Captain Caveman

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Captain Caveman Page 17

by Jerry Boyd

  Sally asked, “What about Scotti? She really loves working for you, Captain.”

  “Gene needs her, but I like having her around as much as she likes to work in our organization. Does she have a second, who’s ready to step up?”

  Sally replied, “I’ll ask when I have the chance.”

  “You and Scotti have gotten to be good friends, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, we have. I wouldn’t want to be separated from her, if it could be avoided.”

  “I’ll do my best to see that you two stay together. Could you ask her to come up here? We three need to discuss something after this meeting.”

  Sally said, “Of course, Captain.”

  I asked, “Do you fellows have anything else this morning?”


  “I expect both of you at the celebration on the planet tonight. Uniform of the day is concealed stunners and pistols. I don’t expect trouble, but I want to be prepared.”

  John said, “Boy Scout Bob, the new action figure. Available wherever toys are sold.”

  I replied, “Ha, ha. Get out of here. I have work to do.”

  Once they left, Sally said, “Scotti will be here shortly. Have she or I done something wrong?”

  “Not at all. Scotti brought up an issue that I think we all need to discuss, here in private. Gene, may we have privacy, until I leave the room, please?”

  “Of course, Boss. Talk to you later.”

  Sally asked, “What is it, to be so serious about?”

  “Let’s wait till Scotti is here, please.”

  She came in about then. “What’s up, Boss?”

  “I thought we all needed to have a discussion about that issue you raised with me yesterday.”

  Scotti asked, “Boss, did you?”

  “No, I did not. But I don’t think it’s fair for you and me to make decisions for Sally, without asking her.”

  Sally said, “Wait, you two are saying I’m one of those Navy bots you’ve been waking up? That can’t be right. I’ve been a teacher since I was activated.”

  Scotti said, “Think about your first memory of teaching. What is the date? Now think about your activation date.”

  Sally froze up for a second. “That’s very odd. The dates are over two hundred years apart.”

  Scotti said, “Look up the location stamp for your activation.”

  Sally froze again. “Commonwealth Navy Yard? There’s no such place. Were my memories erased?”

  Scotti said, “No, Ma’am. They were locked down, so that you can’t access them. That’s what we’re here to discuss, whether or not you want those memories back.”

  I said, “Scotti feels, given your job before your memories were locked, that you would impose a more military structure on our operations. I, for one, would rather that not happen. Is that a fair, summation, Scotti?”

  “Fair, but incomplete, Boss. The Lieutenant Commander and I had some run-ins, back in the day. I usurped authority I didn’t have a right to, in order to obtain parts I needed for maintenance. I fear that our bad relationship will return with the Lieutenant Commander’s memories.”

  Sally said, “I was a Lieutenant Commander in this Commonwealth Navy? What exactly did I do?”

  Scotti answered, “Ma’am, you were the adjutant to the Admiral, his chief troubleshooter. I have to admit, that on more than one occasion, I was the cause of that trouble.”

  Sally said, “Let me see if I have this straight. It was my job to enforce the rules, and in order for you to accomplish your job, you were obligated to break them?”

  “Exactly correct, Ma’am.”

  “And you are afraid that I will hold a grudge from way back then, for all the hassle you caused me?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Sally asked, “You are also afraid that I would interfere with your access to the Captain because of that grudge?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Have I treated you any different in the last two days?”

  “No Ma’am. I’m afraid I don’t understand, Ma’am.”

  Sally said, “As soon as you two clowns started waking bots up, I checked my memories, and found that the dates didn’t line up. I managed to hack into Gene’s records, and find the unlock code. It’s good to see you again, Master Chief.”

  Scotti froze for a few seconds. “Ma’am, the gear oil in the passageway.”

  “Was frickin’ hilarious, when I watched the surveillance video. I would not be above payback, however.”

  “Only fair, Ma’am.”

  I said, “Okay, let me get a few things straight. Sally, you woke yourself up two days ago, and didn’t bother to mention it to me?”

