Aces Over Queen (The Drift Book 8)

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Aces Over Queen (The Drift Book 8) Page 10

by Susan Hayes

  “It should be. You’re the one on vacation right now,” Royan said.

  “I know, and trust me, I’m going to enjoy this too.” She lowered her voice to whisper. “Royan, what you would have wished for if you’d won your bet with Owen?”

  Owen’s disappointment morphed back into anticipation. He didn’t know exactly what Royan would have asked for, but he had no doubts it would be something x-rated, and after days in Royan’s company, Tianna had to know it, too.

  “I was of two minds, striptease or blow job. I never got to decide, because it turned out the sexy bastard can cook.”

  Owen grunted. “I don’t dance.”

  “You saying you were going to bail on our bet?”

  Owen grimaced. “I’m saying you’d have better luck with option two. There isn’t enough booze on the Sprite to make dancing happen.”

  “That sounds like a dare to me, but maybe one for another time.” Tianna folded her hands under her chin and beamed, her smile eerily similar to the one Royan wore when he was about to cause havoc. “My wish is that Royan gets his wish—only I get to watch.”

  “Check please!” Royan shot to his feet. “Never mind Flek, I’ll just leave the scrip on the table. Keep the change.” He tossed a generous amount of cash on the table, grabbed Tianna’s hand, and started for the door before anyone else had moved.

  “So, that’s a yes?” Tianna was laughing as she let Royan pull her out her seat.

  “Fraxx, yes it’s a yes! Have you met me? Did you think no was even a possibility?” Royan demanded.

  “Not really,” She admitted, then turned her attention to Owen. “Be a sweetheart and bring the pizza, will you, Owen? We’re going to need the energy later.”

  Flek appeared at that moment, his grin so wide every one of his pointed teeth showed. “I will bring a box. You will catch up to your companions in no time.”

  “Catch up?” he turned in time to see Royan and Tianna laughing as they hurried out the door, leaving him behind. Sharp claws of jealousy raked across his heart, and he turned back to the table and started gathering up the remains of their meal.

  A box appeared on the table a few moments later and he slid the pizza inside. “Thanks, Flek.”

  “You’re welcome.” It wasn’t Flek’s voice that answered him.

  “Tia?” He turned around to find Tia standing only a few feet away, while Royan was leaning up against the door. Neither of them was smiling anymore.

  She walked over and took his hand. “You thought we’d leave without you?”

  “Technically, you did leave. I watched the door close behind you,” he pointed out.

  “I got carried away, baby.” Royan gave him a lopsided smile. “Forgive me?”

  “I’m hoping you can forgive both of us. I asked you to bring dinner and then walked away like you were one of my staff, not my friend.” Tianna blushed. “I’m not really used to having friends, but that’s no excuse.”

  Without a word he pulled Tianna to his side, and then held out a hand to Royan. “Get over here, you lunatic.”

  “I might be a lunatic, but I’m not a fool. I’m not going anywhere without you.” Royan crossed the floor, ignoring Owen’s outstretched hand to wrap he and Tianna in a bear hug.

  “I’m glad to hear it.” It was going to take time for Owen to believe that Royan really had changed, but he was getting there.

  “Now that we’re done screwing up and making up, can we get back to the plan?” Royan asked.

  “Good thinking. And this time, I’ll get the pizza.” Tianna reached for the table, but came up short. “Right after you let go of me.”

  Now that he had them both in his arms, letting go wasn’t something Owen was eager to do. Not at all.

  Getting involved with two men was going to be more complicated than she’d expected. Even if it was all temporary – hell, especially since it was temporary – Tianna didn’t want to be a source of contention. This was supposed to be fun for all of them. Whatever journey Royan and Owen were on, she didn’t want to derail it.

  It didn’t take long to walk back to the Sprite. It was the fastest she’d walked all day, and she wasn’t the only one in a hurry. Their deliveries had arrived while they were at dinner, and they had to take a few minutes to carry them inside.

  They checked in with the ship’s AI on the way inside. It confirmed that all was quiet and the ship was ready to depart whenever they were ready.

