Intoxicated Prince

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Intoxicated Prince Page 2

by Tiffany Squires

  Chloe has returned everything I’ve tried to deliver so there won’t be a next time. There’ll be no more flowers or gifts or love letters. There’ll be no more pussyfooting around. I dry my hands on a towel and check her location on my phone. Although she has physically walked away from me and she keeps returning my gifts she hasn’t removed the tracking app which always let me know when she was near. And that small action gives me a glimmer of hope that she’s not ready to break away one hundred per cent.

  She’s at home.

  I’d already decided that if she returned these flowers that I would go to her myself.

  So I shall.


  I don’t give a shit what she says.

  We are meant to be together.

  And we will be together.


  I’ve made a huge mistake. I know I have. Which is why, after the latest flower delivery, I requested that my lady-in-waiting return anything delivered under his pseudonym without my knowledge. Felix is testing my resolve but I must stay strong for the greater good. Which is so damn hard.

  ‘Pretty Woman or Bodyguard?’ Uma asks hovering over both film selections on the screen.

  Vintage Romance is this year’s theme for our girly nights in. When I was running around with Felix and it was all underhand, and dangerous, and fun, I relished the old movies. But not anymore. I’m fast running out of patience to endure any more bloated happily ever afters and would now rather watch a Stephen King movie. Maybe if I spoke to my friends about my heartache, they’d help to ease my pain by diverting from 90s romance to good old-fashioned horror. But knowing my friends and what hopeless romantics they are they’d probably tell me to go and get my man. Which is an impossibility.

  ‘Coo-ey, earth to Chloe.’ Uma says, pulling me from my silent pondering.

  ‘Oh, I’m sorry, Uma. I was miles away. We should probably wait for Maggie to arrive before deciding.’

  Uma rolls her eyes. ‘She’s bound to go with Pretty Woman.’

  ‘So let’s go with that then.’

  Uma drops the remote control on the bed and rolls over to where I’m hogging the crisps. She pops one in her mouth and crunches loudly. ‘What’s up with you, kid? You were strange last month too. It’s almost as though you want to be somewhere else.’ She waggles her eyebrows. ‘Or with somebody else?’

  I recoil from both her observations and the noise of her crunching. ‘I have no idea what you’re on about.’ I say, claiming the grab bag sized crisp packet back. ‘I’m just tired. Mother and Father have really laid on the royal duties lately. They sent me to five events this week. Five! They seem to think the more I’m out and about in the public eye, the more they’ll gain.’

  Uma shrugs. ‘Well, you can’t expect to be the most desirable princess in the world and not have to flaunt yourself a little. People love you.’ She grabs the crisps and commando rolls away so I can’t reclaim them again. ‘Anyway, it’s a wonder you’ve not hooked up with one of your billions of suitors.’ She demolishes more crisps while contemplating my future and how I can get out of my public duties. Not that I really want to, to be honest, they’re a welcome distraction.

  ‘What about Prince Felix Henley from Marea?’ She says out of the blue, then inflates with pride. ‘Here’s an idea. You could really be the golden girl and hook up with him. You could single-handedly unite two feuding families, and settle a lifetime of unrest between your countries, not to mention get to fuck the single hottest bachelor in the world.’

  I cock my head at her as though she’s bloody mad. ‘Are you kidding? My parents would string me up if I showed any interest in him.’

  ‘Or would they?’ Uma asks with an arched eyebrow.

  I open my mouth to argue but am saved from entering a useless argument by Maggie bursting into the room. She’s drenched from head to foot and looks like she just saw a ghost.

  Chapter Three


  I’ve taken some pretty big risks since meeting Chloe but never before have I been this reckless.

  I’m loitering in the shrubbery outside her highly secure home. It’s got to be less than ten degrees out here and the rain is sheeting down. I’m frozen to the bone, there are puddles in my shoes, and my fingers are shrivelled prunes. But I’m determined that tonight will be the night I see my love again. Eventually, the opportunity to make my presence known presents itself in the form of Chloe’s best friend, Maggie. I recognise Maggie’s car while she sits waiting for the security gates to open because Chloe frequently borrows it to “go shopping”.

  I hedge my bets and decide she’ll be my way in. Chloe has a lot of dirt on Maggie. Mainly that she’s secretly involved with Prince Theo, even though the elder Theron son is engaged to marry another. Historically, his behaviour appals me, but right now, I’m glad for it; It’s given me the leverage I need.

