Wolf Born

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Wolf Born Page 11

by J N Moon

  Then I charged forward at those ethereal things.

  Like pigeons in a city with a child running towards them, they scattered in seconds, the mist rose up evaporating leaving a lilac dew on leaves and foliage which, through my werewolf eyes shimmered in the afternoon sunlight. Gasping more in shock than alarm, I stood sentry watching all around, waiting for the internal sensation that had gripped my stomach as if someone had grabbed it and twisted it with their hands, to subside.

  Luke walked over, tilting my head to understand his calm body language I knew why he didn’t fear me. It was me, Emma, but that name sounded empty now, like a distant memory. In my heart, a warmth and serenity stemmed around, it was good to know that though I could kick shit, he was stronger. My friend had my back and that he didn’t fear me. Monster and all...

  What Big Teeth You Have.

  Within twenty-minutes, the forest returned to normal, the birds singing and tranquil. I felt a shifting, my muscles shuddering, my body shaking.

  “It’s best to sit Emma, you’re changing back now,” Luke said firmly.

  Morphing back was a lot less painful, but still psychologically scary, breathing heavily I sat there dazed and confused. Taking off his coat, he offered it to me, and without speaking we walked back, his arm around me, steadying, comforting.

  Luckily, I hadn’t removed everything from my car boot, I’d rummaged around and found a few clothes and bits from my home that I’d left in there.

  A freaky situation, mostly naked, my clothes being ripped from the first shift, I didn’t feel awkward or vulnerable with him. Maybe because we are all monsters now.

  After I got dressed, Luke turned towards me and said, “Look, I’ll drive us to Sabian’s. I know I don’t have insurance, but you need the rest, you did amazing Emma.”

  “Ok, thanks. Why did those spirits come, what are they?” I gulped.

  Luke walked over tentatively, opened his arms and slowly hugged me, I was shivering uncontrollably. “Shh, just rest a moment, it’s a bit of a mind fuck isn’t it, shifting-and hell two at once! You were scary as shit Em, that is awesome. I think you need, deserve a rest,” he whispered as I buried my head in his neck. His body was hot and that warmth absorbed into me quickly, stopping thoughts, I just listened to his heart beating.

  Gently shaking his head, “It’s just the way, when one portal opens, others are awakened. I’ve seen it time and time again, it’s like when the supernatural stuff begins it seems to send out a beacon, unfortunately... Those were just angry spirits, they can harm, if you allow them. A bit of Latin and a lot of self-belief and they can’t, much,” he sniggered.

  “What were you reciting to them?”

  He sighed, “I read a lot, it was an old spell to ward off bad energy from some grimoire, I can’t remember which. I don’t always read the occult though, I do like to indulge in fiction,” he laughed.

  “Yes, because you knew about the sigils at Steve’s?”

  “Yep, to be honest I’m kind of surprised the others don’t know as much, thing is when you’re... different, supernatural, you need to be prepared, it’s your business to know these things. That’s my opinion anyway. I do try and live a mortal style life, but at the same time if the shit hits the fan, I like to know I can handle it.” Shrugging his shoulders, he added, “Maybe it’s because I’ve always felt alone and lived pretty much on my own. I know the wolves took me in, but I was the odd one out.”

  Warmed up now and calmer we got in the car. Looking out the window a pain like needles in my brain, I reached from my sunglasses. Though late afternoon the light stung my eyes, I felt I could sleep for days. Sore and bruised, my body ached, but this was just the beginning. I was glad Luke drove, I needed the rest and within a short time we arrived at Lauren’s and Sabian’s place.

  Sighing relief as I walked into Lauren and Sabian’s little cottage, the place had a tranquil quality. Smiling and warm they had that kind of energy where you feel immediately comfortable and relaxed, Sabian went out of the room with Luke, returning with tea while I slumped into the little sofa.

  “Luke tells me you’ve had quite an experience today,” Sabian said.

  “I can see from your face; you look exhausted. Not surprising Emma, I’m glad you had Luke with you.”

