’d spent the time in Bali but weren’t the best of buddies. Paul thought David was a player and wasn’t enamoured with his personality. David was straight to the point, “What’s the problem with Izzy, I saw you carrying her into the house?”

  “Nothing major David, she simply wasn’t feeling well, I don’t think she’s been eating properly.” David went on to tell Paul he had seen Izzy yesterday at his mother’s and she was bright as a button and very happy, so he didn’t understand how she could be ill.

  Paul said, “A lot can happen in twenty-four hours.”

  “Dave what is the story with this creature Tim has with him today?”

  “I am a little bemused.”

  “That creature Tim picked up in his third year at University, he was with Vicky at the time and so there was quite a lot of drama.”

  “Suffice to say, they have shared a lot.”

  “Trouble is they seem to get together every so often, when Tim wants to play ‘bad boy’.”She’s probably not a bad person but together they are toxic." David pointed to the pile of bike leathers, helmets and a couple of very dirty looking sack style bags. Does that look like something that would make Tim happy; he is so OCD about order and tidiness."

  “We had that sort of pile at our front door day in day out for about six months, and it drove my parents crazy for a period.”

  “You might have noted, they have ducked out for a ciggy every so often, more likely they have been sharing a joint, again not the Tim you and I know.”

  “I am expecting them to go roaring off into the afternoon for a Sunday drinking session at some live gig very soon as Paddle Pop is looking restless.” Paul looked at David querying he had heard straight. “She likes paddle pop ice-creams so Tim’s nickname for her is ‘Paddle Pop’, initially she called him ‘ice on a stick’ later that became ‘sex on a stick’, says it all really about their relationship slash friendship!”

  “Hey Dave, introduce me again to Veronica.”

  “Paul talk with us, get to know Veronica but also Antonio.” Paul stood with Veronica and David and Julia and Antonio making small chat about anything and everything. About how good it was all being together. About wine, Antonio was particularly interested in one of the wines they had been drinking.

  He put his arm around Julia and said, “It is good, have you tried it?”

  She nodded, “It is, I had just a sip, I think I’d better stick to water today.” Antonio massaged her shoulder and not for the first time that day looked rather concerned about his fiancée. Julia looked across to where Tim was and said to her brother, “I am surprised he and Lainey are still here. In the past, they would have been gone hours ago. Thing is amongst all the garbage they have been going on about I overheard them having a serious discussion about what he should do about Izzy.”

  David raised his eyebrows. “Are you sure?”

  Julia replied, “Yeah, surprising I think.”

  Tim had closed his eyes and was just listening to the sounds around him; voices and the music seemed a little loud and scratchy. Paddle Pop was sitting in his lap leaning over to talk to some cousin of Rebecca’s. They were talking about belly-button piercings. The cousin whose name he couldn’t remember said something about him being a biker, so he must have a few tatts. He laughed and said just one tiny one from his last trip to Bali. Paddle Pop whacked him on the shoulder and said, “Have you really got a tatt, way to go Timmy? Once ya start ya never stop. We will get ya a few more so ya have a half sleeve, maybe a full sleeve.”

  “Don’t think so Paddle Pop.”

  “Hey pop up I want to go and get a drink of water.”

  “Yeah and when ya come back, can we get out of here and go to the gig?”

  “Hey that’s really funny ya just said can I pop up and I am Paddle Pop.” Then she leaned over the arm of the chair with her feet up on the other arm and asked the cousin what they thought about nipple piercings.

  Before he walked away, he bent over and slid his hand up under her black top and said, “The word is YOU not ‘ya’.”

  “So ‘sex on a stick’ YOU all posh now since you became a prize-winning architect?” He lent down again and said, “Maybe…”

  “Listen I’ll get the water and say a few goodbyes and we’ll go to the gig.” Before he went, he picked her up and turning her around in his arms sat her down properly on the chair. “YOU not ya can still talk, sitting properly Lainey,” he chastised her. A few of the party crowd sitting or standing nearby twittered.

  “Hey Aunt Lucy, have you got some bottled water?” Tim asked leaning against the Kitchen door frame.

  “Yes, I think so in the tub over there.” He reached over and pulling the bottle out, took the cap off, firing it into the sink."

  His brother came behind him and clapped him on the shoulder, “So are you and Paddle Pop going soon.”

  Tim nodded and gulped down some water. “Yeah, a gig, a band we all like, meeting a few of the others from uni.”

  “Are you right to ride that bike?”

  “Yeah, only had one beer ages ago.”

  “Yeah but you’ve been doing joints.”

  “She smokes, just tobacco and I watch.”

  “Neither of us can afford to lose our licenses.”

  “Paddle Pop is Director of that Youth Social program on the other side of the city and has other responsibilities.”

  “I have to meet clients at sites and stuff.” He finished the water and punt-kicked the empty bottle into Lucy’s sink. “We’ve grown up.”

  His Aunt Lucy laughed, “No you haven’t. Tim when you’ve finished playing footy in my kitchen, do you want anything to eat?”

  “No thanks Aunt Lucy.”

  “Where’s Bec?”

  Before she realized it, she had blurted out, “Checking on Izzy.”

  “Aunt Lucy, why is Bec checking on Izzy?”

  Lucy’s sister, Meredith, said, “The young lass was quite poorly earlier.”

  David watched Tim suddenly tense and he lost the bad boy, clown of the party image he’d been trying to portray. He straightened up and his hands went to his hips, “Sorry Aunt Lucy what is going on?”

  “No idea Tim I have been busy with all our guests, you’d have to ask Paul and Bec.” He turned on his heel scanning the room for Paul. Not seeing him, he went over to Lainey and said, “Hey I’ve changed my mind I am not going to the gig, not for the mom

  “No worries then I’ll get going.” He walked with her over to the pile of leathers and helped her on with her jacket and helmet." Arms around each other, they said their goodbyes. David had turned around and watching him saw Tim pick up his bike jacket and hang it on the coat stand and put his helmet on the shelving.

  Tim spotted Paul and going over to him asked about Izzy. One of the ladies in the kitchen said Izzy was feeling unwell and I should ask you. Paul looked at him and asked, “Am I talking to Tim or ‘sex on a stick’.”

  Tim frowned and said, “Ha very funny.”

  “Paul, don’t muck me about, where’s Izzy?”

  “I think she’s probably still sleeping. Bec and I put her in the guestroom earlier.”

  “Mate she is dejected, so low and exhausted,” said Paul.

  Tim replied, “We argued until about three this morning before I stormed out and went home.”

  “She told me what it was about, I guess,” said Paul continuing with, “Mate she wants to leave everybody and go back to the UK.”

  Tim rattled looked at Paul. “Really, is that what she said?”

  “Tim, she thinks all the families here don’t want her, that she has nobody.” Paul could see his friend getting wound up. “Hey Tim, come outside a minute.”

  Tim followed Paul out on to the balcony and down the steps into the yard. “Just didn’t want anyone over-hearing us,” said Paul. “Tim, I think she is shattered because she believes your dad, who she described as ‘like a dad’ has basically fed her to the wolves.”

  “Maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but I am trying to get the point across about how she is feeling.”

  “What the?” said Tim.

  “Tim she is in a bad way. Tim I am quoting, ‘I loved these two families, my friends, and I am just the garbage, the bag of bones to be tossed to the kerb’.”

  Paul watched his friend head down walking around in circles for a bit, rubbing his face. “Paul, what do I do? She won’t believe I knew nothing about the blackmail or deal or whatever it was.”


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