  I look left and I look right to make sure there’s nobody else around before leaving my hiding place in the bushes and crossing the street. I open the passenger door and slide in.

  She screams but I’d expected that so I place my palm over her mouth to quieten her.

  ‘Don’t be alarmed,’ I say, keeping my voice level and my eyes pinned on her. ‘You’re safe. I just need you to pass a message to Chloe.’

  Her eyes are bulging from her face and I feel awful for causing her terror, but I know I’ll make it up to her. One day, we may even laugh about the whole episode. But today, I’m deadly serious about my mission.

  I keep my hand placed over her mouth while holding up the envelope in my other hand to prove that I have a message to pass on and I’m not a sadistic psycho. Her eyes dart from the letter with Chloe’s name scribbled across it to mine and she relaxes.

  I lower my arm thinking she’s ready to reason with and in the blink of an eye she unbuckles her seatbelt runs into the night screaming from the bottom of her lungs.


  I jump out of the car and give chase. Within moments I’ve caught up and grabbed her by the shoulder. I spin her around and thrust the letter into her chest.

  ‘Maggie, don’t be an idiot. I just want you to let Chloe know that I’m here. I’m waiting for her. And I’ll wait for her for as long as it takes.’

  She takes the rain-sodden letter and looks at it as though there’s a ticking time bomb inside.

  ‘I’m not a stalker. Or a crazed wierdo,’ I explain. ‘I’m Prince Felix Henley of Marea.’

  Her face snaps up and when she realises that I am who I say I am her jaw drops. ‘What the…?’

  Clearly Chloe hasn’t even divulged her deepest secrets to her closest friends. She must be feeling so lonely right now. ‘Please, just tell her I’m here and that I don’t believe her. Tell her I love her and I don’t give a shit about the repercussions.’

  She’s still blinking wildly at the letter which will deteriorate if it gets any wetter.

  ‘Go, now, before you catch your death.’

  She nods her head and without saying a word runs back to her car and clambers inside. She slams the door shut and disappears through the gates, leaving me alone to face my fate.

  Will she tell Chloe, or will she run straight to security?


  ‘What is it, Maggie?’ I wrap a blanket around my friend’s trembling shoulders and guide her to the bed. ‘You look like something dreadful has happened to you.’

  She sits and shakes her head. ‘There was a man. Outside.’

  Uma and I exchange fearful glances.

  ‘A man?’ I clarify. ‘Did he touch you?’

  She shakes her head again, faster this time so rainwater splatters me and Uma.

  ‘Did he expose himself to you?’

  She lowers her eyes to her lap and mine follow. It’s then that I spot the soaked envelope scrunched up in her fist.

  ‘He said he was Prince Felix of Marea.’ She hands me the letter. ‘He gave me this.’

  My heart beats wildly. Prince Felix? He’s here? I run t
o the window and look outside but can’t see a thing. It’s dark and raining, even the streetlights are failing to illuminate the pitch-blackness.

  ‘Are you sure?’ I turn back to Maggie. ‘Are you absolutely sure it was him? It wasn’t somebody pretending to be him?’

  She shakes her head again. ‘He got in my car. He put his hand over my face. I got away, but he chased me. He said to give you the letter and that he would wait out there for as long as it takes.’

  I open the envelope and inside is a handwritten note from Felix, confirming everything Maggie just said. I look back out the window again. He’s out there. The stupid fool is out there risking his health, his reputation, and his neck. I toss the letter to one side. Thrust on a raincoat and charge out the door, leaving my friends to speculate over what the hell is going on.

  I burst into the night and scour every shadow, every nook, and every cranny. I can’t see him though. It’s too dark, and the rain is too thick. I chuck my hood over my head and stride into the darkness. He can’t be far. Even though I’m searching for him I startle when he steps out of the shadows.

  He steps closer and I can see, even from this side of the road, that he’s drenched from his head to his toes.

  ‘You look like a drowned rat.’ I shout, even though he doesn’t. Far from it. He looks big and strong and handsome. ‘You should go home before they see you.’

