Swimming in Sparkles

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Swimming in Sparkles Page 32

by Debra Anastasia

  Peaches pushed me down in the chair. “We have a damn deadline and a little girl that is waiting for her dream evening. We will get all the details after we get this show on the road.”

  I noticed Peaches was dressed as a prince, and I loved her tuxedo. Taylor was rocking a pair of fuzzy pants, which on closer inspection seemed to be the back end of a horse.

  “Selena is the front end?” I pointed at her hooves.

  “Yes. She won the rock, paper, scissors, but I think she cheated. If she farts, she’s dead. But I’m the Tangled movie’s horse’s ass.” I let her have the brush back as she began her quick work on the bun. I was supposed to be Tinkerbell, and Peaches was using the glitter in my makeup palette like a heavy-handed toddler.

  She handed me my lipstick and I popped it on. A little gloss over the top finished the look.

  “Hold your breath.”

  Before I could do what I was supposed to do, Taylor was already dousing me in glitter hairspray.

  Peaches and Taylor looked at me in the mirror. It wasn’t perfect, but it was good for our time crunch.

  Taylor handed me a liquid liner. “You can add the cat eyes in the car on the way over. Go get dressed.”

  Peaches swatted my butt as I rushed into my closet.

  I got in my costume as quickly as I could. The top was a little tight, and I had to really work to get my boobs to do what they needed to.

  When I stepped out, they both turned to me. “Shit.”

  Their gazes went to my neck. After looking in the mirror, I said, “shit,” too.

  It was a hickey. A love bite. I clamped my hand over it. “Now what?”

  Peaches ran to my bathroom and started throwing things around.

  Taylor came out of my closet with a gold scarf. “Tinkerbell, but on a cold day?”

  Peaches came out of the bathroom with a wet rag and a piece of paper. “This might do it.”

  I sat again as I heard the boys coming up the stairs. Taylor moved my head to the side and Peaches slapped the hickey with a giant temporary tattoo. How she remembered they were even in there was beyond me. We’d gone as retro tat girls for Halloween a few years ago.

  When Austin lightly knocked on my door, Peaches pulled the paper off the tattoo. It was a huge rose with glitter all over it. And like magic, the hickey was gone. Sure, the tattoo was a stretch, but fairies and glitter were friends, so I stood up.

  “Well. That’s that.”

  Peaches rested on my makeup vanity. “I’m a genius. And you know it.”

  Taylor gave her a slow clap. “You really are.”

  Austin walked in and Ruffian was behind him, fidgeting with his belt. “Well, Peaches, the horses’ ass agrees with you.”

  Taylor went for Austin, who caught her wrists as she came in for blows. “It’s literally what you’re dressed as. Literally.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “If you weren’t so pretty…”

  Ruffian looked ridiculously correct. The goatee from the character in the movie was applied and he had on black guyliner, His white shirt was open to the center of his chest. He could have worked at Disney World posing for pictures. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Betty is going to flip.” I snagged the paper lantern from my dresser and handed it to Taylor.

  Ruffian’s eyebrow lifted as he looked me up and down. “Tinkerbell?”

  I picked up my file folders and my phone. “I need my charger.”

  Ruffian held up his finger. “You need those?”

  My wings were hanging off the handle of my dresser. “Oh. Yeah. Thanks.”

  He grabbed them before I could and held out the elastic. I put them on like a coat and felt his index finger trail on my shoulder.

  I turned my back on everyone else and winked at him. It was the start of another epic Me Party.

  “Time to make magic happen.” I was looking forward to this one most of all, because Ruffian was such a large part of it. I just wished I could shake the sense of worry I had about the way he’d acted. The way he was trying to say goodbye.


  I’D GOTTEN TEN text messages from Meg. She wanted me to come over at first and tell her why I was at her house. I knew that the power being off and the workers milling around had protected me a little. But once they realized what was taken, they would look more carefully.

  The last text had a picture of me with her bookbag clear as a bell. In her driveway. Actually, I was on the way out.

  The outside cameras are never off. Solar powered. Great technology. Come back here, bring the stuff back, and we can forget it ever happened.

