Cimarron, Denver Cereal Volume 4

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Cimarron, Denver Cereal Volume 4 Page 37

by Claudia Hall Christian

  “You’re going,” Aden said. “You need to be there today more than ever. You want to use today, don’t you?”

  Grimacing, Charlie nodded.

  Aden stared into Charlie’s eyes and then said, “Me too.”

  MJ helped Honey onto a comfortable pillow on the floor. He gave Katy to Jacob and sat next to Honey on the floor.

  “Most of you have done this before,” Delphie said. “When someone we love is in trouble, we send them love, strength and compassion. We pray for them. In this case, it’s Sandy and the baby.”

  “What’s happening?” Valerie asked.

  “Sandy’s in surgery,” Delphie said. “The baby is healthy but very small.”

  “Tiny,” Jacob said.

  “Should we split? Some of us focus on Sandy and others on the baby?” Mike asked.

  “I think we can do both,” Delphie said. “You can say a prayer you’re familiar with or just focus on sending love. You kids know the metta meditation, right?”

  Nash and Noelle nodded.

  “We’ll do that,” Nash said.

  “What should I do?” Charlie said.

  “I usually say the rosary,” Mike said.

  Charlie nodded. Leaning into Mike, he whispered, “I never remember the order.”

  “Me either. Jill usually tells me,” Mike said. “We’ll just do our best.”

  Delphie gave them each a set of rosary beads.

  ”It’s not about being perfect,” Delphie said. “It’s about sending love. You can also just think of Sandy and the baby. That works. Why don’t we get comfortable?”

  With Nash lying on one end, Noelle took the other end of the couch. Charlie leaned up against the couch and Aden sat next to him. Jacob sat with his back to the fire. He nestled his sleeping daughter on his lap. Valerie and Mike sat down on a pillow near Honey and MJ. Sam sat down next to Jacob.

  “Let’s begin,” Delphie said.


  Friday morning — 8:05 A.M

  Seth had been sitting at his desk at the downtown Denver Police station since four-thirty that morning. Charlie had called to tell him about Sandy around four. The only place he could think of to store his worried body and mind was his office. He’d hoped this murder case would occupy his mind. Once at work, he had to lock his cell phone in his car to keep from calling Jill or the hospital every ten minutes. He would have just gone there but he didn’t want to inflict himself on Sandy’s friends.

  Who’d ever heard of a two and a half pound baby? He couldn’t imagine any baby so small. He’d never given a thought to his wives’ healthy deliveries. That’s what women do. They have babies and divorce you.

  But this was Sandy.

  Seth rubbed his forehead and looked at the clock. How long could surgery last?

  “Oh great, you’re here,” a technician from the Denver Crime Scene Lab said.

  He looked up at her with blurry eyes.

  “Long night?” the technician said.


  “I heard,” she said. “I also won ten bucks.”

  Seth raised his eyebrows at her.

  “I knew you’d be here,” she said. The woman held out a folder stuffed with paper. “We’ve gotten through about half of that barn. The Director wanted me to drop off what we have so far.”

  “And?” Seth asked.

  “There’s a lot there,” she said. “Seriously, there’s so much there it’s hard to determine what’s important to this case and what’s… historic. The Director called in all the trainees and any spare techs from around the state. We need the help. You’re supposed to be getting a team from Major Crimes to help you.”

  “What do you mean ‘historic’?” Seth asked.

  “I know this guy might have been killing people for the last thirty years or whatever,” she said. “But we found stuff that’s like fifty, sixty years old. We’re calling the Museum of Nature and Science to take a look at one area.”


  “There’s desiccated tissue and artifacts there from a hundred years ago or more,” she said. “It’s weird. And we haven’t started on the house yet.”

  “Artifacts?” Seth asked.

  “Scalps,” she said. “Real cowboys and Indians crap.”

  Seth shook his head.

  “That’s my response.” The woman gave him a sweet smile. “How’s your Goddaughter? Sandy, right?”

  “Right. She’s in surgery,” he said. “The baby’s still alive, which I’m told is a big deal.”

  “Well, good luck with it. We’re all pulling for her.”

