A Great and Glorious Adventure

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A Great and Glorious Adventure Page 34

by Gordon Corrigan

taxation 22–3

  the Great Cause 23–4

  the Scottish problem 23–4

  Scottish campaigns 24–5

  debts 25

  and Gaveston 27

  professionalization of the army 63

  Assize of Arms 68

  Edward II, King

  homosexuality 25–6

  coronation 26, 27

  and Gaveston 26–7, 30

  baronial opposition to 27

  Scottish campaigns 27–8, 65–6

  campaign against Lancaster 28–9

  and the Despensers 28–9, 31, 32

  marriage 29–30

  Anglo-French relations 31–2

  French territories 31–2

  war with France 34–6

  and Isabella’s invasion 35–6

  abdication 37

  death 37

  burial 37

  possible survival 37

  Edward III, King

  coat of arms 12, 52

  birth 30

  homage to Charles IV 32

  coronation 37

  marriage 37

  womanizing 37

  peace treaty with Scotland 39–40

  claim to the throne of France 2, 12, 41–2

  homage to Philip VI 42

  regency council of state 42

  execution of Mortimer 42–4

  imposes rule 44–5

  Scottish campaigns 45–6, 49–50, 66–7

  alliances 47

  navy 48–9

  and Robert of Artois 49, 52

  Flanders campaign, 1339–40 50–3, 51

  proclaims self king of England and France 52

  pawns crown 53

  return to England, 1340 53

  finances 53–4, 58–9

  assembles forces, 1340 54

  Battle of Sluys 54–8

  failure to capture Tournai 58–9

  and Breton succession crisis 77

  Breton campaign 78–9

  embarkation for Crécy Campaign 82–3

  Crécy Campaign landing site 85

  chevauchée Crécy Campaign 86, 88, 93–4

  at Caen 90 at Crécy 99, 100, 103, 104, 109

  siege of Calais 114, 115, 120, 123

  and the surrender of Calais 123–4

  return to England, 1347 125

  truce, 1347 125

  foundation of Order of the Garter 125–7

  last combat 129

  prestige 129

  peace negotiations 131–3, 158–9, 162, 163

  Poitiers Campaign 138

  and Jean II 157, 158

  French campaign 162–3

  renounces claim to French throne 163, 165

  and the routiers 169

  Spanish campaign, 1367 170

  loss of French territories 177–9

  campaign, 1372 178–9

  death 179–80

  Edward IV, King, invasion of France 281

  Eleanor, duchess of Aquitaine and countess of Poitiers 15

  Eleanor of Castile 20

  Elizabeth I, Queen 284

  England 2

  French territories 13, 163, 265

  John’s loss of French territories 18–19

  claim to the throne of France 41–2

  regency council of state 42

  control of French Atlantic coast 48

  military system 61–2

  the Black Death 127, 128, 167–8

  economic recovery 131

  loss of French territories 177–9, 275–9

  continuance of war, 1386 188–9

  impact of Azincourt 251

  English army

  feudal 61–3

  mercenaries 63–4

  professionalization 63–4, 121, 165, 282–3

  composition 64–6, 70–2, 223–4

  archers 70

  men-at-arms 70–1

  light cavalry 71

  organization 74

  uniform clothing 74–5

  English Civil War 283, 284

  English forces

  Crécy Campaign 81–2

  Crécy 100, 102

  Crécy losses 110

  Neville’s Cross 119

  at Mauron 130–1

  chevauchée, 1355 133

  Poitiers Campaign 137, 140

  Poitiers losses 154–5

  Spanish campaign, 1367 170–1, 173

  Breton campaign, 1379 183–4

  Breton campaign, 1380 184–5

  Azincourt Campaign 223–4, 233

  Azincourt 240–1, 242

  Azincourt losses 249

  Normandy campaign 254–5

  English identity 3, 221

  English language 6–7