  So I knew it was over. It was just a matter of time.

  We’re going to round up all the workers from that day. Everyone’s getting arrested.

  I couldn’t let any of those innocent guys get grief for what I had done. They had done their job. I was the one that took advantage. I just needed to buy a little more time. A few more hours.

  It was just me. They don’t know anything. I texted back. I’ll be over soon.

  The starting pistol was cocked and ready to go. I watched the crew leave Teddi’s room in a rush. The clothes I had taken off of her were lying on the floor of her closet. She was a fairy now. Glittered and done up. I felt like her beauty ran through me now. Drawing me to her. I reached into my shirt pocket and took out the gold teddy bear and tucked it under her pillow.

  I didn’t have time for a note and there was nothing to say. In just a little while Teddi would know that I was a thief and liar.

  I inhaled pain and exhaled dread.

  Chapter 43


  I HAD DOUBTS about having a Me Party at my actual school. I just liked to control all aspects. I was not a fan of having things go wrong on Me Party days. I was totally thrilled by the response of the kids at school. Social media had told them we were coming, and when Ruffian emerged from the limo with a beaming Betty, the kids lined the hallway to clap and cheer.

  Betty’s parents had attended this one instead of going on a date themselves. Betty had a fever earlier in the day. We had the school nurse and there was always an ambulance at school events, so we were as prepared as we could be.

  The photography spot looked magic. There were millions of fairy lights and mushrooms that were big enough to sit on. The flowers were real, and we could smell them as we approached.

  Ruffian picked one and got on his knee in front of Betty. He held it out to her like an engagement ring. She accepted it shyly and Peaches swooped in to help her put it in her hair.

  There were a few reporters, and I made sure to tell them everyone’s name and where people could donate for more parties in the future.

  Taylor and Selena danced around as the giant horse, and Ruffian even put Betty gently on their backs for a picture. A few more pictures with different people dressed as characters was on Betty’s to-do list. And finally, she pointed at me.

  I came close. “Hey, pretty princess, what can I do for you?”

  She touched my wing. “Can we do a picture?”

  I went into full Tinkerbell mode. “Of course. I’m not usually this big, so I’d love to get proof to take back to the other fairies!”

  I hopped on Taylor’s back and I heard her groan. Ruffian helped Betty on Taylor’s back as well. Selena giggled before she neighed.

  We smiled for the camera and then Ruffian helped Betty and me down. Taylor was staggering around, and Selena was working hard to keep up. Betty started laughing because it was hilarious to see the horse weave around.

  That was the picture that went into the paper. Ruffian looking at me. Me as Tinkerbell behind Betty pointing at the horse. And Betty beaming at the camera. The small picture underneath had Ruffian dancing with Betty, her standing on his giant feet. The story ran on page two instead of the front page, though. And Ruffian had an added footnote by his name.

  Teen dancing with princess minutes before his arrest.

  Before he was front page news, but after he’d made
Betty’s dreams come true, Taylor and Selena came out to the dance floor to throw down as the horse.

  There were police cars in the distance. You could see them from the cafeteria where the school was holding the dance. Their lights almost blended in with the DJ’s strobes.

  But it was how Ruffian looked at them that caught my attention. Like they were the Grim Reaper.

  All of a sudden, I felt his hand in mine. “Hey, can you come with me?”

  I told Peaches where I was going and that I’d be right back.

  Ruffian and I went out the door. It was cold, and if there was anyone else out here, they were well-hidden.

  He held my hands and spilled his heart. “Some things are more important than being afraid of consequence. You are more important. Betty’s good day is more important. I’m not going to let someone else take the fall for what I did. It’s not right. I knew there were consequences before I ever took a picture off a wall at Meg’s house. And I was okay with them. I was naive in ways, but I’m not stupid. The way I like to live would eventually catch up to me. People don’t like it when their stuff goes missing. All this time I was trying to find a sign from my mom that I was doing the right thing. And all this time, the sign was you.”

  I looked over my shoulder and saw policemen walking around inside.