  Seth watched her as she walked out of his office. Shrugging to himself, he opened the file.

  “Oh hey, I forgot,” the woman said. She jogged back into his office. “We found this. Can you check with that kid Charlie to see if this is the victim’s necklace?”

  She held out a plastic bag with a stainless chain and a medallion on it. He took it from her.

  “St. Jude,” he said.

  “The patron saint of lost causes,” she said. “Poor kid.”

  “I’ll check,” Seth said. “Thanks.”

  “You wanna get a bite to eat?” she asked. “I’m off.”

  “Nah,” Seth said. “I should wait to see how…”

  “Sandy is doing,” the woman finished his words. “Yea, that’s what I like about you.”

  The young woman winked at him and gave him another sweet smile. Knowing she had his attention, she spun in place and swished out of his office. He watched her high firm rear end retreat from his view. In another time, on another day, he would have accepted her invitation.

  He sighed. Today wasn’t that kind of a day. He took one last look at where the technician had stood and began flipping through the evidence folder. He’d gone through the evidence from start to finish when his desk phone rang.

  “Yeah?” Seth asked.

  “She’s out of surgery,” Jill said.

  “I’m on my way,” Seth said.


  Secret deal

  One day later

  Saturday — 6:30 A.M.

  The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit nurse smiled at Sandy when she was wheeled into the unit.

  “I wondered if I’d see you this morning,” she said. “How are you feeling?”

  “Better,” Sandy said.

  “You’re still pretty sick,” she said.

  “I’m still sick,” Sandy said. “They say it’ll take a while. That’s all right. I’d be here at the hospital anyway. I’m kind of grateful to have a bed.”

  “Do you need some help getting into the chair?”

  “No, I can do it,” Sandy said.

  Sandy mustered her strength and moved from the wheelchair to the chair. The nurse held her arm for support.

  “Can you open your gown?” the nurse asked. “I’ll bring her.”

  Sandy settled into a chair near her daughter’s incubator. The nurse lifted the tiny child from her incubator. The baby had a CPAP oxygen tube in her throat and an intravenous line in her tiny leg. EKG and Blood pressure monitors were taped to her chest. She was wearing a diaper and a gold colored hat Delphie had knit for her. The nurse set the tiny bundle with her head to the side between Sandy’s breasts. The baby’s belly was against Sandy’s in Kangaroo position. Sandy held her close in a light hug. The nurse laid a soft cotton blanket over the baby and helped Sandy tie her hospital gown in place.

  “You’re not breast feeding,” the nurse said.

  “Can’t,” Sandy said. “Too many drugs. I’m pumping so I’ll have milk flow when I get better. How is her infection?”

  “She’s a fighter,” the nurse said. “I bet she’ll be ready for formula in a few days. The doctor thinks she’s closer to twenty-nine weeks than the twenty-seven we first thought.”

  “She’s small,” Sandy said. The baby nestled into Sandy.

  “You’re a natural,” the nurse said. “How many children do you have?”

p; “She’s my first biological child,” Sandy said.

  “But you’ve been around infants,” the nurse said. “That’s obvious.”

  “Younger brother and sister,” Sandy said. “They weren’t this small but…”

  “Look, Daddy’s here,” the nurse said.

  Sandy looked over to see Aden come into the NICU. She hadn’t seen him since the night before she’d gotten sick. She’d required long hours of sleep to recover from last night’s visit to the NICU. She’d missed him when he’d been here to help Kangaroo the baby. He leaned to kiss her cheek, touched the baby’s back and sat down next to Sandy.

  “I looked for you in your room,” he said.

  “I wanted to be with her,” Sandy said. “We only get a couple of hours today.”

  Sandy sighed. There was nothing better than the warm feeling of her baby on her chest. Because she and the baby still had the infection from her burst appendix, the baby could only be out of the incubator for a short period of time. This Kangarooing was so vital to her growth and health, it was worth the risk. If she improved, they would increase the Kangaroo time.

  “How are you?” Aden asked.

  Sandy shrugged. He smiled to encourage her.

  “Are you working today?” Sandy asked.