  He saunters towards me and my heart rate quickens while my fingers and toes numb. It’s like seeing him again for the first time. Only better. Because this time I’ve already tasted the forbidden fruit and I know it tastes better than it should. I crane my neck up to look at him. Rainwater drips from his ears, his nose, his chin. His usually groomed to perfection hair is hanging in drenched clumps around his eyes.

  ‘I look like a drowned rat?’ He quips with his trademark smile. ‘I’m not the one whose clothes have gone see-through.’

  I look down and sure enough, my white pyjama bottoms are clinging to my thighs. And actually, it’s my fluffy slippers that resemble drowned rodents, not Felix. I raise my eyes again to find that he has stepped closer and is looming over me. His hands cup the dampened skin on my face, his fingers scorch my cold flesh. I lean into his touch. Close my eyes and anticipate what’s next. Sure enough, his hot lips find mine and kiss my mouth. He still tastes the same. Smells the same. There have been moments I’ve wondered if my memory was blowing Felix up to be something he’s not. But no, my consciousness hasn’t been playing tricks on me. He’s everything a girl could want and more.

  ‘You should leave,’ I say despite the siren calls from my body. ‘Uma and Maggie are upstairs. They’ll be worried about me.’

  His eyes bore into mine. ‘Fine, I’ll leave. But I want you to promise me something first. Come to me. Tomorrow. To the usual place at the usual time.’

  I nod slowly. Trying to appear cool, calm, and collected. But inside every single nerve ending in my body is sparking in celebration. My core is clenching and my heart is doing the fandango.

  He backs away, kisses the tips of his fingers, blows it in my direction, and then disappears into the night.

  Leaving me with a hell of a lot of explaining to do.

  Chapter Four


  I’m pacing the length of the flat I rent for the sole purpose of meeting Chloe. In fact, I’ve paced backward and forwards so much I’m sure I’m scuffing the polish clear off the parquet flooring.

  She’s late. Only by a few minutes, but still, she’s late, so my mind is working ten to the dozen. Have her brother’s found out? Or worse, her parents? I want more than anything for our love to be made public, but I want it to happen under my terms. Nasty surprises don’t do anybody any favours.

  Finally, the sound of her key sliding into the lock kisses my ears and I rush to the door to open it for her. It’s not until I see her in all her glory that my muscles relax.

  ‘You’re late.’ I say, playfully blocking her entrance.

  ‘I’ve been fending off questions from Maggie if you must know.’ She tickles my ribs and I shift to the side, pinching her pert bottom as she enters. ‘Thanks to you, she wants to know all the gory details.’

  She slides off her scarf and shimmies out of her coat as I sidle up behind her, wrap my arms around her waist, and press my open palms against her lower abdomen where one day our babies will grow. I nuzzle into her hair, inhaling the familiar scent of her shampoo, and tilt my hips so my hardness is very, very apparent.

  ‘Yeah, but if I hadn’t, you wouldn’t be standing here now.’

  Her back arches and her backside presses against my stiffness. ‘What makes you think I’m here to repeat old times? I might be here to tell you to never, ever pull a stunt like that again.’

  I smile into her hair. ‘If that was the case you wouldn’t have removed your coat and I’ll put money on your pussy being wetter than I was last night.’

  My hand slides south, slips inside the elasticated waistband of her skirt, and slithers down her silk underwear until I find her folds. Hot and wet. Just as I expected to find them. She groans and her head falls back into my chest.

  ‘What are we doing?’ She mutters.

  I don’t feel the need to answer her. Instead, I glide my fingers lower and stroke her heat. She bucks against my cock. If she’s not careful, I’m gonna shoot my load any second now. I remove my hand from her sex and she whimpers.

  ‘Don’t worry, sweetheart. I have no intention to leave you cold.’

  I scoop her up into my arms and carry her to the sofa where I place her sexy ass down. She melts into the seat and I descend to my knees. I pull her skirt down the length of her legs along with her underwear and prise her knees apart, taking a moment to savour the sight of her glistening pussy. So beautiful. So willing. So mine.

  I kiss and nibble and lick my way up my princess’s inner thigh, sending her wild with every feathery touch. She’s thrashing and mewling like a wild thing and my cock twitches at the thought of how she’ll react when I’m lapping at her cunt and drinking up her juices.