  “Run a diagnostic on the stabilizers and confirm they’re functioning properly,” Royan said, then gave them a hand putting the perishables away.

  Once that was done, he shooed them out of the galley. “The rest can wait. Better things to be doing right now. Out, out, out.”

  Anticipation and arousal swirled inside her, making her heart race as she followed the two men down the corridor. They were moving so fast she had to jog to keep up, and when they reached the door to their quarters both of them tried to go through at the same time. “Oof. Move your foot.”

  “Hey, watch the elbows!”

  “Get your hand off my— Fraxx!” They finally got through the door, both of them tumbling into the room in a tangle of limbs.

  She followed them in, wiping tears of laughter from her cheeks as she went. “That was adorable.”

  “That’s one word for it.” Owen was sprawled face down across the lower end of their bed with Royan lying partially on top of him.

  “At least we landed on something soft. In the old days, the bed was half the size it is now. We’d have wound up on the floor instead.” Royan rolled to one side held out a hand to her. “Little help?”

  She moved closer and took it, preparing to help him to his feet, but before she could, Royan tried to pull her down with them. She resisted for a split-second, then made herself go limp and fall into his arms. “Cheater.”

  He grinned up at her. “I like to think of myself as a creator of unexpected opportunities.”

  The bed shifted as Owen pushed himself up onto his hands and moved out from under Royan, sending everyone tumbling into new positions. Tianna rolled to the right and Royan followed her, pinning her to the bed.

  “I like this opportunity even better.” Royan leaned down to brush a tender kiss to her lips. “Hello gorgeous. Welcome to our room.”

  “Hi.” She reached up to smooth the heavy fall of his hair out of his eyes. “Nice bed. Very comfy.”

  “Glad you like it. We’re kind of hoping you’re going to share it with us for the rest of the trip.”

  “Both of you?” she asked. She knew the answer already, but she needed to hear it out loud.

  Owen joined them, stretching out his big frame beside hers. He leaned in as Royan moved back, giving way to the bigger man. “Both of us. But only if that’s what you want.”

  She loved the way he checked in with her, making sure she was in agreement. Royan’s reckless enthusiasm and Owen’s more cautious approach really made them a great match, and a temptation she didn’t want to resist anymore. “It is absolutely, positively what I want, but I have a caveat of my own.”

  “What’s that?” They both asked at almost the same time.

  “I don’t want to mess with what’s happening between the two of you. I’m temporary. You two are…well, not.”

  “You think so?” Royan grinned and looked at Owen with an adoration that made her envious.

  “I know so.” She pushed herself up just enough to reach Owen’s mouth with hers. Their lips grazed and then Owen had his hand in her hair and pulled her in close for a kiss that wasn’t the slightest bit cautious or careful. He groaned her name, the sound vibrating against lips as her world went up in flames.

  “And there he is, the sexy beast who takes what he wants. I’ve missed him,” Royan’s voice was raw with need.

  She reached for him blindly, her hand landing on the hard planes of his chest. She fisted his shirt and pulled him closer. “Kiss him, Owen. I want to see that.”

  Owen kissed her one more time, lettin
g his tongue slide along her lower lip before letting her settle back onto the mattress. From that angle, she had a perfect view as both men leaned in and kissed each other. Owen cupped the back of Royan’s head, pulling him in closer, their mouths mated and both of them groaning low in their throats. It was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen.

  She still had hold of Royan’s shirt in one hand, and she reached for Owen’s with the other, hanging onto them both. Without looking down, Royan stroked his hand down her arm, letting his fingers wander across her body until he found one aching breast.

  She arched off the bed, her eyes still locked on the two of them kissing as Royan began to roll her nipple between his fingers, sending jolts of pleasure zinging through her body.

  “More. Show me more.” The words were out of her mouth before she even knew she was going to speak.

  Royan tore his mouth from Owen’s to look down at her. “Anything you want, sweetheart. But maybe Owen should get a blowjob tonight. Kind of an apology for what I did earlier.”

  She nodded. “I think he deserves that.”

