Their Soldier Girl

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Their Soldier Girl Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I love you, baby. I fucking never told a woman I loved her, but seeing that shit today, I knew I needed to tell you. I hope that doesn’t scare you,” he said, holding her gaze and thrusting slowly.

  “I don’t know what to say. I feel so much. Is it love? I don’t know what love is. I don’t think I’ve ever been loved.”

  He squinted at her and then smirked. “You’re loved now and forever with us.” He pressed his lips to hers and kissed her tenderly. When he released her hands, she gripped his shoulders and thrust down over his cock. She caressed his brown hair and along his beard, tilted her head back as he suckled against her breast and tugged, making her come.

  “Oh, Brian. Brian,” she exclaimed, and Brian followed suit and came inside of her then held her tight. He kissed her neck, suckled against her skin until Simo cleared his throat.

  “Ready, gorgeous?” he asked.

  Brian leaned back and lowered her feet to the floor in the shower. He held her hand as she stepped from the shower and right into the towel Simo held for her. Simo gave him a wink and then carried Lilly out to the bedroom where Colt laid on the edge, stroking his cock. Jordo held the tube of lube, tapping it in his palm. Simo set her feet down on the floor and kissed her as the towel fell from her body.

  Simo lifted her up and placed her over Colt. Colt pulled her down kissed her on the mouth as he ran his palm along her ass and squeezed her. When he released her lips, he didn’t even have to tell her to ride him. Lilly was already sinking down on Colt’s cock. As she rode him, Jordo leaned into her and suckled on her breast. She held his head with her hand, closed her eyes, and moaned as Jordo handed the tube of lube to Simo.

  “You gave us one hell of a scare, baby. That can’t happen again,” Simo said, squeezing lube onto his fingers then placing a hand on her shoulder as he eased the lubed fingers into her asshole.

  “Oh, Simo,” she said, and Colt thrust upward.

  “We’re going to be at this all night. All fucking night,” Colt said and then suckled and tugged on her tit.

  “This is our woman, guys. To protect, to love, and to satisfy,” Simo said and pulled fingers from her ass and replaced them with his cock. He gripped the thick organ and watched as he eased the bulbous tip into her asshole, and she sucked him in. Inch by inch, he felt so much, got emotional and felt possessive.

  “Ours, baby. All fucking ours,” Simo said, and with every stroke he fell deeper and deeper in love with Lilly.

  Jordo lifted up and held his cock. “I can’t wait. I need that mouth, and then I’m going to fuck that ass good and deep.”

  She immediately took his cock into her mouth and the three of them made love to her together. When Brian came in, he laid on the bed and watched them. “She should get that ass spanking now, commander,” he said, and Simo leaned back and chuckled.

  “You think she deserves one for putting her life at risk today?” Simo asked.

  “Fuck yeah,” Colt said.

  “Definitely,” Jordo said.

  Simo smacked her ass as he fucked it. She pushed back and moaned, and Simo lost his ability to hold back. He came in her ass, her sexy body too much to wait.

  As he pulled out, Jordo took his place, sliding from her mouth and coming behind her.

  “No more risking your life, baby, you understand me? We’ve been through too much in our lives. We need you,” he said and thrust right into her ass as he spanked it. She cried out her release and Colt followed.

  “Holy fuck, we love you. I love you,” Colt said, and she lowered as he pulled her down and kissed her. She widened her thighs and Jordo thrust into her again and again until they came.

  “Mine. Fuck, she’s our woman,” he said and then kissed her everywhere he could.

  “I love you guys, too. It has to be love to feel like this. To need you all so close, so deeply inside of me, making us one.”

  “It is, baby. It’s love,” Simo said to her and caressed her thigh.

  Brian stroked her jaw. “I know it was intense today, that you needed a moment to pull it together once you got free.”

  “I’m sorry I pushed you away at first. I was still in military mode, ready to kill. I was prepared to kill him if I had the chance and none of you could do it.”

  “You didn’t have to, though, and I was right there.”

  “I know, and to be honest, when he had that knife to my throat, the first thing I thought about was you guys. Maybe dying like that after all I went through. After facing death head-on twice, this being a third could have gone terribly wrong.”

  “What do you mean?” Simo asked.

  She lifted up, pulled the sheet to her chest, and sat up. Brian sat on her left, Simo on her right, Colt and Jordo sat on the bed and looked at her.

  “When I was fifteen, my sister’s friend and I were walking home when we were abducted by a serial killer.”

  “What?” they all asked at the same time.

