Their Soldier Girl

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Their Soldier Girl Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “She has a headache and needs something,” Brian said as he pulled out a bottle of water. Colt grabbed the pills and then took the bottle from Brian and brought it over to Lilly. She reached for the water bottle.

  “Thank you, Colt,” she said to him, holding his deep brown gaze. She took the pills, absorbed the way the man stood as tall as Brian, had a light beard, as well, and seemed serious as usual.

  When she put down the bottle, he snagged her around the waist and pulled her close. “You look beautiful,” he said and kissed her neck. She tightened up a moment, and felt him slide his hand along her ass, then pulled her a little snugger. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and placed her head against one, loving how it felt. When a second set of hands landed on her shoulders from behind, she exhaled, knowing it was Brian. When she lifted up and turned to look, Brian cupped her cheeks and pressed his lips to hers. Very quickly, that kiss grew wild, and soon Colt was joining in, sucking against her neck and then kissing her as Brian released her lips. As Colt deepened the kiss, she felt someone’s hand slid up under her skirt to her ass, exposing it.

  “Sweet mother, look at that ass. God damn,” Jordo said, and Simo squeezed it. Simo leaned in and kissed her neck as Jordo slid a finger under her panties and right to her cunt from behind.

  She pulled from Colt’s mouth. “Oh God, I thought we were supposed to be talking,” she said and began to pant as all four men held her in position and were kissing her skin, stroking her cunt, pinching her breasts. “Oh God.” She rocked her hips and then Simo kissed her on the mouth.

  They were relentless, and then Simo was giving orders. They set her onto the kitchen table, lowered her down, and removed her panties as they pushed up her skirt. Colt and Jordo raised her arms above her head, and Simo moved between her thighs. He slid his palms to her hips, gripped her tight, and pulled her to the edge. His gaze fell upon her, and that dark, serious expression quieted her.

  “You feel that?” Simo asked her. Her lips parted, and she debated about lying, but then he gave her hips a shake. The sight of him, all those muscles, his dark brown eyes, chiseled jaw, seasoned expression, drove her insane with desire.

  “Don’t fucking lie,” Colt stated firmly as he leaned over, caressed her hair back, and made her body react.

  She lifted her hips. “Yes, Simo. Yes, I feel it.”

  He nodded. “Trust us,” he said and lowered down and began to feast on her pussy. One stroke of his tongue, and she lifted her torso.

  “Oh!” She panted, a second stroke, a swirl, then suckle and she tightened up, feeling like she could come but fighting it. God, she didn’t want to come across as a woman whose pussy was dormant for more than two years. She didn’t want to think about the past, about the fears or the violence and pain, she just wanted to let go with them. Get lost in this attraction and the desire that was building and building. She didn’t even care where she wound up. “Oh God, Simo. Simo.” She panted as he slid two fingers up into her pussy as Jordo and Colt undid her top, spread her blouse, then raised her arms above her head.

  “Holy fuck, your body is incredible. Come all over his face. Give us your orgasms, baby,” Jordo commanded, and she rocked her hips against Simo’s finger thrusts, and she came.

  “Me. I need to taste her. To make her cry out my name, too,” Brian said, and Simo slid his fingers from her pussy, but before he moved out of the way he licked her from cunt to asshole back and forth before he suckled her clit hard and tugged.

  “Simo.” She tried lifting upward, but Colt and Jordo held her down. She looked at them, at the desire and hunger in their dark eyes. Those expressions only soldiers who experienced so much in the military had. It was a hard, seasoned, capable look. Men who killed, who avoided being killed, and it made her feel a closeness to them she couldn’t quite explain.

  “God damn, I fantasized about this body, Lilly. I won’t lie,” Brian confessed as he took Simo’s place and traced along her inner thigh then over her pussy. She locked onto his brown eyes that were sparkling and looking so different than when the man was in uniform and all business.

  Colt cupped her breast as Jordo leaned down and licked into the cup of her bra and the deep cleavage of her breasts. “I fantasized about these breasts, and seeing them without any barriers,” Colt said.

  “I think it’s safe to say we’ve all fantasized about Lilly and this sexy, fit body of hers. Maybe even about this tattoo, and these scars,” Brian said and lowered down to kiss the old gunshot wound on her side and then the one on her arm. He licked along her skin to her neck and suckled hard as he slid a finger up into her cunt. When he reached her lips with his mouth they began to kiss, to explore more deeply, and she moaned into his mouth. He released her lips and stroked a little faster. He eased his mouth along her breasts then to her ribs and down to her pussy. He slid his fingers out and began to feast on her and make her beg for mercy.

  “Oh my God, I’m coming again.”

  “Stay with us. Stay here and make love,” Jordo asked her.

  Brian stopped feasting on her, and Colt pinched her nipple, making her moan. She looked at them.

