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Incineration (Heart of Stone)

Page 4

by Sidebottom, D H

  I had to stop this before it went beyond my boundaries so I pulled my hand back “If that’s all Mr Fox, I’ll make a start with the documents in your office” I said, looking away. He continued to glare at me and then grumbled something and disappeared through the door back to his meeting.

  I leaned against the wall, once again bringing my gaze up to meet my own in the mirror “Jesus Ava, pull yourself together” I ordered myself “It’s gone, it’s in the past” I pushed off from the wall and making myself a coffee, I dragged myself up to his office and started work, pushing all the horrific thoughts back where they belonged, to the back of my mind and locked them away again.

  About an hour later the office door flung open, Mason stormed in, picked something up from the shelf on the bookcase “I’m going out” he barked and slammed the door behind him. “Okay” I said quietly to the door, hoping it was the meeting that had darkened his mood and not my stupid emotions but I carried on with my work.

  As I left at 6 O’clock Mason hadn’t returned so I left him a note

  Mr Fox

  There is a lasagne in the oven for your dinner and a chocolate cake in the fridge; an apology for my emotional state this morning. It wasn’t very professional and I apologise. I shall be back to my normal proficient self tomorrow.


  At 8pm I received a text message



  Please do not apologise for who you are. I was just a little concerned at your obvious distress; I am not the heartless bastard people say I am…well not always.

  Your culinary delights were delicious again, thank you


  I was a little stunned by his statement but was glad that things would not be awkward between us the next day. I needed to put this behind me and concentrate on work but at the same time pull myself away from the feelings that were stirring for Mason, knowing that they would never amount to anything.


  The next couple of months flew by without incident and Mason and I settled into a relaxed routine. He still continued to flirt but I put it down to his personality and once I got used to his mood swings we seemed to shift into ‘friend’ stage. He was beginning to edge me into the business side of things and I couldn’t be happier.

  It was a Friday and a hot one at that. Mason was locked away in his office for most of the day and I was freezing some dinners for over the weekend for him when my phone alerted a text:


  Hey Babe

  We’re going to ‘the loft’ tonight, you in?



  Definitely, I plan on getting slaughtered, you in?



  God yes! We’ll be at yours at 8


  I smiled to myself, just what I needed; a night out with my girlies and plenty of alcohol.

  At 6 O’clock I tapped on Masons’ office door and received the usual greeting so I popped my head round “I’m off now Mason. I’ve popped some meals in your freezer and I’ve written the instructions on the packets on how to reheat” I gave him a wry smile, knowing he would be stumped if I hadn’t done that and was rewarded with a huge grin “Thank you Ava. You up to much this weekend?” he asked “Not much. Me and the girls are off out tonight but other than that I’ll be cleaning up my own shit instead of yours” I grinned, and he tipped his head back with a full on laugh “Ah I see, well enjoy and I’ll see you Monday” he winked and I smiled, closing the door behind me, feeling happy that our relationship had evened out and we were once again comfortable with each other.

  8 O’clock saw me, Courtney, Sally and Kim piling into the hottest nightclub ‘The Loft’. It had been open for about 6 months so was relatively new and was always jammed packed.

  We purchased our drinks and claimed a tall round table with stools, close to the dance floor and bar…perfect. I was feeling a little self-conscious in a short, tight black leather skirt and red halter-neck top which Courtney had been adamant I wore but luckily my knee high black boots covered most of my legs and I had left my hair down so it covered most of my back. My hair was the one thing I really actually liked about my appearance; it was copper coloured with red and blonde highlights and the natural curls swept down to near my waist.

  Within 3 hours I had already been approached by 7 men, each staring at my chest as they asked if I wanted a drink. I had just given another man the brush off when a drunken Sally leaned over “Jesus, I need your boobs, I never get any attention” she giggled and I placed my hand on my chest in mock offense “Are you saying it’s my tits that they’re after not my pretty face?”

  I feigned upset, now a little drunk and she laughed again “Seriously Ava, I’m so jealous. I look like a boy naked” she grumbled and I laughed “Sally Hun, you know what they say ‘more than a hand full’s a waste’” I winked.