  When I’m so close and she’s begging for me to eat her out, I take a second to inhale the musky aroma of her arousal. Fuck me, she’s delectable. I glance at her face. It’s already contorted into utter fucking bliss and I haven’t even started yet. Keeping my eyes raised to her face so I can watch her response I lap at her sensitive clit. Her ass pings off the sofa with such ferocity it takes all my strength to keep her seated.

  ‘Fucking hell, Felix,’ she whimpers. ‘I’ve missed this so much.’

  I grin. She’s waited long enough. It’s time. I clamp my hands around her ass and begin my assault on her. I start slow and steady. Trailing my tongue through her depths. Lapping long and hard before changing pace and teasing her nub hard and fast. I bring her to the brink time and time and time again. I insert my fingers and draw her moisture out. I tease her asshole while I suck on her. I punish her for her absence in my own sweet way. By keeping her at the brink of orgasm until she’s begging and pleading and I can’t possibly make her wait anymore.

  I clamp down on her thighs, holding them wide open, and focus all my attention on her engorged clit. I suck and I lick and I lap my tongue as hard and fast as I possibly can. I keep going until her body jerks uncontrollably. Until she’s thrashing like a woman possessed. Until the cries that are exploding from her body reach fever pitch. I don’t stop until her juices have drenched my face, until her exceptionally sexy pussy has stopped convulsing, until she’s collapsed in a sweaty heap and has lost all use of her faculties.


  Holy shit!

  I literally just saw stars. My head is spinning and there is barely any sensation left in my extremities. I’m sure Felix has lured every drop of blood from my body into my core with his magical tongue.

  My heart is buzzing in my chest, which rises and falls with every laboured breath. I’m totally and utterly spent, but I know exactly what it’ll take to recharge my batteries. I just need to
take one more minute to luxuriate in Felix’s lascivious attention first.

  He’s clambering his way up my body, peppering it with kisses as he climbs. When my clothes interfere with his worshipping of my body, he peels my shirt over my head and tosses it to one side before unhooking my bra and casting that away too.

  He takes my breasts in his hands. He twirls my sensitive nipples around between his thumb and forefinger. He licks at the burning tips. He sucks one breast into his hot mouth at a time and doesn’t hold back with groaning his delight. I wriggle and writhe under his appreciative touch. I ache for him to fuck me, but this time there is no rush. I’m not due anywhere. Nobody knows that I’m gone. It’s just him and me and our desperate needs.

  He climbs higher. He presses his mouth against mine. My juices have mingled with his saliva, creating a potent mix. I lap at his freshly shaved face. Tasting myself on every square centimetre of his skin. I bite at his lips; he bites at mine. I suck on his lower lip; he sucks on mine. I pull at his hair; he pulls at mine. I wrap my thighs around his tapered waist; he pushes his solid cock against my desperate sex. My inner walls are yearning for him; they’re clenching hard, trying with all their might to draw him in. But I don’t want that yet. I want him in my mouth first.

  I press my hand against his chest. At first, he doesn’t register and continues to kiss me with the ferociousness of a Neanderthal man so I push harder. He furrows his brow in confusion for a moment but one look in my eyes and he registers what I want to do to him.

  Felix has always possessed an uncanny ability to read my mind with expert clarity. He laughs and scoops me up into his arms before rolling us both over so I’m on top of him.

  My hair tumbles around my face as I lower to the floor. His cock is so beautifully hard. And so god damn big! I lick my lips as I rake my eyes over every contour, every ridge, and every vein. I wrap my fingers around its fat girth and close my lips around the oval end. Salty pre-cum coats my tongue and I suck hard, just to see if there’s any more, lucky for me there is, quite a lot actually. I’m pretty certain that it won’t take much to tip him over the edge. I swirl my tongue around the head and he jerks with pleasure. I run my tongue down his shaft and suck on his testicles. He’s going crazy, which bloats my confidence to breaking point. I stare at his face while I take his steel rod into my mouth and suck. His eyes are screwed shut, and he’s gnawing on his bottom lip for dear life so I take in even more. I suck and I suck and I bob my head up and down and my hand joins the party. It strokes the silky flesh with a firm grip as my mouth salivates over him. He’s thrusting his hips hard and fast. Fucking my face. He tenses so prepare myself. His guttural roar infuses the room as my mouth floods with his thick, hot spunk. I swallow and I swallow but it keeps on coming. Thick and fast. And I take the lot. Only stopping when I know I’ve drained him of everything he has to give.


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