Imagine Dragon

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Imagine Dragon Page 11

by Julia Mills

  A meadow filled with so many colors and types of blossoms and buds, she couldn’t decide where to look first, was the backdrop her mate had expertly selected. Four archways pointing to the four corners of the Earth, surrounded a raised circular dais, adorned with huge golden urns overflowing with red roses.

  Four chairs that could’ve been thrones had been placed across the center of the circle where she knew the Elders of the Blue Thunder Clan would be seated. Taking her seat in the white chair that Maddox indicated, she laid her roses from the carriage across her lap and waited as patiently as she could.

  Appearing at the right of the meadow, Rian as the Leader of the Clan and the Head Elder was first to climb the steps to the platform. Giving Pearl a nod while the others—Niall, Stefan, and Marcas—took their seats, a rustling to the left drew her attention as the Guardsmen of the Aherne Force, along with Tristan, Drago, Angus, Atticus, Murdock and Maddox.

  Watching the men file in, she noted the slightly different hues of blue the first men wore. Kellan’s was midnight blue, Brannoc’s the blue of the ocean, and Lennox’s such a light blue it could easily be mistaken as white. Declan’s primary blue matched the straightforward man she knew him to be and lastly, came Pearce, whose surcoat had an iridescent glow added to its cobalt color making it sparkle in the sunlight. Absent was Rory, who’d accompanied his mate, a Phoenix, back to her home after receiving a distress call for the Tribe she was sworn to protect.

  Standing tall was Maddox, his surcoat a deep, rich blue. Then Drago and Angus in brilliantly vibrant red, leading in the rest of the Enforcers, even Kyran, who’d arrived just that very morning. She took in the rainbow of colors of the Elite Force, overwhelmed with gratitude at their presence.

  Murdock and Atticus, their dress uniforms a perfect blend of blue and green, matching the depths of the sea they adored. Tristan, smiling brightly despite his overwhelming concern for his friend and Berserker, Arie, in bronze, an exact match for the scales of his Dragon which she was proud to have witnessed firsthand.

  Then came Quinn, who she’d yet to meet since he’d arrived just minutes before the ceremony, was dressed in gorgeous deep evergreen. His mate, a Christmas Elf, was one person Pearl simply could not wait to meet. If the stories were true, Elsa would be a true blast to hang out with.

  Pulling her attention back to the Guardsmen, she smiled at Uther, hoping her expression conveyed her deep appreciation that he’d left his brother’s bedside to be at the ceremony. Lastly, and most definitely not the least, stood Orion and Sadie – Pearl’s best friend, Leader, and sister-of-the-heart-and-soul. Tears filled her eyes as she smiled at the mated couple. There were simply no words to describe how honored she was to have all these great people at her Mating Ceremony.

  Lost in thought, Pearl’s heart skipped a beat when Kayne walked into view from the same direction as the others. Looking way better than a man had a right to, his usual swagger was more pronounced and his shit-eating grin was brighter.

  Damn it all, if he doesn’t make my heart go all girlie…

  After a few seconds of silence, Rian began to speak, his voice ringing out loud and clear.

  “Long ago, when Knights and Dragons fought side by side for King and Country, it became apparent that Dragon kin was no longer safe from those who would expose, exploit, and destroy them. Seeking to remain hidden but also continue the mission of the Universe to preserve not only their species but human kind as well, they sought to join with the Knights who had so valiantly fought by their sides for so very many years. Thus, through magic and the will of both Dragon and Knight, the Dragon Shifters were born.

  “In the infinite wisdom of the Universe and our Founding Elders, Clans were set up, one for each color of the Dragon Kings whose soul we carry within our own. Each was assigned a region in which to make their home and to protect their families. Over time, some have flourished, some have ceased to exist, and others have been born from the joining of many. As the Leader of the Blue Thunder Clan, it is an incredible honor to stand among those of not only my own Clan, but the Enforcers, the Isle of Skye Clan, the brothers Deóirich, and our distinguished guest, Maddox MacQueen. Thank you for your presence and well wishes. We are Brethren in Blood, Brethren in Battle, and Brethren in Loyalty.

