Harlequin Romance February 2016 Box Set

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Harlequin Romance February 2016 Box Set Page 65

by Barbara Wallace

  ‘The club is one of the closest buildings to the tower.’

  Their waiter arrived with the champagne he had pre-ordered and opened the bottle with a satisfying pop. He filled the flute glasses that already sat on the white-linen-topped table and retreated once he had placed the bottle in an ice bucket to the side.

  She took a sip of champagne. And then another. ‘Wow! That’s the nicest champagne I have ever tasted. It’s sharp, but with a gorgeous biscuit undertone.’ She turned again to the tower and reached her hand out towards it. ‘I feel like I can almost touch it.’

  Then, as she looked around the rest of the terrace, he saw her expression grow even more radiant.

  ‘This club is so impressive—’ She stopped and blushed, and dropped her chin on to her cupped hand. ‘Oh, dear. I must sound like the most uncultured date you’ve ever had.’

  ‘You make a refreshing change from some of the jaded dates I’ve had in the past.’

  She gave him a suspicious look. ‘That’s good... I think.’

  If only she knew how many times in the past he had been left speechless by the cynicism and sense of entitlement of some of his previous conquests. ‘That’s very good.’

  As they both leant forward to place their glasses on the table their arms touched and a silent energy bound them together. He moved closer and her lips parted ever so slightly. Hunger powered through him. He inhaled her scent. The scent that now lingered in the air of the chateau and one he looked forward to inhaling each day when he returned from his meetings.

  Slowly their heads moved towards one another. Her head tilted to the side and passion flared in her eyes. Inch by inch they drew closer, and he had to stifle a groan when his lips met the soft fullness of hers.

  When he pulled away he was amused by how dazed she looked, and said, ‘You’re the best date I’ve ever had.’

  She blushed furiously and waved away his words, but her wide smile told of her delight.

  A group of waiters arrived with the food he had also pre-ordered, earlier in the day. The surprise and glee with which she eyed the food had him smiling to himself in pleasure.

  Once the waiters had departed she looked mischievously from the tiers of mouth-watering cakes to him. ‘It’s a bit late in the evening for afternoon tea, I would have thought.’

  ‘You said you loved millefeuille.’

  Shaking her head, she bent to inspect the three-tier stand. ‘All the cakes I used to dream of when I was a student: opera cake, éclairs, macarons...even miniature tarte Tatin.’ She looked at him, her throat working. ‘Thank you.’ She stopped as tears filled her eyes. ‘This is so considerate of you...’ And then she laughed. ‘I’m actually lost for words.’

  He gave her a smile. ‘Then don’t speak. Just eat.’

  He poured her some tea while she selected a millefeuille. He chose a raspberry macaron, filled with fresh raspberries and raspberry cream.

  She closed her eyes as she ate the first forkful of millefeuille. And he almost choked on his macaron. She looked incredibly sensual, with her head tilted back, pleasure written all over her face. He glared at a man sitting at a nearby table who was also captivated by her, a powerful surge of possessiveness taking him by surprise.

  Her happiness was increasingly becoming everything to him. It was as though he was plugged into her emotions and felt them as keenly as she did. When she was happy he was elated. When she was sad or upset his heart plummeted. He had never before felt so attuned to another person.

  It was both incredible and awful at the same time. Incredible that he could be so close to another person that he felt her emotions. Awful because it would make saying goodbye all the more difficult.

  As they ate they spoke about their past experiences in Paris, with the tower lighting up before them as the sun set. They both looked towards its graceful night-time beauty, but he quickly looked back at her.

  Her eyes shone with happiness. She was curled into her seat so that her body was directed towards him, even though her gaze was still on the tower. Her lipstick had faded from brilliant red to a faint blush.

  Unable to stop himself, he leant towards her and said her name gently. She turned to face him fully with a smile and his hand reached forward to brush a flake of pastry from her lips. At least that was what he intended to do. He removed the pastry, all right, but his finger lingered on her lips, desire coiling in his stomach.

