Beach House

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Beach House Page 8

by Annie Seaton

  PART OF BEING ON THE circuit was supporting young surfers and every damned one of them seemed to stop to talk to him as he walked up the beach, over the rock platform and past the pools. He’d finally shaken off the last fan just before he’d reached the park. He jogged lightly across the road and put his board on the porch, before peeling off his wet suit and leaving it over the low brick wall near the front door.

  “Rosie?” he called as he opened the door. She couldn’t have started work already. They had unfinished business to sort out. Sally stood in the kitchen doorway.

  “She’s up taking a shower.”

  “Thanks.” Taj shot her a grin and vaulted up the stairs, his knee not giving him one ounce of trouble. He tapped lightly on the bathroom door, before he opened it and poked his head around. You in there, Rosie?”


  “Can I come in?”

  “Give me a minute.”

  He closed the door and waited. It was only seconds before it opened and Rosie stood there, a towel hitched around her and tied at her breasts.

  “I wanted to say thank you.”

  Her eyes lowered, and colour tinged her cheeks as a small smile played about her lips. “Well, you’d better come in here then.”

  As his lips took hers, she wondered whether he could feel the thumping of her heart. This time his lips were slow and soft, and he murmured against them.

  “How long till you have to start work?”

  Rosie pulled back and held his intent gaze. “I don’t have anything on this morning.”

  “That’s good.” His cheeky smile filled her vision until his lips took hers again, and they moved gently back and forward across her open lips like a whisper. He was hard against the flat of her stomach and she reached between them and undid the knot of her towel and it slipped to the floor. Taj glanced over at the small sofa in the foyer of the bathroom. “Sofa or bedroom?”

  “Sofa will be just right.” Her voice was throaty and sexy, and she felt need rush through her. She laughed as Taj scooped her up into his arms, walked across the checkered tiles and placed her gently on the old-fashioned sofa.

  “I wonder what Aggie would say,” he said softly. He stepped out of his board shorts and she drew in a deep breath. He was magnificent. All over.

  After that rational thought fled as he lowered himself beside her on the soft couch. She shivered under the heat of his stare as he lightly trailed his fingers across her bare breasts. Her nipples had been tight since she’d left the cold surf, but now they budded even more tightly in response to his questing fingers. He lowered his head and caught one between his lips, rolling his tongue over it until Rosie gasped with pleasure. Exquisite tendrils of pleasure were wrapping around her nerve endings and building between her thighs as his fingers went lowerand hovered at the edge of her sex.

  “You are so beautiful, Rosie.” His voice was husky and she smiled up at him as he lifted himself above her. He nudged against her sex, and his lips lingered on her neck. Goose bumps ran down her arms and a delicious shiver ran through her. Her body was a mass of rampant nerve endings sending messages of need to her brain.

  “Have you got a condom?” she managed to breathe out.

  “Shit.” He laughed but it was rueful and he pulled back. “You have me so bewitched I didn’t give it a thought, and no, not here, I don’t.”

  “In the cupboard above the basin.”

  Her skin, but not her ardour, cooled in the few seconds he was gone, but he was sheathed and ready for her as he lay back down beside her. He took her face in his hands and kissed her, his tongue dancing with hers. Rosie couldn’t help herself. She pushed against him, rubbing against his solid thigh. “I can’t take this much longer.”

  As his eyes held hers, a strange feeling ran through her. A feeling of balance and rightness as though all of her chakras aligned in perfect harmony. She had never experienced such bliss before. He held her gaze and shifted over her, his eyes holding hers, unblinking. She opened her legs and grasped his shoulders before running her hands down the well-defined muscles of his back. With one thrust, he filled her and stars filled her vision as she let go to the waves of pleasure filling her.