  “I won’t get into all the details, but Mary, she was eighteen and gorgeous, and my uncle’s friend, a soldier, was a serial killer. He beat us, held us captive, and made us do things to him,” she said and wrung her fingers together. She forced the words from her mouth while Simo covered her hands with his. She looked up at him. “I’m okay. I just never talk about it. I had to explain what happened years later when I joined the military, and of course got through the psychological for the specialized team, but by then I had been in some serious encounters with insurgents in Fallujah and other places.”

  “Wait, how the hell did you survive, and what happened to Mary?” Simo asked.

  “It was as terrible, as you can imagine. We were captive for weeks, forced to obey him, but because I was fifteen and Mary was eighteen, he didn’t rape me.”

  “Damn, Lilly, I can’t believe you went through that. How did you survive?”

  “I attempted to escape twice. Neither ended well. Mary was basically going to be like the other victims, like the dead bodies he showed us and threatened us with. I’m not going to drag it all out and describe it all. Basically, it ended when I was beaten after I tried to escape, and I injured him. He hit me so hard and beat on me and then tried to make me bandage him up. I passed out, and when I woke, I heard Mary’s screams. I heard him tell her what to do to him and what he was doing to her. I saw that my shorts were undone, that my top was open and there were marks on my breasts. I was so angry, so scared and sick. And Mary’s cries… God, her helpless cries haunt me to this day. I gathered what strength I had, and I don’t even remember how I got the energy to get up, to grab the knife, to make my way to the bedroom, but I did, and as he raped Mary, beat her, I screamed for him to stop. He turned toward me, that sick, dark, evil look in his eyes. He was naked, she was bleeding…”

  “It’s okay, Lilly,” Brian said, and she shook her head.

  “He swung at me, and I stabbed him. Right in the chest, I stabbed him. He fell backwards as he swung at me, and that was it. I killed a man for the first time when I was fifteen years old.”

  Simo pulled her into his arms, and she straddled his waist. He caressed her hair, and Brian rubbed her back. Colt and Jordo joined in and caressed her thighs.

  “You saved Mary’s life and your own. It was do or die. You have nothing to be ashamed of or to feel badly about. It’s a miracle that you’re here with us. A damn miracle,” Simo told her, and she squeezed him tight.

  When she lifted up, Brian stroked her jaw.

  “Even though I got over that, I think there’s always been this fear, the reason why I hold back and don’t give my heart and soul to someone. I mean, my past relationships, the two I had, were good but they were safe.”

  “Safe?” Brian asked.

  “We don’t need to hear about her past lovers.” Jordo said.

  She looked at him, reached back, and stroked his bearded chin. “I’m not telling you to make you jealous, I’m explaining that those men were safe because they weren’t looking for a total commitment. They weren’t ready to leave th
eir high-ranking positions to get married, to have a family, and I was fine with that.”

  “High ranking positions? Who the hell were they?” Colt asked.

  She shook her head and smirked.

  “A Staff Sergeant? Major? Lieutenant Colonel? Colonel?” Colt asked, and she didn’t say a word she just bit her lower lip, trying to hide her laugh.

  “God damn it, woman, any higher and your older hook ups could have been your father as far as Brigadier General or higher to General are concerned,” Jordo said to her.

  She started laughing and tried moving off the bed, but Jordo pulled her down to the lower part of the bed and climbed up between her legs. She couldn’t help but to laugh, but he wasn’t laughing at all. Those dark brown eyes, his fierce expression, totally had her pussy creaming and made her begin to shake.

  “This body is ours now. You belong to us, to this team, got it?” he asked.

  She licked her lips. “I think I need more convincing, Jordo.”

  He widened his eyes. “What?”

  She held his gaze and lifted her torso. “Fuck me. Show me who I belong to,” she said, and he lowered down and kissed her hard on the mouth. The others started moving around, and then Jordo lifted up, aligned his cock with her pussy, and thrust right into her. He gripped her wrists with one hand, then with the other he ran his palm up her belly to her breasts, squeezing, pinching her nipples as he thrust his hips in and out.

  “Get ready, woman, you’re going for a ride,” he said and pulled out, flipped her onto her belly, then aligned his cock with her pussy and thrust into her again and again, giving her no reprieve.

  “Here,” she heard Simo say, and then Jordo lifted her up and Brian slid underneath her. Jordo pulled his cock out of her cunt and Brian lifted her higher, kissing her as he aligned his cock with her pussy, and she sunk down on it. Before Brian’s cock was balls deep in her cunt, she felt lubed fingers push in and out of her ass. Simo gripped her hair and head. She gasped, came from their dominant ways, and then lowered her mouth to his cock. She sucked Simo deeply, in and out. Up and down, she rocked her pussy over Brian’s cock and her mouth over Simo’s cock.