  He glanced over at Luke, who eyes were full of concern. “Still, we have good news.” Smiling, Sabian looked over at Lauren who pulled a tome of a book out, she continued, “You know, maybe it’s all happening so fast is a good thing? You don’t have time to worry, we found out some old spells for protection, but more than that I think I know where Lou is, but...” she looked away, twisting her hair between her fingers. Weirdly enough, I sensed she was human, weird because I had only just been through that bag of crazy, I doubt if I hadn’t transformed I would’ve known the difference.

  “She’s hidden away in a house tucked away near the middle of the Cotswolds. I don’t know which house, I did a scrying spell,” she sighed, “But I know it’s near a lake.”

  Sabian continued, “We’ve got a map of the lakes, there’s not that many near villages, I’ve asked some of Conor’s community to start a search, using some of Lou’s items to track her scent-they’re on it now.”

  Sabian hesitated, “You’ll have to tell Conor about today-he’ll sense it for sure, if you don’t tell him it will make things awkward.” Glancing away as if in thought, Luke added, “There’s just something that doesn’t feel right there... maybe I’m just too suspicious...”

  Alarm bells chimed in my mind as I heard this, I’d had a few doubtful moments with Conor, and that dream about him hadn’t helped, but surely...

  “Emma, don’t look so shocked,” Sabian added quietly. “Conor isn’t a bad man, not at all, but there is something strange in the air, look what happened with Lou and Steve. I’m... we’re just concerned, that’s all. No need to worry.”

  Looking at Luke, he’d known what I’d seen in the dream state, he gestured now, “He’s right, I trust these two with my life. Neither of them can get possessed, like me they wear an amulet,” and rolling his lips in thought he paused, then spoke to Lauren, “You think Em might need one? Surely we could get some for the others, too?”

  Sighing Lauren answered him, “Oh, Luke that is a good idea except they’re harder to get than unicorn poop, and as for Emma she doesn’t need one. If she was vulnerable to that she’d already be under its spell,” then looking at me, “I heard what happened, with the Nuckelavee. Where others failed, you acted. That is something Emma, and now you’ve been through the transforming, you’re ready to lead,” she grinned and addressed the others, “One kick ass woman coming right up, I think,” she winked.

  In a serious voice, Luke corrected her, “Two kick ass women, Lauren, I think you’ll find, at least that’s what Sabian says.”

  “Why would spirits take Lou?” I asked.

  Sabian leaned forward on the chair arm that he was sitting in, he was a big guy and their cottage looked rather quaint in comparison. “Any reason, Lou’s strong and not easily taken so my best guess is that they’ll try and use her power against us. They’ll want the demon to succeed, that would bring more chaotic energy for them. If that happens, they’ll grow stronger, along with every other malevolent entity. Don’t worry, we’ll find her and when we do, we have Althea’s spell to cleanse her of the spirit. We’ve faced worse.”

  Then he added, “You two must be starving, Lauren and I made a veggie chilli earlier, want some?”

  “God, yes, my stomach’s moaning,” Luke added. “Emma, meet the only vegetarian werewolf, Sabian,” Luke mocked.

  Sabian laughed, “I’m not actually, but mainly I don’t eat meat if I can help it.”

  “I always thought werewolves tore their victims apart, ripped them limb from limb,” I asked, my face screwed up in anticipated horror of the answer.

  “Did you feel like doing that to Luke just now, you know, when you were a werewolf?” Sabian joked.

  “No. But I know him, may

  “Some do that,” he said as went into the kitchen, and looking at the others he continued, “Let’s not kid ourselves. There are packs, and I mean that they hunt with a pack mentality driven by alpha’s that hunt humans. Some extend this to other immortals, I mean they hunt other immortals. There are less of these vicious groups in this country at least, but they do exist, sadly. Before you ask, they have no need to do this, they don’t have to kill to survive.” Sabian stopped for a moment, looking out the window it seemed as if his mind drifted elsewhere.

  Luke interjected, “You know that once you’re changed, your life span increases... a lot, right?”

  Frowning, I answered, “Yes, but how long do you mean, fifty years... more?” My words tumbled out, I didn’t like the idea of never dying.