  “I’m on paternity leave,” Aden said. “Jacob met with the state for a couple of days last week, you know, after Valerie set it up. As long as he stays away from female employees, he’s can return as CEO. I’m off for at least six weeks.”

  The baby shifted her head toward his voice.

  “She knows you’re here,” Sandy said.

  “Sam promised me I could take as much time as we need,” Aden said.

  “She could be here ten weeks,” Sandy said. “Then we have to get home.”

  Exhausted at the thought, Sandy sighed.

  “Everything depends on both of you getting better,” he said. He stroked her hair.

  “I’m sorry to be so sick. I…” Sandy said.

  “It’s a miracle you and the baby are alive,” Aden said. “We’ll get through everything else.”

  “She’s already out of the radiant warmer and in an incubator,” Sandy said.

  He smiled. Even ill, Sandy and their little bundle were beautiful.

  “How are the kids?” Sandy asked.

  “In seventh heaven,” Aden said.

  Sandy raised her eyebrows at him. Her eyes tracked another mother and father coming into the NICU.

  “You haven’t heard?” Aden asked.

  “I haven’t heard any news, anything,” Sandy said. “I’ve just been here or unconscious.”

  He touched her shoulder and she looked at him.

  “You’ve been very sick. You had major surgery and delivered our baby yesterday,” he said. “It’s a lot. I’m glad you’re resting.”

  “Where are the kids?” Sandy asked.

  “Everywhere,” Aden said. “Teddy and Nash moved into the basement of Alex and John’s house. It’s like a boy’s camp. Today they’re going to learn to shoot bows and arrows at some club in Morrison. Yesterday, to celebrate being done with school, they went horseback riding. Charlie went with them.”

  “Alex and John? But…”

  “They can stay there until you’re feeling better and the baby’s home,” Aden said. “At least that’s what Alex said. The boys will go to work on Monday. And so far, they’re really happy.”

  “How do you feel about that?” Sandy asked.

  “They’re happy,” Aden said. “That’s all I care about.”

  “And Noelle?”

  “Valerie took Noelle and Sissy on a shopping trip to the discount malls in Silverton,” Aden said. “They left last night. They’re staying at a posh condo owned by some movie director Val knows. They plan to shop morning to night today and tomorrow.”

  “Sissy too?” Sandy smiled.

  “Sissy has the weekend off treatment,” Aden said. “They want her to integrate into our family. You should see them. Noelle and Sissy. They aren’t sisters. They don’t look like sisters. But if you heard them talk? They’re sisters. They bicker, talk over each other, and laugh. They’re thrilled to have a movie star take them shopping. Val paid for a stylist to fly in to help the girls find their style.”

  “Val needs pregnancy clothes,” Sandy said.

  “That’s what she said. She’s a good liar. Jake said she’s already signed contracts with a couple of companies for their clothes. Of course, Claire Martins is starting a line of maternity clothing for her to wear.”

  Sandy smiled. She touched her tiny baby and looked back at him.

  “How is Noelle? She’s never had a sister.”

  “Noelle is thrilled,” Aden said. “We’ll see how she is by the end of the weekend. Sissy goes back to treatment on Monday. Noelle will stay with Delphie and Sam.”

  “Would you like some time?” Sandy asked. She nodded at the baby on her chest.

  “I like watching you,” Aden said. “I’ll take a half hour this afternoon when you’re resting later today.”

  Sandy smiled. She closed her eyes to enjoy the moment.

  “Noelle and Sissy named the baby,” Aden said. “I told them I would tell you and we don’t have to…”

  “What did they name her?” Sandy asked.

  “Rachel Ann,” Aden said. “Norsen, of course.”

  “Are you Rachel Ann?” Sandy asked the baby. “Seems like a good name. What do you think?”

  “Works for me,” Aden said. “The girls will feel good if we use their name.”

  “What if she doesn’t make it?” Sandy asked.

  Aden closed his eyes at the thought. They sat in silence for a few minutes until the sad words dissipated from the air around them.

  “Where’s Charlie staying?” Sandy asked.

  “He’s staying with Pete over your shop,” Aden said. “He was here with you and Rachel almost all of last night.”

