Tattoo My Heart

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Tattoo My Heart Page 8

by Mia Dymond

  “I want to talk about that kiss this afternoon.”

  “Temporary insanity,” she mumbled.

  “Uh-huh. That was the hottest damn kiss I’ve ever had in my life.”

  “Oh please. You’ve kissed a lot of women.” Unfortunately, she knew that to be true. No way could he deny it.

  Instead, he took her hand and braided their fingers. “I’m being honest.”


  A slow, sexy grin split his lips and her skin warmed when he squeezed her hand. “Makes me hard just thinking about it.”

  She glanced down at his groin and knew immediately he spoke the truth. His erection couldn’t hide in the confines of his pants and obviously didn’t intend to. She brushed her bottom lip with her tongue.

  Casey gave her hand another squeeze and then pulled her against him. “Don’t pull your weapon unless you intend to use it, honey.”

  A small whimper was the only thing that left her lips before he took her mouth in pure possession. His lips moved over hers in smooth torture before his tongue separated them to slip inside. Her nipples tightened against the sheer masculine force of his chest pressed against them.

  Suddenly she felt him push her back against the soft couch pillows and that magnificent body rested atop hers. With shaking fingers, she reached between them and worked the buttons loose from his uniform shirt until it hung open. Her fingers wasted no time in exploring the glorious skin beneath – the smooth skin of his chest, his hardened nipples, sharp edges of toned stomach muscles and then the sexy, v-cut obliques leading lower to his groin. She slipped her index finger beneath his waistband to graze the very tip of his erection.

  He grunted and swiped her hand to the side. “No, baby.”

  She opened her eyes to see flames burning in the depths of his. Surely she hadn’t misread his intentions. Again.

  Her skin prickled as he moved her hair from her neck. “I don’t have anything to protect you and I’m too far gone to attempt to find something. This is all about you tonight.”

  For one full breath, she contemplated arguing with his reasoning. Especially since his excuse wouldn’t hold water; she’d been protected for months and if she revealed that little secret, it was very possible one of her very naughty dreams would come true. Then again, what was one more secret? Besides, she had a number of naughty dreams to fall back on.

  Instead, she smiled and tried not to show her immense relief. “Then let me play.”

  “In a minute.” He eased her skirt up her thighs and over her hips. “Are you wet for me?”

  She could only squirm in response and finally his fingers parted her folds. “Ah, yeah you are.”

  She shot him a mental duh and then her sarcasm lost all importance when he began to work her clit, slowly but with just enough pressure to drive her insane with need. Her eyes drifted closed and her head fell back.

  “You’re so beautiful, Ness,” he told her while her body hummed in satisfaction. Her thighs fell open of their own accord and she raised her hips to his touch. “You like that, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “More.”

  His thumb resumed the motion on her clit and then her insides pulsed when his fingers penetrated her. Rubbing, caressing, twisting. Driving her further and further to the point of no return.

  She wrapped her hands around his powerful biceps and squeezed in an attempt to hold on to the incredible rush of desire that threatened to render her helpless. His continued assault on her nerve endings made her putty in his hands. Just like she knew it would.

  And then the motion stopped.

  Her eyes flew open. “Oh God, Casey, no,” she whimpered, “you can’t stop.”

  He leaned forward and gave her a soft peck on the lips. “Lift your top.”

  Desperate to end his maniacal game, she would do anything he wanted. She shoved the material up to her neck.

  “Off,” he murmured.

  She arched to lift the fabric over her head and then froze when his lips closed around one nipple, still encased inside her bra.

  “Take it off, baby,” he prompted.

  She tore the garment from her body and then wove her fingers through his hair, forcing his lips closer to her breast.

  Like a man possessed, he traced the lacey edge of her bra with his tongue first on one breast, then the other, then back again. Annessa groaned. Good Lord the man knew how to drive a woman absolutely, positively wild.

  She drove her hips up and into his groin, seeking the heated temptation she knew rested there. He grunted and pushed further into the vee of her legs just as the catch on her bra popped open.

  “Thank God and Victoria’s Secret for front doors,” he murmured. She simply whined in response.

  His tongue returned to one hardened nipple and she wanted to weep. Sensation shot straight to the heated nub between her legs and she throbbed. She ground against him, determined to rub one or both of them raw.

  Suddenly his hand stilled her motion. “Easy, baby.” With a tender squeeze to her thigh, he returned his finger to her oversensitive, slippery clit. “I’m going to make it really good.” His finger worked her from left to right and then round and round. “Promise.”

  Annessa squeezed her eyes closed and knew she was about ten seconds from going completely out of her mind. Her body demanded release and obviously Casey was bound and determined to keep her on edge. Yet, she trusted him when he said he’d take care of her. He always put her first, no questions, no explanation, just a way of life.

  His fingers entered her and then she had no choice but to hang on for the ride. His promise rang true. Colors burst beneath her eyelids and her body screamed thank you at least a thousand times when her orgasm finally took root, coating her in a sense of utter satisfaction.

  Casey gave her flesh one last stroke then laid his forehead against hers while her body continued to throb. “God, Annessa.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Was that good for you?”

