Dangerous Territory

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Dangerous Territory Page 19

by Becca Van

  Sammy tried not to cry out when he dug the tip of his fingers into her jaw joints. It hurt so badly, but she clenched her teeth so she wouldn’t make a sound.

  “You owe me, cunt,” he snarled as he released her face and then slapped her other cheek. She saw stars, and her skin immediately felt hot and swollen. The only consolation was that Todd was beating on her and not Lily. She’d tear his fucking head off with her bare hands if he raised a hand to her baby.

  “It’s your fault I lost my fucking job and my house. You’re going to pay for ruining my life.” Todd slapped her again. When he scooted back down her body, she sighed with relief, hoping he’d had enough of hitting her.

  It was her last thought as he punched, pinched, and slapped her all over. Sammy tried to fight back, kicking and flailing her arms, hoping to get in a strike or two of her own, but he grasped her wrists after pulling her arms above her head and pinning them to the floor.

  Lily started crying and screaming, “Momma!”

  Sammy wanted to tell her she was okay, but each time she tried to speak, Todd hit her again, and all she could do was grunt or moan. She was so stunned and hurting so much that she didn’t notice he’d released her wrists until he tore the front of her shirt open. She gazed up at him through narrowed swollen eyes and saw the lecherous focus on her face. Sammy needed to fight back, or he was going to rape her right in front of her baby. She couldn’t let that happen. She bucked and wriggled when he tugged open the button on her jeans and lowered her zipper. When he managed to get her jeans over her hips and halfway down her ass, she brought her knees up, hoping to unbalance him, but it didn’t work.

  She knew the moment Todd registered Lily’s screaming. His shoulders tensed and his angry eyes iced over. As he turned to look at her daughter over his shoulder, Sammy drew in a deep gasp of air, ignoring the pain in her ribs, laced her fingers together, and folded them down. And then she reared up and slammed her joined hands against the side of Todd’s head.

  He roared with rage as he turned back, and she slammed her hands as hard as she could into his nose.

  * * * *

  Haden was scared shitless for Sammy and Lily. Maddox was driving faster than he normally would along the dirt tracks, but Haden didn’t think it was fast enough. Dust billowed out from under the truck’s tires, and he was thrown from side to side in his seat, his shoulder banging into the side of the door. He didn’t care if he ended up covered in bruises. All he cared about was getting to his woman and daughter.

  His gut churned, but he ignored the tumultuous emotions roiling in his stomach. Logan tapped him on the shoulder, and when he turned toward his brother, he took the gun from him.

  “I’ve checked the clip. There’s one in the chamber, and you’ve got twelve more bullets.”

  “Did you check mine?” Maddox asked through clenched teeth.

  “Locked and loaded,” Logan answered.

  Haden stared along the track. They were only minutes away from their target, but if Maddox kept driving, the asshole was going to hear them coming. “Stop!”

  “What the fuck, Haden?” Logan snarled.

  “He’s going to hear us if he hasn’t already. We need the element of surprise on our side. He could end up hurting or using Sammy and or Lily as shields.”

  “Shit!” Maddox applied the brakes until they’d stopped about two hundred meters away from the cabin. The surrounding land was sparsely treed, but thankfully there were a few shrubs around the dilapidated building. Haden just hoped the engine hadn’t carried on the breeze.

  “Let’s go,” Logan commanded as he climbed out of the back.

  Haden got out of the truck at the same time Maddox did. They all took off running toward the cabin. They slowed when they were closer and crept forward, making sure they didn’t make any noise by avoiding dry leaves and twigs on the ground.

  The hair on the back of his neck stood on end when Haden heard Lily screaming “Momma” over and over again.

  When he heard a loud thud, his heart stopped beating, and when it thundered fast and hard as more adrenaline surged, he took off running toward the door. He burst through the door with a bang, aiming his gun, but stopped dead when he saw Sammy lying on the floor, blood all over her, her eyes closed, and the guy slumped on top of her.

  “Move!” Maddox shoved Haden into the room.

  Haden tucked his gun into the back of his waistband after flicking the safety on and hurried over to Lily. She stopped screaming the moment he lifted her into his arms. She was saturated through to her skin. His poor little daughter had been so scared she’d peed herself. “I’ve got you, Lily. You’re safe now, sweet pea.”

  “Momma,” she wailed hoarsely, her throat obviously sore from all her screaming.

  “Momma’s okay, baby.”

  Haden closed his eyes, tears of relief squeezing out from under his lids.

  He turned to gaze at Sammy and was horrified to see her jeans were undone and halfway down her ass.

  Logan or Maddox had pulled the unconscious asshole off their woman.

  “Where are you hurt, Sammy?” Logan asked in a soft tone as he gently wiped the blood from Sammy’s face with his T-shirt. She hissed in pain.

  Sammy gripped Logan’s wrist. “It’s not my blood. I punched him in the face and knocked him out. I think I broke his nose.”