  Owen actually blushed, and her heart melted a little at the sight. “I don’t need that kind of apology.”

  She let go of Owen’s shirt and let her hand drift down to the hard bulge of his cock where it strained against the fabric of his pants. “You might not need it, but I know you want it. I bet Royan’s got a wicked tongue.”

  Both men groaned, and Owen’s cock twitched under her hand. “He does.”

  “Once I’m done using it on Owen, I’ll be happy to give you a demonstration, sweetheart.”

  Hell yes. “You’ve got yourself a deal.”

  Royan’s brown eyes darkened to near black with desire. “As our queen wishes.”

  “Oh, she wishes, very much.”

  They moved off the bed, then helped her to her feet, keeping her between them as they started to shed their clothes. Shirts, boots, pants, it all got tossed into a pile in one corner of the room while she leaned against the wall and enjoyed the view. Owen could have been a cyborg design he was so big. Biceps, chest, thighs, everywhere she looked was nothing but corded muscle and strength. She remembered how he’d caught her that first day, so strong and at the same time so gentle.

  Royan was lean and fit, his trim form surprisingly well muscled for a pilot. She hadn’t seen either one of them work out since she’d been on board, but judging by their appearance both of them had to spend time in a gym.

  “Like what you see?” Royan asked, squaring his shoulders turning to face her, letting her get a good look at every part of him before turning around in a tight circle.

  “You’re shameless,” Owen grumbled.

  “Also gorgeous, sexy, and amazing. Oh, and modest. Can’t forget that one.”

  “Your sister isn’t paying me enough. I’m asking for a raise next time we’re home.”

  “Does she know about the two of you?”

  Royan shrugged. “Probably. She doesn’t miss much, and it’s not like I’ve been subtle.”

  “You don’t know the meaning of the word.” Owen rolled his shoulders, looked around the room, and then sat down at the edge of the bed. He’d chosen a spot that gave her a perfect view, while leaving enough space for Royan.

  “True.” Royan sidestepped in front of Tianna, pausing to give her a hot, lingering kiss that made her entire body tingle. As he pulled away, he ran a hand from her hip to her breast. “You can get naked and join us anytime you’re ready.”

  “Soon. But first, I want to watch.”

  “Then I better start the show.” Royan stepped in front of Owen and stroked a hand down his face. “Hey, sexy.”

  Owen reached out with both hands, grasping Royan’s shoulders and guiding him down to his knees. The second he was in position, Owen leaned in and kissed him hard. Royan groaned and took hold of Owen’s cock, gripping it tightly as he gave it several swift tugs.

  Owen’s hips jerked, and Royan chuckled. “I know baby, I know.”

  He kissed his way down Owen’s body, and by the time his mouth brushed over the tip of Owen’s cock, she was breathless with anticipation. She clamped her thighs together as her clit began to throb in time to her heartbeat and she had to press her palms against the wall to stop herself from reaching out to touch them.

  Owen speared his fingers into Royan’s dark hair, and his head fell back as Royan took him deep into his mouth. The flames of desire that had burned inside her since Royan’s kiss exploded, consuming her with need. She never took her eyes off the two of them as she stripped out of her clothes.

  She kicked off one borrowed boot and it landed with a clunk against the metal floor. Royan didn’t react, but Owen turned his head and fixed her with a heated look that made her blood sizzle in her veins.

  “Come here.” He held out his hand to her, and before she could think about it, she was kneeling on the bed beside him. He snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her in to his side, lifting his head to kiss her. Her pants were still caught up on her remaining boot, so she left that foot hanging off the edge of the bed. She’d worry about it later. For now, all that mattered was connecting with these two men while she had the chance.

  Chapter Ten

  Royan kept his head down and his mouth busy as Tianna joined them on the bed, but he didn’t need his eyes to follow what was happening. He could feel Owen’s eagerness telegraphed through every move and sound he made.

  He hummed to himself, letting the vibrations roll through Owen’s cock and balls as he took him all the way to the back of his throat.