  “Gathered in the place so sacred to our kin, I can feel the unconditional acceptance of the Daughter of Morrigan, the Great Celtic Goddess. They continue to astound one and all as they bless us with extraordinary mates for the best among us. Every Dragon who finds the Light of his Soul knows how very sacred she is. It is an honor to witness the power of what the Universe put into place at our inception. Tonight, in this holiest of places, we acknowledge and bless the mating of Kayne MacGréine to the One the Universe made for him, Pearl MacCécht. Will those seeking to witness this union please step forward?”

  Kellan stepped forward, his long dark hair covering the scarred side of his face as he addressed the Elders. “We, the Dragons of the Aherne Force of the Blue Thunder Clan, wish to witness and offer our blessing to one born of our blood and the mate of his heart. May their lives now and forever be a testament to all we hold dear…love, honor, and loyalty.” Turning to face Kayne, he continued, “As you are one, let your combined strength see you through many years and the children of your children’s children smile upon you.” He smiled at them both before returning to his place with the other Guardsmen

  Then it was Maddox’s turn. With a smirk of pure orneriness, his low voice boomed, “From the oldest among us to the youngest, I stand as a testament to the power of the Dragons and offer this blessing from the Ancestors who have gone ahead to prepare our place in the Heavens. Live long, love often, and never look away from the Light of your Soul. The Universe does not make mistakes. She has given you both life that you may share it. Be happy, as that is Her fondest wish for all her children.” Clearing his voice and focusing on Kayne, he went on, “You are my Brethren, not because of the blood we’ve shared or the pledge we made, but because of the times you’ve saved my mangy hide. Be happy, my Brother.” Winking at Pearl, he added, “And you, my fine feathered friend, if he ever gets out of line, I’m only a call away.”

  Passing Murdock and Atticus who were holding back their laughter, Maddox took his place without further incident and Murdock began, his brogue pronounced and his tone beautifully sentimental, “From tae the bottom of tae Sea to tae Heavens above, may yer love fur one another know no bounds.”

  “May ye ne’er let tae sun set witout professin’ yer love tae one another and may yer children know only smiles,” Atticus continued.

  Then together they added, “May your troubles be less, and your blessings be more. May nothing but happiness come through your door. This is the fondest and best we wish for you.”

  Taking their pace was Tristan, who cleared his voice twice before finally speaking. “It has been so long since I’ve spoken this particular blessing as the Leader of the Isle of Skye Clan, but I can think of no better time to renew what I feared I’d lost as now with both of you very special people. Not only do I wish to witness and offer my heartfelt blessing to the union of your souls, your hearts, your spirits and your lives, but I am overjoyed that two halves of the same whole have been brought together. May you live long, fight hard for each other, love harder, and produce many young to flourish when your souls have gone to the Heavens.” Smiling with the love of a true friend, he stepped back, and bowed his head.

  Speaking as he walked forward with his brother at his side, Drago congratulated, “Today, Kayne, the truest and brightest among us, you will mate the one person in all the world with the ability to complete you like no other and love you unconditionally. Trust it, honor it and hold it close every day of your eternity.”

  “On this day, you, Pearl, bring hope, love and chance at happiness to your mate. Never doubt it, always offer it freely, and know that yours is a mating like no other. We, my brother and I, speak for all the Enforcers when we say, fly high, be strong, love fiercely.” Angus
gave a single nod before turning towards his brother and following back to where he came from.

  Thinking the blessings were over, Pearl’s heart pounded in her chest when Sadie stepped forward, the iridescence of her long flowing gown showing the rainbow of colors of the scales of her Dragoness. Looking Pearl right in the eyes with a smile that spoke of the love and sisterhood they shared, Sadie beamed, “You, of all people, know the sanctity and pride I place on our Clan, the Ladies of the Sky, and today, in this gorgeous meadow, surrounded by so many we’ve been reunited with, so many who we are fortunate to call Brethren, I wish you unending love, overflowing smiles, and days without strife, We, your Sisters, will never be farther than a call away. Be happy, mo dheirfiúr, for it all we have ever wanted for you.”