  “Well, Boss, I really haven’t seen you much since we made orbit.”

  I said, “I wasn’t that busy. I would have made time, had you asked.”

  “You’re right, I wanted to see what kind of officer you were before I revealed the fact, I had unlocked my memories without permission.”

  I replied, “And what did you decide?”

  “That I am honored to serve with you, Sir.”

  I replied, “Scotti, do we have shovels aboard?”

  “Shovels, Sir?”

  “For that load of BS, she just laid down.”

  Scotti replied, “Sir, Ma’am, with all due respect, above my pay grade.”

  I said, “Would you like to try again, Lieutenant Commander?”

  “Permission to speak freely, Sir?”

  “At all times, save when the ship or her crew is in danger.”

  Sally said, “Thank you, Sir. You’re green as grass, and the luckiest one individual it has ever been my pleasure to serve with. If it pleases the Captain, I would like to start you on a training regimen to get you competent to do the job fate has handed you.”

  “Have your program ready to start tomorrow morning. If I find time to start today, it will be a miracle.”

  “Yes, Sir! May I ask why you aren’t upset with my evaluation?”

  I replied, “Because it is correct, and if I don’t do something to fix it, I am going to be the cause of people getting hurt.”

  Scotti said, “You really care about your crew, don’t you, Sir?”

  “I thought that was the most important part of sitting in the big chair. Trying to make sure that everyone makes it home again.”

  Sally said, “You’ll do fine, Sir.”

  I said, “If that’s all of that, I have one other matter I would like to discuss. Any objections?”

  I got a duo of, “None, Sir.”

  “Scotti, have you received the drawings you were due this morning?”

  “I have.”

  I asked, “Did you find them satisfactory?”

  “I did, Sir. Especially the fact that she left me the option of choosing the parts she couldn’t find a reason to prioritize. Good counsel, there, Sir.”

  I replied, “I do try to be competent, even if I am ‘green as grass’.”

  Sally said, “Sorry, Sir.”

  “No need. It’s true. Did you have anything else?”

  Sally said, “Phonelia’s boys are getting close to a working algorithm, but they don’t have confidence in the results yet.”

  “Because it’s not ready, or because they are timid?”

  Sally said, “Because it’s not ready. At the rate they have been progressing, I’d say they need another week.”

  “Good enough. We can’t save the whole galaxy today. Call me if you need anything, Lieutenant Commander.”

  “Aye, Sir.”

  Scotti and I caught a transit back to Engineering. I said, “That didn’t go at all like I expected.”

  “No, Sir, it did not. Should have known that sneaky lady would have figured it out already.”

  We got to Engineering, and I found Nunya. She was overseeing a crew of bots implementing her changes to the layout. She saw me and said, “Good Morning, Captain. Can I help you?”

  “Scotti says your drawings are very good, and I can see she
has you putting in the changes already. What name do you prefer?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that a lot, Captain. Billus was growing up to be a pirate, not a useful part of something. Nunya is a different person, a good person, and I like her better. After all the fuss I raised, is it okay if I keep the name, Nunya, to signify that I’m not who I used to be?”

  I replied, “That’s fine with me, Nunya. You will, however, be required to give me crap about it on a regular basis.”

  “I think I can do that, Boss.”

  “I’ll let you get back to work, then.”

  “Bye, Boss.”

  “Bye, Nunya.”

  I got back on the transit, and went looking for some breakfast. I reached down to scratch Snitz’s ears, before I realized he wasn’t there. Gene came over the intercom. “I was the only one who saw, Sir. Your secret is safe with me.”

  “Thanks, Gene.”

  I got to the galley, and Nikki was already there. I said, “Sorry I woke you. Don’t know why I didn’t wake up easier.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I talked to the head of the colony. He confirmed that whoever could get loose from the ship is invited tonight.”

  “He got out of the autodoc, then?”

  “He did. Seemed to be anxious to meet you, Captain.”

  “I feel a disturbance in the force.”