  “We all want you. Want to feel more. It’s been a while for us,” Simo added.

  “It’s been a while for me, too,” she admitted.

  “Do we need condoms?” Jordo asked.

  “No,” she said and then raised her arms up and pulled Brian down to kiss him. Before she could talk herself out of doing this, Brian picked her up, and she straddled his waist as he carried her out of the kitchen and upstairs to the bedroom. They were all following, pulling off their shirts, getting ready to have sex with her. That was exactly what this was. She never engaged in a ménage before. Only had a few lovers over the years, and none compared to this attraction and desire. She was ready and willing.

  Brian lowered her feet to the floor and cupped her cheeks and kissed her. She felt Colt push down her panties and her skirt as Jordo and Simo undid her bra and pulled the rest of her clothing off.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous,” Simo said.

  Brian released her lips, and she turned to look at Simo as Brian undressed quickly. He was a work of art. They all were, and as she reached out to touch a scar on Simo’s chest, Colt lowered down behind her, placing one hand on her hip and one on her ass.

  “You were shot in the ass?” he asked her. She turned slightly to look over her shoulder.

  “What?” Brian asked and turned her around. He lowered, too, and Simo held her by her hip and looked down behind her. Colt kissed her hip bone.

  “Yeah, it was lodged in there, hence the nasty scar.”

  Brian traced the raised skin with the pad of his thumb. “I want to hear the story, but later. Right now, realizing how strong, capable, and sexy you are, plus staring at this body and wanting to claim it, I can think of one thing and one thing only.”

  The others moved, and he lifted her up with one arm and hand against her ass and lowered her to the bed. He kissed her thoroughly, made a path down her body with lips and tongue, and then slid his tongue into her cunt then down over her asshole.

  “Oh Brian, that feels so wild, so good.”

  “Just wait until you have a cock in every hole as we thrust into you, claiming you as our woman,” Jordo said, looking and sounding so fierce.

  “Oh my God,” she said and came.

  “Mine,” Brian exclaimed and maneuvered his cock to her pussy and began to sink into her cunt. “Let me in, baby. Damn, you’re so hot inside. So fucking tight, holy fuck.” He thrust all the way in.

  Lilly exhaled and embraced the sensation of having sex after so long, and also identifying the attraction to Brian and his team even more so now that he was thrusting into her. He rocked his hips and took her breath away. His team joined in. Colt and Jordo raised her arms above her head as Simo told her his plans for her.

  “I want a nice close look at that scar on your ass while I take you from behind and get your body used to our touch.”

She was panting and feeling another orgasm coming when Brian grunted and came. He kissed her on the mouth, ravished her as she kissed him back. When he released her lips, she smiled at him.

  “Holy shit, Lilly. Where the hell did you come from?” he asked as he caressed her cheek.

  “I was going to ask you the same thing.”

  “Well, you two can discuss that later. Right now, the rest of us need Lilly, too,” Simo said, and she felt her cheeks warm as Brian lifted up, her large breasts moved from against his skin, and Simo took his place. She hadn’t expected Simo to lift her up and kiss her. He ran his hand along her back and ass and was so big, so wide that he was able to hold her ass with his one palm as he cupped her breast and ravished her mouth. She could feel all of his muscles beneath her palms and then felt Colt’s fingers slide along her ass to her cunt and then took the juices and slid them to her asshole.

  “So tight and firm. God damn, woman, your ass is inspiring,” he said, and she pulled her mouth from Simo’s.

  She held Colts gaze, and he reached out and stroked her jaw. “We’re going to have so much fun tonight.” He pressed his lips to her mouth, and when he pulled back, he winked. She felt a bit surprised at his words and how they sounded less serious. Was she waiting for some kind of declaration of love or commitment? Hell no, this was sex, a seriously wild, deep attraction to four men. She would take this for whatever it was. She had no regrets, and she wouldn’t make this into one. She wanted this.

  “Take me, Simo. I feel desperate,” she said to him.

  “Holy shit,” Jordo said, while Simo flipped her around as if she were light as a feather and lowered her shoulders to the bed, spread her thighs and feet on the floor, and began to caress her from ankles to ass cheeks to back to shoulders. He was massaging her, relaxing her, and then as her body got used to the touch of his large, firm hands, he began to kiss along her skin and then down her spine over her ass cheek and the scar.

  “This must have hurt,” he said and nipped her ass.

  “Oh. It did,” she said after gasping at his nip. When she felt his tongue slid into her cunt and then up over her asshole back and forth, she lifted her ass up and back in acceptance. When he slid his hands farther down, and she laid her cheek to the bed while he stroked a finger into her cunt.

  “So hot and sexy. Look at her body, at this perfect ass, these toned, muscular hips, and fuck, I could come,” Simo admitted.

  “Take her, commander,” Jordo said, and she looked at him, her cheek against the comforter as Jordo stood naked and stroking his cock. She licked her lips.