  English military system 61–2

  English navy 48–9, 54–8, 89, 99

  Enrique of Trastamara 170–6, 172–4, 176, 182

  Erpingham, Sir Thomas 246

  Estates General, the 157

  Étaples 114, 181

  Eu 234

  Eu, Count of 93

  European Union 285

  Evesham, Battle of 20, 33

  Falaise 256

  Falkirk, Battle of 25

  Fastolf, Sir John 269, 271, 277

  Fay, Godemar du 98

  Fécamp 234

  Felton, Sir Thomas 182

  Felton, Sir William 173–4

  Ferrers, Sir Robert de 94–5

  feudal military system 61–3

  feudal system 61–2


  Edward III 53–4, 58–9

  Jean II 130

  Henry IV 196, 205

  Henry V 222–3

  Flanders 266

  Flanders campaign, 1339–40 50–3, 51

  Folkestone 52–3

  Fontenay-le-Pesne 90

  food 80

  force multipliers 283–4

  Formigny, Battle of 276–7

  France xi, 157–62

  English claim to the throne dropped 1

  English claim to the throne of 2, 12, 41–2

  time at war with 2

  national identity 3, 284

  taxation 3

  English territories 13–20, 32, 163, 265

  extent of country 16

  John’s loss of English territories 18–19

  Henry III gives up claim to French territories 20

  alliance with Scotland 24

  English control of Atlantic coast 48

  the Black Death 127–8

  lawlessness after Poitiers campaign 157–62

  Edward III renounces claim to throne 163, 165

  English loss of territories 177–9, 275–9

  continuance of war, 1386 188–9

  civil war 209–11

  Henry V claims restitution of English territories 221–2

  impact of Azincourt 251–2

  relations with Britain 284–5

  free companies 160

  French fleet 47, 48, 52–3, 54–8, 181–2, 205–6

  French forces 69

  Caen 90

  Crécy 105

  Crécy losses 110

  at Mauron 130–1

  Poitiers losses 154

  Spanish campaign, 1367 170

  at Najera 175

  Azincourt Campaign 234, 237

  Azincourt 239, 245

  Azincourt losses 248–9

  artillery 275

  professionalization 275, 283

  French Republic, the 1

  French Revolutionary Wars 285

  Froissart, Jean 5, 86, 94, 98

  galleys 53, 55

  Garde de la Mer 75–6

  Gascoigne, Sir William 217

  Gascony 52

  Gaulle, Charles de 2

  Gaveston, Piers 26–7, 30, 32–3

  Genoa 55

  Genoese crossbowmen 98, 105, 106–8, 114

  Geoffrey of Anjou 14

  Geoffrey of Maldon 90

  George III. King 1, 12

  Gesta Henrici Quinti 224, 233, 237, 239

  Ghent 52

; Glorious Revolution of 1688 284

  Gloucester, Humphrey, duke of 189, 190, 223, 247, 252, 264, 266

  Glyn Dŵr, Owain 197–8, 199–200, 201, 206, 211–12

  Godric, Saint 6

  gold prices 8–9

  Golfe de Lion, the 133

  Goucourt, sire de 227, 228, 230

  Granada 170

  Grandvilliers 96

  Great Army of the Sea, the 54–8

  Great Britain x

  English claim to the throne of France 1, 2, 12

  time at war with France 2

  relations with France 284–5

  Great Seal of England 54, 82

  Great Western Schism, the 180

  Great Yarmouth 48

  Gregory XI, Pope 180

  Gregory XII, Pope 207–8

  Grey, Sir Reynold 197–8

  guerrilla warfare 177–9

  Guienne 179

  Guînes, Treaty of 131–3

  Guy of Boulogne, Cardinal 132

  Hainault, count of 33

  halberds 71

  Hales, Sir Robert 187

  Halidon Hill, Battle of 46, 66–7, 103

  Harcla, Sir Andrew 66

  Harcourt, count of 94

  Harcourt, Sir Godfrey 94, 96


  French attempts to regains 252, 254

  French recapture 273

  Harfleur, siege of

  advance to 225–6

  defences 226–7

  garrison 227

  cannon 227–8

  blockade 228

  flooding 229

  mining operations 229