  Haden stared at the bruises covering Sammy’s chest. Her skin was red from where that fucker had beaten her, and she was already starting to bruise. Her cheeks and eyes were swollen, and he could tell by her shallow breaths that her ribs were hurting.

  Haden shoved to his feet and carried Lily over to Sammy. He knelt at her side and brushed a few strands of hair from her forehead. “Why didn’t you call us, sweetheart? You didn’t have to go to Lily’s rescue on your own.”

  “I didn’t think. I just needed to get to Lily,” Sammy answered as tears started to roll down her cheeks, leaving clean tracks on her blood-covered face. “I’m sorry.”

  Haden nodded, swallowing around the lump in his throat. He understood that Sammy’s first thoughts as a mother were for her daughter. He probably would have done the same thing if he’d been in her shoes. “I’m proud of you, sweetheart. You fought him and won.”

  “I did, didn’t I?”

  “Are you ready to sit up, baby?” Maddox asked.

  While Haden and Sammy had been talking, Maddox and Logan ran their hands over their woman’s body, checking her for breaks and other injuries.

  “Yeah.” Sammy clasped Logan’s and Maddox’s hands, and they slowly pulled her upright. She groaned, shut her eyes tightly, and swayed. Maddox carefully lifted her into his arms and stood.

  Logan turned toward Sammy’s still unconscious ex and tied the bastard’s hands behind his back after removing his belt.

  Just as he finished, the sound of tires crunching on gravel reached his ears.

  The cavalry had arrived, but they were too late.

  In fact, they’d all been too late.

  Sammy had managed to save herself and Lily all on her own.


  Three weeks later.

  Sammy tucked Lily into bed after reading her baby a story. Her daughter was sound asleep, and hopefully, tonight she wouldn’t wake up screaming from another nightmare.

  Sammy still had some mottled bruising from Todd’s beating, but she was no longer in pain unless she moved too fast or twisted too far.

  Todd had been taken away by the sheriffs and had been arrested for kidnapping, attempted rape, and extortion. He would be spending a long time behind bars once his case was sent to trial and he was sentenced. She’d never have to worry about seeing him again.

  Her men had already contacted a lawyer who’d visited Lily’s father in prison and gotten him to sign away his rights where her daughter was concerned. Now the loves of her life were in the process of adopting Lily as their own.

  Whenever she remembered her guys telling her that they loved Lily and wanted her to be official

ly theirs, she teared up. Happy tears, of course.

  Sammy exited Lily’s bedroom and was about to head back toward the living room, but ended up turning toward their bedroom instead. The light was on in the room, but she hadn’t been in there since it had gotten dark.

  She paused in the doorway and gasped when she saw that the light wasn’t from the bulb in the ceiling. There were candles strewn about on every available surface, their flames flickering and dancing in the air.

  Maddox, Logan, and Haden, who were sitting on the end of the bed, all stood at the same time, walking toward her.

  Maddox laced his fingers with hers, guiding her farther into the room. Logan closed the bedroom door and then came to stand beside his older brother. Haden was standing on Maddox’s other side.

  “This is beautiful,” she said, indicating the candles. She met each of her men’s eyes. “What’s the occasion?”

  “Does there have to be one to show you how much we all love you?” Logan asked as he threaded his fingers with hers. He was shifting from foot to foot as if he was nervous.

  Sammy shook her head, glancing toward Haden. He was clenching his jaw so tightly, the muscles on either side were flexing. When she met Maddox’s gaze, he nodded, and she frowned.

  And then she gasped when all three of her men went down on bended knee. Haden clasped her other hand when Maddox released it.

  “Baby, I love you, so fucking much. Will you marry me?” Maddox asked.

  Sammy’s eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open. She quickly closed her mouth and tried to blink back the tears of joy stinging her eyes.

  Logan squeezed her hand. “I love you and Lily, honey. You’re every breath I take. Will you please marry me?”

  She didn’t get a chance to respond because Haden cleared his throat, drawing her gaze. “You and Lily are the light of my world, sweetheart. I love you, Sammy. Please, marry me?”

  Sammy ignored the tears rolling down her face, swallowed, and then answered, “I love you all, too. More than three words can possibly express what’s in my heart. I would be honored to marry you all.”

  “Thank fuck,” Maddox grumbled as he opened a small jewelry box she hadn’t known he’d been holding. She gasped when she saw the ring. It was beautiful with a large two-carat diamond in the middle and two smaller diamonds on either side, set in 18-carat yellow gold. Maddox plucked the ring from the box, tossed the box over his shoulder, and slipped it onto her ring finger.

  All three of her men stood and hugged her one after the other.

  Sammy couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have met three astoundingly wonderful, sexy cowboys or that she’d attracted their attention, and now she was engaged to be married to them.