  “I thought Pete couldn’t be around him,” Sandy said.

  “Charlie’s really doing recovery,” Aden said. “Plus Molly wants to see if Pete is able to care for a child. Pete’s up for the challenge. Charlie’s going with the boys today.”

  “They’re all… everywhere,” Sandy said.

  “They’re everywhere so we can focus on Rachel, so you can get well,” Aden said.

  “I hate that they have to sacrifice for me,” Sandy closed her eyes.

  “They’re happy.” Aden shrugged.

  “You only have a few more minutes,” the nurse said. “I’m sorry. I know it goes quickly.”

  Nodding to the nurse, Sandy smiled.

  “How are you here?” Sandy asked.

  Aden raised the cuff of his jeans to show the pale skin where the ankle monitor had been. Sandy smiled.

  “Congratulations,” she said.

  “I’m on probation for a few years, but…” he said.

  “I noticed your teeth,” Sandy said.

  “Straight and white,” Aden said. “Am I brutally handsome?”

  “Yes,” she said. “What happened to your chin?”

  “Cleo scratched me with her claws.” Aden raised his hand for her to see. “My hand too.”

  “Cleo?” Sandy laughed. “Now I’ve heard everything.”

  The bell rang and the nurse came for Rachel. Sandy kissed her tiny face and the nurse put her back in her incubator. They watched the nurse check their daughter’s oxygen and IVs. She covered Rachel’s eyes and turned on the bili lights. Their daughter was awash in radiant blue.

  “Now’s a good time to get something to eat and some rest,” the nurse said. “Come back in a few hours for touching and another Kangaroo session.”

  “But…” Sandy said.

  “I know you want to be here,” the nurse said. “But you need to get well. This is a lot to deal with, even for someone who’s well.”

  Aden helped Sandy to stand and held her in his arms. He took charge of the wheelchair and Sandy sat down.

re you eating?” he asked. “The cafeteria isn’t bad or I can get something for us.”

  “For us?” Sandy asked. “Don’t you have to…”

  “Oh, I didn’t say that?” Aden laughed at himself. “I’m here. With you. Until Rachel is released. Until you’re released. They’re putting a cot to your room. I can sleep there. I’ll hit the Castle for showers or whatever but otherwise, I’m here.”

  “We finally get some alone time,” Sandy said.

  Aden laughed.

  “We need to take a honeymoon,” he said.

  “We have six kids now,” Sandy said. “I don’t know how we’ll ever get another chance.”

  “We’ve never had trouble before,” Aden wiggled his eyebrows at her and she giggled.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” she said. “I wish I felt better to enjoy it.”

  “Me too,” Aden said. “Food?”

  Sandy nodded.

  “Cafeteria or…?”

  Aden looked down at Sandy. She was fast asleep. Smiling to himself, he wheeled her back to her room. The room’s surfaces were covered with bouquets of flowers from friends and family. He had to move a forest of metallic ‘Get Well’ balloons out of the way to get in the room. With the help of her nurse, he got her into bed. She opened her eyes to smile at him and fell sound asleep. Aden settled in for the duration. Asleep or awake, he would be here for her.

  He just hoped she survived.

  The doctors had told him that Rachel had a better chance of surviving than her mom. Sandy’s infection was so far resistant to antibiotics. The doctors encouraged him not to give up hope. She could still survive. She was just very ill. And everything she had, she gave to Rachel in her Kangaroo sessions. He swallowed hard.

  She had been there when he needed her friendship. She had been there when he needed her support. She had been there when he needed an ear to listen. She had been there to laugh at his lame jokes. She had even been there to love him and his children, through some of the worst days of his life.

  He might not have Jill’s skill to heal. But he could love her. He only hoped that would be enough.


  Saturday mid-day — 12:30 P.M

  Holding Sissy’s rejected garments, Noelle left the dressing room. They’d taken turns. Noelle had gone first and they’d bought a few cute outfits for Noelle. This was Sissy’s turn. But these clothes were not right. Noelle stopped at Valerie’s dressing room to pick up a few hangers. Happy to be shopping with Sissy and Valerie, Noelle beamed as she left the dressing room.


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