  TAJ WAS VERY PLEASED that Rosie had no appointments until after lunch. She filled his mind, his senses, and his emotions, and no matter how many he times he kissed her, need like he’d never experienced before consumed him. It wasn’t just the sex; that was awesome too— he just couldn’t get close enough to her. After the first round, they showered together, and when they couldn’t hold back, he’d had to dash from the shower back to the cupboard. Amazing what desire a cake of soap and bare skin could create.

  They’d walked innocently across the hall to his bedroom, each draped in a towel, but there’d been no sign of the others. When Rosie opened the bathroom cupboard to take the box of condoms, she’d giggled as he’d shaken his head.

  “Plenty in my room. I just don’t carry them when I surf.”

  It was a beautiful morning, and he’d indulged in the pleasure of having her in his bed. Her black hair was fanned across the pillow and her lips were rosy red. An unfamiliar feeling settled in his chest, and it was crazy, but he couldn’t imagine leaving her. She had come into his life suddenly and it was right. Now that she was here, he didn’t want her to leave it—or leave him. The realization hit him like a thunderbolt.

  “What’s wrong?” Her hazel eyes locked with his, and he reached over and cupped his hand beneath her chin as she stared at him, uncertainty filling her eyes.

  “Nothing. Just looking and admiring.” He didn’t want to put words to his feelings. Not yet. “It’s time we were up. I’ve got some places to go after lunch.”

  Rosie let out a gasp. “Lunch? What time is it? I’ve got a noon massage.”

  Taj rolled over and picked up his watch. “You have twelve minutes.”

  He enjoyed the view of the lush bare butt as she scurried across to the door, grabbing the towel on the way.

  Chapter 13

  Mr. Pepper shook Taj’s hand as he stood before walking him to the door.

  “An excellent outcome. Excellent.” The elderly man cleared his throat. “When I draw the papers up, I’ll call. After you and Miss Pemberton come in and sign them, it will all be ready to settle early in January. Excellent.” He rubbed his hands together.

  Taj glanced down at his watch. The appointment had gone later than he’d expected and he still had to book a table for dinner. He couldn’t wait to tell Rosie what he’d come up with. A tiny niggle of doubt tugged at him, but he dismissed it. It was a great solution, and it would mean they could stay in touch so much easier when he was in town. He wanted to spend as much time with her as he could when he wasn’t on the circuit.

  Now that his knee was better—thanks to her unbelievable skill—he could get straight back into the competition field. As soon as the three months was up. And living in the house on the hill was perfect. He could surf and practise every day. Watch out world, he would make world champion one more time before he retired.

  With a smile planted firmly on his face, and satisfaction settled in his chest, he jogged lightly to his car. Life is good.

  Rosie finished at six and Taj had booked the restaurant at the Intercontinental in the city for seven thirty. He’d seen her briefly before her last appointment and stolen a quick kiss in her massage room.

  “Glam up, we’re going to town.”

  His heart had skittered up a beat when she’d run her fingers down the front of his shirt and tucked her fingers in the waistband of his jeans.

  “Later, babe. Dinner and my news first. Then you can finish that at home.” Regret tinged his voice. She had magic fingers and not only for healing. Shame they were out of time.

  As soon as he was dressed in his suit, he wandered down to the kitchen following yet another mouthwatering aroma. A bottle of champagne sat in the middle of the table where Sonia and Sally were sitting each holding a long-stemmed crystal flute.

sp; “Private celebration or can anyone join?”

  “Aren’t you driving?” Sally looked at him over the rim of her glass.

  “No. I’ve booked a taxi. What’s the occasion?”

  The girls shared a grin.

  “I won a bet.” Sonia didn’t elaborate. Her dress was a mishmash of brilliant colours and fell to the ground in loose swirls as she stood to get another glass from the cupboard above the sink. Her dress reminded him of that Jackson Pollack painting.

  The door opened and he drew in a breath. Rosie stood there, her long legs left almost bare by the short classic black dress. Her hair was scooped up exposing her long graceful neck, and she’d done something to her eyes. Sexy, smouldering shadows stared back at him, above scarlet painted lips. The blood surged to his groin and he gripped the back of the chair. As he stared at Rosie, Sonia turned to Sally and high-fived her.