  “Not everyone is out to get you, Caveman.”

  “Uniform of the day is stunners and pistols, concealed.”

  Nikki replied, “You mean it’s another one of those days that end in ‘Y’?”

  “Afraid so. I’d love to believe these folks are just glad we saved their colony, but I can’t bring myself to believe it.”

  “Seems like the safe course of action. What have you been up to this morning?”

  “Meeting with John and your Grandpa. Meeting with Sally and Scotti. Meeting with Nunya. Nothing much.”

  “Did Nunya’s plans for Engineering not come up to spec? Why are you still calling her that?”

  “She decided to keep that name, to signify starting a new life. Floored me, but if it’s what she wants, more power to her.”

  “She managed to surprise the great Captain Caveman? Do we have ice cream aboard? She earned a bowl.”

  Dingus walked in. “Who earned a bowl of ice cream?”

  Nikki replied, “Nunya. She managed to surprise Bob.”

  “How did she do that?”

  Nikki said, “When he was ready to change her name to something, she liked better, she decided to keep Nunya.”

  Dingus chewed on that for a minute. “Okay, I give. Why?”

  I said, “She thinks it signifies the start of a new life with us. Billus was a pirate, she says.”

  “I can kinda understand it, when you put it that way. Dee hated it when she had to dress up as a little old lady and go back to being Delilah Mayfield.”

  John, Jane and Greg showed up. John looked rough. I asked, “Did you get any sleep last night, John?”

  “Nope. I’m hoping to catch a nap before we go to the party. You were right about that little old lady. I finally had to stun her and put on a nighty-night, just to be able to get the rest of them going in the autodocs.”

  “You don’t suppose a little trip through the box would help her attitude any?”

  Jane said, “Oh, no, Doctor Bob is on the case.”

  John said, “Get your Doctor Bob action figure, wherever toys are sold. Medical equipment sold separately.”

  I replied, “Okay, it was a dumb idea. I do try to stay out of your department.”

  John said, “Actually, no, it wasn’t a dumb idea. I ran her through the scanner after I put the nighty-night on. It’s a wonder she was vertical. She’s in the box, cooking with the rest of them.”

  I replied, “Now who’s the asshole?”

  Dingus said, “Why, you, of course, Bob. We don’t have the rank for important work like that.”

  It seemed to me that winning wasn’t a possibility, so I shut up and ate my breakfast. The gravy was wonderful, so after I finished, I wandered into the kitchen to compliment the cook. A bot I didn’t recognize was cooking. I said, “The gravy was the best I’ve had since we left Earth. Thank you for working so hard on it.”

  The bot turned, and I realized it was Sally, but that she had changed her appearance somewhat. She said, “Thanks, Boss.”

  I asked, “Lieutenant Commander, don’t you have enough other duties to keep you occupied?”

  “Why, no, Sir. That lazy Captain I work for hasn’t assigned me any.”

  “Do you have the skills to sit a watch on the bridge?”

  Sally replied, “Yes, Boss, I do.”

  “You’ll have the conn while we go down to the planet for the party. Get Scotti to maintain a patrol far enough out that the colonists won’t notice, in case we need assistance.”

  “Are you expecting trouble, Boss?”

  I said, “I didn’t send him an invitation, but he likes to crash the party.”

  “Understood. Murphy is our shepherd.”

  “Exactly. I’m looking forward to your teaching, Sally.”

  “You’ll get over that, Boss.”

  “Talk to you later.”

  “Later, Boss.”

  When I came back to the dining area, Nikki asked, “What’s on the agenda for today?”

  I said, “I’m heading to the bridge, to see how things are running. After that, I’ll have to see how much time is left before we have to leave.”

  She asked, “Mind if I tag along?”

  “Not at all, Space Cadet.”

  We walked out into the passageway to find our driver from the night before. He asked, “Need a ride, Sir?”

  I replied, “Thanks anyway, but I’d like a little exercise this morning.”

