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Defiance Page 1

by Sean Liebling



  Sean Liebling

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner.

  All Electronic and Print Editions

  Copyright © 2014 Sean Liebling

  All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the author.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real persons, events, or places are purely coincidental; any references to actual places, people, or brands are fictitious. All rights reserved.

  Cover Art by Shaed Studios,

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  More from Sean Liebling

  Blood, Brains and Bullets

  Legacy of the Living

  The Reaper: No Mercy

  The God Warriors

  The Creation Effect

  No Remorse

  Razor Sharpe


  You can reach me, and join my mailing list at mailto:[email protected],

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  To all of my children, James, Larissa, Sean and little Emma. I love them with all my heart and support their every endeavor.

  To all the brave men and women either currently in or having served in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, including all Police, Fire and Emergency Response personnel. From a Marine to all of you, I Salute You with Honor! Thank you for all that you do and have done. Semper Fi from a Marine to fellow brothers and sisters.

  To my Beta group that helped with this novels flow.


  I would like to acknowledge a few people who inspired me and ultimately made me decide to write my own series of books.

  To my family and friends who provided support and encouragement during the writing process and late night monthly BS sessions before, during, and after development.

  The following people helped tremendously with getting this book out. My Beta Group. I love you. Special thanks to all of them.


  Author Preface:


  This is pretty self explanatory and in the book description online also. If these things upset you even slightly, BY GOD Do not purchase this novel. I had the help of a psychologist when I wrote half those sex scenes. It was vitally important to illustrate to the reader exactly how Jack screwed with Ivy's mind and brainwashed her into falling in love with him. Now, I will tell you exactly what Webb told me."Any case report to be believable needs a step by step analysis of the procedure." Otherwise, her transition would not have been believable to anyone, especially the reader. Just understand that parts of this novel are very dark, for a reason.

  However, I do love to write sex scenes! Had to throw that in there.

  Now, I want to explain how this novel was conceived and its intent on the reader. I was reading David Weber's novel 'The Excalibur Alternative' for perhaps the third time. Good book, but a little slow and not the best of his collection, in my opinion, and decided that hey, I love the premise behind the book, but personally I would have written it another way. I've also read Gor books, quite a few actually and one thing that struck me about Weber's work was the Romans kept slaves but there is almost no mention of them. I thought that odd. So, instead of copying either, I came up with a solution. Not earth, and not traders, but immortal beings that eat souls.

  Instead of Gor, I did exactly what John Norman, AKA John Lange did. I contacted the second largest master/slave, domination and submission, bdsm club in the state of Michigan and without even the mention of Gor I asked the owner how to make this work in my new novel. He informed me and I used it. He followed the progress of this novel every step along the way, FYI. Since they've been in business since the late 50's I knew I was safe. Psst! They even do brandings. So realistically I suppose it could be said I copied JN by placing Amazons (used in hundreds of novels) with a master/slave culture (used in hundreds of novels) so you have me there.

  Now, one person out of many complained that the characters were one-dimensional. Let me address that quickly. To anyone with more than a grade school education should be able to figure out that this novel only has two primary characters. The others, even though mentioned more than once are simply props for those two main characters. This is obvious. So many others got it, it's kinda embarrassing this other individual did not. So, my two mains have character development from childhood to adulthood and beyond. I'm unsure how I can flesh them out further unless I insert what their first childhood illness was, or perhaps the smell of their first fart. No idea, but I am open to suggestions. The whole point in the way I wrote was to have the reader only concentrate on two characters. Period.

  So, that's how this novel came to be.

  Understand that I wrote this novel years ago and only now, am I releasing it. I actually took a break from writing book three of the Blood Brains and Bullets series after my grandson died. I was simply unable to work on it. Perhaps that's psychological. Don't know and don't care. When I am ready I'll spit it out. In the meantime, I did not stop writing even slightly. I simply could not write on that one book I was working on when the death occurred. I will get to it when I'm ready. These others I'm releasing over the next month or so were completed years ago with some even four to five years. I hope you enjoy them.

