Lacey Temptations [Crave 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Lacey Temptations [Crave 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 7

by Amy J. Hawthorn

  Who would have thought that complete and total helplessness could have been such a dark and seductive turn-on? No, wait. Helpless wasn’t the right word. She knew at anytime she could stop the erotic torment with a single word, so she wasn’t helpless. It was surrender. She’d given complete and total surrender of her body and pleasure to Ryan. There was a distinct difference.

  “Wicked, wicked girl, Lacey. Hiding such beautiful secrets from me? Now that I know what you’re hiding, you may never be able to keep me away.” All rational thought evaporated as Ryan highlighted her powerlessness as he held her legs open and whispered the seductive threat over her clit.

  Over her panties Ryan’s mouth blazed another trail of fire over her core. Her spine bowed and shoulders thrust back as pleasure so sharp it bordered on pain rippled from her center and surged all the way to her toes. A blinding orgasm rocked her body and shattered her mind.

  Her hands itched to grab hold of Ryan to pull him in and taste the hollows carved in his chest and cast in the night’s shadows. Her mouth watered for a taste, yet she was bound as his hostage. All she could do was clasp her hands on the belt holding her captive and hang on for the wild ride.

  “You’re on fire, baby. Let’s make it better.” A devious grin lit Ryan’s face as he lifted his glass of wine and poured it over her mound. The cool drink coated her heated, swollen flesh, and did nothing to cool the fires of arousal burning hot and fierce. Heady, aching sensation followed Ryan’s teasing mouth as he licked the wine from her inner thighs and worked ever closer to where she wanted his attention the most. She feared he may never get there as desire’s demand overtook her.

  A lone finger slipped beneath the lace, teasing at the opening of her sex. Ryan’s mouth closed over her clit and hummed his appreciation. Tremors of bliss ran rampant through her body as the digit slipped inside stroking into her. Again and again he devastated her with touch and tongue. He filled her, claimed her, and made her his with nothing more than the touch of his hands and wicked mouth. In no time at all with words and deeds he stripped away all of her prior experiences and knowledge, branding her.

  * * * *

  He watched, spellbound by the witch before him. Writhing, arching, and whimpering, there was no question her response was real and everything he’d ever hoped for. Her scent and the impossibly soft, slick heat of her pussy milking his finger as she came again, threatened to cripple him.

  Her eyes glazed, her small hands grasped the belt as if it were her only anchor to this world.

  “Now, there’s a good girl.” He rose and looked down to watch her expression closely. If he had been expecting to see fear or even a hint of unease in her honeyed eyes, he’d have been wrong. Surprise? Yes. Glazed with pleasure? Yes. But there was no fear or regret. He’d bet money on it. The honesty in those honey lights would be his undoing if he wasn’t careful.

  It might be too late, but then again if it was, then he might as well take all he could. In return he would give her his everything. If she was going to be brave enough to trust him, a virtual stranger with her body, he needed to make sure that her every desire was fulfilled. The simple act of watching her latent sexuality come alive was a gift he’d lost hope of ever finding. Her breaths quickened and snagged as if trapped between her ribs. A pretty blush tinted her skin peach. The knowledge that she wasn’t aware of the erotic picture she made lying stretched out before him like a sacrificial buffet amplified her appeal a thousand fold. He’d never seen a sexier sight.

  Her freshly kissed lips that tasted of wine and sin pouted prettily for him. Shadows dipped into the hollow between her pert breasts. With her arms bound as they were, they stood and preened for his attention. He could spend hours, hell, even days working the sweet tips in his mouth. How would he control his urges around her? She deserved better than a quick, torrid affair.

  Yet, if his body and a few short days of pleasure was all he had to offer her, so be it. He’d been damned the moment their gazes locked in Crave. He might as well wring every possible ounce of pleasure from this situation while he could. Reality would return all too soon.

