"You're very stubborn, Mr. Rachmiel, you're going to die."
With these words, Alban dropped the vial and stepped on it. Crunching, the glass broke, and a dark liquid escaped. Without another word, Alban turned around and walked along the promenade. Ibby hissed and Hannes was shocked. Ibby was shaken by anger, then grabbed Hannes and shook him. "Why didn't you release me?" she asked in a dark voice, trembling with rage. "I'm sure," Hannes said, "that this stuff isn't an antidote. No medicine." He reached for Ibby's hands and tried to detach them from his jacket. "If I had released you, I might have gotten the vial, but it wouldn't have helped."
Ibby let him go.
Hannes heard footsteps behind him, turned to the person who was now approaching them, it was the skinny male who had just sat on the bench. Without a word, the male bent over, dipped a finger into the liquid, smelled it. Then he got up and went back to the bank, sat down.
Hannes and Ibby looked after the male, then Hannes grabbed Ibby's arm, pulled her on. "Ibby, I've made up my mind. You have to accept that. I had to accept that I'm dying due to a parasite, and you just have to accept that I'm not releasing you. We'll go that way together."
Ibby stopped, bent and growled loudly. Then she straightened up again and looked at Hannes. "You're an idiot. That's what they say, isn't it?"
Hannes nodded. "Yeah, I'm an idiot."
Ibby gave him a kiss. "I love you, idiot."
Hannes swallowed. Yeah, he loved her, too. The feeling was stronger than fear. He looked at Ibby and stroked her hair. "I love you, too, Ibby. That's all I can tell you."
They hugged each other, stopped for a long time, and the male on the bench watched them.
Funeral pyre
Arrived at home Hannes had to lie down, the headaches had returned. Ibby got the pills. Hannes had to take a lot more than before. It also took longer for the drugs to work.
The next morning both of them were shocked to notice that the arm was swollen. Hannes felt pretty good, he wasn't nauseous either, but Ibby was always where he wasn't; she avoided him. In the following days, Hannes was more or less alone, only the nights they spent nestled together in bed, wordless.
Then Hannes noticed that he could hardly move his left arm. It was thickly swollen and from the green spot, thick lines drew over his shoulder. He thought he had to discuss the inevitable step with Ibby now. He sat in the kitchen, with a cup of coffee, which he strangely enough still tolerated well, heard Ibby in the bathroom, waited until she wanted to scurry into the bedroom and called her.
"Ibby, we need to talk about what happens next."
Ibby sat down with him.
"You said my body had to be burned?" he asked.
"Yes, that's what I said," Ibby said, "because the parasite is destroyed by fire."
"And how is that supposed to happen? Do you want to call the police or emergency services, there is a body here, it’s infected with a highly dangerous parasite, the body must be burned immediately?"
"No, Hannes, that doesn’t work. I don't know how to do this."
“I know. You need to get gas. At the gas station. In a canister. Do you know what gasoline is? Do you know what a canister is?"
Ibby nodded.
"You know what? You go to the gas station around the corner to get a canister of gas. If you keep walking you will come to the main road. There's another gas station. There you get a canister of diesel. You take the books and magazines and wet them with diesel. You take all the stuff out of my bedside table, handkerchiefs and so on, put them with some cloth over my corpse, pour gasoline over and light it up. That creates a nice pyre and then the problem is solved."
"Dear Hannes, the problem is only half solved. What about me?"
"What about you?" Hannes asked astonished, "Ibby, you stay alive. You set me on fire, you run away, and you start a new life. I don't know why you're asking. It's bullshit if you die too. You're healthy. You can defend yourself!"
Ibby was silent.
"Look, Ibby," Hannes said, "I don't know if your weird code dictates this, but there's absolutely no reason why you should die, too. It's enough if you take care that I make ends meet for the time left. If you give me the pills and if you make me food." Hannes looked at his mug with pensive eyes. "If you take me to the bathroom. All that stuff."
"There's no code that says that," Ibby said then, "but it's our custom."