  At first she stared at him in surprise, but then her gaze darkened. He lowered his finger but moved forward in his chair, wanting to be closer to her...

  * * *

  Awareness of his masculinity, of his raw power, flooded Aideen’s body and her head began to swim at the heat and scent of his skin.

  ‘I want you.’

  It was the barest of whispers and she drew back a little, needing to search his eyes, to see if she had heard right. The hooded intensity there told her she had heard correctly.

  Her throat was too dry to speak so she mouthed the words me, too.

  His eyes darkened even more as they traced the movement of her lips.

  Immediately he stood and held out his hand to her. Her insides had gone all funny and she worried that her legs wouldn’t carry her.

  Just as they were about to leave, the tower started its hourly light show, and as she stood watching the twinkling lights, enraptured, he held her from behind, his hands encircling her waist, his thumbs drawing lazy sensual patterns up and over her ribs.

  In the back of the car she tried not to tremble as he held her hand. Silent, powerful restraint pulsated from his rigid body.

  Once home, he threw open the front door and pulled her into the darkness, backed her against the wall.

  He stood so close the heat from his body curled around her, and she gasped when his fingers moved to undo the top buttons of her blouse. Once open, he pulled it down to expose both shoulders. Slowly he left a trail of soft, knee-weakening kisses along her collarbone and the sensitive ridge of her neck, his fingers dragging down the apricot-coloured lace straps of her bra, leaving a burning trail of heat on her skin.

  A deep moan of pleasure ricocheted from deep inside her. Her fingers scratched against the cool wall at her back, desperate to cling to anything.

  ‘I want to make love to you.’

  For the longest while she fought to answer him, her mind distracted as he continued to caress her earlobe, her neck.

  The absolute gorgeousness of inhaling him... The bone-melting thrill of his large, muscular body being so close... The desperate need to touch every inch of him... To have his body crushed against hers. To have him make love to her.

  Her hands clasped his face and drew him up to face her. Her breath hitched as his burning gaze met hers.

  ‘I want you, too.’


  A BUBBLE OF happiness and excitement burst in Aideen’s heart and spread little beads of serenity throughout her body.

  Beside her, twisted on to his side and facing away from her, Patrick slept, his breathing a slow and steady rhythm. The top sheet rested below his waist, and the beautiful, muscular expanse of his back was only inches away.

  In the pre-dawn light she could just about make out the faint scar that ran for a few inches just below his shoulderblade. What had caused it? There was so much she wanted to know about him. So much more to fall in love with. Simple everyday events like him brushing his teeth, the order in which he dressed, shaved.

  She moved closer and lowered her head against the hard muscles of his back, inhaling the musky, salty notes of his scent which always made her light-headed with desire.

  Last night had been more exhilarating and tender than she’d ever thought possible. They had made love slowly and gently, with an intensity that had had her fearing her heart would split in two. With each kiss and touch she had tried to show him what he meant to her, hoping he would see just how much she loved his strength and dignity, loved his kindness and integrity.

  Throughout he had whispered words of
endearment to her, his eyes dark with passion...and also with the same amazement and wonder that had had her reeling, too.

  And as she fell back to sleep, as she fell into a contented, exhausted pit of happiness, she wished she could stay there, in his bed, at his side, for eternity.

  * * *

  Two hours later the morning sun bathed the bedroom in a golden light. In their haste they had not got around to pulling the curtains last night.

  Lying on her stomach, Aideen was sleeping, her skin still flushed from their lovemaking. He leant forward and touched his mouth against hers. Her lips broke into a smile and her eyes opened, drowsy and lazy with happiness.

  She gave him a contented sexy sigh. ‘Good morning.’

  The huskiness of her voice evoked startling images of their lovemaking last night. Images that left him reeling in disbelief and with the desire to experience it time and time again. He lowered his head and kissed the warm skin of her shoulderblade. A ribbon of pleasure unfurled in him when he inhaled the fresh vanilla and floral scent that seemed innate to her very being.

