Sugar and Skulls: Rebel Skulls MC Book One

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Sugar and Skulls: Rebel Skulls MC Book One Page 25

by LM Terry

  “I did this for all of us, Raffe. You belong with your family, not a thousand miles away.”

  “You are fucking stubborn, Jesse Miller.”

  I push myself up on an elbow, starring down into his beautiful face. “You knew that the day I met you.”

  He laughs running a hand over his face. “I did. You were a ball of energy. You rolled in and changed everything.” He notices the look on my face and quickly adds. “For the best. You changed our lives for the best.”

  My gaze travels down his body.

  He grabs my chin. “Stop. You didn’t shoot me. Crow did.”

  I chew on my bottom lip. “I know.”

  “So, do you feed your kidnap victims here? I’m starving,” he teases.

  He is already acting more like himself. This was a good idea. Dirk always seems to know what everyone needs. His methods might be a bit cave man, but he is usually right.

  “Yes, I bought all your favorites.” I hop up, rattling off all of his options.

  He laughs, shaking his head. “God, I’m going to get spoiled living with you.”

  I smile so big my cheeks hurt. “You are going to be spoiled by Dirk, Rachel and myself.”


  “Yep, she’s your new twenty-four seven physical therapist.” I lean over and whisper in his ear. “She’s even tougher than Dirk so prepare yourself.”

  He licks his lips, his eyes narrowing on mine.

  “I’ve seen the way you look at her.”

  “It’s those damn eyes,” he admits laughing.

  I rub my hand over his chest, my mood turning serious. “Please let her help you.”

  He pats my hand. “I’ll try. Okay?”

  I nod, biting back tears. “It’s all I ask.”

  “Okay then.” He lets his hands slap down on the bed, coming to terms with his new living arrangement. “Go get me some food, woman.”

  Chapter Forty-Three



  As I’m heading out to the shop I pause in front of the door leading to the garage. I watch as Rachel helps Raffe out of his wheelchair. She walks backwards keeping her arms circled around his waist for support as he moves one foot in front of the other slowly, bracing himself on the bars. He’s come a long way in only a month.

  Dirk comes up behind me wrapping me up in his arms, his chin resting on top of my head. Raffe must say something funny because Rachel looks up into his eyes, laughing. He stares down at her, his eyes full of mischief. Dirk and I gasp in unison as Raffe dips his head, capturing Rachels lips with his own.

  Rachel’s hands leave his waist to slide around his neck pulling him closer. The simple kiss quickly turns into one we should definitely not be eaves dropping on. Dirk places his hand over my mouth, backing us up quickly until we are out of their line of vision. He pulls me into the other room before spinning me to look at him.

  He searches my face. “Are you okay?”

  “What? Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I mean you and Raffe...” He runs his fingers through his hair, tugging on the ends making them stand straight.

  “Are friends,” I finish for him, placing my hands on my hips.

  He spins around in a circle. “He kissed my sister.”

  “Are you okay?” I ask.

  He stops in front of me. “I…I don’t know.”

  “They’ve gotten close over the past month. And, you know she has your mood ring eyes, so…”

  He smirks. “My mood ring eyes?”

  I suck my bottom lip between my teeth. Shit. “Yeah, your eyes are like mood rings. I can tell what you are feeling by the color they are at any given moment.”

  “What am I feeling right now?” his predator gaze emerges.

  “Um. Dirk. I have to go to work. You know it’s my first day back.” I back up two steps as he advances one.

  “What is it that you think I’m feeling?” He takes another step and I jump back quick. “You seem a little jumpy.”

  “Dirk, I have to go. You’re going to have to wait.” I grab my bag off the hallway table, slowly edging for the door.

  He laughs. “I don’t have to wait for anything, Jesse.”

  He lunges at me as I dart out the door. As I’m pulling out of the driveway he yells, “You can run but you can’t hide.”

  I laugh in the rearview mirror as I watch his figure disappear. Damn, I’d like to let him catch me but like I said it’s my first day back. I’ve missed Dan and the shop immensely.