  “Get into her, and then I think our beautiful goddess wants to taste some cock,” Jordo said, and Simo lifted her hips and replaced his fingers with his cock.

  “That right, baby?” he asked, but before she could reply Simo slid into her pussy from behind, taking her breath away.

  “Oh!” she cried out.

  “Holy fuck. Holy shit, Lilly. My God, woman, you feel that?” Simo asked and began to thrust faster and deeper into her pussy from behind.

  “I need that mouth,” Jordo said. He climbed up onto the bed. Simo lifted her up, and she immediately went to taste Jordo. She licked the tip and then began to suck on his cock. Up and down, she bobbed her head as she felt Simo use a finger to stroke into her asshole. The sensations drove her wild, and she moaned.

  “Holy fuck. That right there. Look at her hips move in acceptance. She’s made for us. She’s ours,” Colt said, and he caressed her ass, too, now.

  Brian gripped her hair. “Up and down, we’ll own all of you. Every fucking hole filled with cock. You want that?” he asked, and Jordo pulled out of her mouth, and she cried out.

  “Oh my God, I never did that before. This is my first ménage.”

  “Last fucking ménage,” Simo said and slapped her ass hard. They all chuckled, but she felt a bit concerned and also turned on by his possessiveness. She didn’t think that such a thing would arouse her, but it did.

  “Say yes. Let us take you together,” Colt said to her. Simo thrust faster and fingered her asshole as Brian caressed her back and Jordo held his cock by her mouth as he gripped her hair.

  “Say yes,” he said.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “Fuck yeah,” Colt stated, and then she opened her mouth and began to suck on Jordo’s cock again.

  “Let’s do this. Colt on the bed. Jordo after me.” Simo said, and Jordo pulled from her mouth. Simo removed his fingers from her asshole, and she immediately felt the loss, but then he wrapped his arm around her waist, hoisted her up, and Colt slid underneath her with his legs hanging off the bed. As Simo placed her over Colt, she knew exactly what to do and she immediately lifted up as Simo pulled out and Colt thrust up into her cunt. She grunted and then felt something cool against her asshole.

  “Glad I picked this up today. Felt like we might need it sooner rather than later because of you, baby,” Simo said. She was getting more aroused as they admitted the little things that let her know they thought about her and wanted her for a while. As he slid lubed fingers into her asshole, she focused on thrusting up and down over Colt’s cock.

  Brian jumped up onto the bed and wiped his cock with a towel and then gripped her hair. “Together,” he said, and she opened for him, accepted his cock, and then felt the intensity level heighten. Would this be good or bad? What would be the result, the after-effects? Was she being stupid here, or was this more than just a one-night-stand? She didn’t know, and as she felt Simo’s fingers pull out and felt the loss, she tightened up, and he commanded.

  “Nice and easy, relax those muscles, baby. Here I come,” Simo said, and Jordo placed his hand on her back and talked to her as she sucked Brian’s cock, and thrust over Colt’s dick.

  “Look at that tight little hole sucking in the commander’s big, thick cock. We aren’t too big for you, baby. This body was made to please us, and we were made to please you.”

  They all moaned.

  “Jesus, Jordo, holy fuck,” Colt said as he thrust upward.

  Simo moaned. “God damn, she’s so tight.”

  “It’s incredible to watch and to feel her sucking my cock so hard. This mouth is amazing,” Brian said.

  “This ass is fucking making me come. Oh fuck, not yet. Not fucking yet.” Simo grunted and was trying to fight it. She felt her pussy and her ass spasm. It was the wildest sensation, and they were grunting, moaning.

  “Let him in. Let him claim that sexy, tight ass, and fuck it deep and hard. Fuck that ass, Simo. Claim it yours.”

  “Fuck,” Brian exclaimed.

  “Colt, don’t you ease up on that wet pussy. You keep her begging for cock, we’re going to be filling her up all night long.”

  “Jordo, shut the fuck up. Damn it!” Simo exclaimed, and he came in her ass. Brian came next, and Colt followed.

  “Holy fuck.” Brian fell back, and Simo slid from her ass and kissed her back.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Oh God, I can’t take it. Oh my God,” she said.

  “Mine. She’s mine,” Jordo said. He wrapped his arm around her midsection, lifted her up, and placed her onto the edge of the bed. He slid between her legs, spread her arms above her head, and slid right into her cunt from behind.

  “Jordo!” she cried out, feeling his thick, hard cock fill her to her womb, and she felt a pinch of fear, of intimidation, but then her cunt erupted in pleasure. Her head spun, and she felt the hands on her back and her ass.

  “Holy shit, she’s incredible. Fuck that pussy,” Colt told Jordo.

  “I am. I fucking am. My God, you feel how good this is? Never like this, man. Never fucking like this. Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jordo said and thrust into her three more times.


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