  “That’s enough, you pair. It’s a business meeting we are going to.” Rosie shot him a smile and his blood heated more. Maybe they should order in and discuss business privately upstairs.

  Rosie turned to him. “The taxi pulled up outside as I came downstairs. Are you ready?”

  The drive into the city was quiet and Taj smiled as Rosie slipped her hand into his as they sat together in the back seat. As they walked into the restaurant, heads turned and he knew it wasn’t him that was drawing the attention. She was a knockout. The maître d’ showed them to their table and Rosie smiled at the vase of red rosebuds at her setting.

  “From you?”

  He nodded. “That’s what you remind me of.”

  “Thank you.” A delicate tinge of colour flushed her cheeks and he waited for her to sit down. He reached over and took her hand as the waiter poured water into their glasses and placed the drinks menu in front of Taj.

  “So, champagne to celebrate my brilliant solution?” He rubbed his thumb on the back of her hand.

  “You’d better tell me what this great solution is first.” Rosie snatched her hand away and for a moment he thought she was upset, but she grabbed for a tissue and sneezed.

  “Bless you.”

  “Damn, I’ve had a scratchy throat all day. Mrs. March had a cold when she was in yesterday. I guess she shared it.” She smiled at him apologetically. “I hope you don’t catch it from me.”

  The food waiter arrived with the menus and Taj ordered a bottle of the best champagne on the menu.

  “SO TELL ME WHAT YOU’VE come up with. I’ve been trying to think of a way out of this, and I can’t see a solution.” Rosie reached for her water glass and waited for him to answer. She could think of a solution but it was one out of fairytale land. There was no way Taj Brown, world famous surfer, would want to have her in his life on a permanent basis. Her teenage dreams of weddings and brides with her hero waiting at the front of the church were just that.

  Dreams. She knew where she stood. They were having a fun time together but it was only a temporary thing. Aunt Aggie should have known her matchmaking would lead to a simple fling, and should not have complicated matters with that condition in the will. Her heart beat a little faster as he looked at her.

  Dreams can come true sometimes.

  But his next words were like a dash of cold water on her skin.

  “I went to see Mr. Pepper today.” He reached for her hand again and she let him take it.

  “What for? Why did you go without me?”

  “You were busy. I wanted to talk to him about the bond and everything you did for Aggie.”

  The cold settled as a feeling of doom crept over her. Maybe it was the head cold, or more likely maybe it was because she knew she wasn’t going to like his solution. “You don’t think that was my business?”

  “Yes. But you know, Aggie was my aunt and I really should have been there to help out financially. It was not your responsibility. It was a huge burden you took on by yourself.”

  “But I did and I was happy to.” Rosie tightened her lips. “So what’s this solution of yours?” She pulled her hand away on the pretext of pulling a tissue from her small purse. She didn’t want to be holding his hand when he spoke the words she knew would follow. Her dream had come true for a couple of days...maybe she should just be happy with that.

  “He’s drawing up the papers and if we sign now, it will all go through smoothly in the New Year.”

  “What will go through smoothly?” As much as she hated to put a dampener on things, she couldn’t help noticing his excitement.

  His eyes lit up as the words rushed from his mouth. “I’m going to pay you out for half of the value of the house. It should be at least a million. That will be plenty for you to set up a clinic somewhere local. At first I was going to sell the place, but now I’ve decided to get the house renovated. Turn it into a block of apartments.” His face lit up as a huge grin showed his teeth white, against his tanned face. That recalcitrant lock of hair fell over his forehead and Rosie closed her eyes for a second.

  When she opened them he was staring at her, still smiling.

  “And you think that’s what Aggie would have wanted?”

  He obviously didn’t notice her mood. It was though her world was shutting down.

  “I think so. And the best part is to come.”