"Bullshit," Hannes said angrily, "it's not custom here. Stay with me as long as you can. When the time comes, you can go."
"I don't know when it's gonna happen."
"Ibby, I'll tell you," Hannes said and got up with difficulty.
He had to lie down again, his head boomed and the pain in his arm was almost unbearable. He staggered to the kitchen cupboard, took the pills, from which he took far too many, but, he thought, he didn't have to worry that he would become addicted to pills. He swallowed his dose and staggered back into the bedroom.
After a while, he heard Ibby leave the apartment and come back after an eternity. She put a canister in the bedroom without saying a word and then disappeared again. Hannes fell asleep.
When he woke up at night and puked again, he stumbled over the second canister. At least he didn't have to worry about that.
But it got worse and worse. In the next two days, Hanne's body swelled misshapen. He slept a lot, took the pills that Ibby had now dissolved in water, waited until the effect set in and fell asleep again. Ibby now had to clean him more and more often, often times he couldn't get up in a time when he had to use the toilet.
Ibby also bought groceries, cooked mashed potatoes and vegetables, without salt, without spices, without any grease. It tasted awful, but it was the only thing Hannes could eat without puking.
Hannes woke up in the afternoon. He rolled out of bed, Ibby wasn't there, he staggered to the toilet and peed endlessly. He was reasonably clear in his head again, but he knew it wouldn't get any better. Pure coincidence.
Back in bed, he waited for Ibby. The pain became very severe again, but he no longer had the strength to stand up and get the pills from the kitchen. He waited.
Hannes then heard how a key was put into the lock. But it sounded like the key didn't fit right. It cracked; several attempts were necessary until the door opened. Hannes turned his head, waited for Ibby to come to him. The living room door opened, and Hannes heard footsteps coming to his bed. He opened his eyes laboriously. But instead of Ibby, there was a skinny male with thick dark glasses. His glance rested on Hannes. Hannes knew that he had already seen the male, but he didn't know when or where.
"What’s up?" croaked Hannes. "Where's Ibby?"
The male took his time with the answer. "Your girlfriend's coming. She got held up shopping."
Hannes closed his eyes. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to make my own picture."
"A picture of what?"
"From you, Mr. Rachmiel. I wanted to see how sick you are. My clients sent me."
Hannes opened his eyes again, looked at the male. "Who are your clients?"
The male did not answer, but bent over Hannes, looked at the swollen face, then pulled the blanket back and threw a glance at Hannes body, on which thick green lines were emerging.
"Show me your shoulder," asked the male, but Hannes couldn't turn. "I can't."
The male went around the bed, looked at the shoulder, touched it. Hannes screamed in pain, but the male could not be stopped. He stood in front of the foot of the bed after he had covered Hannes again.
"I want you to know that we disapprove."
Hannes coughed, spewed out a lot of green slimes, the male hastily stepped back a step. Hannes took note of it with quiet amusement. "What are you disapproving of?"
"We disapprove of your kidnapping, your torture and your contamination with a parasite." The male took off the glasses and began to clean them. His eyes sparkled and drilled into Hannes gaze.
"The Code prohibits harm to the one who gives shelte
r. Since this damage is massive, because you are going to die, and because the damage was done by an external party, the members of your species, my clients see the end of the hunt as an appropriate compensation."
"Compensation?" Hannes cawed, "For what?"
"Look, Mr. Rachmiel," said the male and put the glasses back on, smoothing out the few hairs on his head with one hand, "my clients attach importance to the fact that the hunt is also conducted with fair conditions for the hunted. In this current case, this did not happen. The hyena was damaged at the entrance..."
"She said the name wasn't right," interrupted Hannes.
The male thought for a moment. "Yes, we know that. The hyena was damaged at the beginning, as we learned..."
"She was tortured," said Hannes.
"Don't interrupt me," the male said angrily. "Keep your mouth shut. This is an official act. If you interrupt me again, I'll leave."
Hannes nodded.
