Cimarron, Denver Cereal Volume 4

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Cimarron, Denver Cereal Volume 4 Page 2

by Claudia Hall Christian

  “She’s stable,” Jacob said. “She seems to have turned a corner or that’s what John said. There is some brain damage but they aren’t sure it wasn’t there before. It’s centered around areas of reality testing. They asked us if Delphie ever thought she saw things like ghosts or spirits. We laughed after they left.”

  “Sounds like good news,” Jill said.

  “I guess so. They’ll keep her a couple of days, but she should be home by Monday or Tuesday,” Jacob said. “Dad’s a wreck. He’s sure the whole thing is his fault. He says he should have killed Johansen when we saw him in Leadville.”

  “He wouldn’t have survived,” Jill said.

  “Probably,” Jacob said. “Do you think we’re together because…”

  “Delphie told me once that people like us are drawn to each other,” Jill said. “When I was helping her, I heard her say that she tricked you into creating Katy.”

  “Huh,” Jacob said. “She probably did.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “She was the connection to the project in California. She had a friend who wanted an ashram or something like that,” Jacob said. “Totally out of our scope and place. Val and I had to go see it to vote against it. That’s how I got to California.”

  “We should go back,” Jill said.

  “We should,” Jacob said.

  Standing from the tub, he grabbed a towel from the rack.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “I only have a half hour more…” he said. Still damp, he pulled the sheets back on the bed and wagged his eyebrows at her. “You promised to heal me.”

  Laughing, she hopped from the bath to follow him to the bed.


  Saturday afternoon — 3:45 P.M.

  “Are you all right?” Mike asked.

  They were walking down Eighteenth Street. Delphie was still unconscious. Jacob was sitting with her while Sam went home to shower. Mike had been bugging Valerie to eat for hours. After Jacob promised to call if anything changed, she finally agreed to leave the hospital for food.

  “I’d rather have dessert,” Valerie said. “If I have to eat, I’d rather have dessert.”

  Valerie felt as if the roots of her very existence had been ripped from the ground. Delphie was her anchor, her long roots into the soil allowed Valerie to take risks and life her movie star life. They turned down Humboldt Street toward Seventeenth Street.

  “There’s a place here,” Mike said. “Next to Strings. D Bar. Oh crap.”

  A car screeched to a halt beside them. Four paparazzi photographers jumped from the car. The cameras whirred and the flash popped. Mike put his arm around Valerie to protect her.

  “Where you going Val?”

  “What’s going on Val?”

  “How are the babies, Val?”

  “Hey Mike, is she wearing your pants? They’re pretty big.”

  "Show us your baby bump, Val!"

  “Why are you in Denver, Val?”

  The questions flew as fast as the flash from the cameras. She smiled and waved.

  Turning on left on Seventeenth, they scooted into the D Bar.

  “Are they for you?” the waitress asked about the photographers.

  Valerie nodded.

  “Do you want them in?”

  Valerie shook her head.


  The waitress went to get owner. The owner informed the photographers that they should leave. As if to accentuate her point, a Denver police cruiser pulled up in front.

  “Thanks.” Mike slipped the waitress a twenty dollar bill.

  They took a seat at a square four person table near the back. Mike held Valerie’s seat and came around to sit across from her.

  “Sit next to me,” Valerie said. “Please.”

  Mike moved over. She held his hand.

  “I’m so sorry about the baby, Mike. I wanted to give you babies… a boy to play hockey with and… I….”

  Her large hazel eyes filled with tears. Mike put his arm around her. He kissed her cheek. Retrieving a clean handkerchief from his pocket, he wiped her eyes. She took the handkerchief from him.

  “Where did you get this?” she asked. “I made a mess of your other one.”

  “Jake brought me two clean handkerchiefs,” Mike said. “Just figured I’d need them.”

  Valerie gave a soft smile for her brother’s lie about his psychic abilities.