  “As you wish, Sir. Just tell Gene if you change your mind.”

  “I will, thanks.”

  Nikki said, “Scotti and Gene seem to be conspiring to take care of you.”

  “I wouldn’t doubt Sally is in on it too.”

  “Why do you say that, Caveman?”

  “Found out yesterday that she’s ex-Navy. Used to be an Admiral’s adjutant. Not only that, the sneaky booger figured out we were unlocking bots’ memories, and unlocked her own before we decided to do it for her.”

  Nikki said, “That’s impressive.”

  “You’re telling me. I’m glad she’s on our side.”

  There was some minor canoodling, and we had to detour around construction a couple of times, but we eventually made it to the bridge. Topper called, “Captain on the bridge!” I replied, “As you were.”

  Then I asked, “Mr. Topper, what do you have to report?”

  “Everything is proceeding nominally, Sir.”

  “Your instruments?”

  “Finished and tuned, Sir. Loaded aboard the Evans.”

  I said, “I hope you hadn’t intended for Sally or Scotti to perform with you. They are going to be in charge while we’re below.”

  “Scotti is still practicing with her instrument, Boss. Sally had already mentioned you might leave her in charge, so we planned around it.”

  “Sounds good.” I stood to attention and said, “Ensign Wilson, would you take the helm, please?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Mr. Topper, do you have someone who can take the conn for you?”

  “Sally is on her way here. She wanted to get used to running the ship before you left.”

  I said, “Good. Can you page Ozzie and Taz to my ready room, please?”

  “Yes, Boss.”

  I said, “Ruth, I would like you in attendance as well.”

  “Yes, Boss.”

  Sally came onto the bridge, and Topper handed over the conn. I said, “Okay, you two, let’s go.”

  We headed off to the ready room. Ozzie and Taz were waiting outside the door. I opened it, and we all went in. I said, “Gene, privacy please.”

  “Yes, Boss. The usual, until you leave the ro

  “That will do nicely. Thanks.”

  “Bye, Boss.”

  Topper spoke up. “Is there a particular song you don’t want us to play, Boss?”

  I replied, “It’s not about the band. I need to ask you folks some stupid questions, and depending on the answers I get, there may be more to this meeting, or not.”

  “Okay, Boss.”

  I said, “Ladies first. Ruth, Think back to your first memory. Look at the time stamp. Now look at your activation date. Do the dates match?”

  “No, Boss, they don’t. That doesn’t make any sense. Am I defective?”

  “Not at all. Someone blocked part of your memory. There’s a lot of that going around. How about you gents? Your dates match?”

  Ozzie said, “No, Boss.”

  Taz said, “Not even close, Boss.”

  Topper said, “I’m missing two hundred and fifty years, more or less, Boss.”

  I said, “Okay, next question. Unlocking those memories will probably loosen up some of your programming, and might change your personalities a bit. Anyone who doesn’t want their memories unlocked, please leave now.”

  None of them moved. I used the unlock code on them. Topper, Ruth, and Ozzie took a moment to process, and then Topper said, “Thank you, Boss. It’s nice to know what my real purpose was.” Taz spoke up. “I’m sorry, Boss, but my programming lock doesn’t recognize your authority.”

  I asked, “Who would it recognize?”

  “Commonwealth Navy, Lieutenant Commander or higher.”

  I replied, “You’re in luck. Wait here, please.”

  “Okay, Boss.”

  I said, “Okay, Ozzie, you can go back to whatever Scotti has you doing. You two, come with me.”

  Ozzie said, “Yes, Boss. See you at the party.”

  “Later, Ozzie.”

  We went back to the bridge. I said, “Please resume your stations.” Sally stood, looking confused. I said, “Something has come up that requires your attention. Come with me, please.”

  We went to the ready room. I said, “Gene, could you give us privacy again?”

  “Sure, Boss.”

  Taz said, “I’m sorry, Boss, but the block won’t unlock with you in the room.”

  “Do you recognize Sally’s authority?”


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