Accidental Bounty (Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunter Book 4)

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Accidental Bounty (Inter-Galactic Bounty Hunter Book 4) Page 5

by KD Jones

  He opened the door to the blue hover truck and smiled, seeing her struggle to step up to the high vehicle. Drake had forgotten to lower the vehicle lower to the ground on purpose. Placing his hands on her small waist, he easily lifted her up. Jinx was so light, he worried that she wasn’t eating enough. Besides breakfast, he wasn’t sure if she had eaten anything the rest of the day. “Did you have lunch?”

  She paused in buckling up. “What?”

  “I was gone during lunch time, so I wasn’t sure if you got anything to eat.”

  “Oh, well Isaac picked up a sandwich for me when he went out. I was still in the middle of cleaning.”

  Isaac. Of course that prick would be all over her. Drake shut the door a little harder than necessary and walked around to the driver’s side. With ease, he jumped up into the seat and closed the door. Isaac may have gotten her lunch, but she still needed to eat dinner.

  “I could stop off at a restaurant on the way home so we can grab dinner.”

  Jinx shook her head. “Shy said there was a restaurant connected to the club that we can order from. I figured I would get something once I’m there.”

  “Sure sure. They’ve got good food.” Damn it! He was looking forward to taking her out. This was for the better, especially with her moving in with Shy. Drake needed to put some distance between them and get back to his bachelor lifestyle. Thankfully, she hadn’t been there but for one night, not much time to get attached.

  Turning the hover truck on, he put it in gear and drove out. He liked the manual driving vehicles better than the automated cars that drove themselves. Drake liked the rev of the engine, the feel of controlling something big and heavy; it fit his personality. He wasn’t high tech or fancy, he was a raw, powerful, and all natural male.

  “If you want, I can get a taxi shuttle to the club so you can go out to eat.”

  “No, I’ll drive you. When are you planning to move in with Shy?”

  “I’m not sure, I’ll have to check with her tonight to see when would be a good time. I should be out of your way soon though.”

  He frowned. “I wasn’t complaining. You’re not in my way.”

  She snorted. “I’m seriously cramping your bachelor lifestyle. The last thing you need is me hanging around while you romance the ladies.”

  “If I want to romance the ladies, I don’t have to bring them back to my apartment.” Even as he said it, he wished he had kept quiet. He didn’t want her thinking of him as a ladies man. For some reason, her opinion of him mattered. Yeah, he needed some distance.

  “You know, if you don’t mind taking a taxi shuttle…”

  “Done. You go do your thing. Maybe I’ll see you at the bar later.”

  “Maybe so.” What had he done? Where were his manners? His grandmother would be horrified. Well, it was done.


  Jinx was so confused. One minute, Drake acted like he enjoyed her company, but then he switched it up on her by agreeing that she should take a taxi shuttle to the bar. She knew that she was cramping his bachelor style, which was why she agreed to move in with Shy temporarily. It hurt that he was ready to let her go so easily.

  It was for the better. She didn’t want to get attached. Besides, he totally wasn’t her type. She liked really smart guys who used their brains instead of their brawn. Guys who were smooth businessmen or tech savvy, someone more like Isaac. Drake was the type of guy she would get drunk and flirt with, but wouldn’t even try to hook up with because he would be looking for perfection. Jinx was nothing close to perfect.

  Their drive to Drake’s apartment was a quiet one. Once inside, Drake said he had some errands to run, and left not long after they got there.

  “I’ll see you later maybe,” she called out when he started out the door.

  “Yeah, see you later.”

  Jinx sighed, feeling very out of place. Drake was nice to let her stay there, but she needed to get the hell out and let the man have his home back. Sitting on the couch she noticed how the apartment was extremely quiet. It would be a couple of hours before she headed to the club so she might as well finish cleaning to show her appreciation.


  Drake spent hours out and away. He had no real plan except to stay out of the apartment for as long as possible. The less personal time he spent with Jinx, the better. He had a rule about not sleeping with coworkers—he could flirt with them but that was about it. It was one of the few rules he had. Jinx, with her big blue eyes and innocent smile, could make him break it if he weren’t careful.