  “I’m sorry about our baby too,” Mike said. “Feel caught between gratitude for the miracle that you’re alive, the joy that we still have a baby girl to look forward to meeting and very real heartbreak over losing our boy, our son.”

  “Feels crazy,” Valerie said.

  “Feels crazy,” Mike said.

  “I called the producers. They are giving me next week off to be with Delphie and get checked and stuff. They want me back but are being nice about it. My agent said they are really happy with my work.”

  Mike’s big rough hand cupped her soft cheek. He smiled into her face.

  “We need to sleep, recover. We’ll see our doctor on Monday,” Mike said. “I say we celebrate the short life of our son, our daughter on the way, and your precious life.”

  “I need to grieve, Mike,” Valerie said. “And eat some chocolate.”

  Mike signaled the waitress.

  “Please bring us every chocolate dessert you have in the house,” he said. “And some water. Hot tea for Val. Something herbal. We’re pregnant.”

  “Congratulations sir, ma’am. I’ll bring that right away.”

  Valerie smiled.


  “I love it when you take charge,” she said.


  Saturday evening — 5:45 P.M.


  Or at least that’s what he thought he heard. Sam moved from the chair by Delphie’s bed to sit on her hospital bed.

  “I’m here,” he said.

  Delphie opened and closed her eyes. Hoping she might wake up, he waited for a moment. The doctors thought she’d be awake by now. Every passing minute she remained asleep, her prognosis got worse. He sighed and moved back to his chair. He must have imagined her voice.

  “Sam?” He heard five minutes later.

  He moved back to the bed. Delphie’s eyes were open and she seemed alert.

  “Where am I?” she whispered.

  “St. Joe’s,” he said. “Do you remember what happened?’

  “I remember Levi.” Delphie shivered and closed her eyes. “Awful.”

  “He’s dead,” Sam said.

  Delphie looked surprised.

  “I’m sorry. I know how much he meant to you.”

  “Did Jacob kill him?” she asked.

  “Jill,” Sam said. “Although the coroner said he was riddled with cancer. He probably wouldn’t have survived the week. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you. We still haven’t figured out how the security system failed.”

  “I doubt it did,” she said. “He would have been able to get around it. Everything failed but the dogs. You can’t trick a dog. They would have kept him away. I should have remembered that. I thought they’d be happier if they went to the groomers all together than if they went by themselves.”

  “They’re at home waiting for you,” Sam said.

  “Home.” Delphie’s voice echoed with longing. “I’d like to be home.”

  “Tomorrow or the next day,” Sam said. “You’ve been very ill.”

  “I died,” she said.

  “Listen,” Sam said. “I’ve had a lot of time to think and I’d really like to marry you while we still have time left.”

  Delphie laughed.

  “Why is that funny?”

  “Because you’re Celia’s husband. What would Celia think?” Delphie asked. “Plus I like the idea of you being my super hot boyfriend. Gives me a little thrill.”

  “Celia would want us to get married. You’ve told me over and over again that she wants us to be happy.”
  “You are a sweet man,” Delphie said. “What I can’t figure out is how you can talk to me. Did you gain some psychic skill?”

  “Me? Psychic skill? Not a chance,” Sam laughed.

  “You must have gained some,” she laughed.


  “Because I’m dead!”


  Wish we didn’t have to

  Sunday mid-morning — 11:16 A.M.


  Blane yelled as he ran in the house. Slamming the door, he ran toward where he could hear her voice.


  “We’re in here,” she said.

  He jogged toward the den off the kitchen. Heather was sitting on a rocking chair with Mack on her shoulder.

  “Hi,” she said. “How are you?”

  “Missed you guys,” Blane said. “Can I?”


  Standing, Heather held Mack out to him. Impulsively, Blane hugged them both. Heather laughed. He kissed her cheek and took Mack from her. Mack made a happy sound in recognition of Blane. He kissed Mack’s face then settled him on his shoulder.

  “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “I’ve been at the hospital with Sam and…. I’m just happy to have you guys.” He smiled at her. “That’s all.”

