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Atlas Page 11

by Alanna K Puzak

  “I came back, didn’t I? Like I said our relationship is kind of rocky, but it works!”

  “Can you two please shut the fuck up so I can finish!”

  We both rolled our eyes and let it go.

  “I knew Atlas would either escape your kill so we would know he was on our side like we had been told, or he would play it off and I would hear from James and you, therefore, the mission being compromised, therefore us knowing Atlas was our guy. I played my strings right with Radinson and just dropped hints here and there on what he should do. And guess what, it led you guys right where I wanted you. Right to me. I watched you night and day for two years waiting for you to go to Atlas. To go find him. The day you left I called Victor and told him it was time.”

  Victor knowingly nods his head towards me in a gesture for someone to take a shot at me. Atlas pushes me off to the side and shoves a table over my head with his leg to cover me. This covered me long enough to run to the side and crawl behind one of the doors.

  “Nice try ass holes!”

  The gentleman walks into the light. “Atlas just make this easy, give up the drive and we will let you walk free.”

  “Not a chance Victor!”

  “I was the one who faked the come find me, I stole the drive, that is why there was no evidence of it ever leaving. That is the whole reason I wanted you on this mission, Mel. Because I know you would either listen to the mission and Atlas would be dead and I could find another way to control the drive or you would fuck up just like you did and bring him right to me.”

  “Ha-ha jokes on you Victor and just plain fuck you, Gerald! Yeah, I did fuck up, I did fall in love, but I fell in love with one of most courageous twisted minded people you will ever meet. So if you think you are walking out of this alive there buddy, you got another thing coming.”

  Atlas chimes in, “Once Radinson finds out about this you can say goodbye to your employee of the month plaque there buddy.”

  I see Atlas scouting out the place while placing the CPU on his back and realizing there is an AK47 right next to me. I gently grab it hoping not to be seen. I check the magazine and it is fully loaded.

  Out of nowhere, I remember that list of whistles that we were trained on like our first week of combat. I do a crackled whisper sounding one to him meaning that I am armed and ready. He smiled and whistled back the call for on my queue. I waited.

  “You know sir, you were never going to get this drive in the first place.”

  “How do you assume that?”

  “Because unlike you I have a pretty awesome girl, one who would do anything for me. Even risk her damn life … now!”

  I bust out of the door causing it to flare a few feet in front of me and start firing at the top. One by one I start taking out the men surrounding us while dodging their retaliation. Atlas goes right for the dumb ass Victor in front of him and takes him down with one shot. I then find Gerald and shot him in the shoulder. Atlas finishes him off. He joins me in targeting the numbnuts above us and we head for the door.

  We have about two more flights of stairs and we are home free. We ran up there, hearing people coming after us. But this is the end of the line. This is it. We are done with this shit. The stairwell is echoing shot after shot.

  We get to the top floor and get into the only room there. We see the old beaten up computer screen laying on the floor surrounded by wires in the corner. He hands me another gun and yells, “cover me!”

  He grabs the drive from a band he had around his bicep and grabs the CPU off his belt. He rips off his armor on his arm and holds a flash drive for just a second before forcefully connecting the CPU into the computer screen covered with dirt and dust.

  I hear more and more people running up but all I can see is a bright purple light running through the design of the drive and covering the light of the computer.

  I hear people bust open the steel door hitting the concrete wall and busting a crack in it.

  I start firing. Taking them out one by one. The light behind me starts getting to be a darker purple and brighter and the shots’ being fired was creating a sea of orange.

  “Atlas are we almost done, I do not know how many rounds I have left, and they just keep …”

  I hear unlimited typing I feel like I am in some kind of computer junkie contest. The clicks that are setting our future are right behind me, the stress is real folks.


  All the sudden a huge blast looking like a light from the nuke covers the whole room blowing a hole behind us. Blinding purple colors all around us. I look over and Atlas is on the ground surrounded by a purple hovering light.

  I shoot the last man coming through the door and run over to him. I throw my gun and cover him with my body, “Atlas baby please wake up! Please!”

  I keep shaking him but he is lying still. Blood is filling the ground beneath him.

  “Baby don’t do this to me, not here not now.”

  As I was crying into his chest with his head pressed against my chest he takes a gasp for air. He flings his arms as if he does not know where he is or who is around him. He takes another huge breath and wipes the blood from his nose.

  “You're choking me,” He said gasping for air.

  I wipe some tears away and lay him down.

  “Are we ok, is it destroyed?”

  I lifted his right hand up to him so that he can see that now the flash drive looks like a badly beaten lava rock. The computer is destroyed. Everything is done. We look like we came out of a dirt painting of a three-year-old.

  “You did it, baby. You saved us.” I put my head on his and give him a kiss. We both finally have a sigh of relief.

  I help him up and he leans on me now to limp. We thrust open the door to the stairs and finish our way to the roof. The second we stepped on to the roof, I socked his limping ass in the nuts.

  “That’s for lying to me!”

  I slap him this time, “that’s for putting me through hell.”

  I punch him in the arm, “and that is for making me think I was so horrible for starting our relationship on a lie when really you did too!”

  He kissed me, “can you shut up!” He leans over to the left side holding his right, “I love you, Mel. I do not care how we started or what the fuck ended us and made us start again over and over. I love you and that is not a lie.”

  We finally get to the helicopter pad that lay at the top of the building while the helicopter blades makes my knotted hair fly into the wind and the blood dry faster. Radinson grabs us for escape.

  Radinson jumps out of the helicopter, “Get this man a medic!”

  People jump out and grab him from me and throw him into the helicopter.

  As I put the handgun at the back of my shorts, Radinson reaches for my hand, “Good job Mel. I knew I could trust you.”

  Trying to yell above the helicopter, “Did you know? Did you know it was Victor and Gerald all along?”

  “No Mel,” He yells trying to keep his hand on his head so his hair doesn’t fly around, “When I found out, that was when I called Atlas and told him we were compromised. That is when he rushed back to find you and you were gone.”

  I rolled my eyes and hopped into the helicopter and held on so tight to Atlas’ hand. Atlas pulled me close with his left hand while still holding his right to his chest so it can heal.

  “Where to baby?” He asked so willingly while kissing my hand clenching his.

  I run my fingers over his sweaty short hair, “Wherever you go I follow. I am never leaving your damn side again.”

  He pulled me even closer as the helicopter blew dirt all around as we took off.

  I looked so gently at him, “How about London?”




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