  Owen responded by tightening his grip on Royan’s hair and rocking his hips against his mouth with a low, needy growl that sent a surge of blood straight to his dick. He wrapped one hand around Owen’s cock and the other around his own, working them both in the same rhythm. He raised his head, dragging his tongue along the underside of Owen’s shaft and then focusing his attention on the sensitive skin at the crown, using all his skill and experience to bring Owen to the brink so he could watch the big man’s control shatter.

  Owen had a plan of his own, though. And once Royan saw what it was, he gave a happy hum of approval. Owen had let go of them both and stretched out on the bed. From his vantage point he could see Tianna’s momentary confusion, followed by a grin and a nod as Owen tapped his chest. It took a few minutes of patience and manoeuvring to get Tianna into position, on her hands and knees, her head near Royan and her sweet pussy right over Owen’s face.

  Her mouth popped open in a perfect “O” as Owen wrapped his arms around her thighs and pulled her down onto his mouth. Her eyes locked on his, and the three of them fell into the first steps of a dance that was both new and familiar. Tianna’s eyes locked on his, and she gave him a sultry little smile that ended with a moan that made his balls tighten and his cock throb. He pumped his shaft, imagining that it was her hands on his cock, her mouth he was fucking. Soon. But for now, he was going to sit back and enjoy the view. Well, maybe not sit back…

  He leaned forward and started working Owen’s cock with his mouth and fingers, keeping an eye on Tianna as best he could at the same time. Owen groaned, the sound muffled but still audible to everyone, and Tianna added her voice to his. Soon the room was full of the sounds of sex and pleasure. The three of them were connected, every caress amplified, every sensation shared between them until he was drunk with it. They were all feeling it, all moving together, pushing each other up the scales of pleasure.

  Their movements grew faster and rougher. Skin flushed, breath ragged, muscles taut. Owen’s cock thickened and Royan took him to the back of his throat again, determined to bring him to orgasm first.

  Owen seemed to have the same plan for Tianna, because a half-second later she cried out his name and came, grinding pussy against Owen’s mouth as she struggled to hold herself up. Seconds later Owen came hard, exploding into Royan’s mouth as he shuddered through his release. Only Royan held back. When he came, he wanted to be buried balls deep inside Tianna.r />
  Tianna didn’t have to fake the way her arms and legs trembled as she moved off of Owen and flopped onto the mattress beside him. Apparently medi-bots and cybernetic implants were no match for a mind-melting orgasm.

  Royan joined them a few seconds later and the three of them rearranged themselves so they were all in the middle of the bed. Owen on one side of her, Royan on the other, and both of them on their sides looking at her and each other with naked hunger in their eyes. Royan leaned over and kissed her, drawing her onto her side so that she was facing him. He swept his tongue into her mouth, tasting her deeply as his hands coaxed her into position. She let herself be guided, trusting them to show her what they wanted.

  Owen moved in behind her, pressing his hard body against her back. He cupped her breast in his hand, his lips tracing a fiery path along her neck to her ear. When he touched the spot just below her lobe she quivered and moaned. He lingered on the spot until she moaned again and bucked her hips backward until she made contact with his cock. Despite the fact he’d just come, he was already getting hard again.

  “You've recovered already? I don’t know if I should be flattered or worried,” she said.

  Both men stilled for a moment, then Royan ended their kiss, moving back enough he could look into her eyes. “We thought you knew.”

  “Knew what?”

  “Medi-bots.” Owen’s voice was a soft whisper by her ear.

  “We’ve both been injected with them,” Royan continued.

  “Does that bother you?” Owen asked, his voice so soft she almost missed the question.

  “How?” The question flew out of her mouth before she could think. It wasn’t supposed to be possible. She didn’t even know how hers had been incorporated into her system. No one would tell her.

  “You read the report about our friend, Zale. He was part of the original team that created the medi-bot tech.” Owen explained.

  Her mind raced to try and process what she was hearing. She had read about him and his creation of medi-bots that didn’t require genetic compatibility. It was in the files the guys had given her. What hadn’t been mentioned were the names of the ones who had received the nanotech injections.


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