  I didn’t want any of it to make sense, but I had an impulse. “Let’s go. Right now. I can drive until we run out of gas and then we can change our names and work in a diner together and…”

  He put his lips on mine to silent me briefly before continuing, “That’s not you. You know you have to be here. Do this. Be this for people. It’s your purpose. You found it. And doing it doesn’t get you thrown in jail.”

  “I’m never going to give up on you, Ruffian Jessica. Not tonight. Not tomorrow. I’m gonna find a way to fix this.” I squeezed his hands in mine.

  The cops were getting closer. The cafeteria illuminated like a shadowbox, letting us see how the men in uniform moved through the dancers. I hoped Betty didn’t see what would happen next.

  “They coming yet?” He wasn’t watching, he was looking at me.

  “Soon. They’ll be out here soon.” I put my hands on his face.

  “Dance with me, Theodosia. That’s all I want.” He smiled at me. Calm. Collected. Zen almost.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt his arms go around my waist. He started humming along with the echo of the music playing for the dancers.

  I rested my head against his chest as he started to sway. I heard the cafeteria doors open, and then we had flashlights on us. For a few heartbeats, we were in a spotlight. Just us. I felt him kiss the top of my head before he leaned down.

  “I did what they will say I did. Stole from Meg. We say goodbye right here. Right now. Promise me you’ll move on.”

  “If you did it, you had a reason. I know what makes you happy.” I tilted my head so I could see him better. “Don’t pretend you don’t know me. I’m yours.”

  Ruffian leaned down to kiss me just as he was yanked away. The dancers had filed out behind the cops, forming an audience with absurdly upbeat music. Taylor and Peaches fought their way through the crowd while Ruffian had his rights read to him. He just kept looking at me. Peaches came up on my left, and Taylor on my right.

  Ruffian took a deep breath and smiled at me. “I love you.”

  I felt his words breathing a scream into my heart. And before I could respond, he was being led away, the tallest of the cops forcing Ruffian to keep his head forward. I felt my knees giving out.

  This was it. For him. No matter how right he was, society would never see it that way. He was doomed. Peaches and Taylor held me up from sinking to the ground. I felt helpless as I watched the cop car drive away.

  What had he done? What had he done?

  I picked myself up with the help of my friends. Taylor grabbed my arm and ordered Peaches and Selena to work with Betty’s family.

  I was half-walking after the cop car, half-trying to figure out what to do. This was a shock. I was aware of it, but also not able to focus on where I needed to be. Taylor wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

  She was on the phone at the same time. “Yes. Come here. Or your parents. Tell Gaze what happened.”

  We were outside for a little while. When did it get so cold? Anders came outside and gave me his jacket while Brutus put his on Taylor. Austin pulled up in his fancy car and hopped out. Taylor pushed me toward him, but the action of actually leaving snapped something in me.

  “I can’t. I’ve got to make sure Betty is okay. Did she see him get arrested?”

  Anders held up his hand. “Actually, Peaches said he was taken by an evil guy, but Tinkerbell was going to save him. So I’m pretty sure you have to clear out.”

  Taylor hugged me. “Go home. Be with your family. Find out what the hell is going on. You’ve been training us all to do this for years, even when we didn’t want to. We’ve got it. Go.”

  Austin steered me to the passenger side of his car. He gave Taylor a kiss on her cheek and we were rolling out of school.

  I wiped at my tears. Ruffian’s arrest kept looping in my head. Over and over. He would say he loved me and then I would see that what was happening wasn’t a surprise to him at all.

  “Teddi Bear. Baby. I’m so sorry.” Austin took the opportunity to hug me when we were stopped at the light. “Gaze and Pixie are on their way home. We’ll figure it out. Okay?”

  He rubbed my back and held my hand on the way home.


  GETTING THE MUGSHOT this time was way less fun. Last time, I knew when I got out I’d be met with a party. This time was much, much more real. I’d seen my last sunset as a free man. As I switched from my clothes to their clothes, I wondered if I’d held Teddi for the last time. I mean, she’d know now. Hear how I ripped off Meg. That the whole time I was living with them, I was setting up my heist.