  He probably spent more time away than necessary. When Drake returned to his apartment, Jinx was gone but her suitcase was still there. She had left a note on the bar saying that she had a few grocery items in the refrigerator in case he was hungry and that she called for a taxi shuttle and hoped to see him later on. He wasn’t happy that she had left without him, even though he was the one that had stayed away.

  Walking over to open the cabinet where the trashcan was, he threw the paper in it. In the fridge, he found a huge sub sandwich already prepared. There were fruits and a vegetable platter. Jinx had restocked his beer and added bottles of water. It was more food than Drake had seen in his apartment in a long time.

  Drake shut the fridge and glanced around. She had cleaned again, and not just the kitchen. Somehow she had managed to clean the carpets, getting the beer stains almost completely out. He checked the bathroom, spotless. She had even been careful to return all the bottles to their exact order.

  Moving down the hall to his bedroom, Drake stopped in his tracks. She’d made his bed. There were two cards on his dresser. One was for a dry cleaner that picked up and delivered clothes, and the second was for a maid that serviced other apartments in his building that would come and help maintain everything. It was like a completely different apartment, but quiet--way too quiet.

  In a short amount of time, she had taken a place that he sometimes hung out but mostly slept at into a home, clean and organized. She didn’t have to do all that, but she did. A simple thank you or a six pack of beer would have sufficed.

  Jinx was a thoughtful person. She saw a need and helped out. She volunteered with sick children, helped her mother take care of her sick grandparents, and had saved up for months to buy tickets for her grandpa to go to a sports game. That was who she was, and he really admired her for it.

  Jinx was special and the more time he spent around her, the more special she became. It was best for her to move into her own place but Drake didn’t want her to go. And not just because she cleaned his damn apartment.

  What if he asked her to stay? Maybe they could get a two bedroom apartment if that would make her feel better. Hell, what was he thinking? He barely knew her, but Drake felt like he knew Jinx better than some of the people he had worked with for years. She had a way of getting people to open up to her, making it easy to talk to her.

  Maybe he just needed a good fuck. Yeah, he would go to the club and find a lady to spend a night of fun with. Forget Jinx, she was off limits.

  Chapter 8

  Later that night at Lexi’s club

  Jinx smiled as Vic gave the toast. “To my cousin Jagger and his beautiful wife Daniela on the birth of their first child. May they be a strong and happy family.”

  “To Jagger and Daniela!” Everyone raised their glasses with the cheer.

  Jinx sipped her wine and felt the warmth go through her whole body. It relaxed her, but if she wasn’t careful, too much alcohol would put her out for the count. He ex-boyfriend Steve called her a light weight when it came to drinking.

  “So, how was your first day?” Vic asked her.

  She had to raise her voice to be heard over the din of people taking and music blaring. “It was a little underwhelming, but I’m an expert at completing the applications. I could probably do it blindfolded.”

  He laughed. “I hate paperwork, but it’s like forty percent of the job.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I hear. No worries, I’m just lo
oking forward to getting out in the field soon.”

  “Don’t rush it. Get as much training as needed and learn as much as you can.” Vic was talking to her, but his eyes were tracking his fiancée as she went behind the bar to talk to the bartenders.

  It was Lexi’s nightclub, and Jinx had to admit, it was a really nice one. The place was two stories with a large dance floor on the bottom level with tables circling around it. There was a bar was on both levels and upstairs there were more tables overlooking the dancefloor above. They were on the second level at a large table. Most of the bounty hunters had showed up, allowing Jinx to meet more of her new coworkers.

  Watching how the bounty hunters interacted, it was clear that they were closer than just fellow employees. They were a tight knit family that looked after one another. It seemed like they weren’t sure about Jinx joining the ranks, but they were willing to give her a chance simply because of Vic. But at least one other person aside from the cousins seemed comfortable enough to open up to her, and that person was Shy.

