Incineration (Heart of Stone)

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Incineration (Heart of Stone) Page 18

by Sidebottom, D H

  I had reached the corner where the island met the wall, my phone now behind me on the worktop. I slid my hands behind me and stretching my fingers out, hunting for it and when I felt the cold metal I closed my fingers round it and slid it behind my back, swiping the screen as I did.

  I wasn’t sure how I could ring Mason when I couldn’t see the screen but I held it tight, waiting for the opportunity. Dane had come within spitting distance and that’s exactly what I did…I spat in his face. He hissed and held his hand to his face as I sped round him and ran for the stairs as I scrambled with my phone, redialling the last number and praying it was Mason.

  I heard Dane running after me and as I reached the top step and headed for the bathroom. I heard the call connect and Mason’s cheerful voice on the end “Hey Baby” Dane was now gaining on me and I slid across the hardwood floor “Mason!” I screamed down the phone “Ava?!!” I heard his panicked reaction.

  As I reached the bathroom door Dane reached out and snagged my t-shirt “You fucking bitch” he snarled as we fell to the floor together “Ava?!!” I heard Mason scream down the phone as I dropped it. I snapped my foot into Danes face and he reared back “Fuck!” he roared.

  Scrambling through the bathroom door I tried to swing it shut behind me but he kicked it back and stalked towards me as I scurried backwards until my back hit the edge of the bath, my stomach dropped as an evil grin lifted his lips “Oh dear! Nowhere to go Ava?” I quickly surveyed my surroundings and spotted a brass candle holder to the right of me, sitting on the shelf around the bath. As I edged towards it Dane loomed over me and I scrambled to my feet but he punched me in the face, knocking me sideways and much to my relief, into the edge of the bath. My fingers wrapped around the candle holder and I swung it into his face. He cried out and both of his hands shot towards his smashed nose.

  I raced past him and headed for the bedroom and thought I had made it until his arms shot round my stomach, holding my arms stiffly at my sides and he picked me up. I struggled against him, kicking and screaming and as we reached the bed I thrust my head backwards and crashed my skull into his nose, damaging it further. He flung me onto the bed “YOU FUCKING CUNT” he bellowed and grabbed my hair “I was just gonna fuck you but you’re gonna regret doing that. I’m gonna make this fucking painful now.” he thundered and flipped me onto my stomach as he straddled my thighs.

  His hands still gripped my hair tightly as he lifted my head and his face came down to mine. “I have wanted to fuck you for so long Ava. I’m afraid this might hurt a little” he sneered as his hands dug into my t-shirt and ripped it off me and then his fingers swept under my skirt, pulling at my knickers “Please Dane, don’t do this” I begged and he turned me round underneath him.

  He leant down towards me and his mouth crashed down onto mine. I cringed as my stomach revolted to his touch and I bit down hard, clamping his bottom lip between my teeth “You bitch” he cried and backhanded me, my face shot to the side and he punched me again, this time splitting my lip severely and my blood splattered his face. His hands reached down and tore my knickers off and I could feel his erection dig into my thigh. I scrambled backwards up the mattress but he held me firm, clutching my thigh and lifting it upwards as he scrambled with his zip “Dane please, I’m pregnant” I sobbed and he seemed stunned for a moment but then the look in his eyes, froze my blood “Ooh goody” he snarled “Let’s see if we can rectify that” my stomach dropped at his words and the colour drained from my face “W..w.what?” I stuttered as my eyes widened and my heart stopped as he brought his elbows together and ploughed them into my stomach. I screamed and my body’s instinct brought my legs up as it naturally tried to defend my baby but he did it again as I screamed and jerked wildly underneath him. His fist rose back and just as he was about to punch me, Sam came barrelling into the room and charged at him, knocking Dane off me and onto the floor.

  I curled up tightly into a ball as I heard Sam lay into him “YOU FUCKING BASTARD” Sam roared and proceeded to kick Dane, as he had adopted my stance and curled into himself.

  The horrific agony in my stomach came then, crippling me and taking my breath as I screamed and passed out.