  After a moment of reverent silence, Rian’s voice again rang out. “The witness and blessing of each and every one of you has been acknowledged, not only by myself and the Elders present, but by the Universe, the Goddess of all and the Ancients for whom we owe our very existence. It is truly a blessed event to have such honorable Clans and guests together on this special day. Kayne, you may now go to your mate and escort her to the Sacred Circle before the Elders assembled here.”

  Kayne stalked towards her like a lion claiming his prize. His heart, mind, and soul were opened fully to her, just as hers were to him. They shared everything completely. There were no secrets between them and there never would be.

  Taking the flowers from her hands, he placed them on the seat beside her, before gently sliding his fingers through hers. Following as he walked backward, Pearl could only smile as they both shared images of all the ways they would love one another for all eternity.

  Once they were in place, Rian began again, “The Golden Dragons were born of the Sun and the harvest. They are sturdy, strong, and dependable to a fault. Their impenetrable scales protect them in battle and their ability to assimilate and compromise combined with their prowess makes them unbeatable. Illumination and revelation lie at the heart of a Golden Dragon and will always light his way home, to the mate of his heart. To mate a Golden Dragon is to accept all that they are and honor the power shared between mates.”

  “As the last living Strix and the Daughter of the Great Goddess, do you Pearl take this man and this Dragon as not only your mate but that of your Strix?” Rian asked, authority and reverence ringing in his tone.

  “With all that I was, all that I am, all I will ever be, and all that we are together, I accept Kayne and Ailill into my heart and my soul. I will share everything that I am with both of these spectacular males every day of our lives together, both here and in the Heavens.”

  With a clap of thunder and a streak of lightning Morrigan, in all her splendor, appeared in the center of the meadow. With her staff in hand and her Ravens overhead, she laid her free hand on the couple’s and with more love than Pearl had ever seen in her eyes, professed, “You are my only beloved daughter, Pearl. Never did I dream there would be a man worthy of your love, but today, I admit I was wrong. May you and your Dragon live in love and happiness for all the days of your eternity together.”

  Dazed and silent, Pearl was dumbstruck as she watched her mother disappear as quickly as she’d appeared. Gazing up at Kayne, she saw the same expression on his handsome face that she imagined was on hers.

  Thankfully, Rian began again, picking up where he left off. “Thank you, Great Goddess for your Blessing. Pearl, we are honored to call you sister.” Clearing his throat, he continued, “As a Golden Dragon and the son of Lugh, the Celtic God of the Sun and Emilia, Dragoness Royalty, who has happily been returned to us, do you Kayne take this woman and this Strix as not only your mate but that of your Dragon?”

  “For every day until the sun no longer shines and the Earth no longer spins, I pledge to love, honor, and cherish Pearl and her Strix with every single thing that I am.”

  A loud clap ushered in Lugh and Emilia. Pearl could see the mixed emotions on her mate’s face and thought about telling her new in-laws to go away, they were upsetting her Dragon. Fortunately, Kayne’s expression turned to pleasantly surprised as Lugh began to speak. “No greater gift can a man receive than that of the One made for him by the Universe. I hope for you, my son, the love I found with your mother. It is our greatest hope that you and yours spend every day blissfully in love.”

  “Be happy, Kayne,” Emilia let go of Lugh’s hand and stepped forward, placing a kiss on her son’s cheek that he returned with a smile before she looked to Pearl and added, “Thank you for taking care of my son. I look forward to getting to know both of you.”

  Disappearing into thin air, Kayne visibly relaxed as soon as is mother and father were gone, grinning from ear-to-ear as Rian thanked Lugh and announced, “Now is the time of the marking. May the Universe continue to bless you and yours all the days of your life.”

  The Elders and the Dragons left the meadow, but not before they placed tall, cloth screens around Pearl and her Dragon. Looking at the man she couldn’t imagine living without, she was caught in the depths of the emotions in his eyes. As he smiled that cheeky grin that made her weak in the knees as she asked, “You know how much I love you, Dragon Man?”

  “Not nearly as much as I love you, my Queen,” he answered making her chuckle by repeating her own words back to her.