  She opened her eyes again; he was like a child at Christmas and he obviously had no idea that every word he uttered was destroying her dream. No matter how much fun they’d had, his motivation had been driven by something very different to hers.

  “I’ll sign over one of the units to you, I’ll keep one and if Sonia and Sally want to rent one, I’ll do them a good deal. That way we all win.”

  “We do?”

  “Yes.” His face fell as she reached for her bag. “What’s wrong?”

  “Can you call me a taxi, please? I’m not feeling very well.”

  He fussed around her, and called the waiter over and explained they were leaving.

  “There’s no need for you to come with me. You might as well stay and eat. I just want to go home to bed.”

  His mouth tightened and she saw the second that comprehension dawned for him. He looked just like he had the first time in Mr. Pepper’s office. Obviously, everything had to be Taj Brown’s way or the highway. She’d been a fool to fall into his arms.

  Chasing that silly dream.

  No more.

  Chapter 14

  Taj had been concerned about her when he had escorted her to her room after the taxi dropped them back to the house on the hill. Rosie had sneezed most of the way home and she’d insisted that he sit in the front of the taxi. She needed to be alone; she couldn’t think straight with him around. All she could think about was being in his bed and the crushing disappointment in the restaurant when she’d realised that it had only been to suck her in. To entice her, so that she fell in with his plan.

  His plan to destroy the beautiful old house and turn it into a sleek apartment block.

  He probably had a girlfriend in every surfside town, and stupid Rosie with her childish posters had been an easy target. She turned her face into the pillow trying to ease her burning cheeks.

  Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  But really, if she thought about it, she had no right to the house. It had been in the Brown family for generations, and it was rightfully his. Torn between not wanting to accept his solution, because she didn’t want to take his money, and knowing that at the end of the three months she would be entitled to half anyway, she tossed and turned in and out of a fitful sleep.

  Even then they would have to agree on what they would do with the house. Apartments? Aggie would turn in her grave. She’d loved this place and Rosie did too.

  Tears dampened her cheeks as she fell into a deep sleep.

  She woke suddenly to a pitch dark room. Her throat was dry and her head was throbbing.

  “There’s a glass of water on your bedside table.”

  She rolled over and stared. Aggie was sitting on the side of the bed. How could she see her in the dark?
Her grey hair was wound up into its usual beehive hairstyle and the lavender perfume she loved filled the room. Her soft fingers reached out and smoothed Rosie’s brow.

  “Oh, darling. You’re burning up. You always did get a temperature with a head cold when you were little.”

  Rosie stared back at her. It had been five years since Aggie had been able to have a conversation with her. She closed her eyes as the cool fingers rested on her cheek.

  “Aggie?” She tried to sit up but Aggie’s gentle hands pushed her back to the pillows.

  It must be the fever. I’m delirious.

  Aggie’s voice surrounded her. “He’s falling in love with you, you know. I knew he would.”

  “No. He’s just sleeping with me to get me out of the house.” Am I really talking sex with Aggie? “He wants to pull it to pieces. Your beautiful house.” Rosie shook her head.

  “He’ll realise what is right for you both. You have to learn to trust.”

  “I don’t know what to do, Aggie.”

  “Follow your heart. You’ve always loved him. I can still remember you following him around when you were a little girl.”

  “I don’t remember.”

  “Trust, sweetheart.”

  The wind whooshed thought the open window bringing the sound of the crashing waves into the room. The old lace curtains fluttered and the smell of lavender surrounded her. She turned back to Aggie but the room was empty.

  ROSIE ROLLED OVER AND groaned as a bright shaft of sunlight hit her in the face. She put her hand up over her eyes and dragged herself up to a sitting position. Her headache was gone but her nose was streaming. She reached over for the box of tissues she kept by the bed and wiped her nose. There was a glass of water beside the bed; she didn’t remember getting that.

  A wisp of a dream tugged at her and she sat bolt upright as she remembered Aggie sitting beside her through the night.


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