  I woke in the hospital again and I wondered if I had a room reserved as I was making frequent visits. My face hurt and I had stomach cramps causing me to bring my knees up into my stomach and groan “Ava?” I heard Mason whisper in the darkness “Mason?” I rasped, turning to look for him.

  He settled on the edge of the bed and took my hand in his “The baby?” I asked and he sighed, squeezing my hand tighter “I’m so sorry baby” he choked out.

  I lay in silence, unable to process the fact that my baby was dead, murdered! My throat closed in and my mouth dried as my heart shrivelled and died.

  I released his hand and turned, curling into a ball “Go” I said simply “Ava?” he gasped “Get out” I repeated calmly. He gripped my arm and tried to turn me over “Ava?” I looked over my shoulder and he reared back at the vehemence and coldness in my eyes “I told you to leave Dane alone. I told you it was mine and his argument Mason but you had to take it further. You did this!!!” I spat, hating him at that moment with all that I was.

  He looked stunned and then guilty “Baby…I…I…” he wheezed “I said get out Mason” I persisted but he just sat staring at me “GET THE FUCK OUT AND DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME AGAIN!!!!” I roared and he jumped off the bed, holding his hands up in a placating gesture “Baby…please” he urged as Sam entered the room and took hold of a shocked Mason. “Come on mate, leave her be” Sam said gently, guiding Mason out of the room, leaving me in darkness again and I silently wondered if it would ever be light again.

  I woke sometime later as a nurse was checking me over “Hi Ava” she had a warm smile that reached he eyes, sympathy written all over her. She sat on the bed and took my hand in hers “I’m so sorry Ava, but we couldn’t save your baby” she said gently and I nodded, lowering my eyes and I wondered why I wasn’t crying. “Would you like to talk to somebody about it?” she asked and I shook my head “No…thank you” I whispered and she nodded “I will give you some leaflets before you leave in case you change your mind” I nodded again and she stood, still holding my hand “Your friend is here, shall I show her in?” she asked and I nodded.

  She showed Courtney in as she slipped out and shut the door quietly “Ava?” Courtney breathed as her voice cracked and a tear slid down her cheek. I sat, watching it trail through her eyelashes, down her cheek and drip off her chin onto her chest, again wondering where my tears were.

  She sat on the bed and took my hand; that was the third time someone had held my hand in the space of a couple of hours and I regarded her long fingers curled around my tiny pale ones “How are you feeling Babe?” she asked and I shrugged but didn’t speak. She narrowed her eyes on me “Ava, say something babe” she implored and I slowly lifted my eyes to hers, studying the sadness and love for me in her eyes.

  All I could do was shrug and curl up, not wanting to say how I felt because the pain was too raw, too excruciating to explain.

  I felt her snuggle behind me, spooning me and her arm embraced my stomach as her thumb slowly drew circles against the empty space where my baby had been. Her other hand stroked my hair slowly as she hummed softly in my ear, giving me something to concentrate on instead of the longing ache that resided in me.

  The next time I woke, Courtney was sat in the room chair, watching me. A small smile lifted her lips and she cocked her head “Hey you” I smiled slightly and pushed myself upwards.

  She climbed from her chair and sorted the pillows behind me “How are you feeling?” she asked and I rolled my eyes at her “Fucking great!” I snapped and she sucked in her lips but didn’t say anything. I sighed “I’m sorry Courtney” I said gently and gripped her hand. She shook her head “You need to let it out Ava” she said softly and narrowed her eyes as I dropped mine “I can’t” I whispered “It hurts too fucking much” she
sat beside me.