  Pulling her to his chest, Kayne filled their mating bond with the love he felt for her, as he lowered his lips to hers. Stopping just as their lips touched, he whispered, “Tá tú mo ghrá eternal. Ta’ mo chroi istigh ionat,” before kissing her, unlike anything she’d ever before felt.

  Their connection solidified. Their souls became one. Passion unlike any other consumed them both…body, heart, and soul.

  A sting on the left side of her neck let her know the marking was complete. Pulling her closer still, Kayne moved his lips from hers, trailing kisses across her jaw and down her neck, reaching the spot that was tender to the touch. He licked and sucked, showing her the mating of a Golden Dragon scale with a perfect Strix feather in the middle through their shared vision before making sure she was thinking of nothing but their naked bodies loving one another fled from her mind.

  Placing her hands on either side of his face, Pearl pulled his mouth to hers, kissing him until all thoughts of receptions and families were pushed aside by all the ways she wanted to love her Dragon. Pulling back, she saw the glint of mischief in her mate’s eyes and asked, “What exactly are you up to, Kayne MacGréine?”

  “Nothing more than planning to make love to you every day for eternity, Pearl MacGréine.”

  The sound of her new name made her laugh as she leaned in to kiss him, being sure to say, “I think I like that name. I sound all kinds of important.”

  Kissing her long and slow, making love to her mouth, Kayne whispered into her mind, “Oh, Darlin’, you are all kinds of important and then some.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Picking up his mate and holding her close to his chest, Kayne raced through the woods, across the back of the lair and straight towards their home. Arriving at the front door, Kayne was in such a hurry and so totally aroused that he damn near tore the knob off the door as he fumbled to get it open. Blessedly inside, he kicked the door shut, set Pearl’s feet on the floor, held her tight, and took a much-needed moment to gaze at the woman who made his life complete.

  Drawing on his tremendous strength of will, he fought against both his Dragon King as much as himself to at least start their first time together as an officially mated couple with a slow passionate kiss. Lowering his lips to hers, he tasted first one corner and then the other of her luscious lips before tenderly kissing her perfect little cupid’s bow. The longer their lips met the more demanding their passion became, making it impossible for him not to taste all of her mouth, not to slide his tongue along hers and not to sip at the fount of her desire.

  Pearl’s enticing moans and gasps of sweet delight fueled his excitement, made Ailill growl in his mind. Sliding her hands under his surco
at, she pushed the heavy material over his head and onto the floor, her purrs of pleasure rising with every stroke of her fingertips. Her nails scratched at his chest and shoulders through the soft cotton of his shirt, igniting a fire only the feel of being buried deep inside the One made for him by the Universe could satisfy.

  Needing to touch, to mark, to map every inch of her body, his fingers found the pearl pull at the top of her zipper, prompting his chest to vibrate with a low rumbling growl. Sliding the smooth gem down her back with one hand, he slipped the other under the soft gossamer fabric. Sparks of their connection exploded as flesh touched flesh. Needing to feel all of his mate against all of him, his now free hand joined the other in pulling the thin straps of her white gown off her shoulders and down her wonderfully curvaceous body.

  Kneeling in front of her, the Demi-God looked up at his spectacular mate. Pearl was everything any man could ever want and thank the Heavens, she was all his. He loved her mind and her confidence and especially the way she stood before him topless and unashamed. The gleam in her eyes said she knew he found her attractive and that the feeling was more than mutual.

  Gently massaging up her well-toned legs in pursuit of ridding her of the one slip of fabric keeping him from worshipping her naked body, Kayne watched unbridled passion fill her eyes and the pulse at the base of her neck pound just under her silken skin. His fingers paid special attention to the tops of her thighs, teasing along the lace of her panties, reveling in the heat and succulent aroma pouring from her center.

  Slipping his hands under the silk at her hips, he slowly slid the panties down her legs, following the soft white silk with soft kisses and gentle swipes with just the tip of his tongue. Lifting first one foot and then the other to remove the offending material, he kissed the tops of both her feet before beginning the blessed journey back up her body to what enticed him the most.


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