  When I open the door, the little bell tingles my arrival. Dan lifts his head and smiles at me. “Hey, partner, long time no see.”

  “Oh, you’ve seen me,” I tease.

  “Not here I haven’t.” He finishes cleaning his area, having just finished with a client.

  He drops his large frame down in my chair. “You’ve got a client coming in about thirty,” he tells me.

  I take a seat on my stool and wheel myself close to him. I rest my elbows on his long legs, batting my eyelashes at him. He bops me on the nose. “I’m glad you’re back, doll.”

  “Me too.”

  “So, we haven’t had a chance to talk.”


  “You and Dirk.”

  I sigh and push away from him. “I’ll tell you the same thing I told Bill. Dirk didn’t take advantage of me. I love him.”

  “He’s sixteen years older than you, Jesse.”

  “Believe it or not they taught me math in school.”

  “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t kill him.”

  “You’re worse than my dad. What the fuck, Dan? He’s your cousin.”

  “And you,” he sticks a meaty finger in my face, “are like a daughter to me.”

  I take a deep breath. Dan is just being protective of me. I know this. He loves his cousin, same as he loves me, but the difference is he feels responsible for my well-being.

  “Dan, I love you.” He blushes and turns his face away from me. “You’re one of the best things to ever happen to me. You gave my art life. You gave a young, scared girl a place to feel safe. Most importantly you gave me a love I hadn’t felt since my grandparents had passed.”

  He finally faces me, his cheeks still bright red over his dark, bushy beard.

  “I know what it’s like to be taken advantage of, Dan.” I drop my head to stare at my hands in my lap. “I know what it’s like to have a man take what he wants despite how I felt about it.”

  “Jesse,” Dan groans. “I didn’t mean…”

  “I know what you meant. I know why you and Bill both have concerns. You’re going to have to trust me. I know the difference. I’m not a normal eighteen-year-old girl. I’ve experienced things I shouldn’t have had to, at far too young of age. I get it…I do. I love you for wanting to protect me, but Dirk is not a threat. Dirk showed me what love should look like between a man and woman. He’s showed me how intimacy should feel.”

  Dan’s face heats again but this time he doesn’t look away. He studies me a long time before speaking. “He may be my cousin, but he’s a straight up jerk, Jesse.”

  “Oh, Dan, you’re all jerks but I love you all anyway. Guess I have a thing for jerks.” I bite my lip waiting for his response.

  “Fine.” He crosses his arms over his chest. “You have my blessing.”

  I stand up and wrap my arms around him. “I love you, big guy.”

  “I love you too.” When I release him, he wipes his eyes on the bottom of his shirt. “If you ever tell anyone you saw me cry, I’ll whoop your ass, little girl.”

  Giggling I back away from him to get ready for the client coming in.

  “I’m taking off for the day. I don’t have anything else scheduled. Lock up after you finish.”

  I give him the thumbs up. He kisses me on the forehead before throwing his leather jacket on and taking off.

  My mind wanders as I busy myself. I’m so incredibly happy. Raffe and Rachel may have took Dirk by surprise, but I saw it coming. Whe
n Raffe looks at her it’s like nothing else exists in the world. I’ve also noticed the heated glances she throws his way. Especially when they are working in the garage together. It was only a matter of time before one of them acted on their feelings.

  The door dings my client’s arrival.

  “I’ll be right with you,” I holler over my shoulder.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart, take your time. I’m going to keep you busy for the rest of the day,” a gravelly voice says. The deadbolt clicks, echoing through the shop.

  My hands pause in mid-air. A bolt of electricity shoots up my spine. Do I run or stand my ground?

  The sound of clothes hitting the floor spurs me into action. I continue setting up my tray. “So, you got a design in mind?”

  “Eh, not really. Something dark, no color.”

  I giggle. “No pinks or purples?”

  A squeak escapes my lips when his hand cracks over my ass.

  I rub my butt slowly turning to face him. My eyes drink in the dark god in front of me. Sweet mother of Jesus. How am I going to tattoo him? He is a walking distraction. His eyebrow is at a lazy angle. He is enjoying this.