  A sweaty hand settled on my back and a mouth came up to ear “I have big fucking hands love; yours won’t be wasted on me” recoiling I turned to meet a red faced sneer on a very drunken man “No thanks mate” I brushed him off and tried to turn back to my friends “Oh come on Darling, let me get you a drink and we can discuss those pretty things under you top” I grimaced and turned to him “Seriously?” I scoffed and his smile faltered at my mockery of him “Yeah seriously” he snarled, his leer aimed at my chest and one of his sweaty hands reached out and grabbed at my breast, but as he gripped me in his intoxicated state his fingers caught in the neckline of my top and as he stumbled he ripped my top, tearing a huge rip in the front, displaying my bra to everyone in the room.

  The familiar rage surfaced and I swung my legs off the stool, pulled my fist back and slammed it into his face, knocking him to the floor and splattering his nose.

  The crowd parted and Courtney jumped off her seat to grab me but I leaned over the man before she got to me “DON’T EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN YOU FUCKING ARSEHOLE!” I fumed, as Courtney managed to grab me and hold me back “Whoa Ava” she pulled at my arms.

  Sweaty guy managed to get to his feet and lunge at me but just as he got close he was whipped back, his body slamming backwards with force.

  A couple of bouncers ran over as Mason flung him to them “Get this fucking cunt out of here” he bellowed at one of the bouncers “Sure Mr Fox” he said. I stared at Mason. What the hell? He grabbed my hand and pulled me “Ava, come with me” he snarled and pulled me across the room, through a door and up some stairs leading to a corridor and then into an office.

  As he shut the door behind us I just stared at him “Are you supposed to be in here Mason?” I asked and he scoffed “Well seems as though I own the club, yeah I’m good” he turned glaring at me “Oh” I replied, shifting nervously, my finger raising towards my mouth “Don’t even think about it” he warned and I dropped my hand back down to my side.

  His intense gaze shifted to my chest and he swallowed heavily, a small moan escaping from his lips. I looked down and discovered everything on show, I had forgotten about my top in the excitement. “Shit” I exclaimed and crossed my arms across my chest.

  Masons eyes shifted and he walked to a cupboard at the other side of the room. Now that the adrenaline was dropping I felt myself sway, the alcohol overtaking me and I leant against the wall giggling. Mason turned back to me, a bemused look on his face “Something funny Ava?” he asked and I shook my head adamantly “Noooo Sir” I giggled again, taking in his stern expression “Are you always so cross Mr Fox?” I asked, feigning seriousness but swayed a little too much. “Whoa Ava” he said and rushed over to me, holding me upright.

  He narrowed his eyes on me and then down at my top again as I continued to titter to myself. His hands swept up my arms and landed on my shoulders “Lift” he commanded as he pushed up my arms. I frowned at him “I said lift Ava” he cocked his head and raised an eyebrow, daring me. I gave him a sly smile and slowly raised my arms above my head, locking on to his eyes now daring him. A lazy grin turned his lips as
he grasped the hem of my ruined top and swept it up my arms and over my head, his eyes never leaving mine.

  I was now stood in just my skirt and red lacy bra, his eyes bore into mine as his breathing slowed to match mine. We gazed at each other for a moment and then his eyes dropped to my chest, a small growl sounded in his throat and his eyes darkened and hooded over. He lifted his finger and traced the edge of my bra along the swell of my breast “So beautiful” he breathed and I closed my eyes, trying to suppress the small groan that refused to stay hidden.

  As soon as it left my lips his mouth crashed down on mine, kissing me with a ferocity and passion that left me breathless. His hand reached into my hair and he wrapped it round his fingers, tilting my head back as his mouth lowered to my neck; his teeth grazing me as he sucked my skin savagely. His hand reached up and cupped my breast, caressing it tenderly; a sharp contrast to his mouth, which had now found mine again and our tongues were clashing feverishly.