  “Well, it depends. Sabian here, and I, we’ve been around a long time,” he gulped, “Like me, about one hundred years, Sabian a bit longer. My point is, the older weres or shifters come from an age where it was kind of normal, even expected to act... brutally. Myths don’t make themselves, as society changes, so have we.” Chuckling he added, “You could say we’re self-developed.”

  Sabian interrupted still distracted, “It’s true, for decades I abstained from killing and eating human flesh-I may as well admit this now-Oh Lauren knows. You don’t need to shoot her that look. It took time, strength and patience to form a community where we hold the same values. We live as mortals, we don’t tear humans or animals to shreds, when we need to run, we do just that, and these last few decades we’ve been too busy with immortal wars, demons and God knows what for any chance of a normal existence anyway. So now you know. I see that look you give me Emma, you’re wondering how old I am? Well, over two hundred years, that’s all you need to know, and for info, Conor isn’t much younger.”

  He dished out the chilli as if we’d been talking about wallpaper or something, did I want a drink? Or some bread, and we sat to eat in silence but my brain was anything but.

  Part of me felt like puking, shock from it all, some of that was probably hunger. Conor had told me he was thirty-five, why lie? Unless he wanted to appear more normal to me? I didn’t say anything, who was lying? Maybe in the near future I’ll leave them all and start again somewhere new, somewhere in Europe...

  Dizziness hit my head, looking around at these... people. I realised my whole world had forever changed, whether I lived through the next few days or not. After we ate, we rested. Luke, Sabian and Lauren chatted, I mainly snoozed and watched them talk. I wasn’t feeling very social, but as the day wore on, my mind teased me about who to trust. Trying to listen to my gut was useless, churning and heavy, burning, not surprisingly after today.

  Luke was right, he didn’t sugar-coat anything, he was pretty blunt in fact and here with his friends was the first time he didn’t seem socially awkward.

  Weariness hung in me, too much to think about, too many changes, I’m a monster...

  I woke with a start by early evening with Luke whispering and rubbing my arm, “Emma, c’mon, we best get back. It’s ok, I’ll drive.”

  Pete and Coral were at Conor’s when we got back, intense eyes bored into me from Conor, I didn’t really have the energy to explain. We were still keeping the fire, energy thing a secret for now, no need to give up all my secrets just yet. Evening had settled in, and I asked Luke to go ahead and tell them, whilst I sat outside on the porch, texting my mum. Conor appeared minutes later, his face like a frightened child, but a wry, twisted smile curved from his lips.

  “How are the Asrai doing?” I asked him.

  “How are you, Emma? You didn’t want to tell me yourself? Should I be worried, you trust him more than me, damn, I wanted to be there for you.”

  Sternly I corrected him, “Look, I’m tired, it happened and I don’t want to talk about it. It’s too bloody weird. All of this is. Luke was there, he helped, don’t turn this around to make it about you, it’s not about you. How are the Asrai?”

  Large dark eyes blinked at me, his face now neutral, no challenge. “They’re fine, I’m glad you are, too. Sabian knows?” His tone now softer, a question because I knew the answer, the demon would come now, tired as I was, I doubted it would be long before it appeared in all its disgusting glory. Coming to rip out my heart, shit I was so tired I might just let it...

  “He knows, he and Lauren have sent info to everyone about Lou’s location, they’re out searching for her now. I think I need a strong coffee, I have a bad feeling in my gut, and it’s not the chilli.”

  “Me too, good idea. We should be ready.”

  Walking back in, I briefly said hi to Pete and Coral, I looked out of the window while I filled the kettle, but I still felt it. Their eyes staring into me, their changed perception of who I was now. I hated that, I know it wasn’t meant in malice, but just... whatever.

  Conor stacked the fire, but I sat back outside. I’d gotten the sword, a jumper and with a ridiculously strong coffee, sat back out on the porch. Let’s do this, I so want it to be over.

  Luke and Coral joined me, armed up with guns, “We had some bullets made by a friend of ours, iron and silver plated” Coral said.

  Nodding, I murmured, “Good, that should help.” Staring out into the forest, frenzied anxiety writhed around my stomach, heart pulsing hard and fast as I spied tiny eyes staring in the distance, shadows dancing swiftly between trees, holding my breath I slowly reached for the sword.