  He gave her a weak smirk. “Incredible.”

  She buckled her arms around his waist and pressed his now even harder erection back between her legs when he tried to ease off her. “I’m not leaving you like that.”

  “Not necessary. It’ll go away.”

  “By itself?” She tilted her head to one side and issued a challenge. “Or by your hand?”

  The smirk was full blown this time. “You’d like that?”

  “Nothing would turn me on more.”

  Casey worked hard to keep his cool while his dick ached for relief. She’d have a heart attack if she knew just how many times he’d found release by his own hand in the last few years. He’d taken women to bed, sure, but none of them were Annessa. No one could make his heart turn over and beg the way she could. And now, he had the chance to show her just exactly what she did to him.

  “C’mon, sheriff.”

  His skin heated further when she popped the button of his pants, slid down the zipper, then pushed the remaining barrier over his hips to his thighs. His cock pulsed against the hollow of her soft stomach, leaving behind the sticky substance that proved he wouldn’t last long. Even by his own hand.

  She folded him in her fist and he released a tortured groan as he allowed her to stroke. “Ness, are you sure this is what you want?”

  Her emerald gaze sparkled. “Absolutely.”

  He moved his hips further into her grasp with each stroke and attempted to keep what little control he still had, until finally he had to submit.

  “Scoot down,” he rasped.

  With him still in her grip, she moved until his cock was level with her lush, creamy breasts.

  Very gently he pried her grip loose and replaced it with his fist. Her breath hitched as he began to move in a rapid beat, his thumb rubbing the tip of his head with every other stroke.

  “Oh Casey,” she whimpered.

  “Push your breasts together.” His words were choppy as he spoke but he managed to spit out the request. She readily compl

  His balls tightened as he slid his dick in and out of the valley of her cleavage, lost in the warm and gentle caress her skin provided.

  “Okay, Ness, this is all yours, baby.” His eyes never left hers as he spun out of control and released his seed between her breasts. He locked his elbows to keep from crushing her as years of pent-up frustration flooded the surface of her chest.

  He bent to press his lips to hers as his cock pulsed and jerked between them.

  “Thank you,” she said softly.

  He moved a damp tendril of hair back from her forehead. “No, thank you.” He eased back off her, took off his shirt and draped it over the puddle on her breasts.

  She lay still for a moment, and then placed a palm on his chest. “I’m scared, Casey.”

  His heartbeat slowed to the extent it almost stopped to allow doubt to creep in. Christ, maybe this had been a bad idea. Although extremely nervous about her answer, he still asked the one question that currently stabbed his brain like a pitchfork. “Of what?”

  “I’m afraid I made a mistake coming home.”

  He lifted her hand and placed a kiss across her knuckles, a little more relieved now that she didn’t voice fear of him. “No. This is where you belong, especially when you’re in trouble.”

  “I can always count on you to say the right thing.” Her palm opened over his cheek. “I need a shower.”

  She swiped his shirt over her chest and rose to her elbows.

  “Annessa, wait.” He took a deep breath, still not convinced he should even press. “Are you okay with what happened here?”

  Her sweet smile gave his heart the jumpstart it needed. “More than okay,” she answered as he eased back onto his knees to allow her to stand. “In fact, I’d ask you to shower with me, but I don’t think that’s a good idea without protection.”

  “Smartass.” He swatted her ass and she turned her sparkling eyes on him, almost in invitation. “Go,” he groaned.

  Her light giggle tickled his libido the whole way up the stairs until she disappeared around the corner.

  Casey eased his pants and boxers back over his hips and glanced down at his thickening cock. Unbelievable. He wouldn’t be satisfied until she writhed beneath him with his dick buried to the hilt in her hot, warm body. He leaned back against the cushions and listened for the sound of the shower running, not bothering to button or zip.


  Hours later, Annessa lay alone in her dark bedroom, willing her body to cool enough to sleep. Although she and Casey hadn’t actually had sex, the – almost-sex was enough to blow her brain. And even though he’d given her the best orgasm she’d ever had, her body demanded more. Lots more. Even better, if she and Casey ever got past almost, he was in for the surprise of his life – there were things about her he didn’t know.

  She exhaled hard and flipped over to the opposite side, cramming a pillow between her thighs. Still, sleep would not come and she was now so frustrated she considered walking the short hallway to his bedroom and claiming his hot body herself. With or without protection.

  Giving in to insomnia, she finally sat up on the edge of the bed and ran a finger through her tangled hair, wishing she had the nerve to crawl into his bed and snuggle next to him. She knew from experience his arms offered safety. No sexual motivation needed.

  She stood and left the bedroom, tiptoeing down the hallway so she wouldn’t disturb him. As she passed his bedroom, light shone from beneath the door and she heard water running in the bathroom. Apparently, he was in the shower. Her breath caught. Cold or hot?

  Very slowly, she reached to rest her hand on the doorknob. One twist to the right would open the door to another very naughty possibility. What would he do if she stripped naked and slipped underneath the spray to play? Her soaped hands would slide easily over his bronzed, smooth pectorals and then lower over his torso and eventually between his legs. Her libido pushed her to open the door. Her earlier discovery of what he sported down there was enough to turn her knees to jelly. He was like velvet over steel; hard and powerful yet silky smooth. She groaned and let go of the doorknob. She would not give in. Not yet.