  Against the sweet scent of her skin he whispered, ‘Good morning to you, too.’

  She edged her hip closer to him as his hand ran over her back. Her eyes met his and they shared a look so intimate it felt as though the world had stopped turning.

  Eventually he found his voice. ‘Did you enjoy last night?’

  She looked at him innocently. ‘Best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time.’

  For that, he kissed her hard, and he didn’t stop until he heard her whimper with need. When he pulled away she protested, and then nudged even closer to him, the length of her body tucking into his.

  A sexy wickedness flashed on her face. ‘Okay, I’ll admit that it was pretty mind-blowing.’

  A deep groan erupted from the core of him. He pressed his mouth against the side of her throat. He ran his hand down over her back, his thumb bumping along her spine so that she wriggled, and she wriggled even more when the entire span of his hand moved down over the firm roundness of her bottom.

  ‘Have I ever told you that you have an incredible body?’

  Her giggle echoed off the mattress and her body shimmied beneath his fingers.

  ‘As I recall, you said something to that effect several times last night.’

  ‘Well, you’d better get used to it, because I reckon I’m going to keep you in this bed for a very long time.’

  She gave a heavy sigh and smiled. ‘That sounds like heaven. Being with you is incredible. I never want it to end.’

  His hand stilled and his heart sank. He’d thought this was nothing but banter and teasing. But now her words echoed in his brain. They both knew this was never going to last. Didn’t they?

  He glanced at her again and the joy in her eyes had turned to disquiet. Her brow drew into a frown. She twisted on to her back, pulling the sheet up around her as she did so.

  ‘What’s the matter?’

  He collapsed on to his back, too, and stared up to the ceiling. ‘You know this has to end... I thought we were agreed on that?’

  He felt her yank the sheet a little tighter about her. ‘I know. But after last night...’

  After last night? Panic and disbelief had him sitting up on the side of the bed.

  Without turning to face her, he said, ‘I have a conference call in ten minutes. I need to get ready.’

  She didn’t respond, and he walked rapidly to the en-suite bathroom. He flicked on the shower and immediately stood under the stream of as yet cold water, his mind too agitated to care that his body was protesting.

  As the water pounded his scalp he closed his eyes and cursed silently. He felt as though he was drowning in emotions. Drowning in feelings he didn’t want to have. Drowning in how mind-blowing last night had been. And not just physically.

  Making love to Aideen had been different from anything he had ever experienced. At once he’d wanted to cherish her, protect her, possess her. In the act of lovemaking last night he had wanted their hearts and minds to fuse together as much as he had wanted their bodies to join. He had felt emotionally wrecked after it. As though he had exposed every part of himself to her.

  Had he just made the biggest mistake of his life? He had never opened himself up to another person so much. He wasn’t sure how to manage the vulnerability of that. And now she was saying she wanted it never to end.

  Part of him understood that. God knew it felt so good, so right, to have her by his side. He drew strength from her. From her enthusiasm, from her sense of fun, and also from her quiet compassion.

  But he couldn’t ever commit to a relationship. Not with its demands and hurts and misunderstandings. Not when he already lost all those he had loved. What if he messed up in years to come and lost her? Just as he’d messed up with Orla? What if he failed her as he’d failed his mum and dad?

  He was no good at relationships. In the end he would only hurt her. He didn’t even know what to say to her now.

  * * *

  When she heard the bathroom door close Aideen looked down at her trembling hands and drew in a shaky breath. What had just happened?

  She had spoken the truth—that was what had happened. And she had got it all wrong.

  After last night she’d thought he might feel the same way. Even this morning, when he had looked at her with such affection, she’d thought there was more to this for him than just a casual affair.

  Oh, God, she was so bad at reading men. First Ed. Now Patrick. How could she have got it so wrong?