  I point to my chair as I snap on my gloves. He flicks the piercing in his lip, before giving me a smile that makes my stomach flip.

  “I do have something in mind. Trust me?”

  “The only person I trust one hundred percent, besides myself,” he says smoothly.

  Good answer, it makes me smile. I trust him too.

  “Okay, let’s get started.”

  He looks sexy as fuck in nothing but his black, tight boxers and the ink on his skin. I zone in on the empty spot on top of his thigh. I’ve pictured this design for a long time. I’m super stoked to put my mark on him. I turn some music on and get busy.

  He’s quiet, a perfect client. I glance up at his face every now and then. His eyes are closed, and he has a serene expression on his face, you wouldn’t know I was digging into his flesh with a needle. When I’m finished, I wipe the excess ink off his skin. Perfect.

  As I’m studying it to make sure it’s exactly how I want it, he shifts so he can get his first peek. I keep my eyes on the design, afraid he won’t like it.

  His fingers slide into my hair, he wraps the strands around his fist, slowly forcing me to face him. His eyes are stormy, a combination of dark swirls and deep blues. “What’s this?” he asks, his eyes moving to my lips, waiting for my response.

  “Us.” I wince as his grip tightens.

  He pulls me up onto the chair, forcing me to straddle him.

  “Dirk, I’m going to hurt you. Your tattoo is fresh.”

  “You hurt me every day.”

  I’m so confused. Does he like it or not? Did I make him angry?

  “Loving you hurts so fucking much. But, nothing has ever been worth so much pain.” His lips crash into mine, his tongue forcing entry. He moans into my mouth as soon as I allow him access.

  When he pulls away, my fingers go to my lips, dancing over them. Jesus I think he may have bruised them. He grinds his hips upward making me forget...everything.

  “I have to have you. Right. Now. Jesse,” he growls. He releases my hair so that he can unbuckle my jeans. I push his hands away so I can do it myself more quickly. He pushes his boxers down when I rise to shimmy out of my pants.

  Soon enough we are

  skin to skin,

  soul to soul.

  Skull to Skull.

  Two people who will do anything to protect what is theirs.

  I wrap my arms around his neck. His hands grip my ass cheeks, forcing me to go at the pace he sets. It’s brutal, it’s wild, it’s beautiful. Our eyes are caught up in a negotiation neither of us can deny. They are making treaties, forcing unspoken promises, and sealing deals.

  The music continues, muffling the crude sounds of the building storm of our bodies. He sits himself up pulling me close, so we are chest to chest. His heart beats wildly against my own. Their rhythms sync to a perfect beat. Our beat.

  A warm sensation builds low in belly. “Dirk, oh, oh.” I want this to last forever. Not yet. Not yet, I chant in my head.

  Then he groans two words in my ear, and I lose the fight. “Come, Jesse.”

  And, I do. Oh, lord how I do.

  He follows close behind, the final signatures to our new contract.

  Dirk lays back in the chair pulling me to lay on top of him. A thin layer of sweat glues our bodies together. I turn my head on his chest, listening to his heart struggle to regain a normal rhythm. “So, do you like it.”

  He laughs, shaking us both. It’s the best music, it etches lyrics into my heart and pounds notes into my soul. “Yes, I like it. It’s perfect. How could it not be? It’s us.”

  I smile against his warm skin. It is perfect. It’s two skeletons, locked in an embrace. Their skull faces, reflecting their love. Scary, yet…beautiful.

  “Dan played twenty question with me when I called to lock down your schedule for the day. I thought he was going to deny me an appointment.”

  Giggling I sit up. “He interrogated me too.”

  Dirk tucks my hair behind my ear, his finger trailing over my cheek before dropping to brush lightly over my breasts. “I’m sorry you have to defend us.”

  “I’ll defend us till I die.”

  “Let’s run away and get married,” he suggests, sitting up so we are nose to nose.


  “We could go to Vegas.”

  “Dirk, my dad wants to kill you now. If we get married behind his back he will gut you.” I rest my forehead against his. “But, it is tempting.”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what Bill thinks.”