  Another groan escaped me as his thumb brushed over my hard nipple. My breasts felt heavy and I arched my back, pushing them further into Masons’ hand. “God, I want you so much Ava” he groaned against my lips and I clasped his head, pulling his mouth back to mine.

  He pushed me up against the wall, thrusting his groin into me and grinded his erection against me. “Oh God” I whimpered as he started grazing my jaw “You want me too” he growled, a statement not a question and I nodded “Yes!” my arousal was soaking my knickers as his fingers delicately edged up my outer thigh.

  I was panting now, way past the point of retreat when a knock came to the door and my mind cleared, pulling me back. I stared at him, not understanding what had just happened “Wait” Mason barked at the intruder as he placed a shirt around my shoulders and I slipped my arms through it, quickly buttoning it up

  “What?” he snapped and the door opened before the bouncer from the floor entered “Just to let you know boss, we sent him on his way” Mason nodded “Did you give him the usual send-off?” he asked, his lip curling. Bouncer nodded “Although the lady here broke his nose first” he turned to me then, an amused look on his face “You have a fine right hook Miss” he winked.

  I nodded and scurried towards the door, mortified by my actions with Mason “Ava?” Mason called out and I turned but kept my eyes lowered “I’ll see you Monday Mr Fox” I murmured and exited the room quickly, having to hold on to the hand rail to navigate my drunken self down the stairs.

  I spotted the girls and grabbed Courtney and my bag “I’m going” I informed her and she frowned at me “You okay?” she asked, glancing down at Masons shirt, now covering my modesty. I nodded “Just a headache. You stay, I’ll text you the taxi reg and when I get back” I shouted to her over the music and left before I got her response, desperate to leave before Mason caught up with me.

  Running out of the exit I was relieved to see a group of taxi’s already lined up and I jumped in the nearest, garbling my address and telling him to step on it as I saw Mason exit the club “Quickly” I shouted to the driver and he sped off, leaving Mason stood by the roadside pushing his hands through his hair in agitation.

  Pulling in a deep breath I leant my head back against the headrest as the driver eyed me through the mirror “You okay love?” he asked, frowning at me. I smiled and nodded “Yeah thanks, just an overfriendly bloke” I laughed to disguise my panic.

  What the hell had happened in there? I had never in my whole life acted as I did like that, I was ready to rip his clothes off and ride him to oblivion. The thought made me wet, and the vivid visions refused to leave my head “Jesus Ava” I sighed to myself as I rubbed my eyes.

  My phone rang but I ignored it and then a text alert beeped on my phone


  What the hell Ava? What did I do?

  Text me when you get back so I know your home safe. That is an order not a request! By the way, you need to sanitize your knuckles, they are bleeding! We will talk Monday.

  Shit! I groaned as I looked at my hand “That looks nasty” the driver said “You want to divert to the hospital?” he asked, I was growing to like this guy “Nah, I’m okay but thank you” I gave him a gentle smile and he nodded, then took me the rest of the way in silence, sensing my reluctance to talk. After bathing my hand with a swill of vodka, I sat on the sofa and finished the rest, falling asleep drunkenly on the couch.

  There was a ringing in my ears and I grumbled at it, trying to drift back to the peacefulness of sleep and it rang off. I smiled to myself and snuggled deeper in to comfort but the ringing started again. I reached on to the floor and rummaged through my bag, answering my phone without opening my eyes “What?” I slurred “Ava?” Mason growled and my eyes snapped opened. Shit! “Erm hi” I said hesitantly “Are You home?” he asked firmly “Erm yup” I grimaced as I heard him huff “You were supposed to let me know” he said grimly and I recoiled into the couch at his tone, as though it would shield me from his anger “Erm…yeah sorry, I kind of just flaked out” I heard him huff again “Did you clean your hand?” he probed and I groaned “Yes sir, I gave it a drink of vodka” I smirked, trying to hold in the laughter as the silliness of the conversation “Don’t be facetious Ava” he snarled. Oops! “Sorry” I whispered back and I heard his resigned sigh.