  She was everything he could have hoped for in a woman. Sweet, intelligent, sexy and a little curvy, she was his dream woman come to life. And those decadent little panties were pure sin. When she’d opened her legs for him and he’d seen a hint of her need dampening them right where he longed to drive home he thought he might come on the spot. The knowledge that she was bound, ready, and willing only added fuel the fire. There was no way in heaven or hell he could resist such a temptation.

  But he had no choice but to keep his dick in his pants.

  And didn’t that just fucking suck?

  In the morning he’d lay it out for her and they’d go from there.

  She shivered in the cooling night as reality tiptoed into their world.

  Tomorrow. He reminded himself. She was wounded and had to be exhausted. Give her room to feel comfortable. Her needs came first and his would come soon enough he told his cock. It heartily disagreed.

  “Come on, gorgeous, let’s get you to bed.” He undid her wrists and checked the skin. Other than a tiny bit of redness, they looked fine.

  He scooped her up in his arms, where her weight felt all too perfect. When she laid her head against his shoulder and released a sigh, he felt ten feet tall.

  He carried her limp, exhausted body to bed and removed the scant remains of her clothing. He peeked beneath the gauze at her side to check the wound he’d forgotten in the heat of the moment. Satisfied they, or he, hadn’t done any damage, he covered her with a sheet and brushed a kiss to her forehead. A powerful longing to slip beneath the sheet and pull her close weakened him.

  He couldn’t. There was no way he’d be able to keep himself from taking her body, over and over again.

  He gathered what wisps of self-control remained and left the room, closing the door with a soft, final click.

  Chapter 9

  “Good morning, Dean. Come on in, there’s fresh coffee in the back.”

  “I’m sorry you had to meet me here so early, but I have just a few more questions for you, Ms. Hayes.” Tara Hayes closed and locked the doors to Crave after he stepped inside. Although the eight a.m. meeting had come earlier than he’d expected, he wasn’t truly surprised she’d picked such an ungodly hour.

  When he’d called Tara to schedule another interview for Parker’s case, he’d been pleasantly surprised by her helpfulness. He’d lay odds that the curvy brunette was a morning person who rose before the sun with a smile on her face.

  Save him, please.

  She led him through the store to the back office. “That’s all right. I just hate that Lacey was hurt. And to think the creep who did it lurked out near or maybe even inside the store while I had no clue makes me sick to my stomach. Are you having any luck?”

  “The entire department is digging deep. That’s why I’m here again with more questions. I know I was here yesterday, but every little detail helps.” There weren’t many people in the department who’d earned his respect the way Parker had. If anyone deserved their all, it was him.

  “I invited Gina, a friend of mine. She was here opening day and she’s a photographer for one of the local papers. She knows most of the photographers who work in the area. How do you take your coffee?” She wasn’t politely offering him coffee. She stared holes in his eyes and made it clear that he was going to take it whether he liked the stuff or not. He must not have fooled her with a shower and clean clothes. Apparently he looked like hell, but it couldn’t be helped.

  “Black is fine.” He accepted the mug and took a tentative sip. He couldn’t contain his sigh of pleasure. It was the best cup of coffee he’d had in a long time. It was strong, flavorful, and soothing, just like Tara’s no-nonsense attitude. But ogling pretty brunettes would have to wait for another day. As always, work came before play.

  He turned to the slender waif sipping out of her own mug in the corner. Though he preferred busty curves like
the ones Tara sported, Gina was quite lovely in her own way. With long black hair and creamy skin hers was a more ethereal beauty.

  “Which paper do you work for?”

  “Actually, I just do some freelance work when the Birch Springs Courier’s photographer is on vacation or sick. Right now Betty is on maternity leave and I’m filling in. Usually, I spend most of my time at my studio across town.” He went with his instinct and decided to trust these two women. The only vibes they gave off were their willingness to help, care for the victim, and a trace of fear. And this obsessed fan case of Parker’s had become life and death serious fast. He’d take all the help he could get. He pulled a manila folder out of his briefcase and handed it to Gina.