  She descended the stairs in record time, headed for the kitchen for a glass of something to calm her nerves. Surely Travis kept something in the cabinet that might numb her brain enough to sleep. She grinned. Quite possibly tequila.

  Now encouraged, she pushed sleep to the side and sped across the living room until a slight squeak from the front door stopped her dead in her tracks.

  Her gaze darted around the dark living room while her brain processed what she heard. The noise sounded again and this time, she saw the doorknob wiggle. She stepped to the table by the front door and picked up her vial of pepper spray while she entertained the thought of screaming for Casey. Yet, even while her body shook in fright, logic told her he wouldn’t hear over the shower.

  Very gently, she turned the lock on the door, the small snap only a click in the silence. She grasped the knob with one hand, her opposite index finger poised over the nozzle of her liquid weapon. With a deep breath, she turned the knob and pulled open the door while pepper spray shot from the vial.

  A shadowy figure stumbled backwards and fell down the steps into a heap at the bottom. Annessa screamed at the top of her lungs and slammed the door closed. Turning on the porch light was an afterthought.


  He watched in horror as his partner fell into the passenger seat, alone.

  “Well, where the hell is she?”

  “In the house. She screamed bloody murder and then sprayed me. Damn this stuff burns!”

  He grunted. Probably pepper spray. “Was she alone?”

  “I don’t know,” the other man spat, “I didn’t even get inside the front door. Christ! I need some water!”

  “Quit whining like a bitch! I thought you were supposed to be the muscle and she’s less than a third your size.”

  His partner peered through reddened eyes. “If you think it’s so easy, you get her.”

  “We’ve lost the element of surprise.”

  “I say we just take her out. Whatever it takes, I’m game. At least that way she’s out of the way and we get the package. We can be back in Los Angeles by midnight and everybody’s happy, especially Ricci.”

  “Did you see it on her wrist?”

  A distinct snarl lifted the other man’s upper lip. “I didn’t see anything, asshole.”

  He ignored the colorful language and continued. “And since it’s not in plain sight, are you gonna risk ransacking the house with a cop sniffing around?”

  “Okay, damn it! You made your point. This stuff is killing me.”

  He slapped his partner’s hands when he attempted to wipe his eyes. “You don’t want to do that.”

  “Then get me some relief!”

  He pulled away from the curb and sped down the street. “She didn’t see you?”

  “I don’t think so. I fell off the porch and crawled into the bushes before she hit the lights.”

  “Woman’s got balls.” He stopped at a nearby gas station. “Wash that stuff off and then we’ll decide what to do next.”

  His partner cursed again and scrambled out of the car.


  Annessa sat with her back to the door and her head in her knees, screaming until her throat burnt.

  “Annessa, stop screaming.” Casey’s raspy voice wrapped her like a warm blanket as he pulled her stand. “What happened?”

  She lifted her head to see him in front of her wearing nothing but a towel and a scowl, dripping water on the living room carpet.

  “Someone tried to get in the house.”

  “Why the hell didn’t you come get me?”

  “You were in the shower!”


  “So, you would’ve run out of here buck naked! Did you really want our neighbors calling that in? Yes, I’d like to report a streaker and oh, by the way, it’s Sheriff McIntyre.”

  Her breathing b
egan to slow when he pulled her against him and wrapped her with his arms. “Okay, calm down. Did you get a good look?”

  “No. It was dark and he ran when I sprayed him with pepper spray.”

  “Yeah, your aim is impressive,” he mumbled. He eased her back from him and led her to the couch. “Sit here while I call the department and Travis.”

  “No! You can’t tell him.”

  “Oh hell no, Annessa, we are not going down this road again. Your brother needs to know someone tried to break in the house.”

  She opened her mouth to argue but the no bullshit look on his face stopped her. “Fine,” she relented. “Tell him about this, but not about my trouble over the phone. Tomorrow night after his shift ends, I promise. Just play stupid for tonight, Casey, that’s all I ask.”

  She really expected him to barrel right over her with some sort of cop-driven logic, but instead he eased her to sit and picked up the phone.

  “Tomorrow,” he said quietly, his tone not offering any sort of negotiation.

  She heard her brother’s booming voice though the phone as he and Casey spoke, not surprised that Travis had lost his cool. He was such an enigma; in an emergency, he was a cool as a cucumber but when it came to one of his sisters, the man had absolutely no control.

  Casey, however, never lost control. No matter what the circumstance, he took it in stride, barreling over everyone else with his calm, soothing demeanor. She knew firsthand it was useless to try to defy him; she tested him on numerous occasions and failed.

  “I’ll pull deputies on the house tonight and call first thing in the morning.” Casey flinched as he disconnected and then glanced at her. “Twenty four hours, Annessa. I can’t keep this from him longer than that.”

  She stood, slid her fingers under the edge of his towel and wiggled them against his damp skin. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he groaned and moved her hand. “I’m going back upstairs to finish my shower.”


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