"At the beginning, the hyena was damaged, as we learned, so the hunting conditions were unfavorable for the hunted. We've learned that one of the parties has kidnapped you and has also done you harm. Is that correct?"
Hannes wasn't sure if he should say anything. Finally, he said, "Yes."
"You were liberated, and another party contaminated you with a parasite. Is that correct?"
Hannes affirmed again.
"Well, then we can say that the contractual partners have violated the agreed code. My clients will end the hunt on the condition that your friend, Mr. Rachmiel, kills you."
Hannes coughed again and the male took another step back. "One condition is that you don't tell your girlfriend that the hunt is over when you're dead. I'll take care of that."
"Accepted," Hannes said. "But one question, if that's all right." With effort, Hannes sat up and leaned on his elbows. "Please," said the male.
"What the fuck?" Hannes asked.
The male turned to walk. "The reason for the hunt is that the hyena had refused to kill. Now she shall be induced to make up for her omission. By killing you."
The male gave Hannes a look before he went out the door.
Hannes let himself drop back.
His head was booming. He was waiting for Ibby and the pills. If she didn't come soon, he knew he'd go insane in pain.
Finally, Ibby was there. Hannes only saw her outline against the light, heard Ibby fetch a glass of water in the kitchen, then she was with him again, raised his head and with the other hand she instilled the water into him. Hannes opened his mouth and Ibby put two pills on his tongue, water again, he swallowed, and she waited.
"How are you?" she asked quietly.
Hannes didn't say anything. She stood up, he heard her put away groceries. Then she was back with him. Slowly the pills started to work. His head didn't boom so much anymore. He could also see again to some extent. Ibby sat next to him and held his hand.
"Ibby, it's not getting any better. I'm gonna die of this fucking parasite. Ibby, you have to kill me before it gets worse."
"I can't kill you, Hannes. You're a part of me!"
"Ibby, I feel like my head is bursting. I can barely think. I can't see properly without medication. And it's getting worse."
"Hannes, I told you I'd follow you. I won't stay alone. But I can't kill you."
"Oh bullshit, Ibby. Of course, you can kill me. Just bite me."
Ibby shook his head, got up. "I'm staying with you. I'll take care of you."
It got worse and worse. Even Ibby had to admit she couldn't take it anymore. Hannes was conscious only temporarily, the arm where the puncture site was swollen to a grotesque size. Thick green lines were all over Hannes body. The lines pulsated clearly visible. Soon the time had come for the parasite to change and find its way into Hannes's brain.
Ibby cared for Hannes as best he could. She cleaned, washed, dressed him, but it became unspeakable.
Four nights later Ibby woke up when Hannes had a long coughing fit and didn’t stop coughing. Ibby jumped out of bed and turned on the lights. She straightened Hannes up and patted helplessly on his back, then Hannes spat out a big lump of slime. She laid him down again and saw that he had opened his eyes.
"Dear Hannes," she said quietly. He didn't say anything, just looked at her. She would have liked to cuddle up to him.
She lay down again after extinguishing the light. Both were waiting for the morning.
Ibby fell into a light, restless sleep.
When she woke up, Hannes was lying in a big puddle. He was awake. He looked at her. She washed him, wanted to turn him to the side, but Hannes couldn't turn anymore. He moaned loudly at the touch of her hand.
"Ibby, it's time."
"For what?" Ibby asked, bending over him.
"Bite me." Ibby froze.
"Bite me! Bite me! I can't take it anymore!"
"I can't, Hannes," she whispered. She turned her head away.
"Yes, Ibby, you can. Is that a code violation, Ibby? Do you enjoy seeing me like this? You know I'm dying! You know it's gonna get worse. Come on! Bite me!"
Ibby couldn't take it anymore. She jumped out of the room and slammed the door. Hannes heard her crying out loud in the bathroom. He'd be crying too if it didn't hurt so much. He was surprised that he was awake and wondered that he was able to see and talk, but that was probably, he thought, the last moment of clarity. He felt something moving in his throat and pressing against his head. A feeling he couldn't stand any longer. Ibby had to kill him, then it was all over for him. For her, too. Then the hunt would be over.