  Best Always,

  Sean Liebling


  The immense being surveyed the star, its senses ranging out farther than the suns influence and mentally nodded to itself in satisfaction at what was discovered. That is, it would have nodded if it were physically capable which is why it did to mentally with a great deal of satisfaction. The star was ideal for their purposes and surrounded by a vast expanse of asteroids and comets both large and small. A signal emitted from the creature and suddenly, tens of thousands of tiny pinpricks of light illuminated the vast reaches of space around the solar system. These tiny sparks went to work, each headed to a single one of the myriad of small orbiting bodies that populated the area around the golden globe. After an immeasurable period, the lights extinguished and space was once again dark in the surrounding vicinity.

  Suddenly, bright arcs of yellow-white fire flared in the darkness surrounding the solitary star and within t
he asteroid belt. Each torch-like light, emanated from the base of huge asteroids, propelling those bodies on a predetermined course directed towards a single location in space. Around this activity, great ships, shaped like enormous scoops, each the size of a large moon, grabbed up smaller asteroids. These were flung along the path of their larger brethren, the entire process, timed so that all hit a certain location in space at a predetermined moment. It was an undertaking of incalculable complexity yet these machines had performed this process before, more times than there were stars in this quadrant of space.

  Simultaneously another light erupted which was centrally located at the focal point of the masses of rock hurtling through space and traveling in an elliptical orbit around the sun. This beacon was blue in nature and from its core, an intense gravity field emerged. If the blue light had been closely examined it would have appeared to be made of pure energy yet surrounded by a second energy field, a barrier and one that protected the inner field. It made a complete circuit of the sun once before the conglomeration of asteroids impacted its location from every direction. Huge tidal forces erupted across the surface of the planet-sized bundle of rocks and suddenly from every angle incredible beams of energy lanced out, melting and fusing the gigantic mass together. Another even greater beam of energy lanced out, but this one designed to push instead of melting and slowly yet with ever greater speed the round globe began to rotate in space. Deep within the new planet the blue core fissioned, causing a sustained nuclear reaction, warming the globe from within.

  As the newly formed world turned in space, energies collided with energies, mass against mass, and the continents formed. Terrain rose, mountains, lake like depressions, river and ocean beds formed, but they were empty. Any water that might have remained in the asteroid bodies had long since evaporated from the intense heat generated in the terraforming project, but now more bodies were shepherded through space to collide on the planet's surface, bodies of almost pure water. These were gently heated until the water flowed freely across the ground and filled the waiting reservoirs. The process created the semblance of an atmosphere, heavy in oxygen and carbon dioxide but the fundament buildings blocks of life. It also created two polar ice caps on either end of the axis of rotation.

  Eons later, the world was complete and after millennia, when the earth had cooled enough to support life, ethereal beings floated across its surface. Immense in size and softly glowing even in the radiance of the bright yellow sun, and these beings surveyed that which they had created. After much contemplation as each toured their new construction they reached a consensus and it was one of approval. Finally, after even more thought, two more asteroids were moved into orbit around the new world, these would become moons and regulate the tides of the great oceans covering much of the planet's surface.

  Communications went out into the void separating the stars as thoughts where others were notified, and arrived in great ships. They landed and huge machines rolled down immense planks and dug into the rocky surface. These machines moved forward slowly and in the wake of their path, rich fertile soil remained. This continuation of the terra-forming project lasted for some time until the vast expanses of low ground; river delta's and plains areas were converted into nutrient laden dirt, capable of supporting the third phase of the mammoth project.

  Now, the enormous machines trundled back aboard their ships and after a short pause, smaller machines emerged. Some were flat disk-like constructs that floated above the ground. Others were substantially larger but still much smaller than the previous earth conversion machines. The floating machines traveled the newly formed globe and seeded the ground with a pre-arranged selection of grasses, vines, and food producing plants of every variety. The second set of machines laid down vast tracks of forests of every wood imaginable and smaller grove's of dozens of varieties of fruit trees. Following in the wake of the second set of machines were huge spraying tanks, floating serenely behind and spraying all the newly planted growth. The special cocktail of fertilizers and growth accelerators ensured the new forests would take hold and not only grow to full size within a fraction of their normal time, but also multiply at prodigious rates. A third set of machines erupted from the ships and an aerosol cocktail of bacteria and micro organisms were sprayed into the atmosphere to provide a balance to the life being forced to grow upon the worlds surface.