  Coral and Luke, watching me, instinctively changed demeanour, Coral leaping up fast and smooth, not making a sound went in to tell Conor and Pete. I hoped they wouldn’t all come out, but would stay hidden just behind the open door, I didn’t want to alert what was coming, so I turned to Luke, as if everything was normal.

  “I want us to look like we don’t see what’s coming, although I’m so tense I feel like I’m about to burst at any moment.”

  “I saw them, too, they’ve been there a while, I wonder why they’re holding back.”

  “Probably waiting for the Nuckelavee I imagine,” I snorted.

  But we’d hear it coming, thundering footsteps through the forest, we’d smell it, or so I thought. Conor and the others popped out, in the end after two hours I was chilled enough to go in and have a shot of single malt to warm up.

  “Maybe now I’m changed, it’s changed its mind?” I said hopefully.

  Sitting in gloom, we hunkered around the fireplace, the heat oozing into my skin, and my mood. Whiskey helped, out the corner of my eye I saw Luke roll a cigarette, grab his drink and head back outside. Following him, I asked, “Can I have one please?”

  Raising his eyebrows in shock, he said, “Sure, didn’t think you smoked?”

  “I gave up a few months back, but hey-it’s not like it’s going to kill me now.”

  We stood there, pulling in the smoke, white clouds drifting from our mouths, hot sweet taste of whiskey, in an elegant silence. Aware of the stillness around us, I realised there were no noises in the forest at all, shooting the last drop of whiskey, I put the smoke out and went inside.

  The ground reverberated, birds scattered, squawking, flying off from the trees, dogs barking, a shudder of cold fear prickled down my back.

  Grabbing the sword, I ran straight out, gasped as the demon stood there in all its horrifying glory. I faced it head-on, gasping and tense, I froze as the beast towered above me, thick green saliva drooling down from its mouth, huge eyes boring into me. Gagging at its odour, my free hand covered my mouth, I took a step backwards, holding the heavy sword low so I could swing it. Trembling uncontrollably, my lungs surging and sweat pouring from my brows, I tried to breathe. But it was so tall, how the hell would I cut off its head? Whenever fear shivered over me, I thought of Ethan. Ethan, my kind and gentle uncle who this piece of filth had taken, no, ripped out his heart. And I thought how everyone depended on me doing this, I shook harder, dread blurring my sight.

  The others scattered out, firing shots of iron and silver bullets into the demon, its roar
bellowed throughout the forest, shaking the ground.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Luke, falling forward in a spasm, shaking, he was changing. Pete and Coral stood upfront, their shotguns blasting away at its skinless body, causing it pain and rage, but the thing did not fall. Its head looming over me like my own personal dark cloud, then it glared at the others, they froze in mid-movement.

  It would not rip my heart out, something shifted inside me, an energy building up almost like it came from the earth beneath me and got stronger. A feeling of absolute, knowing that I was able to conquer this fiend, as it stood before me, its black blood stinking, sinew and muscle showing, mouth hanging open bearing its fangs, I merely stared at it. Vertigo ran through my head, something had changed in me, and I alone was aware of it.

  Grunting, wails of agony came from Luke but me and my demon ignored him.

  Rearing up, I wondered how it could rip out a heart with only hooves at its feet, but it was the human figure on its back with those claw like hands, so weird as it was attached to the horse, they were as one. It clashed down, pitch blackness fell with it, for seconds I was blind, impatient for my eyes to adjust. It lunged towards Conor and I stole my chance, slashing at its head but the sword sliced, its neck was only cut. Screeching, stinging my ears it swept forward, another roar, and turning my head to the side as the demon’s face was a hair-breadth from mine, a massive winged dragon-Luke breathed fire and flames onto the demon’s body. Ducking instinctively to miss the fire, its cries shattered the windows. I struggled frantically, looking to the others, sweat poured from my brows, as Conor was the beast I’d seen in my dream state, the werewolf. The Nuckelavee bolted forward, smashing me to the ground with the impact of its legs, rolling over, not quick enough as pain seared through me, its hooves caught my face, striking me, blood filling my mouth. Fuck, I was wrong... why had I believed them? I couldn’t do this? Not me...


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