He waited.
Ibby came into the room sometime when Hannes slipped back into unconsciousness. She saw that Hannes' gaze was veiled again. She nudged him. Hannes moaned and opened his eyes. Ibby was dressed and standing next to the bed. She looked at him for a long time.
Then she bent over him, stroked the glued hair from his forehead. "Hannes?" she asked, "Can you hear me?" Hannes croaked a "yes." "Hannes, it hurts me so much. You'll always be a part of me. I will take revenge."
Hannes understood that he had now reached the end of his journey. He didn't mind. Anything was better than the pain.
"I love you, Hannes." She put her head on her neck, opened her mouth, it cracked quietly. Hannes saw the long, pointed teeth, she threw the head forward and rammed Hannes the teeth deep into his chest. It burned like fire and that was all Hannes felt.
As discussed, Ibby stacked everything that was flammable under the bed and got dry laundry from the bathroom, which she put around Hannes. She emptied his bedside table and threw everything on the bed. She briefly paused when she saw Hannes' big handkerchief, his favorite handkerchief, as he always called it, in the pile. She raised it to her nose. It smelled like him. Like him and his aftershave. She went into the kitchen, rummaged for a plastic can and put the handkerchief in it.
In the bedroom, she continued to drape everything flammable around the bed. When she thought it was enough, she took the canisters from the bedroom and poured everything but a small amount of gas over the pyre. She left a trail with the rest of the gas up to the front door.
She had already packed her backpack, now put the can of Hannes handkerchief into it, put the backpack on her back, bent down and lit the fuel tank. It burned as fast as Hannes had said, she jumped down the stairs, left the house. Upstairs on the third floor, there was a huge bang to be heard, window glass pelted in small splinters on the street and on the passersby.
She managed to walk unseen down the street, and she looked at the inferno, great flames were blazed out of the windows, screams of horror were reaching her ear, she turned around and walked towards the cathedral. She wanted to climb the tower to take a last look at the house in which she had lived a long, happy time, as she felt.
She paid at the cash register and climbed up.
Epilog I
Mike and Sergej stood in front of the café on the sidewalk and looked at the burning house.
"I told the operations manager that there is probably biologic
ally explosive material in the apartment that should be burned. He should concentrate on the neighboring houses," Sergej said quietly.
Mike nodded. "And? Are they both upstairs?"
Sergej wiggled his head. "I don't know. Let's hope so. According to our reports, the hyenas are staying with their partners."
"What if it doesn’t?" Mike said.
"Oh, nonsense," Sergej said, "let's just hope she stayed with him.
"Sergej," Mike said insistently, "what if not?"
"Then the big ones will take care of her."
"Vllasi is such an idiot," said Mike. "Is there a problem with the technology transfer now?"
Sergej looked at Mike expressionlessly. "I don't care. The main thing is that the problem here is solved."
"Was there collateral damage?" Mike asked, pointing to the fourth floor.
"I don't care either," Sergej said.
Ibby stood at the wall, looked over the city and at the burning house in Gingerbread-Street. Next to her stood the representative. She stood there lost in thought, forgetting time. Fire sirens could be heard in the city, she looked down and saw police cars racing up Tunis Street. She felt a great emptiness in herself, something she had never felt before. The representative looked at his watch. "I have to go now. You're free. The hunt is over. "The greats have renounced the resumption of the hunt."
He turned around and began the descent. Ibby waited a while. Then she went down, too.
In the nave, she sat down on a bench and looked thoughtfully down at the sanctuary. She was incredibly sad. The feeling of sadness was unbearable. The pain was almost unbearable. Ibby started crying. She tried to cry quietly into the handkerchief.
Over time, the nave became empty and Ibby was still sitting on the bench.
She didn't notice an ancient man shuffling down the aisle. He noticed Ibby, saw that she was crying and hiding her face with a cloth.
E.B.E. 21- the Hunt Page 30