  Now the world gleamed blue with water, green with living vegetation, white with ice and yellow from carefully managed deserts. Care was given to the entire project and as the beings once again floated over its surface, tiny adjustments were made to the orbit and rotation until these entities were satisfied. Another signal went out and again truly immense ships arrived, but these floated across the surface low and began sowing another form of life. This was animal and marine in nature and the ships made careful patterns across the surface. They then left, their job finished, heading to the next location to start the process all over again and the being floated serenely out in space, watching, waiting and approving.

  A thousand of the planets rotations passed and once again, for a final time, they acted. Some simple observer might think the majestic creatures might become bored with their placid activity but it was not so as time had no meaning to them. They had always been and always would be. A call radiated outward and arriving at its demand were boxlike ships, hundreds of them, each a ten's of kilometers to a side. These gently lowered themselves to thousands of points across the planet's surface. Settling to the ground for a long time before slowly rising again while leaving behind thousands of small forms that slowly milled around like mindless creatures, however they were anything but mindless. They were human, only with childlike minds. That is not to say these creatures were simple minded like the animals of the plains and forests. They were sentient and of two sexes, male and female. They were also of different races. There were whites, blacks, red skinned and browns scattered across the globe in a predetermined pattern. Most of these creatures sat, unsure of what to do, or even where they were or how they got there.

  They were also stocky and most, quite short for they were breed for higher gravity and this world was much larger in comparison to most others but again, it was all part of a new experiment, an experiment of diversity in the known universe.

  This was the last phase of a redistribution and seeding as the all-powerful beings referred to it. This was their job, their responsibility to create harmony and order within the immensity of the universe. A job they had taken upon themselves eons ago. To some this redistribution might seem cruel because peoples were stripped in large groups from their current planets and then modified before being dropped at a new location. However, to the beings thought process they were being benevolent and merciful. Their belief was of a natural balance and when a planet became overcrowded and unable to support the life it currently held, they acted. Instead of erasing the lives of thousands or even tens of thousands as in this case, they simply seized them, wiped their minds of previous knowledge and implanted initial memories of how to survive and adapt to their new world. They would both embrace their new surroundings and live, or they would fail to acclimatize and die. To the great beings, it was nature's way and one they approved. In a few millennia or longer if needed they would eventually harvest this world to feed their energies. Then start anew, after all it was nature's way and this was food.

  In the worlds these sentient creatures were stripped from, confusion reigned for a period. However, the majestic beings had long ago realized that humans as they call themselves,were very creative in the invention of religions and most of those had a prophesy of being called to heaven. This both amused and made these great beings thoughtful, as while there were no gods that the gigantic beings knew of other than what they themselves might be called, they could still not rule out the possibility. There were other dimensions and other realms these great beings could not enter but could sense teemed with life. Perhaps one day they would make an effort to enter one of those, but not today, o
r even this millennia as there was still much work to do in creating balance within the nature of this universe. After all, they needed more seeded worlds if they were to reproduce.

  Moreover, the great beings did reproduce, only slowly and at a great cost of energy. A large group of plentifully populated worlds needed to be made available for the act. Since these beings were steeped in the harmony of balance, they were very careful of their food supply and only reproduced, as that supply grew larger. When a great being split into two halves by fission, although a half was not an accurate description, as the offspring split off the whole with a section of its parents mind and energy. A great many worlds were needed to replenish the energy of the parent, and to allow the offspring to grow in size, ability and intelligence. This was the normal way of things, the natural way. Thus, these beings continually seeded new planets after creating them for this purpose.

  They would revisit this planet after an eon had passed, but in the meantime they would assign sentry's to watch the progress of the inhabitants carefully. They had already lost several of their creations due to the cleverness of the population. The harnessing of the atom was now strictly forbidden as were the lesser explosives that were normally used in mining operations which had quickly been harnessed to use against each other. These sentient creatures were nothing if not clever and the sentry's would be programmed to deal with each discovery of the forbidden as it arose. It would be interesting to view the sentry logs upon their return to see where these humans had channeled their energies.

  ***Ten thousand years later.***

  The immense being finished his analysis of the logs and was dismayed. On one hand their medical sciences had increased to a point nothing short of miraculous by any standard of a primitive species but their penchant for enslaving each other and warfare left tens of thousands dead with each of the planets rotation around its sun. Still, these humans bred at a phenomenal rate and despite the constant bloodshed, their numbers were increasing to the point they now numbered in the hundreds of millions. This was still not enough, as a good harvest was considered to be in the billions. When it was finished here, the being would make a mental note to give it a few more millennia.


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