  She hugged him.

  “Sorry you missed church,” Blane said.

  “Mack and I went with the girls. We just got back,” Heather said. “He was an angel.”

  “You fed him before you went?”

  “In the car. Like his Mama, he’s happy with a full belly,” Heather laughed. “Can I get you something?”

  “No, I’m just home for a shower. I have to help Jake today. Does that work for you?”

  “Of course,” Heather said.

  “Jake has a big mess today. The sites were closed yesterday and the Castle’s falling down and… Oh it doesn’t matter.”

  Blane kissed Mack’s cheek and held his arm out for Heather. She tucked herself into him.

  “How’s Delphie?” Heather asked.

  “She still thinks she’s dead,” Blane said. “If we weren’t so freaked out for her, it would be pretty funny. She comes home tomorrow.”

  “Are you working at the Castle?”

  Blane nodded. Shifting away, he gave Mack back to her.

  “I should keep moving. Let’s have dinner tonight,” he said. “Just us. I’ll make something yummy.”

  “It’s a date,” Heather said.

  “You’re sure you’re all right? You seem a little blue.”

  “There was a note from Enrique when I got back,” Heather said.

  “Oh? What did it say?” Blane asked.

  He pointed up the stairs to the shower. She followed him up.

  “I didn’t open it,” she said.

  “Go ahead.”

  While he got ready to shower, she and Mack went back downstairs to get Enrique’s note. He was in the shower when she returned.

  “He says that he’s been sober for four days. He moved out of his house and Calvin is moving out at the end of the month. He starts with a therapist tomorrow.”

  “Anything else?” Blane asked.

  “He loves you,” she said.

  “Why would a note from Enrique make you blue?”

  “Oh,” Heather said. “What am I going to do when you and Enrique get back together?”

  “You’re my wife,” Blane said. “He’s my past. I don’t get the conflict.”

  “You wouldn’t,” Heather said. She was halfway down the stairs when he caught up with her.

  “Hey! Don’t do that,” he said. “Please. We don’t do this. We’re honest, say what’s on our minds. We don’t play these games.”

  She nodded. Naked and dripping water, he took her hand and led her back to the bathroom. He pointed to the toilet and she sat down. She settled Mack in her arms while he finished showering. She gave him a towel when he stepped out of the shower.

  “What’s going on?” Blane asked.

  “I’m feeling sorry for myself,” Heather said.

  “The doctor said we should watch for post-partum depression because you’ve been depressed before. Is this the same?”

  “I just…”

  Blane wrapped the towel around his trim waist. Heather fussed with Mack to keep from having to admit her sadness.

  “Delphie told me today that you and I are soul mates,” Blane said.

  Heather’s head jerked up.

  “It sounds crazy,” he said. “I guess, some types of soul mates aren’t lovers or romantically involved or whatever we’re doing. She said your soul and my soul are linked. We’re supposed to be together, to make a family together. That’s why it took one conversation on a plane and we’ve been happy ever since. You’re happy, right?”

  “Very happy,” Heather said. “That’s the problem. I’m terrified it will go away. You’ll get together with Enrique and I’ll…”

  “I’m not going anywhere. Do you want to go anywhere?”

  Heather shook her head.

  “I’ve never been this happy,” Blane said. “I’ve been at that hospital all weekend. Before you and Mack came along, I was completely alone. Even with Sam and Val and Jake and everyone else, you make my family. If I get involved with someone else, he’ll just have to deal with that. You and I are soul mates. Does that feel true?”

  “Delphie told me we were meant to be together on the plane,” Heather said. “She just seemed so odd that I…”

  “She’s much odder now that she’s convinced that she’s dead. She won’t speak directly to anyone but Sam and Jake. She makes commentary to the rest of us. ‘Oh Jake, you know Blane and Heather are soul mates.’ It’s pretty odd.”

  Heather nodded.

  “Are you depressed?”

  “I don’t think so,” Heather said. “I’m tired.”