  He was silent for a moment “Where the hell did you learn to punch like that?” he asked, now in a lighter tone. I groaned and rested my head back; rubbing at my temples “You need to be tough when you grow up in foster care Mr Fox” I heard his growl through the phone; Mr Cross was back and I rolled my eyes “Will you stop with the Mr Fox, I think we got to the first name stage tonight, don’t you?” he demanded and I gulped “Erm I really should go Mr…Mason, I’ll see you Monday” I hovered on the disconnect icon as he shouted my name again “Yeah?” I asked quietly “Make sure you keep your hand clean and yes, I’ll see you Monday. Take care Ava” he said softly and I frowned, his mood swings were perplexing “Okay Mason, bye” I heard his soft bye as I ended the call and quickly remembered to text Courtney before I climbed the stairs and climbed into bed with a groan. I was going to have a killer headache tomorrow.


  I had arranged to meet Courtney for brunch in our favourite restaurant and as I was sat waiting for her at our table my phone trilled



  Was that it? The extent of a conversation down to one word? Puzzled I replied


  Nope, fresh as a daisy

  I grinned when he sent back a smiley face. “Boo” Courtney shouted behind me and I jumped in my seat, snarling at her “Headache?” she asked. Seriously? It must be the new word craze. I shook my head and grinned at her, poking my tongue out.

  She plopped into the chair opposite me, narrowing her eyes on me “Spill” she ordered and I retreated into my chair a little. I shrugged and scanned the menu “Spill” she repeated more firmly, kicking my shin gently and I glared at her “That was just my boss” I said nonchalantly and this time she raised her eyebrows instead of lowering them “He owns the club, he just took me upstairs to get me a shirt” I told her and she nodded slowly “So why did you do a runner and then he came demanding to know where you had gone?” she cocked her head, obviously not believing a word I was telling her.

  I was saved by the arrival of our waitress “Orders?” she snapped and I raised my eyebrows at her “Please…” I encouraged and she stared at me, remaining silent. I folded my arms and leaned back in my chair, noticing the twitch on Courtneys’ lips; I cocked my head at the waitress and gave her my death glare. She shifted uncomfortably on her heels and softened her expression “Order please” she rephrased and I grinned snidely at her “I’ll take coffee and blueberry pancakes please” I pointedly looked at Courtney, raising my eyebrows in query, she also grinned at the waitress “I’ll have tea and a breakfast roll…please” she added the please with a smirk. The waitress nodded and made a hasty retreat.

  Courtney laughed and winked at m
e “Wonder if we get a different waitress now?” That glare of yours could kill a rhino” she mocked “By the way, you are gonna have to stop punching blokes. One day they’re gonna thump you back” she said seriously and I shook my head “The fucking knob grabbed my breast and ripped my top, he deserved it” I shrugged, not in the slightest bit worried that I would one day get myself in trouble.

  Her mouth quirked on one edge “Do you know the bouncer gave him a right thrashing on your boss’s orders and you’re telling me nothing’s going on between the two of you?” I shrugged again, nibbling on my finger and Courtneys eyes zoned in on it “See; now I know you are lying. There’s something going on” she crossed her arms and glared at me “Okay” I conceded “we kissed and he felt me up. That’s all” I glanced away; the blush creeping up my neck. “Ah ha” she jumped excitedly “I knew it” I rolled my eyes at her exhilaration “judging by his demeanour afterwards, I take it you ran” she probed and I nodded sadly “I can’t do it Courtney. It’s not just the sex before you start; it’s the whole relationship thing. I can’t let him in” I lowered my eyes, desperately wishing I was a different person, one who grabbed life by the horns and lived it. “Oh Babe” she sighed and covered my hand with hers “Relax and go with the flow. I presume you escaped your shell last night and gave in to him. If you can do that then who knows?” she shrugged, giving me an encouraging smile “I don’t know what came over me, he’s turns me on something bad but he also frightens me. His mood swings are ferocious; One minute he’s gentle and the next he’s barking orders at me. It just confuses me” I revealed as a different waitress brought our order and my phone beeped again


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