  Lubed fingers slid from her asshole, and then she felt the tip of Jordo’s cock. “A high-ranking officer, huh? Fuck that. This right here, us four, are the best,” Jordo said, and he eased his dick into her asshole and began some serious deep, hard strokes. They were relentless, thrusting and pounding into her body, and she let go and came. Simo shot his seed down her throat. Brian tugged on her tits and talked dirty to her.

  “You like teasing your men?” he asked and tugged a little harder.

  “Yes!” she cried out.



  “Oh.” Jordo spanked her ass, gripped her hips. “You like teasing us, huh?” he asked and continued to thrust and stroke into her asshole as Brian grunted and tilted his hips up hard and fast like some athletic lover.

  “Fuck!” Jordo grunted and came. He pulled out of her ass, smacking it, and Colt took his place.

  “Nothing compares to this. Nothing,” Colt said and slid his cock into her lubricated ass, thrusting fast into her asshole.

  “I can’t take it. Oh God. Oh God, I love you guys.”

  “We love you!” Colt grunted. Brian came, cursing and panting for breath, then Colt followed. They collapsed together to the bed and began to kiss her everywhere.

  “We love you, and you’re ours, woman. All ours,” Simo said, kissing her shoulder and she laid there spent, not moving as her men cleaned her up then snuggled with her in bed.

  Chapter 7

  “Are you out of your mind? How dare you try and fuck me over? You caused all this shit, Camiere. I got feds investigating me, and you have the fucking nerve to go shoot up a hospital to try and take Metra’s daughter? That was a federal agent you killed.”

  “I got a lot riding on this. You didn’t have the balls to do it right.”

  “You got in the fucking way of my plan. Those women, his daughter included, were on their way to a transfer location. It was done to throw off any feds or cops, and you get those armatures to crash the truck?”

  “I got men willing to make sure they got their cut I offered.”

  “Well, you won’t get shit now. The feds and cops know. It’s fucking over. You fucked us both,” Ezekiel said and hung up the phone.

  Lilly couldn’t help the tears in her eyes as Metra Arso hugged his daughter and they both cried. Metra hadn’t told them who had taken him and threatened to hold him hostage, just that they released him because their plan had failed. It was such a sight and a relief. It made Lilly think about when she and Mary had finally escaped and met up with their parents. Her father cried, and he never was the same man after that. He felt responsible, as if he should have known his brother’s friend had been sick in the head.

  Simo slid his arm around her waist and held her close. He kissed her neck, and she held onto his hand. When Azra pulled her father closer to Lilly, Simo released her, and Azra hugged her. She spoke in broken English, surprising them all, but then her father spoke in Turkish, thanking her for all she did. He hugged her, too. They talked some more and said goodbye, heading out with two federal agents.

  Everyone was relieved that it was all working out, and as they parted ways, Lilly kissed her men goodbye and headed toward the shelter to do some work for Shannon.

  Azra leaned against her father’s side as they sat in the back of an SUV and headed out of Warriorville. They were going to have a meeting with some other agents and then leave to head back to Cyprus in the morning. As they were driving, the SUV swerved, and someone crashed into the back of it. The agents drew their weapons, and then they were hit again. The SUV crashed into the ravine on the side of the road. They opened the doors and went out shooting as her father covered her to protect her and they waited for the gunfire to stop.

  Men came to the door wearing masks and pointing guns, demanding that they get out and come with them. They pulled them out, her father fighting and getting punched and hit in return. As they dragged them to another waiting SUV, she turned and saw the black Mustang just as they drew her into the back seat and started to speed off. The Mustang followed as her father grunted in pain and laid on his side. She crawled up next to him and held him tight.

  “We got someone on us,” one of the masked men said.

  “Lose them,” said another.

  “It’s a Mustang.”

  “We’ll take them out at the field. We can’t fuck this up,” the driver replied.

  Lilly had to do a double take. Was that the SUV with Azra and her father in it in the ditch on the side of the road? Then she saw the men dragging them across the way to another vehicle. She stepped on the gas as they took off down the road. Lilly reached for her phone and called the sheriff.

  “I’m on the highway and the SUV was taken out. Someone took Azra and her father. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’m following them.”

  “Lilly, wait for backup.”

  “Wait and I lose them. I’ll keep you posted. On Route 8 now, it’s a clear path. Hurry up,” she said and gripped the wheel and followed them in and around traffic, all the way to a side road that led to an old airfield. She called it in, but then she saw the SUV pull up close to some private jet. She jumped out of the car and ran toward the SUV as the men were dragging Azra and her father, not even realizing she didn’t have a gun or a weapon. The men pointed their guns at her. She raised her hands up.


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