  “Mason hasn’t left” she informed me and I stiffened “I don’t want him in here Courtney” I hissed and she narrowed her eyes again “Ava…he’s…he’s hurting as much as you babe” she uttered and I scoffed “I seriously doubt that. It’s his fucking fault” I spat and she sighed “No Ava. It’s Danes fucking fault” she said sternly and I glared at her “I told Mason not to get involved Courtney but he wouldn’t fucking listen. Dane was angry at me for ending his and Mason’s friendship, because Mason had beat the shit out of him for coming on to me” I growled and my blood started to boil “Ava no. Dane was a sick bastard that’s all. Mason was just sticking up for you”

  I knew she wouldn’t understand how I felt. Me and Mason were over, he had caused the death of my baby and I would never forgive him for that

  “What happened to Dane?” I asked and she remained silent and I snorted “I take it he’s been ‘taken care of’?” I shook my head as she nodded and confirmed my thoughts “See, now he should be in prison, suffering for what he did but…but now he’s where I wanna fucking be…at peace” I spat, the anger, fury and hatred surfacing “AVA!” Courtney gasped “Oh fuck off Courtney!” I yelled and she reared back but then her hand shot out and she slapped my face “Don’t you dare take it out on me. I am your best friend not your bloody enemy Ava. And say anything like that again and I swear to god…”she didn’t finish and I scoffed “You’ll what Courtney? Finish me off? It would save me the job” I whispered and her face paled. She stood, picked up her bag and left, slamming the door behind her.

  I rested my head against the pillow and sighed. My life had changed so much in the last couple of months; from George leaving to making the biggest mistake of my life…meeting Mason.

  Spotting my phone on the bedside cabinet I sat up and dialled George. He answered after the third ring “Hey princess” he chirped and my resolve melted as I heard his comforting voice and I couldn’t speak “Ava?” he persisted “G…George” I rasped “Ava? What’s wrong princess?” he asked slowly “George” I whispered “Ava, talk to me” he barked sternly “What’s wrong?” my heart choked at his worry about me “I…I need you George” I murmured “Ava tell me sweetheart” he urged and I sighed “My baby…my baby’s dead George” I choked out but there were still no tears “Shit!” he growled “I’m on my way princess. I’ll be there as soon as I can, okay?” he asked and I didn’t answer straight away “Ava, put Mason on sweetheart” he ordered softly and I snorted down the phone. I could hear George’s hesitation “Where’s Mason Princess?” he asked slowly and I shrugged, unaware that he couldn’t see me “Not here. I don’t want him here” I hissed and George paused again “Did he hurt you sweetheart?” the tone in his question held so much menace I was actually frightened of what he would do to Mason “No, his best friend did. He…he…” I swallowed “Dane…he…murdered my baby” I said coldly and I heard Georges sharp inhalation “Fuck Ava” he breathed “Listen sweetheart, I’ve just managed to secure a flight for 11 O’clock online so I’ll be with you as soon as I can, okay?” he reassured and I nodded “Is Courtney with you?” I gulped guiltily “Erm no, she got mad at me and left” I told him quietly “Oh princess, what did you do?” he asked softly “I…I said some horrible things to her” I whispered and he sighed “She’ll be back” he paused “Ava; I have another call coming through. I’ll be with you as soon as I can. I love you princess” he breathed “I love you too George” I whispered back as I ended the call, slid down the bed and placed my hands on my empty stomach “I’m so sorry” I whispered to nobody “I’m sorry”.

  I awoke some time I the night, it was dark but there was light coming through the glass in the door. I spotted someone curled up in the chair, covered with a blanket. I slipped my legs out of bed and headed towards the bathroom, a desperate need to pee.

  “Ava” Courtneys’ voice croaked out and I turned to her “Courtney?” she stretched and flipped on a floor lamp next to her. She looked at me, assessing my mood and then cocked her head “I’m so sorry Courtney” I said sadly. She rose and walked over to me “Already forgotten babe” she smiled “wee?” she asked and I nodded and headed for the bathroom “I’ll grab you a drink” she said and walked through the door.

  I entered the bathroom and gasped at my reflection in the mirror. My lip was stitched; no wonder it felt sore, there was a huge purple bruise on my right cheekbone and a blue smaller one on my left one but it was my eyes that captivated me, they were cold and empty, a hollow soul looking back. I sighed and sat on the toilet, ordering myself not to look at the bloody pad in my knickers; the leftovers of my baby.