  “Is there anything you can tell me about these photos? What kind of equipment was used? Or how much skill the photographer had? Did you recognize any other photographers that day or see anyone suspicious in the area?”

  “No, I didn’t see anyone I know or anything out of place. I wish I had something to share.” Her voice was light and sweet, soft with regret.

  “And the photos?”

  “They are just a tiny bit out of focus and a touch fuzzy with motion. I would guess that the person using the camera was new to it or maybe even a little upset or nervous. With a zoom lens like that, one really needs a steady hand.”

  “And is there any way you can tell what type of camera or lens is being used or where it came from?” He knew it was a shot in the dark, but they had to follow every possible lead before things got any further out of hand.

  “By the looks of the wide area covered in the pictures taken of the parking lot here and the one taken in front of the hospital it looks like they may have used a 24–70 mm zoom lens. Beyond that, from just looking at the pictures, I can’t tell you what brand or where it came from. I wish I could be of more help.” There was no reason for him to acknowledge the tremble in her small hand as she showed him the picture with Lacey’s face behind the bull’s-eye. Dean wished there was a way to gather information without upsetting decent people but there was no way around it. Solving the case came first. That always came first for him, no matter the cost to others.

  But that didn’t mean he had to like it.

  He could see the genuine desire to help in both women. And they were both quite lovely, each in their own way. How was it that neither one wore wedding bands? Were the men in this city blind or stupid?

  He’d decided long ago that marriage and commitment were not for him. His job was for him. But he couldn’t help but feel a pang of regret when he looked at Tara’s kind eyes and bare fingers.

  “Tara, did you remember anyone or anything out of place?”

  “Unfortunately not, and I have thought about it so much my brain hurts. I can’t remember anything else. Really, with the store just opening, we don’t have a true routine yet. It’s all new.” There was something there in the way she looked down as she answered that didn’t sit right with him. He didn’t think it was this case, but something personal for her. But that wasn’t his job.

  “Well, you have my card. Please don’t hesitate to call me at any hour if something comes up or if you remember the slightest detail.” He took one last, long sip of the coffee and turned to head out. “Don’t forget to lock up after me.”

  His gut twisted as Tara answered with a very quiet, “I won’t.”

  Chapter 10

  Looking well-rested and fresh from the shower, Lacey dazzled him with a bright smile. It took a moment before his tongue was able to function well enough to greet her. “Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Have a seat. How’s your side feel?”

  “Not too bad. I just checked it and I think Parker might make a pretty good nurse. He did a good job.”

  “I just got off the phone with him. He’s running down some possible leads and may stop by to update us later. He has someone going through my fan emails as we speak. He’s also been hounding the lab for the results on the bullet casing he found at the hospital. Did you sleep well?”

  “It was the best sleep I’ve had in months. I expected to toss and turn. I usually do in strange beds and I had so much sleep yesterday, but I slept like a log. Breakfast smells great, by the way.” He loved the way her cheeks turned pink when she’d said the words “strange bed.” He’d bet money she hadn’t had much experience sleeping in beds other than hers.

  Ryan watched the morning-after second thoughts creep across her lovely face. Would he ever get enough of looking at her? Even now, with her hair damp and without a trace of makeup, the sight of her stoked the coals of desire he’d attempted to put out last night. Putting her to bed without sating the hunger possessing him had been one of the hardest things he’d ever done.

  He’d attempted to take care of his body’s demands in the shower last night and it had been an easy task with visions of Lacey’s abandon haunting him. The memories of her delicious curves writhing and shimmering in the torchlight would stay with him forever. It had taken him no time at all to finish himself off. Twice.

  Though, with her scent and taste tormenting him the relief hadn’t lasted long. As soon as his head hit the pillow for a few hours of rest, visions of her surrender assailed him and his cock had been hungry once again.

  His heart gave a little tug as he watched her tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and nibble on her bottom lip. It would be best to state his intent right from the start rather than torture her with the doubts that had to be plaguing her. Hopefully she wouldn’t think him too crazy. Or a perverted sex addict.