  I climb off his lap and gather my clothes, tossing his at him. “Dirk, you’re being ridiculous. Are you sure you even want to marry me?”

  “Are you spooked?”

  Stopping dead in my tracks I spin around to face him, narrowing my eyes. “Dirk,” I warn.

  He slides into his jacket, his eyebrow at a frightening angle. “Call him.”

  “I’m not doing this.”

  “I will set the fucking world on fire, Jesse.”

  I grab my phone and dial my dad. I can hear Dan laughing in the background when he picks up.

  “What’s up, baby girl?”

  “Well, I just wanted to let you know that I’m about to be a kidnapped bride.”

  It gets quiet on the other end.


  “I’m still here. Do you want to marry him?”

  My eyes trip a few times before landing on Dirk. He is intently staring at me. “I do,” I whisper.

  “Give the phone to Dirk.”

  I hand the phone to him. Dirk doesn’t say anything he just listens. He hangs up, handing my phone back to me.


  “Well what?”

  “Dirk, I’m going to kill you myself.”

  He gives me a wicked grin before hosting me off my feet and tossing me over his shoulder. A puff of air leaves me as my stomach connects with his shoulder. I beat on his back as he carries me out, locking the door behind us. He drops me on the back of his bike, shoves a helmet on my head before hopping on in front of me. I barely have a moment notice to grab on for dear life before he is pulling away from the curb.

  He doesn’t drive us to Vegas like he threatened but we do end up at the cabin. I hop off and glare at him. “Anyone ever tell you how much of an asshole you are?” I stomp my foot, sending a poof of dust into the fading light of day.

  “Every mother fucking day,” he says seriously, hanging his helmet on the handlebars.

  “What are we doing here? What did my dad say?”

  “He said I couldn’t marry you in Vegas.”

  “And?” I flop my arms out, encouraging him to go on. Good god this is like pulling teeth.

  “I don’t know. I just wanted to be alone with you. Okay?”

  My heart drops. My dad said no. Is he ever going to be okay with Dirk and I b
eing together? The answer to that is probably no.

  Dirk wraps me up in his arms. “Hey, it’s all going to work out. Don’t worry your pretty little head. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I’m going to call Raffe and let him know we are staying here tonight,” I mumble into his shirt.

  He pulls back, taking my face in his hands. “I’ve waited a lifetime for you. I’ll wait a little longer.”

  Dirk unlocks the door for me. “I’ll fire up the grill,” he says, tugging on the back of my hair.

  “Sounds good,” I say sadly. I didn’t realize how disappointed I would be that my father wouldn’t give Dirk his blessing to marry me. I mean I know it was last minute but…

  “Hey, girly,” Raffe says cheerfully when he answers.

  “Hey,” I pull the blanket off the bed and wrap myself up in it. “Dirk and I are staying at the cabin tonight.”

  “Okay. You sound bummed about it. What’s going on?”

  “Dirk asked Bill if he could marry me.”

  “And he said no?” Raffe sounds surprised.

  “Yeah, I think Dirk brought me up here to cheer me up.”

  “I think you should enjoy the evening, get a good night’s sleep and I’m positive you will feel better in the morning.”

  “If you say so. How are things between you and Rachel?”


  “Just good?”

  He laughs. “Okay, more than good. Maybe even better than great.” He sighs dreamily before continuing. “Thanks to you.”

  “What did I do?”

  “You helped me realize I’m worth more than cheap one-night stands.”

  “I love you, Raffe.”

  “I love you too. Keep your chin up. Bill will come around.”

  “Yeah, I suppose. I’ll let you go. Dirk probably has supper done.”

  “Sweet dreams, Jesse.”

  When I head back downstairs I find Dirk setting the table. He looks up and smiles. “Did you tell him to keep his hands off my sister tonight.”

  “No.” I roll my eyes.

  “I guess they are both adults.” He turns away from me to grab the ketchup out of the refrigerator.

  “So are we but everyone seems to forget that. They want to make it dirty.” My voice cracks on the last word. I don’t know why this is bothering me all of a sudden. I’ve always known it was going to be an issue when Dirk and I made our relationship known.


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