  Shy had pulled her out onto the dancefloor a couple of times already, though the other female bounty hunters had successfully dodged her attempts. After a few fast paced dances, Jinx told her she needed to catch her breath. It had been a long time since she had gone out clubbing with girlfriends—not that Jinx had many girlfriends. Most of the ones from her childhood had been troublemakers her mother refused to let her hang out with. In her teens, the girls were more interested in boys than being her friend. As an adult, she spent most of her time with her mother, then helping take care of her grandparents when they got sick. Before Jinx knew it, she was in a relationship with Steve; she had no time at all to spend with girlfriends. Jinx really appreciated the opportunity that Shy was offering her.

  “Would you like to dance?”

  Jinx jerked up at the male voice beside her. Isaac stood there in a blue silk dress shirt and sexy black jeans. His curly brown hair came just below his ears and dimples when he smiled made him look adorable and irresistible.


  He held out his hand to her. “Would you care to dance with me?”

  She smiled at his manners. “Yes, as long as it’s not a fast one.” She put her hand in his and let Isaac lead her down the curved staircase and onto the dancefloor.

  Isaac pulled her against him as they swayed to the slow rhythmic music. The lights dimmed a little and she couldn’t help but notice some of the other dancers getting a little handsy. “You look really pretty tonight,” Isaac whispered against her ear.

  She felt heat rise to her cheeks. “Thanks. You look.—sexy.”

  He smiled at her with those dimples of his and Jinx felt that heat spread all over her body. She meant it; Isaac was damn good-looking. What made him even more attractive was how smart Isaac was. That was her type: cute and smart, with manners and kind eyes. He wasn’t anything like—Drake.

  “I hear you’ve been staying with Drake.”

  “Only for two nights on the couch. I’ll be moving into Shy’s place tomorrow after work.”

  “Let me know if you need help with the move.”

  Jinx laughed, “I think I can handle one suitcase.”

  “One? That’s all you brought with you?”

  “I left most of my stuff with my mom. Once I have a more permanent place I’ll send for my things. My mom is going to want to come and check out my next apartment anyway. She’s protective.”

  “I would be too, if you were my family,” Isaac said, pulling her closer. There was something serious in his voice for a moment, but she could have imagined it.

  She could feel her breasts brush against his chest and couldn’t help but notice his arousal. Maybe dancing had been a bad idea. She’d just moved there and barely knew him, plus she was taking a break from her relationship with Steve. It was too soon to jump into bed with another guy, especially one she had to work with. She hadn’t really thought of anyone sexually other than Steve in a long time, except for Drake. Jinx couldn’t stop fantasizing about him.

  As if her thoughts of him made him suddenly appear. Jinx glanced up and saw Drake walk toward the bar. He leaned over the counter to talk to one of the female bartenders, flirting easily. Jinx could imagine Drake flirting back, but she couldn’t see his face.

  “He’s not for you,” Isaac whispered.

  Jinx glanced up and frowned. “Who?”

  Isaac nodded toward Drake, who still had his back to the dancefloor. “Drake’s got a reputation as a player, and there’s a reason for it. I would hate to see you get hurt.”

  Jinx wasn’t sure if she was flattered that he would care to warn her off, or pissed off that he thought she had such poor judgment in people. “I don’t need anyone to tell me who is or isn’t right for me.”

  Isaac flinched at her tone. “I’m sorry if I offended you.”

  She took a deep breath and released the tension. “I know you mean well, but trust me on this. I more than anyone can spot a player a mile away. I have a knack for it.”


  “Yes. Just call me the human lie detector.”

  His eyebrow raised in interested. “I would like to test that ability out some time.”

  “Any time you like.”

  “Are we still friends?”

  “Of course.”

  Isaac spun them making, her lean her head back and laugh. Jinx couldn’t stay mad at Isaac. He was just too much fun.


  Drake took a sip of his beer as he turned around to survey the club activity. He was not searching for Jinx, absolutely not.