  “I have a proposition for you. Thanks to the danger I’ve dropped at your feet, I owe you more than I can ever repay. I would give anything for the opportunity to go back and ignore the sexy little lady with honey eyes and an armload of books. But even if I could go back in time, I’m not sure it would do any good. I doubt I would have been able to stay away from you.”

  “Ryan, what’s done is done. There is no point in going over what-ifs. It’s a waste of breath and brainpower. Now, what kind of proposition are you conning me into?” He loved to see the quirky little smile that lit her face as she came right out and asked him what he was after. Clearly, when she let her guard down she glowed with spunk and life. She wasn’t a sucker and he loved that about her. He wanted to see more of that delightful spark.

  “See, I knew you were a smart cookie, but seriously? Judging by the way that you came totally undone beneath me last night, it’s clear you would enjoy more than that vanilla life that you spoke of. You are an incredibly attractive and sensual woman. Your response was amazing. I’ve never come across a combination so lethal to my control.

  “You are a remarkable woman and should have your every wish realized. More importantly you deserve to have your every desire fulfilled. For just a couple of days I want you to give yourself over to your desires and act on them. I want you to trust me to find the ones you’ve hidden and allow me to bring them to life for you. I want you to give yourself over to me and my control until this is done. Last night, I could see the need for it in you. I don’t think you’ll be totally happy with your sexuality and yourself until you’ve fully explored it. You are an incredibly beautiful woman, but there is even more lurking beneath the surface, just waiting to be awakened and explored.”

  “Ryan, what do you get out of this? Besides the sex of course? You can tell me that you are doing me a favor like this is some sort of job for you, all day long but I know better.” She was more on target with that simple statement than she knew. Yes, everything he said was the absolute truth.

  But it just so happened that they both had the same needs and he was going to take full advantage of the situation before she was gone from his life forever. There was little doubt in his mind that after the hell he’d put her through, she would want nothing to do with him. The instant that the smoke from this disaster cleared she would be gone forever. Selfish idiot that he was, he had every intention of enjoying each and every possible moment with her before she kicked hi
m to the curb.

  “I get to enjoy the company of one of the most genuine and beautiful women I have ever met. I get to explore every inch of that delicious body of yours and hear your cries as you come undone with my cock inside you. I can tell you it’s for research for my books if you like. But, honestly, I just want you. I enjoyed the hell out of last night and I want the chance to possess you. We’ve established that bondage makes you hotter than the fires of Hell. Now, I want to go a little further and explore your need for a dominant partner. I want your compliance and I crave your submission. I simply have to have you beneath me, even if just for a few days.

  “And to be honest, even if you don’t agree, I’ll probably just pursue you until I get into that lovely little body of yours. I want it. I want you.”

  He wanted her hot, wet, writhing, and helpless beneath him. He wanted to see her mindless with pleasure and weakened with exhausted bliss. He wanted her in every way imaginable. He wanted her to the point that he might scare her with his needs. It would be better for all concerned if he was honest right from the start.

  * * * *

  Ryan’s blunt and honest words struck a chord of arousal that vibrated through her from head to toe. She could feel her senses humming, just for considering his stark offer. She could have sworn that she felt her clit tremble at his simple statement. Why couldn’t he have come on to her as a smooth and ready for love Casanova? Unfortunately she had plenty of experience in that area. It would have turned her off faster than freezing rain and put an end to all this inner debate. But no, he had to use that blunt, brutal honesty. That was the one trait she valued most.

  She felt her pulse race and her body let her know exactly what its thoughts were on the proposition. She could feel her core warming and growing damp just at the barest thought of accepting. She was doomed. She really didn’t have a choice, did she? Would she ever again have such an intelligent, sexy man who was so devoted to her needs? No, if she passed this up she would spend the rest of her life regretting her lack of courage. The only thing she knew for absolute certain was that the what-ifs would haunt her forever if she didn’t act on her desire.


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