  surrender 230, 232

  Harold Godwinson 13

  Harwich 52–3

  Hastings, Battle of 13

  Hawkwood, Sir John 8, 164, 169

  heavy cavalry 64–5

  Henry, Prince (son of Henry II) 16

  Henry I, King 14

  Henry II, King 14–16, 63

  Henry III, King 19–20

  Henry IV, Bolingbroke, King 194

  and the Peasants’ Revolt 186, 187

  exile 190

  seizes crown 191–3

  background 195

  reign 195

  finances 196, 205

  French reaction to 196, 197

  Welsh rebellion 197–8, 205, 211–12

  and the Percys 198–200

  Battle of Shrewsbury 199–205

  use of decoys 202

  rebellion, 1405 206–9

  health 208, 210

  makes heresy a secular crime 216

  death 211

  Henry V, King 220

  birth 196

  leadership 3–4

  military ability 8, 212–13

  at Shrewsbury 155, 200, 202–4

  arrow wound at Shrewsbury 155, 203–4

  and Henry IV’s health 208

  and the Lollards 216, 217–18

  appearance 217

  coronation 217

  religious piety 217, 233

  status 221

  claims restitution of French territories 221–2

  finances 222–3

  Azincourt Campaign preparations 222–5

  and the Southampton Plot 225

  at Harfleur 226, 228–9, 230, 232

  cannon 227–8

  Azincourt Campaign 4, 232–3, 237–8

  at Azincourt 240–1, 246

  Azincourt address 242–3

  orders killing of prisoners 248, 249

  arrival at Calais 249

  return to England, 1415 249, 251

  negotiations with Sigismund 252

  Normandy campaign 254–9

  siege of Rouen 256–8

  administration of Normandy 258–9

  alliance with Jean the Fearless 259

  recognized as heir to the French throne 259–60

  and the Treaty of Troyes 259–60

  marriage 260

  entry into Paris 261

  campaign, 1421 262

  death 264, 285

  Henry VI, King 264, 273, 274, 285

  Henry VII, Tudor, King 281

  Henry VIII, King, French campaigns 281–2

  Henry of Lancaster 130, 132

  heresy 213, 215–19

  Hesdin 114

  Holland, Sir Thomas 93, 126, 167

  Homildon Hill, Battle of 198–9

  honours system 62–3

  horse armour 64, 149

  horses 64–5

  transport 81

  Crécy Campaign 82

  at Crécy 104, 108–9

  health hazards 121

  at Poitiers 149

  at Azincourt 247

  household retinues 71–2

  Hungary 126

  Hungerford, Sir Walter 241

  Huntingdon, earl of 92–3, 254–5

  Iberian peninsula 170

  income 9

  indentured retinues 72, 222–3


  rise of 65–6

  wages 75

  Inherent Military Probability, Theory of 7

  Innocent VI, Pope 131

  Inquisition, the 213

  Ireland 191

  Isabeau, Queen 259–60

  Isabella, Queen 197

  marriage 29–30

  and Gaveston 30

  character 30–1

  and the Despensers 31, 32, 34

  and Anglo-French relations 31–2

  and Mortimer 34–6

  invasion of England 35–6

  peace treaty with Scotland 39–40

  decline in popularity 40

  claim to the throne of France 41–2

  capture 42–4

  imprisonment 44

  Isabella of Angoulême 18

  Isabella of Gloucester 18

  Isle of Wight 52–3, 181, 206

  Jacqueline, countess of Hainault 266

  Jacquerie, the 160–2

  James I, King of Scotland 212, 260

  Jean II, the Good, King of France

  accession to throne 129

  character 129

  finances 130

  peace negotiations 131–3, 158–9, 162, 163

  leadership failure 138, 140

  advance to Poitiers 144

  negotiations at Poitiers 145–6

  at Poitiers 148–9, 151–2, 153

  capture 153, 154

  freedom negotiations 157–8

  ransom 163

  death 168

  Jean III, Duke of Brittany 77

  Jean of Tourraine, Dauphin 252