  She wanted to spin around and laugh with joy. Instead, she drew from their arms and started pulling her clothes off. She wanted, needed to show her men just how much she did love them. Plus, she was horny since she hadn’t made love with any of them because they hadn’t wanted to hurt her. However, she wasn’t about to let them refuse her any longer.

  Thankfully, Maddox, Logan, and Haden were of the same mind and quickly shucked their clothes.

  Maddox was naked first. He stepped toward her, wrapped an arm around her waist, and slanted his mouth over hers.

  The kiss they shared was hot and wild. Her blood heated, her breasts swelled, and her nipples hardened. Moisture wept onto her folds each time her empty pussy clenched, and her clit throbbed.

  When Maddox lifted her up into his arms and gripped her ass, she moaned as she looped her arms around his neck and hooked her legs around his waist. They both moaned when her pussy rubbed up against his hard dick.

  Instead of lowering her into the middle of the bed, Maddox sat her on the edge, knelt, and then he shoved his face into her pussy. He licked and lapped at her clit while pumping two fingers in and out of her cunt. She was so turned on, she was on the edge of ecstasy after only a few strokes. Sammy groaned when he withdrew his fingers and lifted his mouth away from her.

  “Lie back, baby.” Maddox clasped her upper arms, helping her down onto the mattress.

  As soon as he was where he wanted her, he gripped the base of his cock, aligned the head with her entrance, and drove in hard and fast. She cried out at the sheer bliss of having him fill her, and he made a growly sound. Then he lifted her from the bed into his arms, his cock still lodged deep in her pussy, and he turned before sitting on the edge of the mattress.

  Haden moved up behind her, caressing up and down her back and squeezing her ass. She shivered when she heard a bottle of lube being opened and the crinkle of a condom pack being torn.

  Sammy whimpered with pleasure when Haden rubbed two cool, wet fingers over her pucker and cried out when he penetrated her ass. Her internal muscles rippled around Maddox’s long, thick, hard cock when Haden began to thrust his fingers in and out of her back entrance.

  “Are you ready for me, sweetheart?” Haden whispered against her ear.

  “Yes. Now! Please, Haden?”

  “We’ll please you all right, Sammy,” Haden said just before he was pushing his dick into her ass.

  She gasped and panted as her nerve endings sparked to life.

  Maddox cupped and kneaded her breasts, pinching and tweaking her nipples. She sighed when Haden’s pelvis pressed against her butt cheeks.

  Sammy turned toward Logan, who was ready and waiting for her. He had one foot on the floor and a knee on the bed. His face was in an intense serious mask, but she knew the expression was because he was so aroused.

  She leaned toward Logan, swiped her tongue over the head of his cock, licking up the glistening drop of precum from the small slit, and moaned. Sammy loved how each of her men tasted, salty and sweet but with varying differences that was uniquely theirs.

  Sammy placed her hand around the base of Logan’s cock as soon as he removed his and gave him a few pumps as she took him deep into her mouth. Just as she started to bob up and down, Maddox and Haden began to move.

  Maddox retreated from her pussy, and as he surged back in, Haden withdrew from her ass.

  With each rock of their hips, her men moved faster and faster until they were pistoning their dicks in and out of her cunt and ass. Sammy pumped her hand and bobbed faster over Logan’s hard cock. She took him to the back of her throat and swallowed, loving all the growls and groans she was eliciting from him.

  The pressure began to build until she felt like she was the contents of a bubbling cauldron. Her muscles grew tauter, and the coil inside wound tighter and tighter.

  “Now!” Haden ordered breathlessly.

  Maddox slipped a hand between his and her bodies, and started massaging quickly and firmly over her clit.

  That was all it took to send Sammy flying toward the heavens.

  Her cry of completion was muffled by Logan’s cock in her mouth. He combed his fingers into her hair and shouted as he started to come. His cum spumed over the back of her tongue and down her throat.

  Sammy quivered and quaked with rapturous joy. Her muscles clenched and released over and over as she continued to climax.

  Haden slammed into her ass twice more, and the third time he plunged deep, he shouted, “Sammy!” His condom-covered cock twitched and pulsed as he reached his peak.

  Maddox dug his fingers into her hip as he drove up into her three more times, and on the fourth stroke, he yelled as he orgasmed, grinding his hips into hers as he shot load after load of cum deep into her pussy and womb.

  Sammy gave Logan’s cock a final lick, and when he pulled out of her mouth, she flopped down on top of Maddox as she tried to regain her breath.

  Sammy had never expected or wanted to have a relationship with another man, let alone three after the way Todd had treated and abused her, but she was so glad she hadn’t let her past experience with the opposite sex scare her away forever. If she had, she never would have met the other halves to her heart and soul.

  Maddox, Logan, and Haden were the men of her dreams, and they we
re all hers.

  She was going to spend the rest of her life being happy with her three sexy cowboys by her side.

  She couldn’t wait to start the rest of her life.




  Siren Publishing, Inc.






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