  “It’s a lot – a newborn and all this drama. Do we have Molly’s kids again today?”

  “No, Pete and Aden are moving to Canon City this afternoon. Molly is home with them.”

  “I can stay home today…”

  “No, go. Jake wouldn’t ask for help if he didn’t really need it,” Heather said. “They’ve been really amazing since Mack was born.”

  “Why don’t I make some brownies before I go?”

  “On the diet again,” Heather shook her head. “I still have twenty pounds to lose.”

  “Tell you what,” he said. “Tomorrow, we’ll workout together. Running, lifting, only healthy food. But today I’ll make you…”

  “Chocolate cake?”

  “Coming right up,” he said. “Can you take it easy today? Watch movies and hang out with Mack?”

  “He’s not too much work,” she nodded.

  “Should I call the girls?”

  “No, you’re right. I just need a break.”

  He nodded. Sitting on their bed, she followed him into their bedroom and watched him get dressed.

  “Do you want to move back into your bedroom?” she asked. “You’re not sick anymore and Mack…”

  “No,” Blane said. “I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my entire life. Do you want your own bedroom?”

  She shook her head.

  “Let it rest, Heather,” he said. “Everything is fine. Come on, let’s make a cake.”

  He picked up Mack’s bassinette and carried it to the kitchen. They settled him on the counter and laughed their way through making a cake. Blane frosted one layer of cake in the pan. He gave her the frosted warm cake.

  “I never did this for Enrique,” he said. “I would only let him have a completed project. No samples. You get anything you ask for. Ask me and it’s yours.”

  “Do you love me?”

  “I do,” he said.

  “Oh, really?” she blushed.

  “Yes,” he said. “Do you love me?”

  “Yes, a lot,” she said. Her eyes welled with tears.

  “And sex?”
br />   “Not since we tried it that time,” she gave him a watery smile. “Too weird.”

  “Weird is a word for it,” he laughed.


  “No buts. Let’s just enjoy it.”

  “No buts.” She nodded.

  He held her tight, kissed her cheek, squeezed her hand then went out the door. Heather smiled.

  Everything was fine. She was loved. She was happy. He was happy. She’d just have to get used to it.


  Sunday afternoon — 1:35 P.M.

  Jill looked across the kitchen table at Sandy and Honey. Valerie sat down next to her at the table.

  “I asked you guys…”

  There was a crash from the living room where Jake, Blane and a crew of men worked to clear the wreckage from the incident with Levi Johansen. The women looked toward the kitchen door. They were filling a second roll-off dumpster with debris and furniture.

  Honey, MJ and Sam had moved out of their wing of the Castle. With the Chapel destroyed, a portion of the Castle was no longer structurally stable. Sam had moved into an apartment on the second floor while MJ and Honey had moved into an apartment in the basement. Jacob had installed a stair lift so Honey could get to the gym. She would be able to get up and down the stairs to the basement when MJ wasn’t home.

  Valerie got up to switch off the screaming tea kettle.

  “Tea?” Valerie asked.

  The women shook their heads. Valerie made herself some peppermint tea and sat back down.

  “Why did you want to talk to us Jill?” Valerie asked.

  “Delphie usually cooks all our meals,” Jill started.

  “She puts groceries in our refrigerator,” Sandy said.

  “Ours too,” Honey said. “I haven’t been to the grocery store since we moved in here. Delphie has always taken care of all of that.”

  “Right,” Jill said. “I think we need to assume she won’t do that for a while.”

  “What do the doctors say?” Sandy asked.

  “Her brain damage, plus her psychic predisposition, has precipitated in a mental state…” Valerie stopped. Her eyes welled with tears. “She thinks she’s dead. They don’t know if she’ll get better. There isn’t a med or a therapy or…”

  Overwhelmed with sadness, Valerie stopped talking. A fat tear slid down her beautiful face. Jill put her hand on Valerie’s shoulder. Valerie wiped her face.


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