  Jean of Valois 132

  Jean the Fearless, duke of Burgundy 255, 259

  Jeanne d’Arc

  background 267

  voices 267, 268

  interview with the Dauphin 267–8

  letter to English 269–70

  arrival at Orléans 270

  shoulder wound 270

  status 270–1

  and Charles VII 271–2

  capture 272

  trial 267, 272

  execution 272

  last prophecy 272

  Jeanne of Burgundy 31

  Jeanne of Flanders 78

  Jervis, Admiral John, Earl St Vincent 283

  Jews, persecution of 128

  Joan, countess of Kent 126–7, 167

  Joan, Princess 40

  John, count of Luxembourg, king of Bohemia 109, 112, 113, 142

  John, King 16, 18–19

  John of Gaunt

  at Les Espagnols sur Mer 129

  military ability 8

  Spanish campaign 3, 171

  Normandy expedition, 1370 177

  as ruler of Aquitaine 178

  chevauchée, 1373 179

  unpopularity 181

  and the Peasants’ Revolt 186

  Lords Appellant trial 190

  support for Richard II 191

  and Wyclif 216

  death 191

  John of Lancaster 206–7

  John XXII, Pope 35, 47

  Katherine of
Valois 260, 261

  Keepers of the Maritime Lands 75–6

  Kent, Edmund earl 43, 44

  knighthood banneret 62–3

  knights 61–2, 72

  equipment 62

  status 62–3

  wages 75

  Knollys, Sir Robert 169, 170, 173, 177

  Kyriell, Sir Thomas 275–7

  La Haye 144

  La Roche-Derrien 121, 122–3

  La Roche-Guyon 94–5

  La Rochelle 178

  labourers, wages 9

  Lancaster, Earl of 28–9, 123

  Lancaster, Henry of 132, 138, 141, 156

  Lanercost priory 118–20

  Languedoc 133–4

  last battle 278–9

  Le Crotoy 93–4

  Le Tréport 53

  legacy 281–6

  Lent 269

  Leon 170

  Leopold of Austria, Duke 17

  Les Espagnols sur Mer, battle of 129

  Lesneven 121

  Liddel Strength 118

  light cavalry 71

  Limoges, massacre 177–8

  Lincoln, Battle of 19

  Llewellyn of Breconshire, Sir David ap 240

  logistics 117–18, 137

  Loire, River 143

  Lollards, the 215–19

  longbow, the 67–9, 69–70, 84

  looting 3, 92, 96, 138

  Lords Appellant, the 189–90

  Louis IV, Holy Roman Emperor 47, 50

  Louis VII, King of France 15

  Louis VIII, King of France 19

  Louis X, King of France 30

  Louis XI, King of France 281

  Louviers 94

  siege of 256

  Lussac-les-Châteaux 177

  Lydgate, John 7

  Lyons 170

  Magna Carta 19, 20

  Maine 265, 274–5

  Maisoncelle 239

  malaria 121

  mangonels 116–17

  Manny, Sir Walter 49–50, 53, 78, 123–4, 162

  Marcel, Étienne 160, 161–2

  Marck, French raid on 205–6

  Margaret of Anjou 274

  Margarite of Burgundy 30–1

  Marie, viscountess of Limoges 77

  Maritime Lands, the 76

  Matilda, the Empress 14

  Mauron, Battle of 130–1

  Meaux 262

  medical treatment 154–5, 203–4

  medieval prices 8–9

  Melun 260

  men-at-arms 70–1, 102

  mercenaries 63–4

  Merciless Parliament, the 189

  Middle English 6–7

  military ability 7–8

  military advances 282–3

  military service

  incentives 73–4

  obligations 61–2, 72

  system of 22–3

  Milly 96

  mines and mining 116, 229

  Montagu, Edward 73

  Montagu, William 126

  Montereau 259, 260

  Montevilliers 233–4

  Montfort, John de 77–9, 156, 166–7

  Montfort, Simon de 20

  Montgomery, Sir John de 117

  Morlaix, Battle of 78–9

  Morley, Robert 54–5

  Mortimer, Sir Edmund 206

  Mortimer, Edmund, earl of March 192, 199, 217, 225, 232

  Mortimer, Ian 239

  The Perfect King: The life of Edward III 37


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