  “Son of a bitch,” he growled. She was on the dance floor with that motherfucker Isaac, who had his hands all over her, and what the fuck was she wearing?

  He moved around the perimeter, stalking Jinx like a cat as he took in the short skirt that reminded him of a schoolgirl’s uniform. It made her legs look long, showed off how firm and toned they were. She had on a sheer silk tank top, baring her shoulders and arms. Underneath, he could see a lace camisole encasing her high firm breasts. It made his mouth water wanting to taste her.

  Her hair was down and straightened, showcasing the rainbow of colored dyes. She looked beautiful, exotic and damn sexy. Nothing like the cute teenager Drake first thought of her at the shuttle port. He and Isaac weren’t the only ones who noticed. Guys dancing close to her were checking out her ass. One was about to interrupt her dancing with Isaac.

  “Oh hell no.” Drake growled low as he slammed his beer down on the bar and stormed through the crowd of gyrating bodies. He kept his eyes on the human.

  The male reached up and tapped Isaac on the shoulder stopping them. “May I cut in?” the guy asked.

  “Sorry my man. This dance belongs to me,” Drake reached for Jinx’s hand and pulled her to him, leaving the other two men standing there staring. He ignored their glares and swayed with her, moving her through the dancing bodies.

  “Drake, what are you doing?”


  Drake looked down at her. Even in heels her head still didn’t reach his shoulders. Jinx was just so tiny. He could probably lift her in one arm and carry her out. A part of him was tempted to do just that. His reactions to her didn’t make any sense. He had left the apartment to put distance between them, yet the first thing he did upon seeing her in that little skirt was take her into his arms.

  “You don’t strike me as someone who's into dancing.”

  Drake gave her a devilish smile. “Looks can be deceiving, pretty girl.” Then he spun her out only to pull her back into his arms, turn and dip her. He’d shocked her if the open mouth and wide eyes were any indication. Drake brought her back up and swiveled his hips.

  “You can dance,” she said matching his steps.

  “My grandmother forced me to take lessons. She insisted that if I was to have a mate one day that I needed to be able to clean, cook, and dance. Two out of three’s not bad.”

  “So you can cook?”

�When there’s food in the kitchen—yes, I can cook the basics. Luckily for me, a friend filled my cabinets. I will dazzle you tomorrow with my talents by making you the best omelet you’ve ever had.” It had been a while since he did any cooking; he hoped he wasn’t promising something he couldn’t deliver. Drake wanted to impress her.

  “I’m looking forward to that.” Jinx smiled up at him; he swore he couldn’t breathe for a moment. Her smile lit up the whole room. Jinx went from pretty to dazzling. His whole body responded to her.

  Moving them farther to the back of the club, Drake pulled her into an empty alcove. Jinx looked around them confused. “What are we doing over here?”

  “I…” Damn it, his words weren’t going to make any sense. He just wanted to get her alone. Now he didn’t know what to say to her. Jinx’s scent was a soft floral mixed with his own soap. It was such an odd mix but it worked, driving him a little crazy. Ah hell, talking was overrated.

  Leaning down, Drake kissed her soft lips. Jinx tasted of the sweet berry wine she had been drinking, and another flavor that was all her own. He couldn’t get enough of her. She returned his kiss for a moment, moaning with need and wrapping her arms around his neck. Lowering his hands to cup her ass, Drake brought her up against his heavy throbbing cock. The moment his hands traveled to her ass, Jinx broke the kiss with a gasp, pushing at his chest to get him to let her go.

  “Drake, what are you doing?”

  He kept their bodies close, “Kissing you.”

  “Yeah, I noticed. We can’t be doing this.”

  Frowning, he moved back a little. “Why not?”

  Jinx shook her head like she was trying to clear it. “I’ve got a rule about messing around with people I work with—I don’t do it.”

  “Are you denying that you’re attracted to me?” The fog of desire was fading, and he remembered that he too had the same rule, and he was breaking it. But for Jinx, he would make an exception to that rule. There was just something about her that pulled at him.


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