  He had looked horrified when she’d said she wanted it to last for ever. She had said it unconsciously. But it had been the truth.

  Humiliation burnt deep in her stomach and her heart pounded in her chest. She needed to get out of here before he returned to the bedroom.

  She wrapped the sheet about her and frantically picked her clothes off the bedroom floor. And then she ran down the ornate corridor to her own bedroom.

  There, she collapsed on to the bed, her pulse pounding, her entire body trembling. Her skin was burning with embarrassment, but ice was flowing through her veins.

  What was she going to do? She had sworn she would never fall for a man again, and here she was in love with a billionaire who was completely out of her league. A man who had run at the first notion of her wanting more from their relationship.

  What had she been thinking? Talk about messing up on a spectacular scale.

  She needed to get away. The humiliation was too much. She couldn’t stay here. She couldn’t pretend not to have feelings for him.

  She winced at the thought of walking away. It might mean never seeing him again. Was she really ready for that? No. But there was no alternative.

  An hour later, after an extra-long shower and generally delaying as long as she could, she walked downstairs. Patrick was nowhere to be seen, so she grabbed a cup of coffee, wrestling once again with the machine, and sat at the island unit, all the while rehearsing what she was going to say to him.

  Not long afterwards he arrived in the kitchen, dressed in a slim-fitting navy suit. It showed the contours of his broad-shouldered, narrow-hipped frame to perfection, and for a crazy moment she longed to go to him, to wrap her arms about his waist, lower her forehead to that impregnable masculine strength and the power of his chest. Longed to inhale him. Soap... The sweet, musky tang of his skin...

  He had no right to look so gorgeous and calm when she felt so distraught. But his calmness strengthened her conviction that she was going to leave here with her dignity intact.

  He glanced at his watch. ‘I have another conference call in ten minutes and then some meetings in Paris later. When I get back I think we should speak.’

  His tone, his words, his stance were all shutting her out. He barely looked at her. Where had the warm and kind man of last night gone? Had it all been an act?

  Horrible tension filled the room. Unsaid words, hurt and humiliation were thick in the air.

  She wanted things t
o go back to where they’d been when they had woken, or to last night. To that carefree existence where reality had been suspended.

  She didn’t know what he was thinking. And the vulnerability that came with that cut her to the core.

  Did he regret their relationship? Did he even regret answering the door to her that night of the storm? Did he wish she had never come into his life?

  He was waiting for her to say something, but her throat was closed over and she was struggling to tell him what she had rehearsed. It was as though her heart was physically preventing her from saying the words logic said she had to speak.

  He came a little closer and leant a hand against the island unit, his voice less brisk now, almost sad. ‘I’ve always told you that I never want to be in a permanent relationship. I’ve never lied to you, Aideen.’

  First Ed had cheated on her. Now Patrick looked as though he wanted to head for the hills. She had to understand why she wasn’t good enough...why she kept getting relationships wrong.

  ‘Why don’t you want to be in a relationship?’

  He looked totally taken aback by her question for a while, and then frustration flared on his face. ‘I’m not interested... I don’t want to be tied down. I want to be able to focus on work. It’s not something I’ve ever wanted in life.’

  Was it really that simple for him? Maybe it was. Maybe he didn’t need love or affection.

  She couldn’t think straight.

  Swallowing deeply, she said in a strained voice, ‘I think we should call a stop to it all...it’s becoming too complicated.’

  A slash of red appeared on his cheeks and his voice was cool when he spoke. ‘I don’t want it to end, but if that’s what you wish...’

  Why couldn’t he fight her a little? Had last night been nothing but a figment of her imagination?

  She had to pull herself together.

  All along she had said this would never work, and yet after just one night in his bed she had become delusional.

  Now she knew for certain that this was never going to work. That this had been nothing but a brief interlude in her life. A magical, unbelievable interlude, but one that had to end. This wasn’t her world. She didn’t belong here.


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