  I wanted this moment to feel powerful. Righteous. I wanted it to be a worthy memorial to Mom. And instead, it was cold and scary and hopeless.

  The process wasn’t new. Hell, we’d been outcasts my whole life. When the first cop tried to ask me questions, I knew to wait to speak to a lawyer. Even if it would be a brand-new public defender.

  I knew the Burathons and Gaze and Pixie would cut me out. They wouldn’t be able to look at me knowing I was a liar. All my personal effects went into a Ziploc bag.

  “You’re a pirate tonight?” the cop taking my fingerprints asked.

  I put my skull ring into the bag. “Nah. Prince Charming.”

  He snorted. “Well, looks like you missed the boat. Instead of a castle, you’re getting the dungeon.”

  And he was right. But for a few hours I had the castle, the princess, and the happily ever after. And I missed all of it.

  Chapter 44


  IT WAS AUSTIN that took my stupid wings off and set them to the side. Mom and Dad were in the kitchen. Mom on the phone, my father scrolling on his. He stood to give me a hug and my mother walked by and gave me a hug with one arm.

  “Well, I’m his guardian and I need to know when I can speak to him next. We’re currently getting in touch with our lawyer.”

  It seemed like a lucid nightmare, watching my mom talk about such serious things. Austin and Dad came up to my room with me.

  “What’s going to happen?” I looked at my hands. How had the whole day turned to this?

  “I don’t know, sweetheart. We have to find out why they arrested him. Gaze and Pixie are on their way home. As far as I can find out, we have to wait until morning and see who we can get ahold of on a weekend. But you know your mother,” Dad said it with the resignation of a man talking about the tide. Mom was a force when it came to her kids.

  “Austin, do you have the number for the boy you dated a few years ago? Wasn’t his mother an attorney?” Mom yelled up the stairs.

  I watched as Austin and Dad shared a look. “Things are getting serious. Are you ok
ay, honey?”

  I nodded. “I’m fine. Go help Mom figure out what’s going on.”

  After they left, I stared in the mirror at my temporary tattoo covering the mark that Ruffian had left on me. That had to be real. The way I felt about him in the tent? He said he loved me, and I felt loved.

  I had to be around him. His stuff. Something. I went downstairs and opened the door to his room. I started pawing through his things, feeling guilty but motivated. What exactly had he done? I’d been with him all morning. His backpack of stuff was on the other side of his bed. I started unpacking it. Jeans. Trinkets. And then I got to the metal cookie tin. I pried it open and it was filled with papers.

  I opened one after another. Meg’s house. Meg’s family plans of going to Vail. The codes to her safe. Oh no. Oh no. The name of a pawn shop. The appraised value of some art. My hands were shaking.

  All of the evidence. So overwhelming. So damning. I pulled out my phone and checked Meg’s Instagram. She had posted two pictures and three stories. I heard her say Ruffian’s name in the video. I saw the empty safe.

  I snatched up the papers, reading through them quickly. One was an advertisement, but on the back, it was a letter written in different handwriting.

  My beautiful boy. My Ruffian.

  If you are reading this letter, our adventure has ended for me. I hope and pray you are well on your way to adulthood. I wish I had more security to offer you. All I can do is rely on what we’ve been through to guide you. This world can be a harsh place. But we both know that there are little crevices in that harsh place where true beauty can be found. The smiles of the grateful. The tight, too long hugs of the lonely. The way to shepherd all of the humans, animals, and nature around us to a slightly easier path. Take them to the crevices, my sweet boy. I’ve never met a person with a soul as pure as yours. So brave. So imaginative. So forgiving. I’m angry writing this letter—just a little bit, because it means we will be physically separated. But love rises. Love pierces through that harsh armor, I can promise you that. You can always find me in the woods when you need me. The rustling leaves will embrace you, the dome of stars in the blackest sky will encourage you, and the very air you breathe will love you. A mother never truly leaves, not until she can wrap her arms around her children. So I will set up a waiting space, where I get a great view, and I will wait for you. Be my greatest gift to this place.


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