  Courtney returned with a coffee when I was situated back in bed, handing it to me and perching herself back in the chair “What time is it?” I asked between gulps, the coffee already stimulating my brain “About 4.40 I think” she rubbed her eyes and rolled her neck “You get off Courtney, I’m fine” I told her but she shook her head “Nah, I’m good” she said. “Has he gone?” I asked hesitantly, she regarded me then nodded once “Yeah” was all she said, and I sensed her discomfort with bringing the subject up again.

  The door opened and George stood in the doorway, he looked old and haggard; his face was full of concern but his eyes were full of love. He scanned the room then his eyes found mine, he tipped his head and took a deep breath when he studied my features; his eyes grew dark, his taut lips pulled tight and he had a curl to his lips that made him seem extremely sinister. A small growl left his throat and I was suddenly aware of why people had been afraid of this man, the hatred and need for revenge was etched deeply into his face.

  He turned to Courtney and I saw her rear back into her seat at the sight of him, his power and fury engulfed the room “Where is Dane?” he asked so quietly I nearly didn’t catch what he’d asked her. She swallowed and shook her head “It’s sorted” she rasped out and then dropped her eyes, frightened of what she could see in his. He narrowed his eyes and then took a deep breath, clearing his mind and turned to me.

  He walked across the room slowly, his gaze penetrating me and the sight of this man, a man who loved me so completely, so limitlessly and so openly broke me. A sob escaped my throat and he sped up, swiftly moving across the floor until I was wrapped in his comforting arms. My sobs grew stronger until I was screaming and weeping at the same time. He held me tight, stroking my hair and rocking me as I bawled and broke.

  Courtney slipped from the room quietly as George continued to soothe me, his gentle hushes in my ear calming me and as I quietened and opened my eyes I saw Mason stood in the doorway, silently watching us. I scrambled back at the sight of him “GET OUT!!!” I yelled and he closed his eyes as though in pain. George stood suddenly and narrowed his eyes on Mason “She asked you to leave” he said with a chill to his voice. I couldn’t ascertain Mason’s expression but he nodded and turned, leaving me alone with an angry George.

  “What did he do Ava?” he asked, a terrifying quietness in his voice that begged no arguments and I told him about getting pregnant, Dane and Mason’s interference, right up where I had woken up in hospital. He sat silently listening, never interfering or breaking in and when I got to the part where Dane had chased me through the house, Georges face had darkened and I noticed his fists clenched tightly.

  We sat in silence for a moment when I had finished retelling him everything and then he turned to me “Princess…I don’t blame Mason for what he did” my eyes widened and my blood started to boil. What was wrong with these people? “He did what any man in love would have done. Dane earned Masons wrath for what he said and did in that supermarket, I would have done the same” he said bluntly “he loves you Ava and when we are in love, well, we do things without thinking” he explained but I shook my head “No George, you’re wrong!” I demanded and he took my hand “Ava, you are just looking for someone to blame sweetheart. It’s quite normal” I snatched my hand back “No George. I told him not to interfere, but he never bloody listens. I have to do what he te
lls me, but he never fucking listens to me. If he had just left it then…” I couldn’t finish the sentence, not wanting to say it out loud. George simply nodded “I’m not going to argue with you Ava, you are hurting and grieving but I won’t let you blame Mason for this. It was his baby too, his baby has died too Princess” he said sadly and I looked away, refusing to let George see how his words hurt me. I had expected Georges support and understanding but apparently I wasn’t going to get it.


  The doctor had given me the all clear after a few checks, he declared me fit to go home and George huddled me into his hire car and drove us back to the cottage.

  We entered and he double checked everything after I told him what had been happening, and if anything had come out of this nightmare, it was that it had all ended. The obvious fact that it was Dane behind all the stalking and the poisoning would now be over.

  George went out for breakfast take-away and Brian and Brenda visited, my heart breaking again as Brenda swept me into her arms and held me tight. Brian was lovely and sat, holding my hand tightly as Brenda blabbered on about nothing in particular and I was grateful for her diversion, knowing and understanding what and why she was doing it.

  They left after a couple of hours and around lunch time there was a knock at the door as I was curled into the sofa under a blanket, watching sitcom re-runs. George went to answer it and I heard hushed voices in the hallway but didn’t get up, presuming George would lead them into the room I carried on with my diversion of television.


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